
Diego works at a warehouse that
ships two types of packages, a red
package weighing 4 pounds and a
blue package weighing 6 pounds.
Diego shipped a total of 40 pack-
ages weighing 180 pounds.
graph the system of linear equations

. 9

Step-by-step answer

14.01.2022, solved by verified expert
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Weight of red package = 4 pound 1

Weight of blue package = 6 pound 1

Let x and y are the number of red and blue package respectively.

Given x+y = 40... Eq 1

4x + 6y = 180... Eq 2

By multiplying equation 1 from 4 and subtracting it from eq 2

4x + 64 -4x -4y = 180-160

2x = 20

x = 20/2

x = 10

Putting the value of of x in equation 1,

10+y = 40

y = 40-10 = 30

The purple line represents equation x+ y = 40

And green line represents equation 4x+6y = 180 and point of intersection is x = 10, y = 30

Diego works at a warehouse that ships two types, №15175314, 02.06.2021 02:11
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Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

10 packages

Step-by-step explanation:

red = 4p

blue = 6p

total 40 packages and 180p

180 divided by 40 is 4.5

how many blue packages?

5x6=30p 35x4=140 no

10x6=60p 30x4=120 yes

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
Answer: 440 grams for 1.54 is the better value
Take the price and divide by the number of grams
1.54 / 440 =0.0035 per gram
1.26 / 340 =0.003705882 per gram
0.0035 per gram < 0.003705882 per gram
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD


where y=Value of coin

x=Age in years

Value of coin after 19 years=2*19+15


Therefore, Value after 19 years=$53

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

The answer is in the image 

The answer is in the image 
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

Salesperson will make 6% of 1800



Salesperson will make $108 in $1800 sales

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

tip=18% of 75.45

     =18/100 * 75.45 = $13.581

Tip = $13.581

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

Area of rectangle= L*b


L=12.4 cm

b= 8.8 cm

A= L*b

= 12.4 * 8.8 = 109.12 cm^2

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

Cost before sale tax=$46.00

Cost after including tax=$48.76

Sale tax=$48.76-46.00


we know,

sale tax=((sales tax rate)/100) * cost before sale tax

2.76=((sales tax rate)/100) *46.00

sale tax rate=(2.76*100)/46



There fore sales tax rate=6%

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

Cost of 6 gallons =$15

Cost of 1 gallon =15/6


Cost of 7 gallons=$2.5 * 7


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