
the graph shows two exponential functions. Choose the correct statement corcerning

. 7


Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD


Step-by-step explanation:

The two graphs are reflections of each other in the y-axis

If one is f(x), other is f(-x)

c^x = b^(-x)

c = b^-1

c = 1/b

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD


Step-by-step explanation:

The two graphs are reflections of each other in the y-axis

If one is f(x), other is f(-x)

c^x = b^(-x)

c = b^-1

c = 1/b

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist
General formula used in exponential problems:
f(x)=a* b^{x}
a=initial number of friends(followers)
b= rate of share (by what amount does a increase each day)
x= number of days past after initial share

f(x)=5* 2^{x}
f(x)=42* 2^{x}
f(x)=3* 3^{x}
f(x)=8* 3^{x}

"Using the functions for each student, predict how many shares each student's post will have received on Day 3 and then on Day 10. Justify your answers."
We insert numbers 3 and 10 in formulas instead of x.
Day 3:
f(x)=5* 2^{3} =40
f(x)=42* 2^{3} =336
f(x)=3* 3^{3} =81
f(x)=8* 3^{3}=216

Day 10:
f(x)=5* 2^{10} =5120
f(x)=42* 2^{10} =43008
f(x)=3* 3^{10}=177147
f(x)=8* 3^{10} =472392

"Based on your results, which student's post travels the fastest?"
Juan's and Krista's posts travel the fastest.

"How is this shown in the equation form of the functions?"
This is shown as a base of exponential part of equation.

"If you had to choose, would you prefer a post with fewer friends initially but more shares or more friends initially but fewer shares?"
To have biggest possible reach it is best to have as many shares as possible. Initial number of friends does not affect the reach as much as shares do.

"Can you think of reasons why more or fewer shares are preferable?"
Fewer shares are preferable when we want to keep shared information with our friends only. More shares are preferable when we want to reach big number of people ie. advertisement.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
2. Anita:   f(x) = 42(2)^x
3. Juan: f(x) = 3^x
Harrison : f(x) = 5(2)^x   → f(3) = 5(2)³ = 5(8) = 40 ; f(10) = 5(2)^10 = 5(1,024) = 5,120
Anita : f(x) = 42(2)^x → f(3) = 42(2)³ = 42(8) = 336 ; f(10) = 42(2)^10 = 42(1,024) = 43,008
Juan : f(x) = 3^x → f(3) = 3^3 = 27 ; f(10) = 3^10 = 59,049
Krista : f(x) = 8(3)^x → f(3) = 8(3)^3 = 8(27) = 216 ; f(10) = 8(3)^10 = 8(59,049) = 472,392

5. Krista's post travels the fastest. It reached 472,392 in 10 days.
6. Fewer friends initially but more shares.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

1. I'm doing it by myself so I'm studying all

2. Anita: f(x)=42(2)^x

3. Juan: f(x)=3^x

4. Harrison: f(x)=5(2)^x 

for x = 3, f(3)=5(2)^3=5(8)=40; 

for x = 10, f(10)=5(2)^10= 5(1,024) = 5,120

Anita: f(x)=42(2)^x 

for x = 3, f(3)=42(2)^3=42(8)=336

for x = 10, f(10)=42(2)^10=*(59,049) = 43,008

5. Krista's post travels the fastest. It reached 472,392 in 10 days.

6. Fewer friends initially but more shares.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
2. Anita:   f(x) = 42(2)^x
3. Juan: f(x) = 3^x
Harrison : f(x) = 5(2)^x   → f(3) = 5(2)³ = 5(8) = 40 ; f(10) = 5(2)^10 = 5(1,024) = 5,120
Anita : f(x) = 42(2)^x → f(3) = 42(2)³ = 42(8) = 336 ; f(10) = 42(2)^10 = 42(1,024) = 43,008
Juan : f(x) = 3^x → f(3) = 3^3 = 27 ; f(10) = 3^10 = 59,049
Krista : f(x) = 8(3)^x → f(3) = 8(3)^3 = 8(27) = 216 ; f(10) = 8(3)^10 = 8(59,049) = 472,392

5. Krista's post travels the fastest. It reached 472,392 in 10 days.
6. Fewer friends initially but more shares.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist



Step-by-step explanation:

We are required to find the exponential growth function.

As, we know,

Exponential growth function is of the form, F(x)=(1+r)^x, where r is the rate of growth.

If 'r' is positive, then the function is a growth function and if 'r' is negative, then the function is a decay function.

So, comparing the options, we have,

1. f(x)=(0.75)^x i.e. f(x)=(1-0.25)^x

So, the function is not a growth function.

2. g(x)=(3/2)^x = (1.5)^x i.e. g(x)=(1+0.5)^x

So, the function is an exponential growth function.

3. h(x)=(1.08)^x i.e. h(x)=(1+0.08)^x

So, the function is an exponential growth function.

4. j(x)=(1/3)^x=(0.33)^x i.e. j(x)=(1-0.67)^x

So, the function is not a growth function.

Hence, the growth functions are g(x)=(3/2)^x and h(x)=(1.08)^x.

So, options 2 and 3 are correct.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist



Step-by-step explanation:

We are required to find the exponential growth function.

As, we know,

Exponential growth function is of the form, F(x)=(1+r)^x, where r is the rate of growth.

If 'r' is positive, then the function is a growth function and if 'r' is negative, then the function is a decay function.

So, comparing the options, we have,

1. f(x)=(0.75)^x i.e. f(x)=(1-0.25)^x

So, the function is not a growth function.

2. g(x)=(3/2)^x = (1.5)^x i.e. g(x)=(1+0.5)^x

So, the function is an exponential growth function.

3. h(x)=(1.08)^x i.e. h(x)=(1+0.08)^x

So, the function is an exponential growth function.

4. j(x)=(1/3)^x=(0.33)^x i.e. j(x)=(1-0.67)^x

So, the function is not a growth function.

Hence, the growth functions are g(x)=(3/2)^x and h(x)=(1.08)^x.

So, options 2 and 3 are correct.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
Hi Gigi! 

I know it's 5 days late, and I know I'm not one of the people you asked, but I do have a few answers that I hope can still help you and other people that still need these answers. 

1.   Based on the graph, it is predicted that it will take more than 3 years for the population to be greater than 500.

2. I'm not sure, sorry :(

3.   g(x)=-2(1.5)^x

4.   The population in 2016.

5.   -93.75

6.   When they bought their baseball cards, Maysa's card was worth $4 more than Ethan's card.

I hope this helps you, baii <3

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

Options A and C.

Step-by-step explanation:

 The parent exponential function has the form:


This can be transformated as following:

When you multiply the function by a factor a (a*f(x)) and a>0 , then the function is  vertically stretched.

When you add a number k to the parent function, the function is shifted up (f(x)+k)

The parent function given in the problem is:


To obtain the function g(x)=3*2^x+5, the parent function is multiplied by a factor 3 (which is greater than 0) and the number 5 is added.

Therefore, the graph is shifted up and vertically stretched.

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