English : asked on danny123421

What is the meaning of demo locutions

. 6


Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Studen AI
In the political cartoon created by Thomas Nast in 1874, there are several implications that can be inferred. The correct answer is D. Nast thought the Democrats of his day were aggressive and maybe even frightening.

The cartoon depicts a donkey, representing the Democratic Party, wearing a lion's skin and scaring away all of the animals at the zoo. This portrayal suggests that Nast wanted to convey the idea that the Democrats were using aggressive tactics or scare tactics to intimidate and dominate the other political parties or groups. The lion's skin represents their attempt to appear more powerful and dangerous.

By drawing the donkey with the lion's skin and showing it scaring away the other animals, Nast is implying that the Democrats were aggressive and possibly even frightening to their opposition. It can be inferred that Nast did not have a positive view of the Democrats, as he depicted them in a negative light in the cartoon.

Therefore, based on the information provided, the correct inference from the political cartoon is that Nast thought the Democrats of his day were aggressive and maybe even frightening.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Studen AI
From the political cartoon in the passage, it can be inferred that:

A. Nast thought the Democrats of his day were aggressive and maybe even frightening.

The cartoon depicts a donkey (representing the Democratic Party) wearing lion's skin scaring away all the animals at the zoo. This suggests that Nast viewed the Democrats as aggressive and potentially intimidating.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

Four french words used in American English:

déjà vu - this word means "already seen" in French, and is used to describe experiences that seem to have been lived before.

Avant-garde - this word means "vanguard" in French, and has the same meaning in English. Both words are synonyms and are used interchangeably.

cliché - this word means "printer's block" in French, but is now used in both French and English as an adjective to describe artistic works that are stereotypical.

voilà - means "see" in French, and is used as an exclamation in English to anticipate surprise, and to show something to someone.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

A. Consult a dictionary


This will give the most specific response, and will allow her to see the multiple ways it can be defined. A thesaurus will only confuse her as similar words won't carry the same exact definition. Then based off of the context of the sentence she can find the proper definition.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Studen AI
From the political cartoon in the passage, it can be inferred that:

D. Nast thought the Democrats of his day were aggressive and maybe even frightening.

Explanation: In the political cartoon by Thomas Nast, a donkey (representing the Democratic Party) is shown wearing a lion's skin and scaring away all the animals at the zoo. This portrayal implies that Nast saw the Democrats as aggressive and intimidating. The cartoon was meant to criticize the Democratic Party, suggesting that they were using deceptive tactics to intimidate other political groups.

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