English : asked on sirdre1982

Supportive opinion paragraph on the flying machine

. 4


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According to the provided text, the author expresses statement 1: "Hummingbirds are surprisingly fearless and combative" in paragraph 4.

The author describes the behavior of the hummingbirds, particularly a male hummingbird, using descriptive language like "mining the quince... not sharing peaceably", "point their spears at each other", "blurry charges", "intimidating series of twitters", "declares it his private property", "cusses", and "buzzes hummers who approach his feeder". All these behaviors mentioned indicate combative and fearless behavior.

This paragraph doesn't provide enough evidence to support statements 2, 3, or 4. The text doesn't suggest humans need to be careful or that hummingbirds are dangerous (option 2); it doesn't emphasize the speed with which hummingbirds switch from flowers to a feeder (option 3); and it doesn't directly compare the activeness or entertainment value between male and female hummingbirds (option 4).

Thus, the best answer is option 1.
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P Answered by Specialist

1. Economic: shortage of domestic goods. Political: letter bombs sent to public officials. Social: race riots in northern cities.

2. The general public responded to the threat of the influenza epidemic with hysteria. It responded to the challenge of labor disputes with strikes, and to racial tensions with violence.

3. Trace the impact...: United States enters World War I. World War I ends. Congress ratifies the Eighteenth Amendment. General public begins to oppose the Eighteenth Amendment.

4. D, nationalism.

5. Select the highlighted text that most clearly states President Woodrow Wilson's desire to keep the United States out of the war: "Unbending to the public cry for immediate war, Wilson did not want to make matters worse."

6. A, Germany engaged in unrestricted submarine warfare to gain tactical advantages.

7. B, disciplining men for refusing to obey orders.

8. (What did the Committee of Public Information do?) C. It created propaganda to support the war.

9. B, Germany requested an armistice to end the war and negotiate peace terms.

10. C, he embarked on a railway speaking tour across the United States.

These are all the correct answers to the multiple choice! Hope this helps :)


Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist


Answers given below.

Step-by-step explanation:


"The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost explores the theme of choices and their impact on one's life. Throughout the poem, Frost develops this theme by depicting a moment of decision-making and reflecting on the consequences that arise from choosing one path over another. The speaker is faced with a fork in the road and must make a choice that will shape his future. The writer develops the theme by presenting the diverging paths as symbolic representations of life's choices. The two roads in the poem are described as equally fair, suggesting that the speaker is confronted with two viable options. However, Frost highlights the speaker's dilemma by noting that he cannot take both paths simultaneously. This creates a sense of tension and the realization that choices involve sacrifices and the potential for regret.

Additionally, the poem explores the theme through the speaker's reflection on his decision. The line "I took the one less traveled by" indicates that the speaker made a choice that differed from the common or popular path. This suggests an individualistic approach, emphasizing the importance of personal agency and the unique paths we choose for ourselves. The speaker's acknowledgement that his choice has made "all the difference" implies that our decisions shape our lives and have a lasting impact.

Furthermore, the specific details in the poem contribute to the development of the theme. The description of the paths as "grassy and wanted wear" signifies the allure of the unknown and the desire for exploration. The mention of the leaves that had not been stepped on implies the potential for new experiences and undiscovered opportunities. These details highlight the significance of choices and the potential for growth and self-discovery that comes from taking a different path.


In the excerpt of "The Egg" by Sherwood Anderson, Father is portrayed as a hardworking, responsible, and practical person. His actions and interactions with others advance the plot and develop the theme by highlighting the theme of duty and sacrifice. Father's character is developed through his dedication to his work and his commitment to providing for his family. Father's actions of waking up early, tending to the chickens, and attending to his farm chores demonstrate his sense of responsibility and diligence. He is described as a man who "never wasted a minute" and worked "like a machine." This portrayal underscores his work ethic and his commitment to fulfilling his duties. It also sets up the contrast between Father's practical mindset and the dreamy, imaginative nature of the young boy.

Father's interactions with the young boy also serve to advance the plot and develop the theme. He is depicted as a practical and no-nonsense figure, dismissing the boy's fanciful ideas about the egg being an enchanted object. Father's response, "Just an egg," highlights his down-to-earth nature and his focus on the practicalities of life. This interaction contrasts with the boy's imaginative perspective and sets the stage for the conflict and tension that will drive the story forward.


In the given sentence from "Twelve Years a Slave" by Solomon Northup, the figurative meaning and imagery play an important role in conveying the author's perspective and emotions. The phrase "subtle and inhuman monsters in the shape of men" is a metaphor that figuratively represents the slave traders and kidnappers who took the author away from his home and family. By comparing them to monsters, Northup emphasizes their cruelty and dehumanization. The phrase "designedly luring me away from home and family, and liberty, for the sake of gold" also contains figurative meaning and imagery. The word "luring" suggests a deliberate and manipulative action, emphasizing the deceptive nature of the kidnappers' intentions. The use of "gold" symbolizes the monetary gain and profit that motivated these individuals to engage in the slave trade.

The imagery and symbolism in this sentence highlight the author's feelings of betrayal, injustice, and the dehumanizing nature of slavery. Through the figurative language, Northup portrays the slave traders as immoral beings who prioritize financial gain over the well-being and freedom of others. The sentence aims to evoke an emotional response from the readers, emphasizing the harsh realities of the author's experiences and the broader issue of slavery.


In his speech "Give Me Liberty, or Give Me Death!" delivered by Patrick Henry in 1775, he presents a compelling argument for the American colonies to take up arms against British oppression. Henry's main claim is that the colonists should not passively submit to the tyranny of British rule but instead fight for their freedom and independence. He argues that the British government has shown a disregard for the colonists' rights and freedoms, and he emphasizes the urgency of the situation, urging his audience to take immediate action.independence. Henry's claims are supported with relevant and sufficient evidence throughout his speech. He references past events, such as the Stamp Act and the Boston Massacre, to highlight the history of British oppression and the colonists' grievances. He also appeals to the emotions of his audience by evoking a sense of patriotism and the desire for liberty. For example, he states, "Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?" This rhetorical question aims to make his listeners realize the value of freedom and the need to fight for it.

In terms of reasoning, Henry employs effective techniques to support his argument. He uses logical reasoning to connect the colonists' actions with their ultimate goal of achieving liberty. He argues that peaceful means of protest have been exhausted and that armed resistance is the only remaining option. He also makes use of rhetorical devices, such as repetition and parallelism, to emphasize his points and make his speech more persuasive.

While Henry's speech is passionate and persuasive, it does contain elements of fallacious reasoning. For instance, he employs some emotional appeals and generalizations, which may be considered less objective forms of reasoning. However, considering the context of the speech as a persuasive call to action, these techniques can be seen as effective in rallying support for the cause of American independence.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Studen AI
Based on the passage, paragraph 8 suggests that Fuller believes that women are just as interested in public events and participation as men. The paragraph emphasizes that women, like men, seek opportunities for expansion and engagement outside of their domestic lives. Fuller argues that women are not content with solely fulfilling their roles in the home, and that they actively participate in social and public activities, such as attending religious festivals or engaging in charitable work. She rejects the notion that women should be confined to domesticity and highlights the importance of providing women with the same opportunities and freedoms as men to explore their interests and contribute to society. Therefore, the most accurate response is: "Fuller believes that women are just as interested in public events and participation as men."

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