Mathematics : asked on rcherala

What is the measure of arc KL?

. 6


Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

Question set:

Question 6 For circle H, JN = x, NK = 2, LN = 3, and NM = 6. Solve for x. circle H with chords JK and LM intersecting at N inside the circle 1 7 9 4 

Question 7(Multiple Choice Worth 1 points) (07.01 MC) Lines CD and DE are tangent to circle A: Lines CD and DE are tangent to circle A and intersect at point D. Arc CE measures 112 degrees. Point B lies on circle A. If arc CE is 112°, what is the measure of ∠CDE? 124° 136° 68° 56° 

Question 8(Multiple Choice Worth 1 points) (07.01 MC) Lines CD and CE are tangent to circle a. If m∠DAE = 140°, what is the measure of ∠DCE? Tangent CD intersects with circle A at point D, tangent CE intersects with circle A at point E, angle ECD is on the exterior of circle A, and angle DAE has a vertex on the center of circle A. 80° 140° 40° 220° 

Question 9(Multiple Choice Worth 1 points) (07.01 MC) Find the measure of arc EC. Circle A with chords EF and CD that intersect at point G, the measure of arc EC is 5x degrees, the measure of angle EGC is 7x degrees, and the measure of arc DF is 90 degrees. 50° 70° 100° 140° 

Question 10(Multiple Choice Worth 1 points) (07.01 MC) In circle A, marc BC is 67° and marc EF is 74°: Points B, C, E, and F lie on Circle A. Lines BE and CF pass through point D, creating angle EDF. The measure of arc BC is 67 degrees, and the measure of arc EF is 74 degrees. What is m∠FDE? 37° 74° 70.5° 33.5°

Answer set:

Q. 6


a. 1 

b. 7 

c. 9 

d. 4 


c. 9 

Step-by-step explanation:

see the attached figure to better understand the problem

we know that

Question set:Question 6 For circle H, JN = x, NK = 2, LN = 3, and NM = 6. Solve for x. circle H with ----> by intersecting chords theorem

substitute the given values

Question set:Question 6 For circle H, JN = x, NK = 2, LN = 3, and NM = 6. Solve for x. circle H with

solve for x

Question set:Question 6 For circle H, JN = x, NK = 2, LN = 3, and NM = 6. Solve for x. circle H with

Question set:Question 6 For circle H, JN = x, NK = 2, LN = 3, and NM = 6. Solve for x. circle H with

Q. 7


a 124° 

b 136° 

c 68° 

d 56°


c 68° 


The measure of ∠CDE is 68degrees

This question bothers on circle geometry;

From the diagram, we can see that ACDE will form a quadrilateral. Since the sum of angles of a quadrilateral is 360degrees, hence;

Question set:Question 6 For circle H, JN = x, NK = 2, LN = 3, and NM = 6. Solve for x. circle H with

From the diagram, since CD and DE are both tangential to the circle at point C and E, this shows that <E = <E = 90°

substituting the given values in the formula;

Question set:Question 6 For circle H, JN = x, NK = 2, LN = 3, and NM = 6. Solve for x. circle H with

Hence the measure of ∠CDE is 68 degrees

Question set:Question 6 For circle H, JN = x, NK = 2, LN = 3, and NM = 6. Solve for x. circle H with

Q. 8


A - 80°
B - 140°
C - 40°
D - 220°


C - 40°

Step-by-step explanation:

From the figure we can see a circle.

CD and CE are the two tangents from a common external point C.


To find the measure of <DCE

Consider the quadrilateral <DAE.

<D = <E = 90°  [ Angles made with tangent and radius]

m<DCE + m<DAE = 180°

m<DCE = 180- m<DAE

 = 180 - 140

 = 40°

The correct answer is option  C - 40°

Question set:Question 6 For circle H, JN = x, NK = 2, LN = 3, and NM = 6. Solve for x. circle H with

Q. 9


a. 50° 

b. 70° 

c. 100° 

d. 140°


b. 70° 



Step-by-step explanation:

we know that

The measure of the inner angle is the semi-sum of the arcs comprising it and its opposite


m∠EGC=(1/2)[arc EC+arc DF]

Find the value of x

we have


arc EC=50°

arc DF=10x°

substitute and solve for x






Find the measure of angle EGC


substitute the value of x


Q. 10 


a. 37°
b. 74°
c. 70.5°
d. 33.5°


c. 70.5°

So here is how we find the measurement of m∡FDE. Given that mArc BC is 67° and mArc EF is 74°.
<fde = 1/2*(141)
<fde = 70.5
Therefore, the measurement of m∡FDE is 70.5° and that would be the third option. Hope this is the answer that you are looking for. 

