Law : asked on extasisjorge

what is the best device to use for a secret conversation i mean record

. 4


Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Studen AI
The correct answer is A. "Love is merely a madness, and, I tell you, deserves as well a dark house and a whip as madmen do" (lines 37-38). This line spoken by Rosalind supports the theme that love can lead people to act foolishly.

In this scene, Rosalind, disguised as Ganymede, is having a conversation with Orlando about love. She describes love as madness and suggests that it deserves punishment, implying that people in love may act foolishly and irrationally. This statement by Rosalind highlights the idea that love can make individuals behave in ways that may seem unreasonable or illogical to others.

The other options do not directly address the theme of love leading to foolish behavior. Option B refers to the man carving "Rosalind" on tree barks, which does not specifically discuss the theme of love. Option C focuses on Rosalind asking Orlando to call her by her real name and go with her, but this does not specifically highlight the theme of love leading to foolishness either. Option D describes the changing behavior of Rosalind's suitor, but it does not explicitly address the theme of love leading to foolish actions.

Therefore, option A is the best answer as it directly supports the theme of love leading people to act foolishly.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

The questions are in three parts, so I will group them accordingly and only write out the checked answers.

Part 1: What benefits will you mention to your supervisor? Check all that apply.

IM enables real-time communication anywhere in the world

IM is a convenient alternative to the telephone

Part 2: Which option is the best practice to avoid security issues?

Do not send confidential or sensitive information via IM or text

Part 3: Which texting guidelines does Jeanne ignore in this situation? Check all that apply.

Alert the sender when the sender has sent you a message by mistake

Don't text in inappropriate situations


Part 1: Instant Messaging (IM) enabling real time communication means that communication can be done without delay in delivery, and this is of advantage in a workplace especially one that is large and has sub-units because the barrier of distance is breached. For example, if a member of the team is not present at work and an information is needed urgently from him/her, using IM that person can be reached easily and a response gotten immediately.

Also, IM is a convenient alternative to the telephone because it is a cheaper alternative, more information can be passed and communication can take place at a lower cost. Besides this, it ensures the maintenance of a more serene environment at work because it is a non-audible form of communication as opposed to telephone, which is an audible form of communication and can cause noise pollution in the work place if a large number of workers are talking at the same time and if they are talking loudly too. Thirdly, because it is a visual form of communication, discrete and personal information can be passed without the other workers hearing or knowing about it.

saying that IM allows for speedy recovery of lost documents may not be helpful in this situation because first of all, the supervisor will have a sense that using IM will promote carelessness, because of the ease to recover lost documents and it is not entirely true that IM can be used to recover lost documents, it is mainly for communication and uses text messages.

Part 2: IM like every other virtual forms of communication is easily prone to security mishaps, because a glitch in the transmission channel can lead to sensitive information being lost or exposed to inappropriate audience, hence as a best practice to avoiding security issues, sensitive or confidential information should be as much as possible not be sent using IM or text.

The other options; respecting receivers by using good grammar and proper spelling and making oneself unavailable does not have anything to do with improving security so they remain unchecked.

Part 3: guidelines are made to prevent abuse and misuse, the same applies for texting especially in the workplace. From the scene described in the third part, Jeanne, knowing that the sender sent the wrong message should have prompted the sender on this because this could have easily been avoided if the information was passed person-to-person, since the sender is seeing the receiver so he/she knows which particular Jeanne to talk to, so, responding to a message that is not meant for you is a default in the use of texting. Secondly, Jeanne was in the middle of a conversation when the text came in, since the situation was not urgent, she could have finished with the conversation with her supervisor before responding to the text message so she violated another texting guideline. Now just imagine that you were Jeanne's supervisor, how would you feel when she abruptly pauses your conversation to respond to a text message.

The first option is actually true, sad news or sensitive business matters are not passed via text messaging but it does not apply in the context described, while not expecting instant reply is not a guideline.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist


Answers explained in detail below.

Step-by-step explanation:


In the poem "Barter" by Sara Teasdale, the meaning of "barter" goes beyond its literal definition of exchanging goods. The author employs word choice, figurative language, and poetic devices to convey a deeper meaning and set the tone of the poem. Teasdale uses the concept of "barter" as a metaphor for the way life should be lived. The poem suggests that instead of valuing material possessions or worldly gains, one should prioritize the intangible and beautiful aspects of life. The author encourages readers to exchange their worldly concerns for moments of loveliness, joy, and spiritual fulfillment.

Teasdale's word choice, such as "loveliness," "splendid," "holy thoughts," and "ecstasy," evoke a sense of beauty, wonder, and spiritual richness. The figurative language, including "blue waves whitened on a cliff" and "music like a curve of gold," paints vivid and captivating images, enhancing the poem's tone of enchantment and allure. The use of poetic devices, such as rhyme and rhythm, adds musicality and emphasizes the lyrical quality of the lines.


The speaker's purpose in "Acres of Diamonds" is to convey the viewpoint that opportunities for wealth and success are readily available to individuals in Philadelphia. The speaker emphasizes the idea that getting rich is not only possible but also a duty. The speaker's viewpoint is that pursuing wealth honestly is akin to preaching the gospel and that the majority of rich individuals are honest and trustworthy. To advance his purpose and convey his viewpoint, the speaker employs various rhetorical strategies. One such strategy is the use of anecdotal evidence, exemplified by the story of the diamond found in North Carolina and the professor's analysis of its origins. This story serves to illustrate the idea that valuable opportunities may be hidden in unexpected places.

