English : asked on 2Pallie2

What these does “lost illusions” contain?

. 13


Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

 "Lost Illusions" contains the theme of how the innocence of youth gives way to facing the reality of life. The narrator refers to the veils that shielded her from truth in her youth, but as she left the shelter of those veils, she came to know the sadness associated with reality. The speaker yearns to reclaim the veils that shielded her from the truths she has faced in as she has aged.


Exact answer from Edmentum. Hope this helps!

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

 "Lost Illusions" contains the theme of how the innocence of youth gives way to facing the reality of life. The narrator refers to the veils that shielded her from truth in her youth, but as she left the shelter of those veils, she came to know the sadness associated with reality. The speaker yearns to reclaim the veils that shielded her from the truths she has faced in as she has aged.


Exact answer from Edmentum. Hope this helps!

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

”Lost Illusions” contains the theme of how the innocence of youth gives way to facing the reality of life. The narrator refers to the veils that shielded her from truth in her youth, but as she left the shelter of those veils, she came to know the sadness associated with reality. The speaker yearns to reclaim the veils that shielded her from the truths she has faced in as she has aged.


Exact answer from Edmentum. Hope this helps!

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Studen AI
Once upon a time, in a world that closely resembled our own, there lived a man known as Mirror. Mirror was an undercover operative, his true identity hidden behind this code name. However, beneath his calm exterior, Mirror carried the weight of a painful and abusive past. He had been raised in darkness and pain, and his line of work involved killing.

On his latest mission, Mirror found himself venturing deep into enemy territory. As he approached his target's lair, an unexpected explosion occurred, leaving him disoriented and causing him to suffer from amnesia. This explosion had a profound effect on him, as it locked away his true self and brought forth an alternate personality to protect him from the torment buried within his past.

Unaware of his split personality, Mirror set out on a journey to uncover the truth about his past. Random fragments of his former life began to resurface, sparking confusion and uncertainty within him. Nevertheless, he was determined to piece together these shattered fragments of his memories.

During his quest, Mirror crossed paths with a woman named Willow. There was an instant connection between them, and Mirror felt captivated by her like never before. He longed for a fresh start with her, unaware that she also harbored a dark secret—a hidden alter ego tasked with eliminating Mirror.

As Mirror delved deeper into his past, unsettling memories started to surface. Reality and illusion blurred, leaving him questioning his own sanity. He became consumed by an intense desire to uncover the truth and break free from the fragmented existence he found himself trapped in.

In a climactic revelation, it was unveiled that Mirror had never truly lost his memories to amnesia. Instead, it was his dominant alter ego that had taken control, driven by selfish motivations. The emergence of Willow's alter ego, assigned to kill him, was merely a twist of fate orchestrated by a mysterious force manipulating their lives.

As the pieces of the puzzle finally fell into place, Mirror's true nature, the darkness hidden behind his polished facade, was exposed. He had spent his life evading the truth, using his missions as a means to suppress the haunting demons within him. Similarly, Willow grappled with her own internal struggles, with her alter ego relentlessly pursuing its murderous intentions.

In a heart-wrenching climax, the alter egos engaged in a final battle for dominance. Their destinies became intertwined, creating a shared reflection of pain and tragedy. As the dust settled, only one reflection remained, and Mirror was faced with the grim realization that he could never fully escape the darkness within him.

Shattered and broken, Mirror came to a profound understanding—that redemption lies not in running away from one's past, but in accepting it. With the ghosts of his past laid bare, he made a solemn vow to confront the demons that haunted him and embark on a new chapter free from violence and manipulation.

As Mirror shed his old identity, he embarked on a journey of self-discovery. He yearned for redemption, not only for himself but also for all those whose lives he had shattered along the way. Similarly, Willow found solace in her sacrifice—a chance to break free from the cycle of violence that plagued her alter ego.

In the end, Mirror didn't stand as a traditional hero, but as a man dedicated to piecing together the fragments of his soul. He learned to coexist with the darkness within him while striving for a future filled with redemption and forgiveness.

And so, the tale of Mirror came to an end, leaving behind a powerful reminder that our past does not define us; instead, it shapes our journey towards self-discovery and the pursuit of redemption.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist
It is A because he laughed and didn't talk to him seriously maybe he just gave him money to go back home, so you see in paragraph seven the police chief said "I saw in a dream an old soul who said to me, 'Thy fortune is at Beijing; go there at once to find it.' But, when I came here, the fortune that I was promised proved to be an arrest and a jail stay." So you see he laughed and that proves my point if he were serious about it he wouldn't have laughed at the poor man.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

The Chief of Police of Beijing.


The Chief of Police of Beijing is the character that the author uses to give an opinion that might direct us toward the theme. In this story, the two main characters are the man from Chongqing and the Chief Police of Beijing. The man from Chongqing is more of a dreamer, and he is looking for his fortune. However, the reader has no way of knowing how this fortune is to be acquired. The person who points the reader towards the eventual outcome, and thus towards the theme, is the Chief of Police of Beijing when he describes his own dream.

Social Studies
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
James would probably be diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder. This mental disorder includes symptoms of a schizophrenic disorder and an affective disorder such as depression. In this case, James has hallucinations, which are characteristic of the schizophrenic disorder, but also depression after the death of his mother.

I hope this information can help you.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

Schizotypal personality disorder.


Schizotypal personality disorder is a mental disorder characterized by severe social anxiety, thought disorder, paranoid ideation, derealization, transient psychosis and often unconventional beliefs.

Social Studies
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
James would probably be diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder. This mental disorder includes symptoms of a schizophrenic disorder and an affective disorder such as depression. In this case, James has hallucinations, which are characteristic of the schizophrenic disorder, but also depression after the death of his mother.

I hope this information can help you.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

Schizotypal personality disorder.


Schizotypal personality disorder is a mental disorder characterized by severe social anxiety, thought disorder, paranoid ideation, derealization, transient psychosis and often unconventional beliefs.

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