
What expression has a sum of 42/100

. 4


Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD


Step-by-step explanation:

Verify each expression

case 1) we have


Multiply the first term by 10/10


Remember that

Fractions with the same denominator, you can add the numerators and write the sum over the common denominator




\frac{150}{100} \neq \frac{42}{100}

case 2) we have


Multiply the second term by 10/10


Remember that

Fractions with the same denominator, you can add the numerators and write the sum over the common denominator




\frac{60}{100} \neq \frac{42}{100}

case 3) we have


Multiply the second term by 10/10


Remember that

Fractions with the same denominator, you can add the numerators and write the sum over the common denominator




\frac{87}{100} \neq \frac{42}{100}

case 4) we have


Multiply the first term by 10/10


Remember that

Fractions with the same denominator, you can add the numerators and write the sum over the common denominator





This expression is the answer

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD


Step-by-step explanation:

Verify each expression

case 1) we have


Multiply the first term by 10/10


Remember that

Fractions with the same denominator, you can add the numerators and write the sum over the common denominator




\frac{150}{100} \neq \frac{42}{100}

case 2) we have


Multiply the second term by 10/10


Remember that

Fractions with the same denominator, you can add the numerators and write the sum over the common denominator




\frac{60}{100} \neq \frac{42}{100}

case 3) we have


Multiply the second term by 10/10


Remember that

Fractions with the same denominator, you can add the numerators and write the sum over the common denominator




\frac{87}{100} \neq \frac{42}{100}

case 4) we have


Multiply the first term by 10/10


Remember that

Fractions with the same denominator, you can add the numerators and write the sum over the common denominator





This expression is the answer

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

i need to know the expressions in order to answer but ill be happy to help otherwise

Step-by-step explanation:

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

i need to know the expressions in order to answer but ill be happy to help otherwise

Step-by-step explanation:

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD


79.8 miles per hours fast is the car going.


By using the dopplers effect. (When source is approching .)

f_{observed} = f_{source}(\frac{v}{v - v_{source}} )

As given

A car approaches you with its horn blowing.

The observed frequency is 503.7 Hz.

The speed of sound is 1100 ft/s .

The car's horn has a frequency of 450 Hz.


f_{observed} = 503.7 Hz

v = 1100 ft/s

f_{source} = 450 Hz

Put in the above formula

503.7= 450\times \frac{1100}{1100 - v_{source}}

503.7\times {1100 - v_{source}=450\times 1100

554070- 503.7v_{source}=495000



v_{source}= \frac{59070}{503.7}

v_{source}= 117.3\ ft\ per\ s(Approx)

Now convert 117.3 ft per second into miles per hours.

1\ foot = \frac{1}{5280}\ miles

1\ hours = \frac{1}{3600}\ hours

\frac{117.3\ feet}{second} = \frac{117.3\times \frac{1}{5280}\ miles}{\frac{1}{3600}\ hours}

\frac{117.3\ feet}{second} = \frac{0.022216\ (Approx)}{0.00028\ (Approx)}

117.3 feet per second = 79.8 miles per hours (Approx)


v_{source}= 79.8\ miles\ per\ hours

Therefore the 79.8 miles per hours fast is the car going.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD


79.8 miles per hours fast is the car going.


By using the dopplers effect. (When source is approching .)

f_{observed} = f_{source}(\frac{v}{v - v_{source}} )

As given

A car approaches you with its horn blowing.

The observed frequency is 503.7 Hz.

The speed of sound is 1100 ft/s .

The car's horn has a frequency of 450 Hz.


f_{observed} = 503.7 Hz

v = 1100 ft/s

f_{source} = 450 Hz

Put in the above formula

503.7= 450\times \frac{1100}{1100 - v_{source}}

503.7\times {1100 - v_{source}=450\times 1100

554070- 503.7v_{source}=495000



v_{source}= \frac{59070}{503.7}

v_{source}= 117.3\ ft\ per\ s(Approx)

Now convert 117.3 ft per second into miles per hours.