The speaker also uses persuasive language and appeals to logic and reason. He asserts that the city of Philadelphia is uniquely suited for individuals to become wealthy quickly and honestly. By stating that the Queen of England's lack of jewels has diminished the need for diamonds, the speaker appeals to the audience's practicality and desire for financial gain. Additionally, the speaker employs repetition and direct address to engage the audience and reinforce his message. By repeatedly emphasizing the concept of "acres of diamonds" and directly addressing the audience, the speaker aims to inspire them to recognize the potential for wealth within their reach.


The main argument of the passage is that virtual friendships, despite their prevalence in a digital world, cannot provide the same level of emotional connection and support as face-to-face friendships. The author supports this argument by highlighting the limitations of online friendships, such as the lack of shared real-world experiences and the inability to convey nonverbal cues and emotions effectively. The author also references a study on communication that emphasizes the importance of body language and tone in conveying meaning.

The reasoning and evidence used to support the argument are valid, relevant, and sufficient. The author presents examples and explanations that demonstrate how online friendships may fall short in terms of emotional bonding, comfort, and understanding. By pointing out the potential misunderstandings and limitations of digital communication, the author strengthens the argument that in-person friendships offer more meaningful connections.

The author does not use false statements or fallacious reasoning to support the argument and claims. The reasoning is grounded in observations about human interaction and the limitations of digital communication. The evidence provided, such as the study on communication and the exploration of the nature of true friendships, aligns with common experiences and observations about the importance of physical presence and nonverbal cues in relationships.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

The questions are in three parts, so I will group them accordingly and only write out the checked answers.

Part 1: What benefits will you mention to your supervisor? Check all that apply.

IM enables real-time communication anywhere in the world

IM is a convenient alternative to the telephone

Part 2: Which option is the best practice to avoid security issues?

Do not send confidential or sensitive information via IM or text

Part 3: Which texting guidelines does Jeanne ignore in this situation? Check all that apply.

Alert the sender when the sender has sent you a message by mistake

Don't text in inappropriate situations


Part 1: Instant Messaging (IM) enabling real time communication means that communication can be done without delay in delivery, and this is of advantage in a workplace especially one that is large and has sub-units because the barrier of distance is breached. For example, if a member of the team is not present at work and an information is needed urgently from him/her, using IM that person can be reached easily and a response gotten immediately.

Also, IM is a convenient alternative to the telephone because it is a cheaper alternative, more information can be passed and communication can take place at a lower cost. Besides this, it ensures the maintenance of a more serene environment at work because it is a non-audible form of communication as opposed to telephone, which is an audible form of communication and can cause noise pollution in the work place if a large number of workers are talking at the same time and if they are talking loudly too. Thirdly, because it is a visual form of communication, discrete and personal information can be passed without the other workers hearing or knowing about it.

saying that IM allows for speedy recovery of lost documents may not be helpful in this situation because first of all, the supervisor will have a sense that using IM will promote carelessness, because of the ease to recover lost documents and it is not entirely true that IM can be used to recover lost documents, it is mainly for communication and uses text messages.

Part 2: IM like every other virtual forms of communication is easily prone to security mishaps, because a glitch in the transmission channel can lead to sensitive information being lost or exposed to inappropriate audience, hence as a best practice to avoiding security issues, sensitive or confidential information should be as much as possible not be sent using IM or text.

The other options; respecting receivers by using good grammar and proper spelling and making oneself unavailable does not have anything to do with improving security so they remain unchecked.

Part 3: guidelines are made to prevent abuse and misuse, the same applies for texting especially in the workplace. From the scene described in the third part, Jeanne, knowing that the sender sent the wrong message should have prompted the sender on this because this could have easily been avoided if the information was passed person-to-person, since the sender is seeing the receiver so he/she knows which particular Jeanne to talk to, so, responding to a message that is not meant for you is a default in the use of texting. Secondly, Jeanne was in the middle of a conversation when the text came in, since the situation was not urgent, she could have finished with the conversation with her supervisor before responding to the text message so she violated another texting guideline. Now just imagine that you were Jeanne's supervisor, how would you feel when she abruptly pauses your conversation to respond to a text message.

The first option is actually true, sad news or sensitive business matters are not passed via text messaging but it does not apply in the context described, while not expecting instant reply is not a guideline.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Studen AI
The best closing for the passage is Option B: "In addition to physical problems that result from constant texting and scrolling, some people believe that serious health problems may result from the phone's radio waves. Because there are too many unknowns regarding smartphone technology and teenagers, we should limit teenage access to these devices until more conclusive studies have been done."

This option provides a clear and concise summary of the passage's main points, which focus on the potential harms of smartphone technology on teenagers. The passage discusses the narrator's personal experience and observations, emphasizing the downside of excessive smartphone use. The closing statement highlights the physical problems arising from constant texting and scrolling, as well as the concerns regarding the long-term health effects of smartphone radio waves. It suggests the need for further research to gain a better understanding of the consequences. Finally, it argues for limiting teenagers' access to smartphones until more conclusive studies have been conducted. Overall, Option B effectively captures the main points discussed in the passage and presents a cautious stance towards smartphone technology for teenagers.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: (1) c. "It had simply never occurred to me that these millions and millions of people might be so far from being uplifted that they would sit down and write me letters I was downright scared to open." ; (2) a. This withheld, shocking information is meant to reinforce the relevance of the story. ; (3) a. internal rhyme
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: (1) c. "It had simply never occurred to me that these millions and millions of people might be so far from being uplifted that they would sit down and write me letters I was downright scared to open." ; (2) a. This withheld, shocking information is meant to reinforce the relevance of the story. ; (3) a. internal rhyme

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