
Part A: What is the approximate y-intercept of the line of best fit and what does it represent? (5 points)

Part B: Write the equation for the line of best fit in the slope-intercept form and use it to predict the number of matches that could be won after 13 months of practice Show

your work and include the points used to calculate the slope. (5 points)

. 4


Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master
A. The approximate y intercept appears to be about 1.8 (slightly less than 2). What this tells us is that someone with 0 months of practice could expect to win around 1.8 games.

B. Using slope intercept form and assuming that the y intercept is at (0, 1.8), the equation can be solved for by finding the slope first and then putting the slope and the y intercept into the equation.

Slope (m):
points (0, 1.8) and (1, 3.0)

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

Part A:

The y-intercept is 3.25. This shows the point where the line intersects with the y-axis.

Part B:

The slope was found using the points (1,5) and (5,12). 5 -1 = 4, which is the run. 12- 5 = 7, which is the rise. 7 ÷ 4 = 1.75. This is the slope.

Input b and m;

y = 1.75x + 3.25

Now, input x;

y = 1.75(13) + 3.25

y = 22.75 + 3.25

y = 26

After 13 months of practice, the team can expect to win 26 matches.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

Wow. I'm answering because that looks like a pain to type in. You can just post a picture you know.

Given points (0, 1),...(10,20)

Given a line through (0, 1.8) ... (10, 20.5)

Presumably the line described is the best fit line. You've told us the y intercept (the value when x=0) is 1.8. I believe you.


What does it represent? The independent x is the number of months of practice. The dependent y is number of games won. The intercept of 1.8 says after zero months of practice we'll have won 1.8 games (on average). I know it's not clear exactly how that makes sense, but that's what it says.

Part B

For part B I'm tempted to show you how to do a real linear regression, but this is marked middle school so I better not.

Let's just take the first and last point. (0, 1), (10,20)

The line through those two points is

(10 - 0)(y - 1) = (20-1)(x-0)

10y - 10 = 19 x

10 y = 19x + 10

y = 1.9 x + 1

That's a bit different than the described best fit but we'll go with it. We got a slope of 1.9 and a y intercept of 1.

At x=13 we get

y = 1.9(13) + 1 = 25.7

25.7 wins after 13 months of practice predicted

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

First we have to understand that a Y-intercept of a line is the point where a line’s graph intersects or crosses the Y-axis. In this case we will need to look at the graph in order to find the Y-intercept. Looking at the graph I would say that the Y-intercept is (0,3.5).

For part B you can use the following:

y = m x + b

y = (7/4) * 13 + 3

26 Is your answer



Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

A) y-intercept = 1.8182

B) they would won 26 games

Step-by-step explanation:

In the figure attached the graph of the problem is shown. It was made in Excel. This kind of software, like scientific calculators, allows us to make regressions, that is, to find the curve (in this case, a line) that best fit the data.

Part A) From the equation, we can see that the y-intercept of the line is 1.8182 . It represents the numbers of games won without practise, that is, the number of months of practise are equal to zero.

Part B) In the plot we can see that the best fit is the equation:

y = 1.8545x + 1.8182

Points used to make the graph:

x, y

0, 1  

1, 3  

2, 5    

3, 9    

4, 10    

5, 12    

6, 13    

7, 14    

8, 17    

9, 18    

10, 20

The x-variable represents the Number of Months of Practice and the y-variable the Number of Games Won. To predict the number of games that could be won after 13 months of practice we have to replace x = 13 in the equation and compute y, as follows:

y = 1.8545*13 + 1.8182

y ≈ 26

So, they would won 26 games

The graph shows the relationship between the number of months different students practiced baseball
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

First we have to understand that a Y-intercept of a line is the point where a line’s graph intersects or crosses the Y-axis. In this case we will need to look at the graph in order to find the Y-intercept. Looking at the graph I would say that the Y-intercept is (0,3.5).