1\ foot = \frac{1}{5280}\ miles

1\ hours = \frac{1}{3600}\ hours

\frac{117.3\ feet}{second} = \frac{117.3\times \frac{1}{5280}\ miles}{\frac{1}{3600}\ hours}

\frac{117.3\ feet}{second} = \frac{0.022216\ (Approx)}{0.00028\ (Approx)}

117.3 feet per second = 79.8 miles per hours (Approx)


v_{source}= 79.8\ miles\ per\ hours

Therefore the 79.8 miles per hours fast is the car going.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

1. B

2. A (n ≤ 13)

3. A (2m - 7)

4. B (8x+8y)

5. School C

6. C (6.08 pounds)

7. A (5 + 3p ≥ 30)

8. A (95 + 25x + 25y)

9. D (29)

10. A (Add 3 to both sides)

11. C (Malia)

12. C (n ≤ 48)

13. TRUE

Step-by-step explanation:


We need to find 8.45% of each of them so that the answer is 2.1 hours.

For 20 hours: 8.45% of 20 = 0.0845 * 20 = 1.69 hours (this is not the answer)

For 25 hours: 8.45% of 25 = 0.0845 * 25 = 2.11 hours (this is the answer)

For 10 hours: 8.45% of 10 = 0.0845 * 10 = 0.85 hours (this isn't it)

For 18 hours: 8.45% of 18 = 0.0845 * 18 = 1.52 hours (this is not it)

We see that option B is right.


Macy has $95.

She buys $12.99 worth of stationery. She now was 95 - 12.99 = $82.01

She needs to keep $42 intact for skateboard, so she can spend remaining on ice-cream bars.

She can spend  82.01-42=40.01 for ice cream bars each worth 3.07.

Number of ice-cream bars, n, she can buy for 40.01 is  \frac{40.01}{3.07}=13.03. SHE CAN'T BUY 0.03 (the fractional amount) ice-cream bars, so the maximum is 13.

Answer choice A is right (n ≤ 13)


We need to use the distributive property (a(b+c)=ab+ac) to expand and them add like terms. The steps are shown below:


Answer choice A is right (2m - 7)


Total number roses is = total red roses and total white roses

total red roses = x groups of 8 in each group = 8x

total white roses = y groups of 8 in each group = 8y

Hence, total = 8x + 8y

Answer choice B is right.


We divide "number of students who like sandwiches" by "total number of students" , then multiply by 100 to get the percentage. Which ever is the greatest, is the answer. Let's do for each:

School A: \frac{12}{38}*100=31.58%

School B: \frac{9}{48}*100=18.75%

School C: \frac{10}{26}*100=38.46%

School D: \frac{8}{24}*100=33.33%

School C has the greatest percentage.


Subtracting 25.2 from 86 will give us the amount of flour Sam used in last 10 days.

Amount used = 86 - 25.2 = 60.8 pounds

Since he used same amount for each day, we can divide 60.8 by 10 to get how much he used each day.

So, \frac{60.8}{10}=6.08 pounds used each day

Answer is C, 6.08 pounds


"Score" needs to be atleast 30. Let first round score be 5 (given) and each of the three remaining rounds's score be p. So,

Score = 5 + 3p

This SCORE NEEDS to be ATLEAST 30, which means "5 + 3p should be greater than or equal to 30"

First answer choice is right (5 + 3p ≥ 30)


First day printed = 95 (given)

Second day printed = 25 barcodes per minute for x minutes = 25x AND 25 barcodes per minute for y minutes = 25y

Subtotal is 25x+25y

Total in 2 days = 95 + 25x + 25y

Answer choice A is right.


Let first number be x, so next consecutive number is x + 1 and the next one is x + 2. We take the sum and equate to 84 and solve:


Hence, the 3 numbers are 27, 28, and 29. The largest is 29, answer choice D is right.


The question is


The first step would be to "isolate" the terms with x's and constant terms. So we sould take 3 to the right hand side.

Adding 3 to both sides "eliminates" 3 from left and takes it to the right.

Answer choice A is right (Add 3 to both sides)


Finding the respective PERCENTAGES will give us the answers. The greatest amount is what we are looking for. Let's find it.