Question set:Question 6 For circle H, JN = x, NK = 2, LN = 3, and NM = 6. Solve for x. circle H with
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

The relationship between the angles formed in a circle are described by

circle theorems.

The true statements are;

m∠EFD ≅ m∠EGD \overline{ED}\overline{FD}m\widehat{FD} = 120°


According to the outside angle theorem, we have;

\displaystyle m\angle EGD = \frac{m\widehat{EFD} - m\widehat{ED}}{2}


2 × m∠EGD = m\widehat{EFD} - m\widehat{ED}

2 × 60° = 120° = m\widehat{EFD} - m\widehat{ED}

m\widehat{EFD} + m\widehat{ED} = 360° sum of angles formed at the center of the circle

m\widehat{ED} = 360° - \mathbf{m\widehat{EFD}}

120° = \mathbf{m\widehat{EFD} - m\widehat{ED}}

120° = m\widehat{EFD} - (360° -

120° = 2·m\widehat{EFD} - 360°

\displaystyle \frac{120^{\circ}}{2} = \mathbf{\frac{2 \cdot m\widehat{EFD} - 360^{\circ}}{2}}

Which gives;

60° = m\widehat{EFD} - 180°

m\widehat{EFD} = 60° + 180° = 240°

m\widehat{EFD} = 240°

m\widehat{ED} = 360° - m\widehat{EFD} = 360° - 240° = 120°

m\widehat{ED} = 120°

m\widehat{ED}  = 2 × m∠EFD angle subtended by an arc at the center is twice the angle subtended at the circumference

m\widehat{ED}  = 120° = 2 × m∠EFD

\displaystyle m\angle EFD = \frac{120^{\circ}}{2} = 60^{\circ}


m∠EFD = m∠EGD = m∠G = 60°

m∠EGD = 60°

m∠EFD ≅ m∠EGD by definition of congruency

m\widehat{ED} = m∠ECD by definition of the measure of an arc

m\widehat{ED} = 120° = m∠ECD

∴ m∠ECD ≠ m∠EGD = 60°

m∠ECD \ncong m∠EGD

Given that m∠EFD = 60°, and ΔEFD is an isosceles triangle, we have;


∠DEF + ∠FDE = 180° - 60° = 120°

∴ ∠DEF = ∠FDE = 60°


ΔEFD is an equilateral triangle (all angles are equal to 60°)

\widehat{ED} = \widehat{FD}Equal chord subtend equal minor arcs theorem


\underline{\overline{ED} \cong \overline{FD}} by definition of congruency

\widehat{ED} = 120° = \widehat{FD}

\underline{\widehat{FD} = 120^{\circ}}

Learn more about circle theorems here:


Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

A. Inscribed angles theorem

Step-by-step explanation:

A.inscribed angles theorem

B.third corollary to the inscribed angles theorem

C.central angle of a triangle has the same measure as its intercepted arc.

D.Angle formed by a tangent and a chord is half the measure of the intercepted arc.

Just took the unit test on edgen and got 100

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

A. Inscribed angles theorem

Step-by-step explanation:

A.inscribed angles theorem

B.third corollary to the inscribed angles theorem

C.central angle of a triangle has the same measure as its intercepted arc.

D.Angle formed by a tangent and a chord is half the measure of the intercepted arc.

Just took the unit test on edgen and got 100

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist


a. <EDH and <EDF
b. <EDF and <FDG
c. <FDG and <GDH
d. <GDH and <EDF​


b. <EDF and <FDG

Step-by-step explanation:

In geometry, two figures or objects are congruent if they have the same shape and size, or if one has the same shape and size as the mirror image of the other.

They have the same shape and size and angles. Also you can see that they are symmetric.

Options:a. <EDH and <EDFb. <EDF and <FDGc. <FDG and <GDHd. <GDH and <EDF​Ans
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

A. \text{Measure of arc DC}=60^o

B. \text{Measure of arc AB}=60^o

C. m\angle ACB=30^o

D. m\angle AOD=120^o

E. m\angle ABC=90^o

F. \text{Measure of Arc BC}=120^o

Step-by-step explanation:

We have been given that the diameter AC of circle O is 24 cm. Arcs AB and CD are congruent. Angle DOC = 60° .

