
its 4:35 what will it be in 15 minutes

. 5


Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist
If i am doing my calculations right the least common denominator is 7
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist
If i am doing my calculations right the least common denominator is 7
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Studen AI
To calculate the total expenditure based on the type of beverage, we need to group the data by the "Mặt hàng" column and sum the "Chi tiêu" values for each group. Here is the step-by-step solution:

1. Group the data by "Mặt hàng" (Beverage type):

- Nước có gas:
- Total expenditure for this beverage type: 249.00 (from ID 2153216) + 906.50 (from ID 2153227) + ...

- Nước ép:
- Total expenditure for this beverage type: 267.05 (from ID 2153217) + 520.29 (from ID 2153218) + ...

- Coffee:
- Total expenditure for this beverage type: 762.94 (from ID 2153220) + 156.12 (from ID 2153221) + ...

2. Sum the expenditures for each beverage type.

Based on the provided data, we can perform the calculations:

- Nước có gas:
Total expenditure = 249.00 + 906.50 + 322.54 + ... (sum of all expenditures for Nước có gas)

- Nước ép:
Total expenditure = 267.05 + 520.29 + 400.77 + ... (sum of all expenditures for Nước ép)

- Coffee:
Total expenditure = 762.94 + 156.12 + 402.38 + ... (sum of all expenditures for Coffee)

After you calculate the total expenditure for each beverage type, you can draw conclusions or make observations based on the results. For example, you can compare the total expenditures for different beverage types to identify which type has the highest or lowest spending. Additionally, you can also analyze the distribution of expenditures among different types of beverages.

Please note that the specific calculations depend on the given data, and you may need to provide the full dataset to obtain accurate results.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

Step-by-step explanation:

H0: u = 150

H1: u ≠ 150

Total sum = 15933.24

N = 100

Mean = 15933.24/100

= 159.3324

σ² = 25954.03 - (159.3324)²/100

σ² = 556.213

σ = √556.213

σ = 23.8162

Testing hypothesis

t = (bar x - u)/ σ/√n

= 159.3324-150/23.8162/√100

= 3.91

We will have a p value of 0.02

0.0002 < 0.01

We reject null hypothesis at 1% level of significance

C. Mean = 159.3324

Se= 2.3936

Df = 100-1 = 99

Critical value at 0.01 = +-2.626

T = x-u/s.e

= -2.626 =( x -150)/2.3936

When we cross multiply and solve this

X = 143.714 for the lower tail

2.626 = (x-159)/2.3936

= 156.286 for upper tail.

We therefore reject H0 at

Bar X <= 143.71

Bar X >= 156.286

At 10%

Critical t = 1.660

-1.660 = (x - 150)/2.3936

Solving this ,

X =146.02 at the lower tail

1.660 = (x-150)/2.3936

X = 153.97

We reject H0 at

X<= 146.03


Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

Step-by-step explanation:

H0: u = 150

H1: u ≠ 150

Total sum = 15933.24

N = 100

Mean = 15933.24/100

= 159.3324

σ² = 25954.03 - (159.3324)²/100

σ² = 556.213

σ = √556.213

σ = 23.8162

Testing hypothesis

t = (bar x - u)/ σ/√n

= 159.3324-150/23.8162/√100

= 3.91

We will have a p value of 0.02

0.0002 < 0.01

We reject null hypothesis at 1% level of significance

C. Mean = 159.3324

Se= 2.3936

Df = 100-1 = 99

Critical value at 0.01 = +-2.626

T = x-u/s.e

= -2.626 =( x -150)/2.3936

When we cross multiply and solve this

X = 143.714 for the lower tail

2.626 = (x-159)/2.3936

= 156.286 for upper tail.

We therefore reject H0 at

Bar X <= 143.71

Bar X >= 156.286

At 10%

Critical t = 1.660

-1.660 = (x - 150)/2.3936

Solving this ,

X =146.02 at the lower tail

1.660 = (x-150)/2.3936

X = 153.97

We reject H0 at

X<= 146.03


Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
3/5x - 7 = 23
3/5x = 23 + 7
3/5x = 30
x = 30/(3/5)
x = 30 * 5/3
x = 150/3
x = 50 <==

3.50(2) + 5g = 42
7 + 5g = 42
5g = 42 - 7
5g = 35
g = 35/5
g = 7 <== each game costs $ 7

150 = 5x + 75

35 + 0.25x = 53.75
0.25x = 53.75 - 35
0.25x = 18.75
x = 18.75 / 0.25
x = 75 <===

if one leg is 12and an isosceles triangle has 2 equal sides(47 - 12) / 2 = 35/2 = 17.5 <==
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

Step-by-step explanation:


The producer needs his cables to have an average breaking strength of 5000 pounds. A lower average breaking strength means that the cable is not adequate, a higher average breaking strength results in an unnecessary increase in production costs.

The sample is of 64 steel cables and the breaking strength of the pieces was recorded.

I always recommend that the first step to any statistic exercise is to establish the study variable that way you'll have fresh in mind the kind of data set you are working with and the type of distribution to expect from them (for example if it is a discrete variable you'd expect a binomial distribution, a continuous variable leads to a normal distribution (exact or approximate) a categorical variable sets the path to work with non-parametrical statistics such as Chi-Square statistics.)

In this example the study variable is:

X: Breaking strength of a steel cable.

This variable is continuous so first I'll use the sample information to test its distribution. Keep in mind that one of the conditions to use the Student t-test is that the variable has a normal distribution.

The p-value for the normality test is 0.8512, comparing it with the level of significance of the test (α: 0.05) the decision is to not reject the null hypothesis of the normality test, so you can conclude that the breaking strength of the steel cables has a normal distribution:



The standard error of the test is the square root of the variance.

