
Write an informative essay in which you the best method for studying for exams

. 4


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Title: Controversial Medical Practices of Dr. Albert Abrams

- Dr. Albert Abrams introduced the "oscilloclast" device in the early 20th century.
- This essay discusses the evidence surrounding his controversial medical practices.
- The medical community heavily criticized Abrams' claims and methods.


1. Abrams' Book: "New Concepts in Diagnosis and Treatment"
- Published in 1916, the book promoted Abrams' ideas but lacked scientific grounding.
- Critics viewed it as a product of quackery rather than legitimate medical knowledge.

2. Diagnosis Method Using the Oscilloclast Device
- According to the text, blood, saliva, or hair was placed on electrodes.
- An electrode was connected to a healthy person's forehead (proxy).
- Tapping the proxy's stomach supposedly revealed information about the donor's condition.
- Abrams' claim of diagnosing a person's religion seemed highly improbable.

3. Popularity of the Oscilloclast Device
- Over 3,000 medical experts leased the device from Abrams by 1923.
- Refutation from physicians was evident in an article published in The Lancet (1924).
- The article described experiments with blood samples, including animals, casting doubt on the accuracy and validity of diagnoses.

4. Lack of Scientific Credibility
- Nobel Prize-winning physicist Robert A. Millikan called the device a "contraption."
- Millikan's evaluation highlighted the lack of scientific credibility in Abrams' invention.
- Scientific American published several reports discrediting Abrams' radionics technique.
- Austin C. Lescarboura of the Abrams Investigation Committee deemed it an illusion or colossal fraud.

5. Abrams' Financial Success and Legacy
- Despite skepticism and criticism, Abrams died as a millionaire in January 1924.
- His will directed millions of dollars to the Electronic Medical Foundation, further supporting his financial success.
- The foundation aimed to continue research and development in radionics.

- The evidence presented in the text reveals Dr. Albert Abrams' controversial medical practices.
- The medical community discredited his claims and methods due to a lack of scientific validity.
- Abrams' financial success, despite skepticism, highlights the influence he gained in his lifetime.

Graphic Organizer:

Title: Controversial Medical Practices of Dr. Albert Abrams

- Dr. Albert Abrams introduced the "oscilloclast" device.
- Medical community criticism.


1. Abrams' Book:
- Title: "New Concepts in Diagnosis and Treatment."
- Lack of scientific grounding.

2. Diagnosis Method:
- Oscilloclast device details.
- Proxy involvement and improbable religious diagnosis.

3. Popularity of Oscilloclast:
- Over 3,000 experts leased the device.
- Refutation from physicians (The Lancet article).

4. Lack of Scientific Credibility:
- Evaluation by Robert A. Millikan.
- Scientific American reports.
- Illusion or colossal fraud.

5. Financial Success and Legacy:
- Abrams' millionaire status.
- Will directing funds to the Electronic Medical Foundation.

- The medical community discredited Abrams' practices.
- Lack of scientific validity.
- Abrams' financial success and legacy.
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Title: Native Americans: Far from Savages

In the speech delivered by the United Indian Nations in 1786, it becomes evident that Native Americans were not savages, contrary to popular stereotypes. This essay aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the text, highlighting multiple pieces of evidence that demonstrate the Native Americans' civilization, intentions of peace, and diplomatic efforts.

Paragraph 1: Setting the Stage
To engage the reader and introduce the topic, we can start with a captivating hook that captivates their interest. Transitioning from the hook, we will establish the thesis statement, asserting that Native Americans, as depicted in the speech, were characterized by their quest for peace and diplomatic endeavors.

Paragraph 2: Evidence of Civilization
The speech explicitly mentions that the Native American nations participated in councils and exhibited a sophisticated approach towards diplomacy. They even mention the desire for peace and reconciliation with the Thirteen United States. This shows that Native American leaders engaged in intellectual deliberation and valued peaceful coexistence.

Furthermore, the speech highlights the importance of open and public treaties, conducted with the united voice of the entire Confederacy. By emphasizing the need for transparent negotiations and condemning unauthorized settlements, they displayed an organized and civilized approach.

Paragraph 3: Diplomatic Efforts
It is evident from the speech that Native American leaders had repeatedly attempted to establish peaceful relations with the United States. They mention receiving messages from both the Thirteen United States and the King of Great Britain, expressing their desire for a peaceful resolution. This showcases their diplomatic efforts and goodwill.

