
In simplest form 9 3/4 + 1 1/8=

. 8

Step-by-step answer

01.02.2022, solved by verified expert


Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master
1. 3 9/20
2. 1.86
3. 3 63/80 < 3 11/20< 3 1/5
4 1/3 , .35, 2/5
6. 5f+4s
7. Yes it does because the number of steps the runner will take is 46,145. There is no decimal.
8. She sold more on Tuesday because the decimal 7/9= .777 repeating which is smaller than.85.
9. Yes it is in simplest form
10. No it is not
11. 12 more days
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist
1. 3 9/20
2. 1.86
3. 3 63/80 < 3 11/20< 3 1/5
4 1/3 , .35, 2/5
6. 5f+4s
7. Yes it does because the number of steps the runner will take is 46,145. There is no decimal.
8. She sold more on Tuesday because the decimal 7/9= .777 repeating which is smaller than.85.
9. Yes it is in simplest form
10. No it is not
11. 12 more days
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
Here are the solutions and answers for each question:

Addition and Subtraction - Find the common denominator then add or subtract the numerator and retain the common denominator. Finally, simplify into its lowest terms. 

1. 5/14 + 1/6

(3/3)(5/14) + (7/7)(1/6) = 15/42 + 7/42 = 22/42 = 11/21

2. 5/12 - 3/20

(5/5)(5/12) - (3/3)(3/20) = 25/60 - 9/60 = 16/60 = 4/15

3. 5/12 - 3/8

(2/2)(5/12) - (3/3)(3/8) = 10/24 -9/24 = 1/24

4. 1 3/10 + 1/4

1 3/10 = ((1x10) + 3)/10 = 13/10 

(4/4)(13/10) +(10/10)(1/4) = 52/40 + 10/40 = 62/40 = 31/20

5. 2/3 + 6 1/5

6 1/5 = ((6x5)+1)/5 = 31/5

(5/5)(2/3) +(3/3)(31/5) = 10/15 + 93/15 = 103/15

6. 3 1/6 - 1/7

3 1/6 = ((3x6)+1)/6 =19/6

(7/7)(19/6) - (6/6)(1/7) = 133/42 - 6/42 = 127/42

7. 3/8 + 5/24

(3/3)(3/8) + (1/1)(5/24) = 9/24 + 5/24 = 14/24 = 7/12

8. 1/20 + 5/12

(3/3)(1/20) + (5/5)(5/12) = 3/60 + 25/60 = 28/60 = 7/15

9. 9/20 - 1/4

(1/1)(9/20) - (5/5)(1/4) = 9/20 - 5/20 = 4/20 = 1/5

10. 9/10 - 3/14

(7/7)(9/10) - (5/5)(3/14) = 63/70 - 15/70 = 48/70 = 24/35

11. 3 3/8 + 5/12

3 3/8 = ((3x8)+3)/8 = 27/8

(3/3)(27/8) + (2/2)(5/12) = 81/24 + 10/24 = 91/ 24   

12. 5 7/10 - 5/18

5 7/10 = ((5x10)+7)/10 = 57/10

(9/9)(57/10) - (5/5)(5/18) = 513/90 - 25/90 = 488/90 = 244/45

Multiplication - simply multiply the numerator by the numerator of the other fraction and the denominator by the denominator of the other fraction

1. 1/2 x 5/8 = 5/16

2. 3/5 x 5/9 = 15/45 = 1/3

3. 3/8 x 2/5 = 6/40 = 3/20

4. 2 3/8 x 16 

2 3/8 = ((2x8)+3)/8 = 19/8

19/8 x 16 = 304/8 = 38

5. 1 4/5 x 5/12

1 4/5 = ((1x5)+4)/5 = 9/5

9/4 x 5/12 = 45/48 = 15/16 

6. 1 2/10 x 5

1 2/10 = ((1x10)+2)/10 = 12/10

12/10 x 5 = 60/10 = 6

Find each amount - Simply multiply the two given values.

1. 1/4 of 12 bottles of water = 3 bottles

1/4 x 12 = 12/4 = 3

2. 2/3 of 24 bananas = 16 bananas

2/3 x 24 = 48/3 = 16

3. 3/5 of $40 restaurant bill = $ 24

3/5 x 40 = 120/5 = 24 

4. 5/6 of 18 pencils = 15 pencils 

5/6 x 18 = 90/6 = 15
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
Here are the solutions and answers for each question:

Addition and Subtraction - Find the common denominator then add or subtract the numerator and retain the common denominator. Finally, simplify into its lowest terms. 