Using the following formula you have to calculate the variance:

S^2= \frac{1}{n-1}*(sumX^2-(\frac{(sumX)^2}{n} ))


∑X= 330174.88

∑X²= 1718980202.34

S^2= \frac{1}{63}*(1718980202.34-(\frac{(330174.88)^2}{64} ))

S²= 2478376895

S= 497.8329 ≅497.833


For this test the hypotheses are:

H₀: μ = 5000

H₁:  μ ≠ 5000

t= \frac{Xbar-Mu}{\frac{S}{\sqrt{n} } }

The sample mean is:

Xbar= ∑X/n)= 330174.88/64=5158.98

t= \frac{5158.98-5000}{\frac{497.833}{\sqrt{64} } }

t= 158.98/62.229= 2.555


This test is two-tailed and so is the p-value. I've used statistics software to calculate it:

p-value 0.0131


Using a significance level of 5%, since the p-value is less than α, the decision is to reject the null hypothesis. You can conclude at this level that the average breaking strength of the steel cables is different than 5000.

I hope this helps!

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD


We want to change 0.578 to a fraction in the simplest form.

We need repeatedly multiply by multiples of 10, until we obtain an integer(the least integer). We then divide by the same value that we used to multiply to get,

0.578=\frac{0.578\times 1000}{1000}

This implies that,


0.578=\frac{289\times 2}{500\times 2}

We cancel out the common factors to get,



We want to convert 3.5 to a fraction in the simplest form.

We need repeatedly multiply by multiples of 10, until we obtain an integer(the least integer). We then divide by the same value that we used to multiply to get,

3.5=\frac{3.5\times 10}{10}

This implies that,


3.5=\frac{7\times 5}{2\times 5}

We cancel out the common factors to get,


Or as mixed numbers, we have



We want to convert 2.73 to a fraction in the simplest form.

We need repeatedly multiply by multiples of 10, until we obtain an integer(the least integer). We then divide by the same value that we used to multiply to get,

2.73=\frac{2.73\times 100}{100}

This implies that,


Or as mixed numbers, we have



We want to change 0.4211 to a fraction in the simplest form.

We need repeatedly multiply by multiples of 10, until we obtain an integer(the least integer). We then divide by the same value that we used to multiply to get,

0.4211=\frac{0.4211\times 10000}{10000}

This implies that,


Question 2a

We want to convert \frac{6}{10} into decimal.

This fraction is having a denominator of 10 so we just have to move the decimal point back once to get,


Check attachment for long division.


We want to convert \frac{43}{100} into decimal.

This fraction is having a denominator of 100 so we just have to move the decimal point back twice to get,


Check attachment for long division.


We want to change \frac{3}{10} into decimal.

This fraction is having a denominator of 10 so we just have to move the decimal point back once to get,


Check attachment for long division.


The given fraction is \frac{423}{1000}.

This fraction is having a denominator of 1000 so we just have to move the decimal point back three times to obtain,


Check attachment for long division.


The given fraction is \frac{1}{4}.

We can make the denominator 100 by multiplying both the numerator and the denominator by 25 to obtain,

\frac{1}{4} =\frac{1\times 25}{4\times 25}

This implies that,

\frac{1}{4} =\frac{25}{100}

We move the decimal point back twice to obtain,

\frac{1}{4} =0.25

See attachment for long division


The given fraction is \frac{2}{5}.

We can make the denominator 10 by multiplying both the numerator and the denominator by 2 to obtain,

\frac{2}{5} =\frac{2\times 2}{5\times 2}

This implies that,

\frac{2}{5} =\frac{4}{10}

We move the decimal point back twice to obtain,

\frac{2}{5} =0.4

See attachment for long division


We want to change \frac{2}{3} into decimals.

We use long division as shown in the attachment to obtain;



The given fraction is \frac{3}{4}.

We can make the denominator 100 by multiplying both the numerator and the denominator by 25 to obtain,

\frac{3}{4} =\frac{3\times 25}{4\times 25}

This implies that,

\frac{3}{4} =\frac{75}{100}

We move the decimal point back twice to obtain,

\frac{3}{4} =0.75


We want to simplify


We arrange to obtain,




+ 3.210





We want to simplify


We rearrange and carry out the operation as follows;









We want to simplify


We rearrange and perform the operation as follows;







We want to simplify,


We rearrange and carry out the operations as follows;







We want to simplify the product;

5.3\times 12

=\frac{53}{10}\times 12



The rest of the solutions will be in the attachment

Change the decimal to a fraction. reduce the fraction if possible. a. 0.578 b. 3.5 c. 2.73 d. 0.4211
Change the decimal to a fraction. reduce the fraction if possible. a. 0.578 b. 3.5 c. 2.73 d. 0.4211
Change the decimal to a fraction. reduce the fraction if possible. a. 0.578 b. 3.5 c. 2.73 d. 0.4211
Change the decimal to a fraction. reduce the fraction if possible. a. 0.578 b. 3.5 c. 2.73 d. 0.4211
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
3/5x - 7 = 23
3/5x = 23 + 7
3/5x = 30
x = 30/(3/5)
x = 30 * 5/3
x = 150/3
x = 50 <==

3.50(2) + 5g = 42
7 + 5g = 42
5g = 42 - 7
5g = 35
g = 35/5
g = 7 <== each game costs $ 7

150 = 5x + 75

35 + 0.25x = 53.75
0.25x = 53.75 - 35
0.25x = 18.75
x = 18.75 / 0.25
x = 75 <===

if one leg is 12and an isosceles triangle has 2 equal sides(47 - 12) / 2 = 35/2 = 17.5 <==

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