
ghost in your head commonLit amswers

. 25


Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
Answer is A
If icarus would’ve listened to his dad and not flown close to the sun. He held his pride over instructions and it lead to his demise

Which of the following best states one of the themes of
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

Answer No 1)

The correct option is D) The justice system does not provide equally or appropriately fair punishments and disproportionately mistreats people of color.


The article written by Bobby Constantino in 2013 clearly reflects that even after so much struggle, discrimination on the basis of colour is still very common in America. The article reflects that how a white person is ignored by even the police when he is doing something wrong and how the black Americans are unfairly treated by the police officers in America.

Answer No 2)

The correct option is D) “Some time later the door swung open and a CO led three more men into our cell. Eighteen men were now sitting and lying feet to head, or feet to feet, along the length of the bench and floor.”


Bobby Constantino observed that even inside the jail, the black people were treated far badly than the white people. The author describes that how he witnessed a police officer bringing black men in a dirty cell in huge numbers. The cell did not have enough space for all of them yet they lay above each other along the length of the bench and floor.

Answer No 3)

The correct option is C) The author describes the officers as more reluctant to confront him, a white man in a suit, than when they interacted with people of color.


The author tries to tell his readers that while doing the crimes, he preferred to dress in a suit. His colour and his appearance was the reason that the police officers were so reluctant to confront him. On the other hand, the police officers readily confronted the Black Americans or the African Americans even when they had done nothing wrong.

Answer No 4)

The correct option is C) “Each time, the guards saw a young professional in a suit, not the suspect they had in mind, and each time they handed me back my license and turned me away.”


In part A, the author explains how his appearance and colour made the police officer or the guards reluctant to confront him. He explains this event again when he encounters the guards. The author described how the guards let him go for a number of days just because he wasn't a black coloured person. If in his place, an African American would have committed the crime he would have been given severe punishment and would have been mistreated.

Answer No 5)

The author exposes how the justice system treats people unequally by comparing his own experiences with his observations of others’.


In order to understand the justice system, the author decided to observe and experience the judicial system on his own. The author exposes how he, being a white person, was treated with such leniency even though when he broke certain laws. H e also observed that how the people who did not have white colour were treated brutally by the police officers and the judicial system.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
Answer is A
If icarus would’ve listened to his dad and not flown close to the sun. He held his pride over instructions and it lead to his demise

Which of the following best states one of the themes of
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

1. The correct answer for Part A is:

A.  Social expectations influence how people behave, but individuals choose how much they follow them.

The short story A Respectable Woman written by Kate Chopin explores the idea of socially acceptable behavior and the struggle of following them. In the story Mrs. Baroda is surprised by Gouvernail's looks and personality as they were nothing like as she imagined.  Due to that she takes an interest in him and later on develops feelings for him. But, being a respectable woman, she chose to uphold social expectations and she conceals her feeling by making physical distance between them.

2. The correct answer is:

C. “She wanted to draw close to him and whisper against his cheek — she did not care what — as she might have done if she had not been a respectable woman. ( Paragraph 23)

Detail from the text that best supports the answer to Part A is option C in which we can clearly see the internal conflict that Mrs. Baroda has. Her wish to keep to retain her dignity as a respectable woman and wife, to stay morally clean in the eyes of others prevailed. This conflict and its resolution is best seen in her statement  that she might have done it if she had not been a respectable woman.

3. The correct answer is:

B. He cares about being considerate to his friend and believes that his wife is worried for no reason.

Throughout the whole story Mr. Baroda in unaware that there is emotional tension between his wife and Gouvernail. He interprets his friend's reserved behavior as tiredness due to all the work he has done in the city, and his wife's as silly worry over being a good hostess.

4. The correct answer is:

B. It shows that Mrs. Baroda can no longer hide her feelings for Gouvernail.

At the first sight the dress might seem unimportant, but it has a great deal of symbolism embedded in it. The narrator states that her white gown revealed her  to him, which means that she can no longer hide her feelings - they are revealed to Gouvernail at that moment. But by taking on the scarf and making distance between them we can see her effort to conceal them.

5. This question is open to interpretations as the story has open ending, but taking the general theme into consideration the answer should be:

Ending the story with Mrs. Baroda's suggestion that Gouvernail should visit them with words: “I  have overcome everything! you will see. This time I shall be very nice to him.” alludes to  her reconciliation with her feelings and decision to break the social norms. Her husband interprets her words as being good to him as in being a good host, but she has other things in mind.

The effect that ending causes it's quite a shock. Upheaval in her character comes as a shock especially because it was expected of women to stay faithful to their husbands both physically and mentally. Chopin wanted to make a point that women are equal to men by all standards and if man can have naughty thoughts, so can women.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

Answer No 1)

The correct option is D) The justice system does not provide equally or appropriately fair punishments and disproportionately mistreats people of color.


The article written by Bobby Constantino in 2013 clearly reflects that even after so much struggle, discrimination on the basis of colour is still very common in America. The article reflects that how a white person is ignored by even the police when he is doing something wrong and how the black Americans are unfairly treated by the police officers in America.

Answer No 2)

The correct option is D) “Some time later the door swung open and a CO led three more men into our cell. Eighteen men were now sitting and lying feet to head, or feet to feet, along the length of the bench and floor.”


