
Help on everything plz because I don't understand anything

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Title: Mirror's Vengeance


KHALAN, a young man in his early twenties, bloodied and wounded, enters the hidden cottage of a skilled healer. He is seeking physical and emotional healing after a traumatic past. The HEALER, a wise and empathetic individual, greets him.

Good morning. Judging from your appearance, I can tell you're experiencing some imbalance within your body. Please have a seat. How are you feeling today?

Good morning, "Healer." I'm here as Khalan, seeking improvement, and I don't want to hear any long, tedious bullshit.

Since you ended up here bloodied and wounded in need of help, I do believe that you need my "bullshit." So, let's take it one step at a time. Can you tell me about your past and how it led to the situation you're in now?

KHALAN hesitates, visibly uncomfortable.

Do we really need to delve so deeply into that?

Do you genuinely want to resolve the issues in your mind?

Reluctantly, KHALAN agrees, knowing it's necessary.

Go ahead, but you'll need to communicate with Calix.

KHALAN expresses his apologies to the healer about his dissociative identity.

It's okay, I understand. However, I do find it fascinating how you both are able to switch like that. Can you elaborate on that aspect more?

KHALAN sighs, preparing to share his story.

For you to be able to comprehend even a sliver of what's going on, I would have to start from the beginning.


I was named Calix by my birth mother. I would like to believe that name was the only thing she may have given to me out of love. My "Mother" is someone I would call a disciplinarian. She held everything to the highest standards, including me.

Scenes show YOUNG KHALAN receiving harsh punishments for minor mistakes, and being isolated from making friends.

I was often punished for wanting to make friends. She would hire a "friend" for me, and when we got closer, she would make me watch their gruesome death, telling me it was all my fault.

More scenes show YOUNG KHALAN enduring emotional abuse and manipulation.

Soon, her abuse became physical. She would sign me up for underground rings and watch me get pummeled by grown men until I looked like a bloody paste. Then she would clean me up and kiss my forehead, saying "mommy loves you."


KHALAN tears up recounting his past to the healer.

KHALAN (snapping back)
Despite everything, I never blamed my mother because I loved her and craved her love in return. I always blamed my absent father for whatever abuse I went through. Soon, I became the emotionless robot she wanted. Through rigorous and agonizing training, I became highly skilled in numerous areas.

Scenes show KHALAN training in combat and survival skills.

However, one night, my mother had gotten her retribution. An adversary she had made managed to infiltrate our house.

Scenes show the brutal assault on KHALAN's mother.

They bound me and forced me to witness her get brutally assaulted by a group of men. Remarkably, my mother remained silent throughout. After draining her of all strength, they proceeded to dismember her, just as she had done to my "friends" in the past.

KHALAN's anger and confusion intensify.

At that moment, my previously still heart began to ache. I had never seen my mother cry, and I became angry at her - why now? She had made me weak. It was then that I questioned the love my mother had purportedly felt for me.

Scenes show KHALAN's conflicted emotions and realization of his mother's manipulation.

I longed to lift her up and demand why she had never loved me, but those were answers I would never obtain. When I regained consciousness, I found myself within the organization responsible for killing my mother. I had escaped one hell only to unwittingly enter another. There, I underwent training in the art of assassination. My former identity was erased, and I was given a new name - Mirror.


The screenplay "Mirror's Vengeance" delves into the haunting past of Khalan, revealing the extent of his abusive upbringing and the transformative journey he embarks on as he seeks healing and redemption.
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P Answered by Studen AI

Title: "KHALAN - A Tale of Resilience and Redemption"

[Scene 1: Khalan escapes from a dangerous situation]

KHALAN: (out of breath) Shit! Thank God I managed to escape from that crazy bitch. I don't understand why Calix is interested in her. And just when I was starting to like her too.

CALIX: (demanding) Khalan, give me control back now!! We need to see the healer immediately.

[Scene 2: The disagreement between Khalan and Calix]

KHALAN: Well, I replied, "So that we can go back to the psychopath? No fucking way, you were going to let her kill us. You had the upper hand."

CALIX: (disagreeing) I don't think you have any right to call anyone a psychopath. Have you seen yourself? And one thing I know for a fact is that Willow loves us.

KHALAN: (sarcastically) Tell that to the stab wound on our chest.

CALIX: (impatiently) Just go to the healer already!

KHALAN: (frustrated) I don't think you should speak to your supposed savior like that, you weak piece of shit. But I'll go to the healer because I need help.

[Scene 3: Khalan arrives at the healer's cottage]

KHALAN: (thinking) Finally, after walking for an unknown amount of time, I arrived at a hidden cottage where a skilled healer lived. I hoped this healer could not only fix my physical wounds but also reason with Calix, because love truly makes people behave irrationally.

HEALER: (greeting) Good morning. Judging from your appearance, I can tell you're experiencing some imbalance within your body. Please have a seat. How are you feeling today?

KHALAN: (reluctantly polite) Good morning, "Healer." I'm here as Khalan, seeking improvement, and I don't want to hear any long, tedious bullshit.

HEALER: (calmly) Since you ended up here bloodied and wounded in need of help, I do believe that you need my "bullshit." So, let's take it one step at a time. Can you tell me about your past and how it led to the situation you're in now?

KHALAN: (hesitant) Do we really need to delve so deeply into that?

HEALER: (curious) Do you genuinely want to resolve the issues in your mind?