Zak = 15% of 56 = 0.15 * 56 = 8.4 pages

Karen = 12% of 64 = 0.12 * 64 = 7.68 pages

Malia = 14% of 68 = 0.14 * 68 = 9.52 pages

Ali = 10% of 72 = 0.10 * 72 = 7.2 pages

We see that Malia reads the most. Answer choice C is right (Malia)


Subtracting John's weight (100) from maximum the elevator can carry (340) will give us the amount alloted for the packages.

Amount alloted for packages = 340 - 100 = 240

Since each package weights 5, the MAXIMUM is  \frac{240}{5}=48

It means "the number of packages, n, can be LESS THAN or EQUAL to 48"

Answer choice C is right (n ≤ 48)


We can simplify the expression  by using distributive property (a(b+c)=ab+ac) and collecting like terms to fully simplify the expression. let's do it:


Indeed the expression is equal to "20 - 5x" (the two terms are just placed differently)

Answer is TRUE

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

1. B

2. A (n ≤ 13)

3. A (2m - 7)

4. B (8x+8y)

5. School C

6. C (6.08 pounds)

7. A (5 + 3p ≥ 30)

8. A (95 + 25x + 25y)

9. D (29)

10. A (Add 3 to both sides)

11. C (Malia)

12. C (n ≤ 48)

13. TRUE

Step-by-step explanation:


We need to find 8.45% of each of them so that the answer is 2.1 hours.

For 20 hours: 8.45% of 20 = 0.0845 * 20 = 1.69 hours (this is not the answer)

For 25 hours: 8.45% of 25 = 0.0845 * 25 = 2.11 hours (this is the answer)

For 10 hours: 8.45% of 10 = 0.0845 * 10 = 0.85 hours (this isn't it)

For 18 hours: 8.45% of 18 = 0.0845 * 18 = 1.52 hours (this is not it)

We see that option B is right.


Macy has $95.

She buys $12.99 worth of stationery. She now was 95 - 12.99 = $82.01

She needs to keep $42 intact for skateboard, so she can spend remaining on ice-cream bars.

She can spend  82.01-42=40.01 for ice cream bars each worth 3.07.

Number of ice-cream bars, n, she can buy for 40.01 is  \frac{40.01}{3.07}=13.03. SHE CAN'T BUY 0.03 (the fractional amount) ice-cream bars, so the maximum is 13.

Answer choice A is right (n ≤ 13)


We need to use the distributive property (a(b+c)=ab+ac) to expand and them add like terms. The steps are shown below:


Answer choice A is right (2m - 7)


Total number roses is = total red roses and total white roses

total red roses = x groups of 8 in each group = 8x

total white roses = y groups of 8 in each group = 8y

Hence, total = 8x + 8y

Answer choice B is right.


We divide "number of students who like sandwiches" by "total number of students" , then multiply by 100 to get the percentage. Which ever is the greatest, is the answer. Let's do for each:

School A: \frac{12}{38}*100=31.58%

School B: \frac{9}{48}*100=18.75%

School C: \frac{10}{26}*100=38.46%

School D: \frac{8}{24}*100=33.33%

School C has the greatest percentage.


Subtracting 25.2 from 86 will give us the amount of flour Sam used in last 10 days.

Amount used = 86 - 25.2 = 60.8 pounds

Since he used same amount for each day, we can divide 60.8 by 10 to get how much he used each day.

So, \frac{60.8}{10}=6.08 pounds used each day

Answer is C, 6.08 pounds


"Score" needs to be atleast 30. Let first round score be 5 (given) and each of the three remaining rounds's score be p. So,

Score = 5 + 3p

This SCORE NEEDS to be ATLEAST 30, which means "5 + 3p should be greater than or equal to 30"

First answer choice is right (5 + 3p ≥ 30)


First day printed = 95 (given)

Second day printed = 25 barcodes per minute for x minutes = 25x AND 25 barcodes per minute for y minutes = 25y

Subtotal is 25x+25y

Total in 2 days = 95 + 25x + 25y

Answer choice A is right.