Bobby Constantino observed that even inside the jail, the black people were treated far badly than the white people. The author describes that how he witnessed a police officer bringing black men in a dirty cell in huge numbers. The cell did not have enough space for all of them yet they lay above each other along the length of the bench and floor.

Answer No 3)

The correct option is C) The author describes the officers as more reluctant to confront him, a white man in a suit, than when they interacted with people of color.


The author tries to tell his readers that while doing the crimes, he preferred to dress in a suit. His colour and his appearance was the reason that the police officers were so reluctant to confront him. On the other hand, the police officers readily confronted the Black Americans or the African Americans even when they had done nothing wrong.

Answer No 4)

The correct option is C) “Each time, the guards saw a young professional in a suit, not the suspect they had in mind, and each time they handed me back my license and turned me away.”


In part A, the author explains how his appearance and colour made the police officer or the guards reluctant to confront him. He explains this event again when he encounters the guards. The author described how the guards let him go for a number of days just because he wasn't a black coloured person. If in his place, an African American would have committed the crime he would have been given severe punishment and would have been mistreated.

Answer No 5)

The author exposes how the justice system treats people unequally by comparing his own experiences with his observations of others’.


In order to understand the justice system, the author decided to observe and experience the judicial system on his own. The author exposes how he, being a white person, was treated with such leniency even though when he broke certain laws. H e also observed that how the people who did not have white colour were treated brutally by the police officers and the judicial system.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

1) Mary Maloney is a caring yet clingy woman as throughout the short story, her desperation to be around her husband and her actions to care for him fit the role of a housewife. She is complex as she is constantly tries to supply him with food even when he refuses.

2) In my opinion, Mary Maloney could have resolved the conflict by having a cordial conversation with her husband as to why he wants to leave the marriage while keeping in mind that she will be receiving compensation.

3) An individual may be driven to betray someone due to them being self sufficient and no longer needing the support of the other individual. Love contributed to Mary Malloney's decision to violently attack her husband as she became emotionally attached after caring for him for so long and the split between them would make every act of support meaningless. The short story states "Her first instinct was not to believe any of it, to reject it all. It occurred to her that perhaps he hadn't even spoken, that she herself had imagined the whole thing". This shows how she was in complete disbelief after being betrayed by her husband.

4) Mary Malloney's status as a housewife affects her feelings as she feels mentally enslaved by the love for her husband and feels the need to do everything at home for his comfort only. This short stort alters the perception of a perfect housewife as the housewife in this story is depicted as a woman who must assist her husband even when he refuses just to keep up with his well being and eventually ends up taking the life of her husband when he suppresses her services.

5) In this story, fear drives action as Mary Malloney becomes anxious and begins to question how her life will be negatively impacted and even harm the childhood of her baby. She immediately tries to find a solution to her problem that could save her from dealing with the repercussions of the murder. In the short story, Mary Malloney questions her actions as she states "What were the laws about murderers with unborn children? Did they kill then both-mother and child? Or did they wait until the tenth month? What did they do?"

6) The ironic part about the murder mystery is that the cops consume the only evidence of the weapon, which is the lamb chop. Mary Malloney thawed and cooked the lamb chop after using it to kill her husband then later provided it as a meal for the cops knowing that they would have no suspicion whatsoever.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

1) Mary Maloney is a caring yet clingy woman as throughout the short story, her desperation to be around her husband and her actions to care for him fit the role of a housewife. She is complex as she is constantly tries to supply him with food even when he refuses.

2) In my opinion, Mary Maloney could have resolved the conflict by having a cordial conversation with her husband as to why he wants to leave the marriage while keeping in mind that she will be receiving compensation.

3) An individual may be driven to betray someone due to them being self sufficient and no longer needing the support of the other individual. Love contributed to Mary Malloney's decision to violently attack her husband as she became emotionally attached after caring for him for so long and the split between them would make every act of support meaningless. The short story states "Her first instinct was not to believe any of it, to reject it all. It occurred to her that perhaps he hadn't even spoken, that she herself had imagined the whole thing". This shows how she was in complete disbelief after being betrayed by her husband.

4) Mary Malloney's status as a housewife affects her feelings as she feels mentally enslaved by the love for her husband and feels the need to do everything at home for his comfort only. This short stort alters the perception of a perfect housewife as the housewife in this story is depicted as a woman who must assist her husband even when he refuses just to keep up with his well being and eventually ends up taking the life of her husband when he suppresses her services.

5) In this story, fear drives action as Mary Malloney becomes anxious and begins to question how her life will be negatively impacted and even harm the childhood of her baby. She immediately tries to find a solution to her problem that could save her from dealing with the repercussions of the murder. In the short story, Mary Malloney questions her actions as she states "What were the laws about murderers with unborn children? Did they kill then both-mother and child? Or did they wait until the tenth month? What did they do?"

6) The ironic part about the murder mystery is that the cops consume the only evidence of the weapon, which is the lamb chop. Mary Malloney thawed and cooked the lamb chop after using it to kill her husband then later provided it as a meal for the cops knowing that they would have no suspicion whatsoever.

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