
what does this mean by solving equation ??

. 10


Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

a) 95% confidence interval for the meancost, μ, of all recent weddings in this country = (22,550.95, 30,226.40)

.The 95% confidence interval is from $22,550.95 to $30,226.40.

b) For the interpretation of the result, option D is correct.

We can be 95% confident that the mean cost, μ, of all recent weddings in this country is somewhere within the confidence interval.

c) Option B is correct.

The population mean may or may not lie in this interval, but we can be 95% confident that it does.

Step-by-step explanation:

Sample size = 20

Sample Mean = $26,388.67

Sample Standard deviation = $8200

Confidence Interval for the population mean is basically an interval of range of values where the true population mean can be found with a certain level of confidence.


Confidence Interval = (Sample mean) ± (Margin of error)

Sample Mean = 26,388.67

Margin of Error is the width of the confidence interval about the mean.

It is given mathematically as,

Margin of Error = (Critical value) × (standard Error of the mean)

Critical value will be obtained using the t-distribution. This is because there is no information provided for the population mean and standard deviation.

To find the critical value from the t-tables, we first find the degree of freedom and the significance level.

Degree of freedom = df = n - 1 = 20 - 1 = 19.

Significance level for 95% confidence interval

(100% - 95%)/2 = 2.5% = 0.025

t (0.025, 19) = 2.086 (from the t-tables)

Standard error of the mean = σₓ = (σ/√n)

σ = standard deviation of the sample = 8200

n = sample size = 20

σₓ = (8200/√20) = 1833.6

99% Confidence Interval = (Sample mean) ± [(Critical value) × (standard Error of the mean)]

CI = 26,388.67 ± (2.093 × 1833.6)

CI = 26,388.67 ± 3,837.7248

99% CI = (22,550.9452, 30,226.3948)

99% Confidence interval = (22,550.95, 30,226.40)

a) 95% confidence interval for the meancost, μ, of all recent weddings in this country = (22,550.95, 30,226.40)

.The 95% confidence interval is from $22,550.95 to $30,226.40.

b) The interpretation of the confidence interval obtained, just as explained above is that we can be 95% confident that the mean cost, μ,of all recent weddings in this country is somewhere within the confidence interval

c) A further explanation would be that the population mean may or may not lie in this interval, but we can be 95% confident that it does.

Hope this Helps!!!

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

2. The correct answer is capable of being.

Suffixes are parts of words that you add AFTER the root word, unlike prefixes, which you add BEFORE root words. The suffix -able is added to words (usually nouns or verbs) to create adjectives with the meaning of 'capable of being.' For example: manageable (capable of being managed), doable (capable of being done), etc.

3. The correct answer is arrogantly.

Connotation refers to your opinions, thoughts, and feelings you get when you hear a particular word; what emotions a word can elicit from you. When you see the word arrogantly, you immediately have negative feelings about that word. The other example, proudly, tends to have a positive connotation.

4. This question is the same as question 3.

5. The correct answer is because.

You need to choose a suitable conjunction in order to complete this sentence. Conjunctions are words that link parts of sentences or texts. In this case, the appropriate conjunction is the word because. The phrase The reason (why)... is always paired with because.

6. The correct answer is act of seeing ahead; supply .

The word provision contains the prefix pro- and the suffix -ion. Pro-means ahead, and -ion means act. The root word vis- refers to sight. So, if you combine these three into the word provision, it means the act of seeing ahead, or a supply of something.

7. The correct answer is make.

As mentioned above, suffixes are parts of words that are added after the root word in order to make a new word. The suffix -ize means to make something, and is usually added to nouns to create verbs. For example: vaporize (to make something into vapor), energize (to give something more energy), etc.

8. The correct answer is trusted with.

The English verb to commend (and also its derivatives, the participle/adjective commended) comes from the Latin root word mandare, which means to entrust. You can see that the part -mend from commend is similar to mand- from mandare, which means that they have similar meanings. If somebody is commended with doing something, it means that they are (en)trusted with doing that.

9. The correct answer is bring or carry.

Root words are the smallest parts of words to which prefixes and suffixes are added. So, if you delete the prefixes and suffixes, you are left with a root word. The meaning of the root fer in Latin is to bring or carry. For example: in the word transfer, you bring something somewhere else.

10. The correct answer is scribble : write.

In order to complete this analogy, we need to determine the relationship between the first two words. Chat is like a small version of talk, which means that we need the same relationship in the following two words. If you scribble something, you do it shortly and quickly, which is like a small version of writing, if that makes sense. And given that chat and talk are the same parts of words (both verbs), we need the same parts of words in the other pair (both scribble and write are verbs as well).

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist
The answers are:

1)  [A]:  They learn that he only pretends to be drunk so that people do not question his eccentric life. 