Let first number be x, so next consecutive number is x + 1 and the next one is x + 2. We take the sum and equate to 84 and solve:


Hence, the 3 numbers are 27, 28, and 29. The largest is 29, answer choice D is right.


The question is


The first step would be to "isolate" the terms with x's and constant terms. So we sould take 3 to the right hand side.

Adding 3 to both sides "eliminates" 3 from left and takes it to the right.

Answer choice A is right (Add 3 to both sides)


Finding the respective PERCENTAGES will give us the answers. The greatest amount is what we are looking for. Let's find it.

Zak = 15% of 56 = 0.15 * 56 = 8.4 pages

Karen = 12% of 64 = 0.12 * 64 = 7.68 pages

Malia = 14% of 68 = 0.14 * 68 = 9.52 pages

Ali = 10% of 72 = 0.10 * 72 = 7.2 pages

We see that Malia reads the most. Answer choice C is right (Malia)


Subtracting John's weight (100) from maximum the elevator can carry (340) will give us the amount alloted for the packages.

Amount alloted for packages = 340 - 100 = 240

Since each package weights 5, the MAXIMUM is  \frac{240}{5}=48

It means "the number of packages, n, can be LESS THAN or EQUAL to 48"

Answer choice C is right (n ≤ 48)


We can simplify the expression  by using distributive property (a(b+c)=ab+ac) and collecting like terms to fully simplify the expression. let's do it:


Indeed the expression is equal to "20 - 5x" (the two terms are just placed differently)

Answer is TRUE

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Studen AI
Great Britain did not use the same policies throughout the empire due to several reasons. One of the main reasons is that different regions within the empire had unique characteristics, cultures, and socio-political contexts. As a result, Great Britain adopted different policies to suit the specific needs and circumstances of each region.

Additionally, Great Britain's imperial policies were influenced by various factors, including the resources and economic potential of each region, strategic interests, and geopolitical considerations. The British Empire was vast and diverse, encompassing territories in different parts of the world, such as India, Africa, and Southeast Asia. Each region had its own sets of challenges and opportunities, which necessitated varying policies.

Moreover, local resistance and indigenous responses to British rule also played a significant role in shaping the policies employed by the British government. In some cases, the British authorities were forced to adapt their policies in response to the demands and protests of local populations. This led to variations in policies across different regions based on the nature and intensity of resistance.

It is worth noting that the British Empire was not a homogeneous entity, and governance within the empire evolved over time. As the empire grew and faced different circumstances, there was a constant reshaping of policies to address specific needs and challenges. This resulted in a diverse range of policies across different territories within the British Empire.
Computers and Technology
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

1. D. 2*(3 + 4*5)

2. A. 100

3. B. It would display the text, "the sum of x and y is 12."



Mathematical expressions are evaluated according to operator preference. The operator preference goes like as follows:

First expression under brackets are evaluatedThen multiplication or division operatorThen addition or subtraction operator.

Thus in option D first 4*5 will be evaluated i.e. multiplication, after that 3 + 20 will be evaluated i.e. addition and finally 2*23 will be evaluated i.e. multiplication. Hence correct option is D.


The execution of given statements will be as follows:

First int i = 10; will get executed which will set value of i as 10. Then  j = 10*i++; will get executed. In this statement first original value of i  will get multiplied with 10. The result of multiplication will get stored in j.And after that i will get increment by 1.

This is due to the use of post increment. In post increment the value of operator is incremented after the expression evaluation  is complete.  

Thus final value of j after execution of both statements will be 10 × 10 = 100. Hence correct option is A.


The first two statement of code segment are used to assign the value of 1 and 2 to x and y respectively. The statement System.out.println(); function in Java is used to provide output on console.

The last statement will result in following output:

The sum of x and y is12.

Inside println() function any content  within double inverted commas ("") is present as it is on console. The part +x+y+ will be evaluated as 12 i.e. value of y written next to value of x.

In case it was written as +(x+y)+, it would have been  evaluated as 3 i.e. value of x + value of y.

Hence the correct option is B.

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