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The main way the author shows how Edward kept becoming more and more successful is by showing what had inspired him each time he improved his business. This can be seen through his various entrepreneurial ventures and the idea he conceived to sell water and lemonade to passengers on the Coney Island cars. Edward's inspiration and determination to find solutions to problems allowed him to identify opportunities for business growth and achieve greater success.
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The correct answer is:

A. By showing what had inspired him each time he improved his business.

The author demonstrates Edward's journey to success by highlighting the circumstances and events that motivated him to progress in his various endeavors. In the passage, each time Edward faced a challenge or a limitation, he found inspiration and seized opportunities to enhance his business. For instance, when he started cleaning the bakery's window, the author illustrates that Edward's attention to cleanliness and his Dutch background motivated him to secure a job as a window cleaner. Later, the author shows how Edward's observation of passengers' thirst on the horse-cars inspired him to sell water, which further evolved into selling lemonade. These examples reflect Edward's ability to identify untapped opportunities and adapt his business accordingly, leading to his continuous growth and success.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

Answers: 1- A. Occured. 2- A. Solely. 3- B. Ordinary.

1) I pressed start and then a strange silence, not a steady, busy hum, ensued.

What is the meaning of the word ensued as it is used in this sentence?

The meaning of "ensued " as used in the sentence is "occurred". Ensued means to "occur" or "take place"

2) What connotation does exclusively have, as it is used in the following sentence from "Everyday Things"? This way, American manufacturers let their buyers know that they used Chinese graphite exclusively.

"exclusively" means "solely", which means "only involving", or "involving nothing else", solely, as exclusively means limited, or not to something else.

3) What is the connotation of mundane as it is used in the following sentence from "Everyday Things"? It is amazing how such a tradition has a profound effect on something as mundane, yet important, as pencil production.

"Mundane" literally means "ordinary" or "normal".

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

1. The author had only a short lunch period, and it was difficult to clean up dishes after heating lunch using saucepans.

2. For a week, I battled with messy saucepans and sticky wooden spoons to heat my lunch each day.

3. Both texts state that it is easy to take for granted things that make life easier.


1. The microwave became an "essential part" of the narrator's everyday life for it simplifies the way he takes his lunch. It easily heats it up for him and then with not much dishes to be cleaned after. Considering the short time he has for lunch, he could easily heat his food in the oven and have it. But when it stopped working, he had to go through the whole process of cooking manually, battling "with messy saucepans and sticky wooden spoons" everyday just to have his lunch.

2. The statement about him battling with the "saucepans and sticky wooden spoons" to get his lunch ready supports the author's claim of the oven being an "essential part" of his life.

3. Both passages show how we tend to take the things that help us out for granted. The very ideas of the first passage about pencils and the second passage about ovens both show that whatever their uses are, we tend to think it is normal and nothing significant until they stop working or are no longer available.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

"The author had only a short lunch period, and it was difficult to clean up dished after heating lunch using saucepans" and "for a week, I battled with messy saucepans and sticky wooden spoons to heat my lunch each day"


Look for the context clues that are hidden in the passage. It will tell you the answer if you reread it.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

1. The author had only a short lunch period, and it was difficult to clean up dishes after heating lunch using saucepans.

2. For a week, I battled with messy saucepans and sticky wooden spoons to heat my lunch each day.

3. Both texts state that it is easy to take for granted things that make life easier.


1. The microwave became an "essential part" of the narrator's everyday life for it simplifies the way he takes his lunch. It easily heats it up for him and then with not much dishes to be cleaned after. Considering the short time he has for lunch, he could easily heat his food in the oven and have it. But when it stopped working, he had to go through the whole process of cooking manually, battling "with messy saucepans and sticky wooden spoons" everyday just to have his lunch.

2. The statement about him battling with the "saucepans and sticky wooden spoons" to get his lunch ready supports the author's claim of the oven being an "essential part" of his life.

3. Both passages show how we tend to take the things that help us out for granted. The very ideas of the first passage about pencils and the second passage about ovens both show that whatever their uses are, we tend to think it is normal and nothing significant until they stop working or are no longer available.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

"The author had only a short lunch period, and it was difficult to clean up dished after heating lunch using saucepans" and "for a week, I battled with messy saucepans and sticky wooden spoons to heat my lunch each day"


Look for the context clues that are hidden in the passage. It will tell you the answer if you reread it.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

Check below


Ubuntu has some vital characteristics to explain it, and they are love, happiness, trust and peace among others.

It also creates values like 'respect', 'care', 'compassion', 'love', 'solidarity', 'sharing', 'reconciliation', and 'reciprocity.

Therefore, when these principles are incorporated into peoples daily lives, it will create morals into people, and subsequent remove corruption in the society. And by this creating an environment or a society where love and peace prevail.

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P Answered by Master

HACCP education and high turnover of employees and on farm it may increase the sanitation and safety levels of domestic lifestock products cannot be considered a benefit of implementing HACCP.


HACCP is Hazard Analysis Critical control point curriculum are the primary manual used for training the fish and fishery products, hazards and control guide published by the FDA.

The disadvantages of implementing HACCP are increased production and supervisory cost, and availability of staff time is less for other tasks, cost of implementation and reduced flexibility in production process and introduction of new process. The lack of understanding about HACCP, lack of time, staff turn over, employee motivation and lack of personal training are the main barriers of implementation.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD



Utilitarianism is a term or philosophy of ethics that describes the belief or view that, an action is considered morally right if it resulted in goodness, more pleasure, or happiness than bad, pain, or unhappiness.

Hence, in this case, Finley believes, stealing in itself is neither bad nor good; what renders it bad or good is the effects it generates. Thus, stealing from a greedy CEO, whom he believes has less need for the money, and gives the money to a large number of people whom he thinks to need money can be justified based on the calculation that the benefits of the theft outweigh the losses caused by the theft.

Therefore, the right answer is UTILITARIANISM

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