For part B you can use the following:

y = m x + b

y = (7/4) * 13 + 3

26 Is your answer



Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

(A) The y-intercept of the line is 1.82.

(B) The number of games that could be won after 13 months of practice is 26.

Step-by-step explanation:

The data from the provided graph is:














X : Number of Months of Practice

Y : Number of Games Won


Compute the y-intercept of the line as follows:

a=\frac{\sum Y\cdot \sum X^{2}-\sum X\cdot \sum XY}{n\cdot \sum X^{2}-(\sum X)^{2}}

   =\frac{122\cdot 385-55\cdot 814}{11\cdot 385-(55)^{2}}\\\\=1.818\\\\\approx 1.82

The y-intercept of the line is 1.82.

The y-intercept is the average value of the dependent variable, here the number of games won, when the value of the independent variable, here number of months of practice, is 0.

So, a y-intercept of 1.82 indicates that on average 1.82 can be won if the number of months of practice is 0.


Compute the slope as follows:

b=\frac{n\cdot \sum XY-\sum X\cdot \sum Y}{n\cdot \sum X^{2}-(\sum X)^{2}}

  =\frac{11\cdot 814-55\cdot 122}{11\cdot 385-(55)^{2}}\\\\=1.855\\\\\approx 1.86

The equation for the line of best fit in slope-intercept form  is:


Predict the number of games that could be won after 13 months of practice as follows:


  =1.82+(1.85\timex 13)\\=25.87\\\approx 26

Thus, the number of games that could be won after 13 months of practice is 26.

The graph below shows the relationship between the number of months different students practiced bas
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

Part A; Y - intercept = 4 matches,

Part B; y = 2x + 4

Part C; 30 Matches Won

Step-by-step explanation:

The y - intercept is about 4 or so, and it represents the number of matches won in tennis. If we were to formulate the approximate equation for this data graph, knowing the y - intercept, let us calculate the slope;

( 4, 10 ), ( 7, 16 )\\Slope = Change In y / Change In x,\\Slope = 16 - 10 / 7 - 4,\\\\\\Slope = 6 / 3 = ( About ) 2

With the slope, let us formulate the equation of this line;

y = mx + b, Where, m = slope, b = y - intercept\\\\Y - intercept = 4,\\Slope = 2\\\\y = 2x  + 4

13 months is represented by the x - axis, so let us plug it into the equation that we formulated and solve for y, the number of matches one;

y = 2 * ( 13 ) + 4,\\y = 26 + 4 = 30\\\\30 Matches Won

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

A) y-intercept = 1.8182

B) they would won 26 games

Step-by-step explanation:

In the figure attached the graph of the problem is shown. It was made in Excel. This kind of software, like scientific calculators, allows us to make regressions, that is, to find the curve (in this case, a line) that best fit the data.

Part A) From the equation, we can see that the y-intercept of the line is 1.8182 . It represents the numbers of games won without practise, that is, the number of months of practise are equal to zero.

Part B) In the plot we can see that the best fit is the equation:

y = 1.8545x + 1.8182

Points used to make the graph:

x, y

0, 1  

1, 3  

2, 5    

3, 9    

4, 10    

5, 12    

6, 13    

7, 14    

8, 17    

9, 18    

10, 20

The x-variable represents the Number of Months of Practice and the y-variable the Number of Games Won. To predict the number of games that could be won after 13 months of practice we have to replace x = 13 in the equation and compute y, as follows:

y = 1.8545*13 + 1.8182

y ≈ 26

So, they would won 26 games

The graph shows the relationship between the number of months different students practiced baseball
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist
A. The approximate y intercept appears to be about 1.8 (slightly less than 2). What this tells us is that someone with 0 months of practice could expect to win around 1.8 games.

B. Using slope intercept form and assuming that the y intercept is at (0, 1.8), the equation can be solved for by finding the slope first and then putting the slope and the y intercept into the equation.

Slope (m):
points (0, 1.8) and (1, 3.0)


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