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Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

7. The nineteenth amendment protects the right to vote of 18 year old women.

8.The 24th amendment eliminated poll taxes and increases voting rights in the United States.

9.National voter Registration allowed the option for adults to register vote when they obtain or renew  a driver's license.

10.Three steps in voting process are registering to vote, preparing to vote and casting a ballot.

11.The statement that was not an effect of the United States Supreme Court's ruling in Bush vs Gore is Tennessee's electoral collage votes went to Al Gore.

12.The general election requires the United States choose  a president

13.The type of election that is held to fill  a public office that is left vacant when an official resigns is special election.

14.The position that a person actually vote for when a voter chooses a candidate for president is an elector in the elector college.

15.A possible candidate for president would form an exploratory committee to see how much support he or she can expect.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
To come in = Go out

An antonym is a word that's opposite in meaning. Synonym is the opposite of antonym. Synonym means similar in meaning or rather same in meaning. The example of antonym are likely and unlikely, fortunate and unfortunate, able and unable etc. There are numerous examples in English literature that are opposite in meaning to a given word. I hope this has been of use to you and will help you in future. 
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

2 Rita becasue she wanted to build a factory and this would bring new pople to the city and help the city farmers.

3 Mr. Democrat because he spoke of making a new school but he later messed it up becuase he replied bad and off the point to questions against Ms Evirons.

4 I voted for Ms. Republican because a her argument was the best and she told us what she planed to do and why and she cared not only about the farmers but for all the citizens

5 Democratic Party and the Republican Party are the major political parties, is Republican conservative, and the Democrats are strongly liberal.

6 No because its not about the parties is what is the candidate going to do.

7 the media is a source of comunication such as television, radio, newspapers, magazines, and the Internet. By advertizing the candidates in the media it played a role in the Concord City election.

Hope it helps, the answers are in order

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

7. The nineteenth amendment protects the right to vote of 18 year old women.

8.The 24th amendment eliminated poll taxes and increases voting rights in the United States.

9.National voter Registration allowed the option for adults to register vote when they obtain or renew  a driver's license.

10.Three steps in voting process are registering to vote, preparing to vote and casting a ballot.

11.The statement that was not an effect of the United States Supreme Court's ruling in Bush vs Gore is Tennessee's electoral collage votes went to Al Gore.

12.The general election requires the United States choose  a president

13.The type of election that is held to fill  a public office that is left vacant when an official resigns is special election.

14.The position that a person actually vote for when a voter chooses a candidate for president is an elector in the elector college.

15.A possible candidate for president would form an exploratory committee to see how much support he or she can expect.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

Sectional divisions were appearing in 1824 and very clear in 1828.


In the 1824 elections it was noted that Andrew Jackson had had support from the Southern and Frontier state but this was not confirmed in the text.

In 1828 it was confirmed that Jackson did indeed have support from the South which gave him the Presidency whilst Adams had control of the North which meant that sectional divisions were much clearer in 1828 than they were in 1824.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Studen AI
12) The best answer for organization, clarity, and sentence construction to replace sentence number 6 and provide a better thesis statement is: "However, voting is important if we wish to see improvements made in our country." This answer is the most suitable choice because it directly addresses the importance of voting in order to bring about positive changes in the country.

13) In paragraph 2 (sentences 7-16), the sentence that should be deleted is Sentence 11. This sentence introduces the idea of making informed choices while voting, which is already explained in the following sentences, particularly Sentence 12 and Sentence 13. Deleting Sentence 11 will improve the clarity and eliminate the redundancy of information.

14) For better organization, Sentence 9 needs to be moved to the first paragraph (sentences 1-6) following Sentence 3. This allows for a logical progression in the essay. In the first paragraph, Sentence 3 discusses the right to vote for leaders, and Sentence 9 elaborates on the importance of spending time investigating political parties and candidates, which aligns with the topic introduced in Sentence 3.

15) Sentence 12 has a pronoun-antecedent disagreement, and "their" should be changed to "his or her." This change ensures that the pronoun agrees with the singular antecedent "a person" in Sentence 12.

16) The meaning of Sentence 13 is unclear, and the words "his or her" should be changed to "their." This change provides a clear reference to the candidates, indicating that their motives and agendas are challenging to discern.

17) The correct way to write sentence 21 is: "This is a huge number of people who were either too busy, unconcerned, or confused, and who definitely give a message about honoring our democratic freedoms." This sentence maintains clarity and grammatical correctness while expressing the intended meaning.

18) The most effective way to combine sentences 23, 24, and 25 is: "Therefore, this lack of interest over the last 50 years has caused many problems in our nation: an unimaginable national debt, high unemployment, and schools and institutions in financial ruin." This combination ensures a smoother flow of ideas and maintains the cause-and-effect relationship between the lack of interest and the resulting problems in the nation.

19) The correct revision of sentence 26 is: "Retirement and the American Dream are dwindling away as aging Americans, eagerly waiting to rest or travel, cannot retire anymore." This revision maintains the coherence of the sentence and ensures that the intended meaning is properly conveyed.

20) The most effective way to write sentence 27 is: "If more people were interested, we could clean up our political systems, help the needy in poverty and crime-laden neighborhoods, and make the world a better place." This revised sentence maintains parallel structure and clarity, expressing the potential positive outcomes if more people show interest in contributing to societal improvements.

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