Additionally, the Native American leaders propose a treaty, suggesting that both parties meet in the spring to pursue reasonable steps towards reconciliation. They present this proposal as a plea for mutual understanding, demonstrating their willingness to meet halfway and promote friendship, burying the misfortunes of the past.

Paragraph 4: Conclusion
In conclusion, the speech delivered by the United Indian Nations in 1786 provides substantial evidence that Native Americans were not savages. Their organized Council, respect for transparent negotiations, and pursuit of peaceful resolutions all showcase their civility, diplomacy, and genuine intentions for amicable relationships. Despite hardships and the unfortunate accidents that occurred during their efforts for peace, they remained steadfast in their commitment to prevent bloodshed.

Today, it is crucial to dispel misconceptions and recognize the rich history and contributions of Native Americans to society. By understanding their true nature as shown in this speech, we can honor their legacy and foster mutual respect and understanding across cultures.

Word count: 392 words.
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In both passages, Victor Lustig and Dr. Albert Abrams were able to deceive people for many years through a combination of cunning, manipulation, and exploiting the gullibility of their targets. Let's explore the main topics in each passage and how these individuals were able to carry out their fraudulent activities.

In the case of Victor Lustig, he utilized various techniques to deceive people and amass financial gain. In the first passage, Lustig took advantage of the dilemma regarding the Eiffel Tower in 1925. He pretended to be the Deputy Director General of the Ministère des Postes et Télégraphes and sent bid requests to scrap metal dealers. Lustig offered them the opportunity to destroy the tower and obtain 7,000 tons of metal. By impersonating a high-ranking official and playing on the dealers' desire for profit, Lustig was able to convince one dealer to pay him a $20,000 bribe and an additional $50,000 to secure the contract. Once he received the money, Lustig disappeared, leaving the dealer empty-handed.

Continuing his fraudulent activities, Lustig later sold a Rumanian money box in the following year. He convinced customers that the handcrafted mahogany box had the power to duplicate money. Lustig would insert a $100 bill and a piece of paper into the box, manipulate levers, and after six hours, turn a crank. Miraculously, a second $100 bill would supposedly emerge from the box. Eager to benefit from this seemingly magical device, customers paid between $10,000 to $30,000 for it. However, in reality, the box was merely a cleverly designed contraption that employed sleight of hand and deception.

Lustig's greed ultimately led to his downfall when he began a counterfeiting operation in the United States. Distributing over $100,000 in counterfeit bills per month, he attracted the attention of the Secret Service. His previous swindling of a Texas sheriff with the Rumanian money box provided authorities with a description of Lustig, which aided their investigation. In 1935, he was captured in New York City, and counterfeit bills and printing plates were found in his subway station locker.

Despite being captured and held in a cell, Lustig managed to escape by cutting the bars of his window and using bed sheets to create a rope. Pretending to be a window washer, he climbed down the rope. However, his freedom was short-lived, as he was captured a month later in Pittsburgh and sentenced to 20 years in Alcatraz.

In the case of Dr. Albert Abrams, his fraudulent activities revolved around his supposed invention, the oscilloclast, and the concept of radionics. Abrams claimed that the oscilloclast could diagnose and treat diseases by detecting and matching their vibratory rates. However, his claims were met with skepticism and criticism from the medical community.

One piece of evidence highlighting Abrams' involvement in quack medicine is his book titled "New Concepts in Diagnosis and Treatment," published in 1916. The text describes Abrams' enthusiastic foray into quackery, indicating that his ideas and methods lacked scientific grounding.

Another example of Abrams' deceptive practices was his method of diagnosing diseases using the oscilloclast device. According to the passage, a drop of blood, saliva, or a strand of hair was placed on electrodes, while another electrode was attached to the forehead of a healthy person acting as a proxy. The proxy would stand on a rubber mat, facing west. By tapping the proxy's stomach, Abrams would claim to detect certain tones that allowed him to diagnose the medical condition of the blood donor. Abrams even went as far as stating that his technique could reveal a person's religion, a highly improbable claim.

