
Who is the murderer in the mysterious death of mrs huffington

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Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
Doyle wrote and produced a play based on the story. It premiered at the Adelphi Theatre, London on 4 June 1910, with H. A. Saintsbury as Sherlock Holmes and Lyn Harding as Dr. Grimesby Roylott. The play, originally called The Stonor Case, differs from the story in several details, such as the names of some of the characters.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
Doyle wrote and produced a play based on the story. It premiered at the Adelphi Theatre, London on 4 June 1910, with H. A. Saintsbury as Sherlock Holmes and Lyn Harding as Dr. Grimesby Roylott. The play, originally called The Stonor Case, differs from the story in several details, such as the names of some of the characters.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Studen AI
From the provided synopses, it seems like you are comparing episodes from Season 2 of a TV show. Let's break down the comparison between Episode 5 and Episode 1, and then discuss potential improvements for both episodes.

Comparison between Episode 5 and Episode 1:

1. Plot Elements:
- In Episode 5, the plot revolves around Alex and Nya trying to uncover the motives of Ash and Serpa, a serial killer causing distraction, Master Fu's mission, and a devious plan from Ash and Nya's parents.
- In Episode 1, the storyline focuses on characters questioning their lives, Nya's doubt regarding Serpa's journey, Alexander dealing with the consequences of possession, and the Green Ninja's impending demise.

2. Characters:
- Episode 5 introduces Ash and Serpa as the main antagonists and highlights the involvement of Alex, Nya, and the Ninjas in solving the mystery and preventing the destruction of the world.
- Episode 1 focuses on Nya, Serpa, Alexander, and the Ninjas as they come together to save their friend and confront their own uncertainties.

3. Themes:
- Episode 5 explores themes of uncovering motives, solving mysteries, and the potential end of the world.
- Episode 1 delves into themes of redemption, questioning one's path, and the consequences of actions.

Improvements for Episode 5 and Episode 1:

1. Clarity and Structure:
- Both episodes could benefit from a clearer structure, ensuring that each plot element is properly introduced and resolved.
- Important details like character motivations, relationships, and the impact of their actions should be clearly explained to avoid confusion.

2. Character Development:
- To make both episodes better, it would be helpful to focus on character development by showcasing their growth and internal struggles through meaningful dialogue, interactions, and decision-making.
- Providing clear motivations for characters' actions can help viewers understand their choices and empathize with them.

3. Visual Storytelling:
- Enhancing the visual storytelling aspects of the episodes, such as cinematography, special effects, and choreography, can make the viewing experience more engaging and visually appealing.
- The use of well-designed sets, costumes, and props can also contribute to a more immersive and captivating atmosphere.

4. Plot Coherence:
- Ensuring that the plot progresses logically and coherently can help maintain viewer interest and avoid narrative gaps or inconsistencies.
- Each episode should have a clear beginning, middle, and end, creating a satisfying story arc while leaving room for anticipation and continuity with future episodes.

5. Emotional Impact:
- Creating emotionally resonant moments can enhance the overall quality of both episodes. This can be achieved through effective dialogue, music, and acting performances that evoke genuine feelings and connection with the characters.

Remember that these are general suggestions and improvements. The specific details will depend on the creative vision, target audience, and genre of the TV show. It is essential to consider the show's existing strengths and weaknesses when implementing changes.

If you provide more specific information about the TV show, characters, and intended audience, we can tailor the improvements to suit your needs even better.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

Question 15: the best answer seems to be Gatsby's determination and Daisy's weakness.

Gatsby was willing to do anything for Daisy, to the point of becoming a criminal just so that he could offer her a grand and rich life. Daisy, on the other hand, did not wait for Gatsby, but married Tom, a man whose love she did not have, but who could offer her the life Gatsby was unable to.

Question 16: the best answer is even though the people are guests in Gatsby's home, they know very little about him.

Gatsby opens his home to strangers by throwing gigantic parties. These people are not his friends, though. They've heard or come up with rumors about his life, his wealth, and the mysteries surrounding both. Gatsby's intent with such parties is to draw Daisy's attention and, perhaps, have her come over someday.

Question 17: the best answer seems to be the length and syntax reveal Gatsby's excitement and arousal about being in Daisy's large house.

Daisy's house seems to be a metaphor for what Daisy herself represents to Gatsby. From the length and syntax - but, mostly, from the adjectives used in this excerpt -, we can tell Gatsby is fascinated, even in a sexual way. The house is huge, it is alive, breathing. Its pulsating energy excites Gatsby.

Question 18: the best option is the storm adds an ominous mood to the scene signifying the characters Gatsby and Daisy are engaging in something forbidden.

It's as if nature is trying to show the fate of the affair between Gatsby and Daisy. If it were to be a happy ending, nature would have blessed it. It was cursed, however, by a storm. Gatsby and Daisy are pursuing a love that no longer exists, a reality they cannot have.

Question 19: the best answer is finding beauty in all situations.

"The Great Gatsby" has all the other themes present in it: degradation of society, the American Dream, and truth versus superficiality. It represents a society that values wealth and fun over true love and honesty. It's an America that chooses its heroes and points fingers in judgement of those who truly have a good heart.

Question 20: Daisy was driving Gatsby’s car, and when it struck Myrtle, Gatsby took over the drive home; he planned to take the blame for the accident.

Daisy was driving when Myrtle stepped in front of the car. She ends up running over her husband's lover, unknowingly. The episode, instead of bringing Daisy and Gatsby together, ruins their already difficult relationship. Tom is able to get his wife back by taking advantage of the stressful moment, as well as get rid of Gatsby by lying to his lover's husband about who actually killed Myrtle.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

12. What the quote from "The Cask of Amontillado" reveal about Montresor's intentions is B)He wants to make sure that Fortunato does not suspect his motives

13. unreliable

14. The details of the setting that contribute least to the poem's mysterious and despairing mood are B)The room is decorated with busts of ancient gods.

16. The effect that the author’s use of onomatopoeia has on the reader is B)It adds to the suspense.

17. The fact that boys build a big pile of stones help create suspense because A)The reader wonders why the boys build a big pile of stones.

18. The quote from "The Lottery" that best illustrates the theme that good people can do bad things when conforming to a group’s social expectations is B)“Although the villagers had forgotten the ritual and lost the original black box, they still remembered to use stones.”

19. Many horror and suspense stories such as “The Lottery” use stereotypical C) stock characters instead of complex individuals because readers readily relate to them.


12.- By using warning expression the character shows himself as a not dangerous one.

13. An unreliable narrator has compromised their credibility so the reader doesn't know what to expect from them, a situation that increases the suspense.

14. The other options are more connected to the psychological effects of color and atmosphere.

16. an Onomatopeia represents a word that produces physically the sound of its pronunciation which can make the reader get deeper in the story.

17. The fact of unknowing what is about to happen is one of the basic action for writers to create suspense.

18. The villagers were eager to keep on going with a tradition that carries a lot of violence within even when they were not violent selves.

19.  A stock character is an archetype which is easy to relate to and identify in a story without any complications or turns since they are flat characters.

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