English : asked on amanda289

Which element is incorrect in this sentence diagram?

. 5


Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

Option C: The pronoun “their” should be replaced by “its.”


Possessive Pronoun is a pronoun used to refer to the object to show ownership. For example: its, ours, yours, his, hers, mine are possessive pronouns.

In a sentence dog should be referred as 'its' and not 'his' or 'their'. So, the element which is wrong is that dog is referred as his. So, Option C mentions the portion that should be corrected. We cannot write 'their owner' in place of the dog, as per Option A. It is singular noun and not plural. Ran fast should not be replaced by stopped it as per option D.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

The incorrect element is the pronoun "them". The answer is (C) the pronoun "them" should be replaced by "him".

A pronoun is a word that is used to replace a noun in a sentence. The pronoun "them" is always used to refer to a plural noun, while the pronouns "him" and "her" are always used to refer to a singular noun. As the pronoun that comes after "stopped" is replacing the noun "man" in the sentence, the use of the pronoun "them" is incorrect because "man" is a singular noun. In that way, "them" must be replaced by "him", a pronoun that can be used to refer to a male person.  

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

Option C: The pronoun “their” should be replaced by “its.”


Possessive Pronoun is a pronoun used to refer to the object to show ownership. For example: its, ours, yours, his, hers, mine are possessive pronouns.

In a sentence dog should be referred as 'its' and not 'his' or 'their'. So, the element which is wrong is that dog is referred as his. So, Option C mentions the portion that should be corrected. We cannot write 'their owner' in place of the dog, as per Option A. It is singular noun and not plural. Ran fast should not be replaced by stopped it as per option D.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

The incorrect element is the pronoun "them". The answer is (C) the pronoun "them" should be replaced by "him".

A pronoun is a word that is used to replace a noun in a sentence. The pronoun "them" is always used to refer to a plural noun, while the pronouns "him" and "her" are always used to refer to a singular noun. As the pronoun that comes after "stopped" is replacing the noun "man" in the sentence, the use of the pronoun "them" is incorrect because "man" is a singular noun. In that way, "them" must be replaced by "him", a pronoun that can be used to refer to a male person.  

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

The The pronoun "his" should be replaced by "its."


In the sentence, "The dog ran fast until his owner stopped it," "his" should replaced by "its" since it should refer to the dog and not the owner.

Possessive Pronoun- this refers to things or objects that show ownership. Examples are: mine, ours, yours, his, hers, its and ours, etc.

The possessive pronoun "its" is used to show ownership of a non-human subject, So, this could refer to things or animals and other living things. This includes the dog.

A better sentence would be: "The dog ran fast until its owner stopped it."

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
The comma in the sentence above is used incorrectly because it attempts to separate a compound predicate. The comma is incorrectly used to split a compound predicate which shares the same subject. The predicate must need equal access to the subject that's why no comma is needed.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
The comma in the sentence above is used incorrectly because it attempts to separate a compound predicate. The comma is incorrectly used to split a compound predicate which shares the same subject. The predicate must need equal access to the subject that's why no comma is needed.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master
A) The comma attempts to set apart an essential element.

One comma rule is that you cannot use commas to set off essential parts of the sentence. The usage of two commas can only go around nonessential clause, meaning a clause that can be removed and the sentence will still make sense. However, clauses beginning with a "that" that follows a noun are always essential! 

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