
The graph shows trends in the percent of each region’s total land area used for agriculture.

. 5


Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
In the first paragraph state how climate change is the earth warming. Tell them how the warmer atmosphere has lead to the melting of snow and ice in the arctic and sever droughts in other areas of the world.

In the second paragraph talk about how large rivers are becoming smaller in regards to water volume and that the amount of water discharged into the ocean has also decreased greatly.

In the final paragraph write about how weather phenomena impact global warming. State that El Niño has led to lower floods in some place whereas other areas have experienced an increase in floods. Finally tell the reader how the lower water volumes and discharge leads to a change in the global ocean circulation.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
In the first paragraph state how climate change is the earth warming. Tell them how the warmer atmosphere has lead to the melting of snow and ice in the arctic and sever droughts in other areas of the world.

In the second paragraph talk about how large rivers are becoming smaller in regards to water volume and that the amount of water discharged into the ocean has also decreased greatly.

In the final paragraph write about how weather phenomena impact global warming. State that El Niño has led to lower floods in some place whereas other areas have experienced an increase in floods. Finally tell the reader how the lower water volumes and discharge leads to a change in the global ocean circulation.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master
8. The Himalayas span all of the following countries except Mongolia 9. China and India share a distinction regarding their populations. What is it? The distinction is that most of their populations live in cities 10. In which region of Asia would you find the Gobi Desert? East Asia located between Mongolia and China
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist
8. The Himalayas span all of the following countries except Mongolia 9. China and India share a distinction regarding their populations. What is it? The distinction is that most of their populations live in cities 10. In which region of Asia would you find the Gobi Desert? East Asia located between Mongolia and China
Advanced Placement (AP)
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P Answered by Specialist

the answer is below

Explanation: The independent variable is the experimental factor which is manipulated and the variable whose effects are being studied. The dependent variable is a variable that could change due to the independent variable. The independent variable is the different ways that Jennifer treats her puppies in order to bring them closer to what she wants in the agility competition. The dependent variable is how they puppies perform each day.

Behavioral shaping is a conditioning procedure where the reinforcers guide behavior toward closer and closer approximations of a desired behavior. Jennifer guided Sasha closer and closer to completing a behavior correctly, thus utilizing shaping in order to bring the puppy closer to what she wanted.

Advanced Placement (AP)
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P Answered by Master

Answer Part A:

1. There is a significant negative relationship between anxiety and academic performance, described as:

a. Subjects with lower anxiety scores have higher current GPAs, or;

b. Subjects who have lower current GPAs have higher anxiety scores.


We can tell that the two variables (anxiety and academic performance) have a negative relationship from its correlation coefficient (-.64). The negative sign shows the relationship, while the statistical significance (p < .01 or p < .05) shows whether there is a relationship or not.

Remember, the power of the correlation (as represented by the number 0.64) does not tell you whether a relationship actually happens or not. It can, however tell the strength of a relationship. A .64 is usually described as moderate to strong, depending on which reference you are using.

Also remember that this is not causation - we do not know which variable causes changes at the other. This is why it is possible to describe the relationship with either option (A) or (B). It is preferable to use a neutral sounding one such as the one stated above: By only saying that there is a negative relationship between the two variables.  

2. There is no relationship between hours sleeping per night and academic performance.


A correlation coefficient of 0.00 means that there is no relationship between two variables. The closer a correlation coefficient to 0, the less likely do the variables have a relationship with one another.

Answer Part B:

1. It contributes to the interpretation of the findings by discussing whether:

(1) The measurement used is appropriate for the research conducted,

(2) There are any limitations from the current method of measurement.


The operational definitions in the study are not explicitly stated, but we can come to our own conclusions from the description of the study. They are:

Academic performance is the current GPA as reported by the research subjects.

Anxiety is the anxiety score summed from the research subjects' responses to the anxiety scale.

Interpretation is usually done during the discussion part of a research journal, after the statistical results have been reported. Discussing operational definitions would help determine whether the right measurement is used. Is the method free of biases? For example, Dr. Aguilera used a 5-point scale to measure the student's anxiety levels; there is a possibility of central tendency bias occurring.

2. Cohort effects may contribute to a possible bias over the result of the research. The variations in both anxiety levels and GPA may not be due to each other's influences, but perhaps instead caused by other age-related experience variables such as social media use.


Cohort effects are defined as a condition shared with same-aged groups of people which affected the result of the research. It is a form of bias, when it is not controlled. Dr. Aguilera's study is at risk of being affected with this since her research subjects are all university students.

In the study, we saw that Dr. Aguilera measured social media use, however, she did not seem to control this variable. It is possible that the variation in anxiety is moderated by social media, which then affects the subjects' GPA.

Advanced Placement (AP)
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

Something that is persistent remains over time; this is a key characteristic of DDT, which also happens to be a pollutant/pesticide. DDT is able to persist in an environment (as a pollutant) in part due to a phenomenon known as biological magnification. In simpler terms. once DDT enters an ecosystem/trophic structure, it gets worse as you go up the trophic levels; in other words, this means that the worst effects/concentrations of the pesticide will be felt in the uppermost trophic levels (your consumers rather than producers).

The basis for this, however, lies in the fact that organisms of a trophic structure/ecosystem consume each other; they feed on each other to survive (e.g. consumers feeding on producers, higher-level consumers feeding on lower-level consumers, etc.). Thus, once DDT gets into an ecosystem, it can only persist and spread in that ecosystem. Hope this helps :)

Advanced Placement (AP)
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

The algorithm's runtime has been divided into two main categories are given below.


Polynomial runtime would be defined as almost any run time that doesn't even improve quicker than n^k, including fixed time (n^0), logarithmic time (log2{n}), linear (n^1), quadratic (n^2), as well as another polynomial of higher degrees (such as n^3).  The runtime that grows more than n^k and contains exponential time including such (2^n), factorial time (n!), or anything else is super polynomial runtime.It seems it is perceived that polynomial runtime seems to be rational as well as super polynomial growth in order are rendered irrational. It is not necessarily ideal to have a polynomial run time, but it's least theoretically possible.

Then maybe we can easily see by the information collected that perhaps the algorithm is increasing at either the frequency of 20×n. At which, across every iteration, n seems to be the input dimension. This suggests that perhaps the runtime specified seems to be of a polynomial category, therefore means that even this technique executes within a rational period.

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