2)  [B]: Jem is certain his father will win because Atticus did such a good job defending Tom, but he is not worldly enough to know that no defense would be good enough in this case.

3)  [B]: His eyes fill with tears because he is extremely moved by their generosity. 
(Note: especially since many are struggling financially).

4)  [C]:  Jem means that Boo may stay inside by choice so that he does not have to interact with people and witness the injustice and hate they produce.

5)  [A]:  It makes the reader believe that something bad might happen to Scout and Jem when they go to the pageant alone.

6)  [A]:  They quickly dismiss his actions as typical of an African-American.

7)  [C]:  One reason he gives is that he does not want this "hanging over Jem's head", and the other reason is that he wants to avoid losing his children's respect.

8)  [B]:  To create suspense and to keep from distracting from Jem's condition.

9)  [A]:  A. Boo Radley turns out to be an extremely shy man who saves the children.

10) [A]:  symbol.

Hope this helps!
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Studen AI
The correct answer is B. The notation \(f(x)\) does not mean \(f\) times \(x\). It represents the value of the function \(f\) at \(x\). To understand this better, let me provide an example: Suppose we have a function \(f(x) = 2x + 5\). This function defines a relationship between \(x\) and the output value \(f(x)\). If we want to find the value of \(f\) when \(x\) is 3, we would substitute 3 into the function: \[f(3) = 2(3) + 5 = 6 + 5 = 11\] So, \(f(3)\) means the value of the function \(f\) when \(x\) is 3, which in this case is 11. Now, let's discuss the math laws used in this explanation: 1. The function \(f(x)\) represents a relationship between an input \(x\) and the output value \(f(x)\). 2. When evaluating a function, we substitute the given value into the function and simplify the expression. In our example, we substituted \(x = 3\) into the function \(f(x) = 2x + 5\) and simplified it to \(f(3) = 11\). 3. In this case, we used the distributive property to multiply 2 by 3, which gave us \(2(3) = 6\). So, to summarize, the notation \(f(x)\) represents the value of the function \(f\) at a specific input \(x\), rather than the product of \(f\) and \(x\).
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

2. The correct answer is capable of being.

Suffixes are parts of words that you add AFTER the root word, unlike prefixes, which you add BEFORE root words. The suffix -able is added to words (usually nouns or verbs) to create adjectives with the meaning of 'capable of being.' For example: manageable (capable of being managed), doable (capable of being done), etc.

3. The correct answer is arrogantly.

Connotation refers to your opinions, thoughts, and feelings you get when you hear a particular word; what emotions a word can elicit from you. When you see the word arrogantly, you immediately have negative feelings about that word. The other example, proudly, tends to have a positive connotation.

4. This question is the same as question 3.

5. The correct answer is because.

You need to choose a suitable conjunction in order to complete this sentence. Conjunctions are words that link parts of sentences or texts. In this case, the appropriate conjunction is the word because. The phrase The reason (why)... is always paired with because.

6. The correct answer is act of seeing ahead; supply .

The word provision contains the prefix pro- and the suffix -ion. Pro-means ahead, and -ion means act. The root word vis- refers to sight. So, if you combine these three into the word provision, it means the act of seeing ahead, or a supply of something.

7. The correct answer is make.

As mentioned above, suffixes are parts of words that are added after the root word in order to make a new word. The suffix -ize means to make something, and is usually added to nouns to create verbs. For example: vaporize (to make something into vapor), energize (to give something more energy), etc.

8. The correct answer is trusted with.

The English verb to commend (and also its derivatives, the participle/adjective commended) comes from the Latin root word mandare, which means to entrust. You can see that the part -mend from commend is similar to mand- from mandare, which means that they have similar meanings. If somebody is commended with doing something, it means that they are (en)trusted with doing that.

9. The correct answer is bring or carry.

Root words are the smallest parts of words to which prefixes and suffixes are added. So, if you delete the prefixes and suffixes, you are left with a root word. The meaning of the root fer in Latin is to bring or carry. For example: in the word transfer, you bring something somewhere else.

10. The correct answer is scribble : write.

In order to complete this analogy, we need to determine the relationship between the first two words. Chat is like a small version of talk, which means that we need the same relationship in the following two words. If you scribble something, you do it shortly and quickly, which is like a small version of writing, if that makes sense. And given that chat and talk are the same parts of words (both verbs), we need the same parts of words in the other pair (both scribble and write are verbs as well).

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

a) 95% confidence interval for the meancost, μ, of all recent weddings in this country = (22,550.95, 30,226.40)

.The 95% confidence interval is from $22,550.95 to $30,226.40.

b) For the interpretation of the result, option D is correct.