1. 5/14 + 1/6

(3/3)(5/14) + (7/7)(1/6) = 15/42 + 7/42 = 22/42 = 11/21

2. 5/12 - 3/20

(5/5)(5/12) - (3/3)(3/20) = 25/60 - 9/60 = 16/60 = 4/15

3. 5/12 - 3/8

(2/2)(5/12) - (3/3)(3/8) = 10/24 -9/24 = 1/24

4. 1 3/10 + 1/4

1 3/10 = ((1x10) + 3)/10 = 13/10 

(4/4)(13/10) +(10/10)(1/4) = 52/40 + 10/40 = 62/40 = 31/20

5. 2/3 + 6 1/5

6 1/5 = ((6x5)+1)/5 = 31/5

(5/5)(2/3) +(3/3)(31/5) = 10/15 + 93/15 = 103/15

6. 3 1/6 - 1/7

3 1/6 = ((3x6)+1)/6 =19/6

(7/7)(19/6) - (6/6)(1/7) = 133/42 - 6/42 = 127/42

7. 3/8 + 5/24

(3/3)(3/8) + (1/1)(5/24) = 9/24 + 5/24 = 14/24 = 7/12

8. 1/20 + 5/12

(3/3)(1/20) + (5/5)(5/12) = 3/60 + 25/60 = 28/60 = 7/15

9. 9/20 - 1/4

(1/1)(9/20) - (5/5)(1/4) = 9/20 - 5/20 = 4/20 = 1/5

10. 9/10 - 3/14

(7/7)(9/10) - (5/5)(3/14) = 63/70 - 15/70 = 48/70 = 24/35

11. 3 3/8 + 5/12

3 3/8 = ((3x8)+3)/8 = 27/8

(3/3)(27/8) + (2/2)(5/12) = 81/24 + 10/24 = 91/ 24   

12. 5 7/10 - 5/18

5 7/10 = ((5x10)+7)/10 = 57/10

(9/9)(57/10) - (5/5)(5/18) = 513/90 - 25/90 = 488/90 = 244/45

Multiplication - simply multiply the numerator by the numerator of the other fraction and the denominator by the denominator of the other fraction

1. 1/2 x 5/8 = 5/16

2. 3/5 x 5/9 = 15/45 = 1/3

3. 3/8 x 2/5 = 6/40 = 3/20

4. 2 3/8 x 16 

2 3/8 = ((2x8)+3)/8 = 19/8

19/8 x 16 = 304/8 = 38

5. 1 4/5 x 5/12

1 4/5 = ((1x5)+4)/5 = 9/5

9/4 x 5/12 = 45/48 = 15/16 

6. 1 2/10 x 5

1 2/10 = ((1x10)+2)/10 = 12/10

12/10 x 5 = 60/10 = 6

Find each amount - Simply multiply the two given values.

1. 1/4 of 12 bottles of water = 3 bottles

1/4 x 12 = 12/4 = 3

2. 2/3 of 24 bananas = 16 bananas

2/3 x 24 = 48/3 = 16

3. 3/5 of $40 restaurant bill = $ 24

3/5 x 40 = 120/5 = 24 

4. 5/6 of 18 pencils = 15 pencils 

5/6 x 18 = 90/6 = 15
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

Q.1   x-2/5=7

divide -2/5 which is -0.40

x-0.40=7. Move -0.40 to the right side of the equal sign and that becomes +0.40

x=7+0.40 . 7+0.40 is 7.4


Q.2   2.1r=6.174

divide 2.1 by both sides which 2.1r divided by 2.1 is 1r and 6.174 divided by 2.1 is 2.94



equation:  2/3 = 32 2/3 d

Q.4    x9=3/5

3/5 is 0.60


divide 9 by both sides. 9x divided by 9 is 1x and 0.60/9 is

0.0 6666 (the 6 is continuing)





7.25 =0.5x

divide 0.5 by both sides. 0.5x divided by 0.5 is 1x and 7.25 divided by

0.5 is 14.5



the expression: 7-9m


answer is C


(x2) + (10(2))

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

Answer & Step-by-step explanation:

To multiply two fractions you have to multiply the numerators and the denominators.

1/2 × 5/8 = 5/16

3/5 × 5/9 = 15/45 = 1/3

3/8 × 2/5 = 6/40 = 3/20

to make mixed numbers improper fractions, you have to multiply the denominator by the whole number and then add the numerator to it. So the new number becomes the numerator while the denominator stays as the denominator.

2 3/8 × 16= 19/8 *16/1 = 38

If the numerator of the one fraction is the same as the denominator as the other fraction, they cancel out.

1 4/5 × 5/12 = 9/5 × 5/12 = 9/12

1 2/10 × 5 = 12/10 × 5/1 = 60/10 = 6

Hope this helps!!!

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist
#11 3/8+5/24=14/24= 7/12

#12 9/20-1/4=9/20-5/20=4/20=
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

Q.1   x-2/5=7

divide -2/5 which is -0.40

x-0.40=7. Move -0.40 to the right side of the equal sign and that becomes +0.40

x=7+0.40 . 7+0.40 is 7.4


Q.2   2.1r=6.174

divide 2.1 by both sides which 2.1r divided by 2.1 is 1r and 6.174 divided by 2.1 is 2.94



equation:  2/3 = 32 2/3 d

Q.4    x9=3/5

3/5 is 0.60


divide 9 by both sides. 9x divided by 9 is 1x and 0.60/9 is

0.0 6666 (the 6 is continuing)





7.25 =0.5x

divide 0.5 by both sides. 0.5x divided by 0.5 is 1x and 7.25 divided by

0.5 is 14.5



the expression: 7-9m


answer is C


(x2) + (10(2))

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