
whats my name
whats my name
whats my name
whats my name
whats my name
whats my name
whats my name
whats my name
whats my name
whats my name

. 4


Computers and Technology
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

d. fullName="Harris, Ray"


// here we define two variables firstName="Ray" and lastName= "Harris"

var firstName = "Ray", lastName = "Harris";

// then we create another variable fullName and assign it the value stored in variabl lastName that is "Harris"

var fullName = lastName;

// then we added a coma and space. At this point fullName= Harris,

fullName += ", ";

// then we added firstName to the variable fullName. At this point fullName=Harris, Roy

fullName += firstName;

Note: the += operator means that add the variable on the left by an amount on the right

a+= b; or a = a + b; both mean same

After the statements that follow are executed, var firstName = Ray, lastName = Harris; var fullN
Computers and Technology
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

d. fullName="Harris, Ray"


// here we define two variables firstName="Ray" and lastName= "Harris"

var firstName = "Ray", lastName = "Harris";

// then we create another variable fullName and assign it the value stored in variabl lastName that is "Harris"

var fullName = lastName;

// then we added a coma and space. At this point fullName= Harris,

fullName += ", ";

// then we added firstName to the variable fullName. At this point fullName=Harris, Roy

fullName += firstName;

Note: the += operator means that add the variable on the left by an amount on the right

a+= b; or a = a + b; both mean same

After the statements that follow are executed, var firstName = Ray, lastName = Harris; var fullN
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

Name an event that is impossible:  Drawing the name "John" out of the bag

Name and event that is certain:  Drawing a name that starts with the letter "J"

Name an event that is as likely as not:  Drawing a girl's name or a boy's name

Name an event that is more likely than not:  Drawing a name that is longer than 4 letters.

Step-by-step explanation:

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

Name an event that is impossible:  Drawing the name "John" out of the bag

Name and event that is certain:  Drawing a name that starts with the letter "J"

Name an event that is as likely as not:  Drawing a girl's name or a boy's name

Name an event that is more likely than not:  Drawing a name that is longer than 4 letters.

Step-by-step explanation:

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
The fifth baby is may because they are named by months like first kid is jan as in january, second kid is feb as in February , third kid is march, fourth is april. The next month after april is may therefore the fifth baby is may
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
The fifth baby is may because they are named by months like first kid is jan as in january, second kid is feb as in February , third kid is march, fourth is april. The next month after april is may therefore the fifth baby is may
Computers and Technology
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist


The following is written in Python. It creates the dictionary as requested and prints it out to the output file as requested using the correct format for various shows with the same number of seasons.The output can be seen in the attached picture below.

mydict = {}

with open("file1.txt", "r") as showFile:

 for line in showFile:

   cleanString = line.strip()

   seasons = 0


       seasons = int(cleanString)




   if seasons != 0:

       showName = showFile.readline()

       if seasons in mydict:



           mydict[seasons] = [showName.strip()]

f = open("output.txt", "a")

finalString = ''

for seasons in mydict:

   finalString += str(seasons) + ": "

   for show in mydict[seasons]:

       finalString += show + '; '

   f.write(finalString[:-2] + '\n')

   finalString = ''


Write a program that first reads in the name of an input file and then reads the input file using th
Computers and Technology
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master


public class Couplet extends Poem


private final static int LINES = 2;

public Couplet(String poemName)


super(poemName, LINES);




public class Haiku extends Poem


private static int LINES = 3;

public Haiku(String poemName)


super(poemName, LINES);




public class Limerick extends Poem


private static int LINES = 5;

public Limerick(String poemName)


super(poemName, LINES);




public class Poem


private String poemName;

private int lines;

public Poem(String poemName, int lines)


this.poemName = poemName;

this.lines = lines;


public String getPoemName()


return poemName;


public int getLines()


return lines;




import java.util.*;

public class DemoPoems


public static void main(String[] args)


Poem poem1 = new Poem("The Raven", 84);

Couplet poem2 = new Couplet("True Wit");

Limerick poem3 = new Limerick("There was an Old Man with a Beard");

Haiku poem4 = new Haiku("The Wren");






public static void display(Poem p)


System.out.println("Poem: " + p.getPoemName() +

" Lines: " + p.getLines());




The Couplet and Limerick classes should also be extended from Poem class. Also, in display method, you call getTitle(), however, it's written as getPoemName() in the Poem class. You need to change the name.

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