French : asked on heids17043

Quand le Baron lit la lettre, que fait-il

. 10


Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

The Translation is " Listen to the audio "Arsèse Lupine en prison", then answer the questions in writing and with complete sentences. Questions: 1- Who are the Malaquis? 2- When the Baron reads the letter, what does he do? 3- Where does Arsène Lupine say he is? 4- Why does the Baron feel 'abandoned by the justice of his country'?"

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

1 - The Malaquis were lords. It is for this reason that the castle portrays their name. We even learn that these lords had to sell their castle because they were ruined.

2 - When the baron finds Ganimard near the river, he expresses his fear that Arsène Lupine will come and steal him, and he adds that he needs his help to stop Lupine.

3 - Arsène Lupine sends a telegram in which he mentions that he is at the Batignolles station.

4 - The baron feels abandoned by the justice of his country because when he reaches out to the public prosecutor in Rouen to ask for help and protection, the prosecutor does not believe him and says that Lupine is in prison so it can't be him.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

1 - The Malaquis were lords. It is for this reason that the castle portrays their name. We even learn that these lords had to sell their castle because they were ruined.

2 - When the baron finds Ganimard near the river, he expresses his fear that Arsène Lupine will come and steal him, and he adds that he needs his help to stop Lupine.

3 - Arsène Lupine sends a telegram in which he mentions that he is at the Batignolles station.

4 - The baron feels abandoned by the justice of his country because when he reaches out to the public prosecutor in Rouen to ask for help and protection, the prosecutor does not believe him and says that Lupine is in prison so it can't be him.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD


Autrefois, quand Julie était petite, elle habitait dans une ferme. (imparfait)

Elle aidait sa mère tous les jours. (imparfait)

Elle débarrassait la table, elle essuyait la vaisselle, elle balayait. (imparfait)

Elle faisait (imparfait)  aussi son lit tous les matins.

Un jour,elle mettait (imparfait) la table quand, soudain, son père entra  (passé simple) dans la cuisine, tout content.

Il venait d'acheter un nouveau tracteur pour travailler plus vite.

Après cela, le tracteur aida (passé simple) à faire beaucoup de choses.

Son père vendit (passé simple)  /OR/ vendait (imparfait)  beaucoup de produits.

Maintenant, la famille de Julie est riche! (présent)

Hope this helps ☺☺☺

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD


Nous parlons avec nos amies algériennes.

Vous êtes une étudiante polie

Les professeurs de français sont intéressants.

C'est une actrice mexicaine.

Il y a trois étudiantes anglaises à l'université.

Sophie et Annabelle ne sont pas patientes.

C'est un copain très sociable.

Nous sommes au café avec des amis sénégalais.

Il adore la cuisine espagnole.

Il y a des étudiants sympathiques ici.

C'est une musicienne timide.

Il aime la musique française.

Hope this helps ☺☺☺

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

Bonjour !

Je pense étudier à l'Université du Sénégal à Dakar. L'université est au centre ville. Je pense aussi habiter

J'aime étudier à la bibliothèque pour préparer mes examens.

J'aime bien passer au musée de Dakar. Il est intéressant. Le samedi matin, je vais à la piscine municipale et après je déjeune à la terrasse d'un restaurant avec des amis. Je préfère le restaurant à la place Kermel.

Hope this helps☺☺☺

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
Answer: c) à la - Tu vas à la bibliothèque.
Explanation: The word "bibliothèque" is feminine. Therefore we use the definite article "la"
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
Answer: c) de la/du
J'aime jouer de la trompette et du trombone.
Explanation: The definite articles le, la merge with the prepositions de, à standing before it. The merged article has the following forms:
de + le = du - le trombone
For masculine singular nouns.
de + la = de la
For feminine singular nouns - la trompette
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
Answer: D. au
Je parle au mon prof.
Explanation: The definite articles le, les merge with the prepositions de, à standing before it. The merged article has the following forms:
de + le =du
de + les =des
à + le =au
à + les =aux
Le prof - à + le - au prof

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