Despite skepticism, the oscilloclast device gained popularity, with over 3,000 medical experts leasing it by 1923. However, physicians refuted the technique, as demonstrated by an article in The Lancet from January 26, 1924. The article described experiments where doctors sent blood samples to radionics experts, leading to reports of various human diseases being identified. However, doubts arose when it was discovered that some of the blood samples came from animals like guinea pigs and roosters, casting doubt on the accuracy of the diagnoses.

The lack of scientific credibility attributed to Abrams' invention is further highlighted by a quote from Robert A. Millikan, a Nobel Prize-winning physicist. Millikan referred to the oscilloclast as a contraption that could have been assembled by a ten-year-old boy to mystify an eight-year-old with little knowledge about electricity.

Even the Scientific American published a series of reports between 1923 and 1924, concluding that Abrams' radionics technique did not deserve serious attention. Austin C. Lescarboura, a member of the magazine's Abrams Investigation Committee, stated that at best, it was an illusion, and at worst, a colossal fraud.

Despite the skepticism and criticism, Abrams died as a millionaire in January 1924, leaving behind a will that directed millions of dollars to the Electronic Medical Foundation for the continuation of radionics. This indicates that his medical practices, although discredited, achieved significant financial success.

In summary, both Victor Lustig and Dr. Albert Abrams were able to deceive people for many years through their respective fraudulent activities. Lustig utilized various schemes, posing as a high-ranking official and employing ingenious devices to trick his victims. Abrams, on the other hand, propagated false medical claims with his oscilloclast device and the concept of radionics, taking advantage of people's desire for alternative and unconventional remedies. Despite facing skepticism and opposition from experts, both individuals managed to amass wealth before eventually being caught and held accountable for their deceitful actions.
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1. **Which of the following sources would best reflect currency?**
The source that reflects currency would be the one closest to the current time or has been updated with recent information. Therefore, in this case, the answer would be:
- a book about the Challenger explosion written in 2008, updated with recent findings
Justification: It is more likely to contain the most recent and up-to-date information compared to the other options.

2. **Which of the following sources best reflects expertise?**
The source that reflects expertise would be from a credible and knowledgeable individual on the subject matter. Therefore, the answer would be:
- an article in a scholarly journal about the future of space travel, written by a professor who has earned a doctorate degree in planetary science
Justification: The professor's credentials indicate a high level of expertise in the field, making the source more reliable.

3. **Which of the following statements about a multimedia presentation is true?**
- It uses two or more of the following types of media: text, graphics, images, and sound.
Justification: A multimedia presentation typically involves the integration of various forms of media to convey information effectively.

4. **Which of the following research questions is the most effective?**
The most effective research question is:
- What were the causes of the Civil War?
Justification: This question prompts an in-depth exploration and analysis of a historical event, leading to a comprehensive study.

5. **Match the following:**
- Facts, statistics, quotations, etc., that support your points: Evidence
- To write information gathered from research in your own words: Paraphrase
- To condense a larger work by writing the main ideas in your own words: Summarize
- To use the words and/or ideas of others without giving proper credit to the source: Plagiarism
- A sentence that states the main idea of the writing and suggests the organization: Thesis statement
- A method of citing sources within your essay: In-text citation

6. **Which of the following best describes an introductory paragraph for a research paper?**
- It begins with a hook and ends with the thesis statement.
Justification: A strong introduction should engage readers with a hook and clearly present the main argument through the thesis statement.

7. **Which of the following bibliographic entries shows correct MLA format for a book called The Starflight Handbook: A Pioneer's Guide to Interstellar Travel?**
- Mallove, Eugene N. The Starflight Handbook: A Pioneer's Guide to Interstellar Travel. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1989.
Justification: This entry follows the proper MLA format by listing the author, title, place of publication, publisher, and year.

8. **Which of the following sources is the most relevant to the topic of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln?**
- An eyewitness account of the assassination by a person who was present at Ford's Theater when Lincoln was shot
Justification: An eyewitness account provides a firsthand and direct perspective on the event, making it highly relevant to the topic.
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P Answered by Master
Substance abuse problems may begin before or during an eating disorder, or even after recovery. Those struggling with co-occurring substance use and disordered eating should speak with a trained professional who can understand, diagnose, and treat both substance use disorders and eating disorders.
Up to 50% of individuals with eating disorders abused alcohol or illicit drugs, a rate five times higher than the general population. Up to 35% of individuals who abused or were dependent on alcohol or other drugs have also had eating disorders, a rate 11 times greater than the general population.
The substances most frequently abused by individuals with eating disorders or with sub-clinical symptoms include: alcohol, laxatives, emetics, diuretics, amphetamines, heroin, and cocaine.
Eating disorders and substance abuse share a number of common risk factors, including brain chemistry, family history, low self-esteem, depression, anxiety, and social pressures. Other shared characteristics include compulsive behavior, social isolation, and risk for suicide.
As with eating disorders, early intervention of substance use is essential.

