
Would you rather? view the picture and then answer the question explaining why you chose your answer

. 4


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P Answered by Studen AI
Based on the passage, paragraph 8 suggests that Fuller believes that women are just as interested in public events and participation as men. The paragraph emphasizes that women, like men, seek opportunities for expansion and engagement outside of their domestic lives. Fuller argues that women are not content with solely fulfilling their roles in the home, and that they actively participate in social and public activities, such as attending religious festivals or engaging in charitable work. She rejects the notion that women should be confined to domesticity and highlights the importance of providing women with the same opportunities and freedoms as men to explore their interests and contribute to society. Therefore, the most accurate response is: "Fuller believes that women are just as interested in public events and participation as men."
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P Answered by Studen AI
The details from the text that make the connection between women’s lack of rights in the household and the effect on children are:

1. "I do believe that this mode of kidnapping—and it is frequent enough in all classes of society—will be by the next age viewed as it is by Heaven now." This refers to the unfair treatment of women in the society which often subject them to the pain of losing their children to their husbands. This can have a negative impact on the children as they are forcibly separated from their mothers.

2. "I have known these kinds of men to steal their children, whom they knew they had no means to maintain, take them into corrupt company, and to expose them to bodily danger, just to assert their power over their wives." This statement explicitly illustrates the negative impact on children due to their mother's inferior position in the society. The power-tussle between parents and lack of rights for women lead to children being thrown into inappropriate environments, thereby negatively affecting their well-being and growth.

Both statements effectively establish the correlation between the lack of rights for women in a family and the accompanying consequence on the children as they become victims of their mothers' oppressed position within the marital structure.
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P Answered by Studen AI
Question 1, Part A:
The key idea that Fuller develops in "Woman of the Nineteenth Century" is that men are denying women and enslaved people the unalienable rights they are born with.

Throughout the text, Fuller highlights the oppression faced by women in society and argues that they should have the same rights and privileges as men. She criticizes the way women are oppressed by their husbands and the broader society. Fuller believes that men should do more to help women and enslaved people function independently and that society should adapt to the needs of its members. These ideas align with the concept of unalienable rights, which are inherent and cannot be taken away by others.

Question 2, Part B:
The detail from the text that contributes to the development of the key idea identified in Part A is:

"The gift of reason, Man's highest prerogative, is assigned to them in much lower degrees. There exists in the minds of men a similar tone of feeling toward women as toward enslaved persons, such as is expressed in the common phrase, 'Tell that to women and children.'"

This detail showcases how women are viewed as inferior by men and draws a parallel between the treatment of women and enslaved persons. Both groups are not given the same respect and are often dismissed or not taken seriously. This detail supports the key idea that men are denying women and enslaved people their unalienable rights by highlighting the unequal treatment and disregard for their voices and intellect.
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P Answered by Studen AI
Paragraph 4 contributes to the development of Fuller's argument for equality for women by presenting the counterargument of men that has hindered the advancement of women's rights. In this paragraph, Fuller addresses the perspective of those who believe that women should not be involved in politics or public life. She mentions how some argue that women should focus on their role within the home and that allowing them to participate in government or leadership positions would violate their delicacy and destroy the beauty of home. Fuller acknowledges the opposition's concern about introducing women into public spheres and provides arguments to counter these viewpoints. This paragraph helps to strengthen Fuller's argument by recognizing the opposing views and offering persuasive rebuttals to promote equality for women.
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P Answered by Studen AI
Based on the provided passages, the logical inference about Jane Eyre's character is:

D) Jane is a sensitive person but also has a strong, rebellious nature.

Throughout the passages, we see that Jane resists the mistreatment from others and questions the unfairness she experiences. She shows a rebellious nature by standing up for herself and speaking out against unfair treatment. For example, in the first passage, she resists and rebels against the opinions of Bessie and Miss Abbot. Additionally, her strong response of not wanting to be viewed as a servant in Passage 4 shows her assertiveness. In Passage 5, she further challenges the idea of her being less than a servant. This demonstrates her independence and refusal to be treated unjustly.

Moreover, Jane's rebellious nature is also shown in her thoughts and actions. In the second passage, she expresses her dissatisfaction with her physical inferiority compared to her cousins. She does not conform to societal expectations and norms, highlighting her strong will and non-compliant nature.

However, it is important to note that Jane's rebelliousness does not necessarily make her deceitful or unkind, as suggested in option A. Jane's character is complex and goes beyond being ungrateful or spiteful, as mentioned in option B. She is not presented as shy or timid throughout the passages, as stated in option C. Instead, she displays a combination of sensitivity, independence, and a strong sense of justice.
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P Answered by Studen AI
Based on these two passages, it can be logically inferred that Bessie's character is option C: that Bessie can be both kind and cruel, depending on the circumstances.