We can be 95% confident that the mean cost, μ, of all recent weddings in this country is somewhere within the confidence interval.

c) Option B is correct.

The population mean may or may not lie in this interval, but we can be 95% confident that it does.

Step-by-step explanation:

Sample size = 20

Sample Mean = $26,388.67

Sample Standard deviation = $8200

Confidence Interval for the population mean is basically an interval of range of values where the true population mean can be found with a certain level of confidence.


Confidence Interval = (Sample mean) ± (Margin of error)

Sample Mean = 26,388.67

Margin of Error is the width of the confidence interval about the mean.

It is given mathematically as,

Margin of Error = (Critical value) × (standard Error of the mean)

Critical value will be obtained using the t-distribution. This is because there is no information provided for the population mean and standard deviation.

To find the critical value from the t-tables, we first find the degree of freedom and the significance level.

Degree of freedom = df = n - 1 = 20 - 1 = 19.

Significance level for 95% confidence interval

(100% - 95%)/2 = 2.5% = 0.025

t (0.025, 19) = 2.086 (from the t-tables)

Standard error of the mean = σₓ = (σ/√n)

σ = standard deviation of the sample = 8200

n = sample size = 20

σₓ = (8200/√20) = 1833.6

99% Confidence Interval = (Sample mean) ± [(Critical value) × (standard Error of the mean)]

CI = 26,388.67 ± (2.093 × 1833.6)

CI = 26,388.67 ± 3,837.7248

99% CI = (22,550.9452, 30,226.3948)

99% Confidence interval = (22,550.95, 30,226.40)

a) 95% confidence interval for the meancost, μ, of all recent weddings in this country = (22,550.95, 30,226.40)

.The 95% confidence interval is from $22,550.95 to $30,226.40.

b) The interpretation of the confidence interval obtained, just as explained above is that we can be 95% confident that the mean cost, μ,of all recent weddings in this country is somewhere within the confidence interval

c) A further explanation would be that the population mean may or may not lie in this interval, but we can be 95% confident that it does.

Hope this Helps!!!

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
Answer 1.  (C) Unfair treatment and cheap labor made it nearly impossible for immigrants to achieve the American Dream. Explanation:

Among all the options given, option C best describes the passage. It talk about the new settlements in the United states of America. Where the settlers had to go through a lot in order to adjust themselves in the society and culture. Also, they didn't received a warm welcome too from the citizens.

Answer 2.(C) I could almost begin to think with English words in my head. But in my heart the emptiness still hurt. I burned to give, to give something, to do something, to be something

From the above quotes that best that supports the previous answer is mentioned above. The author is standing in the city of her dreams but still she can feel some kind of emptiness inside her. May be because she gave up everything she had, tried everything she could to move here and she did, she saw an entirely new phase of life.

Answer 3. (A) First person

"America and I" explicit first person point of view. The author herself narrates her experience of being an immigrant in one of the most modern city i.e. New York. She had really high hopes for this county and moved with all her excitement and that is what she is sharing in the entire story of hers.

Answer 4. (B) Unable to speak, Mute

She no doubt made it to the city but was unaware of the reality. She looked for work but did not found any luck. And at last she admitted herself of being dumb as she was not even knowing the language no any skill hence, she decided to be a servant to an Americanized Russian family.

Answer 5. (C) She will no longer work just any job in order to eat

After being humiliated but he Americanized Russian family, she realized that the reality is entirely different from from her dreams. From working in a seat shop to a local factory, she tried her best to get adjusted in the society but failure was all she had. Frustrated Yezierska decided that will no longer work as a slave though the matter is of saving her belly.

Answer 6.(B) Smile

The author suffers a lot in order to get settled in the city she always wanted to be but the reality taught her a lot of things. She was all alone in an entirely new city hunting job as she was not well aware of the language as well and the entire journey of her, she denotes it with smile in the literary form.

Answer 7.(A) They say they will pay her once she is worth something.

The host family she worked for treated her no more than a slave. She really worked hard and when the time arrived of providing her wages their family refused to pay her and told her that she will be paid once she is worth something. On the contrary, the host family told her that she should be giving them money as they provided her the opportunity to work, without even knowing the language.

Answer 8.(D) A poor immigrant neighborhood in a city

The term ghetto refers to the areas where minorities have been living. Keeping in view the meaning, author also uses the work in context. She refers to the immigrants who have been settles in the United states of America as their neighbors, as she was also one of those immigrants so no one but she can best explains it.

Answer 9.(A) Yezierska talks back to her boss and loses her job

Frustrated Yezierska finally opens up and speaks for herself. She was so frustrated under the circumstances that she did not even realize that she might lose her job which she eventually did. The author was tired of all the humiliations that she faced in her entire struggle of job hunting.

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