Find an eating disorder specialist that can also address substance abuse/dependence.

Research levels of care and treatment providers to determine a plan that fits your specific needs.

Most eating disorder treatment facilities are equipped to deal with patients who abuse over-the-counter diet pills, laxatives, emetics and diuretics, but not all are able to accommodate the patient that requires medical detoxification.

Educate yourself, be proactive, and know that both these disorders are treatable.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master
Substance abuse problems may begin before or during an eating disorder, or even after recovery. Those struggling with co-occurring substance use and disordered eating should speak with a trained professional who can understand, diagnose, and treat both substance use disorders and eating disorders.
Up to 50% of individuals with eating disorders abused alcohol or illicit drugs, a rate five times higher than the general population. Up to 35% of individuals who abused or were dependent on alcohol or other drugs have also had eating disorders, a rate 11 times greater than the general population.
The substances most frequently abused by individuals with eating disorders or with sub-clinical symptoms include: alcohol, laxatives, emetics, diuretics, amphetamines, heroin, and cocaine.
Eating disorders and substance abuse share a number of common risk factors, including brain chemistry, family history, low self-esteem, depression, anxiety, and social pressures. Other shared characteristics include compulsive behavior, social isolation, and risk for suicide.
As with eating disorders, early intervention of substance use is essential.

Find an eating disorder specialist that can also address substance abuse/dependence.

Research levels of care and treatment providers to determine a plan that fits your specific needs.

Most eating disorder treatment facilities are equipped to deal with patients who abuse over-the-counter diet pills, laxatives, emetics and diuretics, but not all are able to accommodate the patient that requires medical detoxification.

Educate yourself, be proactive, and know that both these disorders are treatable.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

Answer: B. the uncontrollable power of nature.

In this passage, we can see how powerful the colossal Moby-Dick is, and how frail and insignificant humans appear to be by comparison. When Ahab wants to fight with the whale, he is completely helpless and is easily defeated and injured. The power of the whale is a symbol that represents the incontrollable power of nature.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD


Louis Daguerre's motivation to begin experimenting with light sensitive materials was so that he and others would be able to capture an image from a still moment in time

Step-by-step explanation:

Early photography and Daguerreotype Medium.

Louis Daguerre invented a new process he dubbed a daguerrotype in 1839, which significantly reduced exposure time and created a lasting result, but only produced a single image.

Louis Daguerre called his invention "daguerreotype." His method, which he disclosed to the public late in the summer of 1839, consisted of treating silver-plated copper sheets with iodine to make them sensitive to light, then exposing them in a camera and "developing" the images with warm mercury vapor.

Daguerreotypes became an equalizer among classes. No longer were likenesses only created for the super rich. An average person could walk into a portrait studio, sit for an image, and have the same product as the millionaire down the street. The popularity gave rise to picture factories

Views of modernity and capitalism heavily influenced Daguerre’s discovery because his main goal was to improve and modernize the process previously used to capture images and to upgrade what he saw using camera obscura.

People could start to develop a visual history, not only the rich could afford to have a portrait made, and people could collect images of their friends and family.

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P Answered by Specialist
A.) California is an excellent location for immigrants who are seeking land to farm.
B.) California has many immigrants who have grown a large supply of healthy crops.
C.) California is the best source for government loans for building railroads in the state.
D.) California has the most plentiful resources for people who want a healthy lifestyle.

D.) California has the most plentiful resources for people who want a healthy lifestyle.


A poster’s job is to promote an idea, event, product or person. So here the poster of California promotes itself as a place full of resources that offers people staying there a healthy and peaceful lifestyle. It is a way of advertising and to spread the message. California is generally a good place to stay in. It is the best place for immigrants who seek to find a living for themselves. That’s what the poster would help to do, attract more immigrants to the place.
A.) California is an excellent location for immigrants who are seeking land to farm.

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