In the first passage, Bessie is shown to be concerned and protective of Miss Eyre. She tries to intervene when Miss Eyre is being mistreated and even warns her about the consequences of her actions. Bessie appears to care for Miss Eyre's well-being and tries to guide her towards better behavior.

However, in the second passage, Bessie is described by Miss Eyre as being strict and dismissive. Bessie discourages Miss Eyre from questioning or challenging her elders and tells her to remain silent until she can speak pleasantly. Bessie's harsh response implies that she can be cruel and unsympathetic, at least in this particular situation.

So, based on these passages, it can be inferred that Bessie's character is not static. She displays both kindness and cruelty, depending on the circumstances and the behavior of those around her.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master
Option-(D): Acoustic of string. Option-(A): Moral character.Option-(D): Brass instruments.Option-(D):Greek.Option-(B): Organ.Option-(C): Plato.Option-(D): The Romans censored music according to the doctrine of ethos.Option-(B): Four eighth notes.


Now we know that Pythagoras study in his most famous musical experiment on the acoustic of strings. While, moral character is directly influenced by music as per the doctrine of ethos.

Rome was once a great and strong military might, as it had a number of warriors to fight for the country and it will be more amazing to know that the Roman military used to communicate the battle orders through the brass instruments. The Greeks are believed to be one of the first or we can say one of the primary societies how had the idea of having music as the source of entertainment for the masses rather then just a field of arts. Organ is believed to be originated from the very familiar form of musical instrument called as the hydraulis. Music is recognized as the source of peace and harmony by many historians and other well known figures that lived on the face of this land many centuries ago, and among them Plato had no different idea about music,as he encouraged the idea of having music as the part of education for kids. While, the Romans censored music according to the doctrine of ethos. And, the provided picture of the rhythmic notes are the four eighth notes of music.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist
Option-(D): Acoustic of string. Option-(A): Moral character.Option-(D): Brass instruments.Option-(D):Greek.Option-(B): Organ.Option-(C): Plato.Option-(D): The Romans censored music according to the doctrine of ethos.Option-(B): Four eighth notes.


Now we know that Pythagoras study in his most famous musical experiment on the acoustic of strings. While, moral character is directly influenced by music as per the doctrine of ethos.

Rome was once a great and strong military might, as it had a number of warriors to fight for the country and it will be more amazing to know that the Roman military used to communicate the battle orders through the brass instruments. The Greeks are believed to be one of the first or we can say one of the primary societies how had the idea of having music as the source of entertainment for the masses rather then just a field of arts. Organ is believed to be originated from the very familiar form of musical instrument called as the hydraulis. Music is recognized as the source of peace and harmony by many historians and other well known figures that lived on the face of this land many centuries ago, and among them Plato had no different idea about music,as he encouraged the idea of having music as the part of education for kids. While, the Romans censored music according to the doctrine of ethos. And, the provided picture of the rhythmic notes are the four eighth notes of music.

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P Answered by Studen AI
The word that could replace the phrase "colossal gigantic" and still reflect its meaning is "monstrous" (Option C).

In the context of the paragraph, the author uses the phrase "colossal gigantic" to describe the machinery of the State. This suggests that the scale and size of the machinery are enormous and immense. The word "monstrous" also carries a similar meaning of being very large or huge, emphasizing the magnitude and imposing nature of the machinery.

Options A, B, and D do not convey the same sense of size and scale as "colossal gigantic." "Magnificent" (Option A) means impressive or beautiful, but it does not necessarily emphasize the large size. "Incomprehensible" (Option B) means difficult to understand and does not convey the physical size of the machinery. "Extensive" (Option D) refers more to the extent or scope rather than the physical size of the machinery.

Therefore, the most suitable word to replace "colossal gigantic" in this context would be "monstrous" (Option C).
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
1. This is meant to show that a woman should be able to work outside of the confines of her home.
2. The person is meant to represent all women. She is taking charge of her identity.
3. The scroll lists all the different things that women are capable of doing.

1. The man is washing clothes in an old fashioned way.
2. The sign is saying that the family suffers when the mother refuses to work.
3. This political cartoon is depicting the wife as very unreasonable. It’s saying that she is taking away her husbands rights.

1. Some people feared that women would take away men’s rights if they were given power outside of the home. Others understood that women are humans who deserve basic rights.
2. The first picture is meant to support the women’s rights movement. This is shown in the way that the women is crossing out “the home” on the sign. The second picture is suggesting that the women’s rights movement is harmful to the nuclear family dynamic. This is shown by the sign in the back.

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