A. Since we know that the degree measure of an arc is equal to the measure of the central angle that intercepts the arc.

We can see that angle DOC is central angle and m\angle DOC=60^o and arc DC subtends to central angle, therefore, the measure of arc DC will be 60 degrees.

B. Since we are told that arcs AB and CD are congruent and measure of arc DC is 60 degrees, therefore, measure of arc AB will be 60 degrees as well.

C. The Inscribed Angle Theorem states that the measure of an inscribed angle is half the measure of its intercepted arc. Measure of Arc AB is 60 degrees, so by inscribed angle theorem the measure of angle ACB will be half the measure of AB.

m\angle ACB=\frac{1}{2}\times \text{The measure of arc AB}

m\angle ACB=\frac{1}{2}\times 60^o

m\angle ACB=30^o

Therefore, measure of angle ACB will be 30 degrees.

D. We can see that angle DOC and AOD form a linear pair of angles, so they will add up-to 180 degrees.

m\angle DOC+m\angle AOD=180^o

Upon substituting measure of angle DOC we will get,

60^o+m\angle AOD=180^o

60^o-60^o+m\angle AOD=180^o-60^o

m\angle AOD=120^o

Therefore, measure of angle AOD will be 120 degrees.

E. Since we know that angle inscribed in a semicircle is always a right angle. We can see that angle ABC is angle inscribed in the semicircle as AC is the diameter of our given circle, therefore, measure of angle ABC will be 90 degrees.

F. Since we know that arc measure of a semicircle is 180 degrees. We can see that arc ABC is arc of the semicircle, so we can set an equation as:

\text{Measure of arc AB+ Measure of Arc BC}=180^o

Upon substituting measure of arc AB we will get,

60^o+\text{Measure of Arc BC}=180^o

60^o-60^o+\text{Measure of Arc BC}=180^o-60^o

\text{Measure of Arc BC}=120^o

Therefore, measure of arc BC is 120 degrees.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

A. \text{Measure of arc DC}=60^o

B. \text{Measure of arc AB}=60^o

C. m\angle ACB=30^o

D. m\angle AOD=120^o

E. m\angle ABC=90^o

F. \text{Measure of Arc BC}=120^o

Step-by-step explanation:

We have been given that the diameter AC of circle O is 24 cm. Arcs AB and CD are congruent. Angle DOC = 60° .

A. Since we know that the degree measure of an arc is equal to the measure of the central angle that intercepts the arc.

We can see that angle DOC is central angle and m\angle DOC=60^o and arc DC subtends to central angle, therefore, the measure of arc DC will be 60 degrees.

B. Since we are told that arcs AB and CD are congruent and measure of arc DC is 60 degrees, therefore, measure of arc AB will be 60 degrees as well.

C. The Inscribed Angle Theorem states that the measure of an inscribed angle is half the measure of its intercepted arc. Measure of Arc AB is 60 degrees, so by inscribed angle theorem the measure of angle ACB will be half the measure of AB.

m\angle ACB=\frac{1}{2}\times \text{The measure of arc AB}

m\angle ACB=\frac{1}{2}\times 60^o

m\angle ACB=30^o

Therefore, measure of angle ACB will be 30 degrees.

D. We can see that angle DOC and AOD form a linear pair of angles, so they will add up-to 180 degrees.

m\angle DOC+m\angle AOD=180^o

Upon substituting measure of angle DOC we will get,

60^o+m\angle AOD=180^o

60^o-60^o+m\angle AOD=180^o-60^o

m\angle AOD=120^o

Therefore, measure of angle AOD will be 120 degrees.

E. Since we know that angle inscribed in a semicircle is always a right angle. We can see that angle ABC is angle inscribed in the semicircle as AC is the diameter of our given circle, therefore, measure of angle ABC will be 90 degrees.

F. Since we know that arc measure of a semicircle is 180 degrees. We can see that arc ABC is arc of the semicircle, so we can set an equation as:

\text{Measure of arc AB+ Measure of Arc BC}=180^o

Upon substituting measure of arc AB we will get,

60^o+\text{Measure of Arc BC}=180^o

60^o-60^o+\text{Measure of Arc BC}=180^o-60^o

\text{Measure of Arc BC}=120^o

Therefore, measure of arc BC is 120 degrees.

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