KHALAN: (reluctantly) Go ahead, but you'll need to communicate with Calix.

[Scene 4: Khalan shares the background story]

KHALAN: (apologetic) I expressed my apologies to the healer about Khalan.

HEALER: It's okay, I understand. However, I do find it fascinating how you both are able to switch like that. Can you elaborate on that aspect more?

KHALAN: (sighing) *sigh* For you to be able to comprehend even a sliver of what's going on, I would have to start from the beginning.

[Flashback - Scene 5: Khalan's upbringing and early experiences]

KHALAN: (narrating) I was named Calix by my birth mother. I would like to believe that name was the only thing she may have given to me out of love. My "Mother" is someone I would call a disciplinarian. She held everything to the highest standards, including me.

KHALAN: (scoffing) I was expected to always speak properly, have everything neat and tidy, and not even a hair out of place. I was often punished for wanting to make friends. She would hire a "friend" for me, and when we got closer, she would make me watch their gruesome death, telling me it was all my fault.

KHALAN: (emotionally) Soon, her abuse became physical. She would sign me up for underground rings and watch me get pummeled by grown men until I looked like a bloody paste. Then she would clean me up and kiss my forehead, saying "mommy loves you."

[Scene 6: Khalan's turning point]

KHALAN: Despite everything, I never blamed my mother because I loved her and craved her love in return. I always blamed my absent father for whatever abuse I went through. Soon, I became the emotionless robot she wanted. Through rigorous and agonizing training, I became highly skilled in numerous areas.

KHALAN: (reflecting) However, one night, my mother had gotten her retribution. An adversary she had made managed to infiltrate our house. They bound me and forced me to witness her get brutally assaulted by a group of men. Remarkably, my mother remained silent throughout. After draining her of all strength, they proceeded to dismember her, just as she had done to my "friends" in the past.

KHALAN: (angry) At that moment, my previously still heart began to ache. I had never seen my mother cry, and I became angry at her - why now? She had made me weak. It was then that I questioned the love my mother had purportedly felt for me. I longed to lift her up and demand why she had never loved me, but those were answers I would never obtain.

[Scene 7: Khalan's new life and identity]

KHALAN: (regaining consciousness) When I regained consciousness, I found myself within the organization responsible for killing my mother. I had escaped one hell only to unwittingly enter another. There, I underwent training in the art of assassination. My former identity was erased, and I was given a new name - Mirror.

[End of Script]

Note: The script is adapted from the story provided, aiming to present a condensed version of the narrative while maintaining its essence.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Studen AI
Title: The Tale of Khalan and Calix: A Journey of Healing and Identity

Scene 1: The Escape

KHALAN: "Shit! Thank God I managed to escape from that crazy bitch. I don't understand why Calix is interested in her. And just when I was starting to like her too."

CALIX (demanding): "Khalan, give me control back now!! We need to see the healer immediately." Calix urgently demanded, in my head.

Scene 2: The Argument

KHALAN: Well, I replied, "So that we can go back to the psychopath? No fucking way, you were going to let her kill us. You had the upper hand."

Calix disagreed, saying, "I don't think you have any right to call anyone a psychopath, have you seen yourself? And one thing I know for a fact is that Willow loves us."

With a hint of sarcasm, I remarked, "Tell that to the stab wound on our chest."

Getting impatient, Calix yelled, "Just go to the healer already!"

Feeling frustrated, I snapped back, "I don't think you should speak to your supposed savior like that, you weak piece of shit. But I'll go to the healer because I need help."

Scene 3: Meeting the Healer

Finally, after walking for an unknown amount of time, I arrived at a hidden cottage where a skilled healer lived. I hoped this healer could not only fix my physical wounds but also reason with Calix, because love truly makes people behave irrationally.

The healer greeted me, “Good morning. Judging from your appearance, I can tell you're experiencing some imbalance within your body. Please have a seat. How are you feeling today?”

I replied, “Good morning, 'Healer.' I'm here as Khalan, seeking improvement, and I don't want to hear any long, tedious bullshit.”

The healer responded, “Since you ended up here bloodied and wounded in need of help, I do believe that you need my 'bullshit.' So, let's take it one step at a time. Can you tell me about your past and how it led to the situation you're in now?”

I hesitated, saying, “Do we really need to delve so deeply into that?”

The healer posed a question, “Do you genuinely want to resolve the issues in your mind?”

Reluctantly, I agreed, “Go ahead, but you'll need to communicate with Calix.”

I expressed my apologies to the healer about Khalan.

The healer replied, “It's okay, I understand. However, I do find it fascinating how you both are able to switch like that. Can you elaborate on that aspect more?”

*sigh* “For you to be able to comprehend even a sliver of what’s going on, I would have to start from the beginning.”

Scene 4: Unveiling the Past

So, I began to narrate my story, saying, "I was named Calix by my birth mother. I would like to believe that name was the only thing she may have given to me out of love." I scoffed.

"My 'Mother' is someone I would call a disciplinarian. She held everything to the highest standards, including me. I was expected to always speak properly, have everything neat and tidy, and not even a hair out of place. I was often punished for wanting to make friends. She would hire a 'friend' for me, and when we got closer, she would make me watch their gruesome death, telling me it was all my fault. Soon, her abuse became physical. She would sign me up for underground rings and watch me get pummeled by grown men until I looked like a bloody paste. Then she would clean me up and kiss my forehead, saying 'mommy loves you.'"

Despite everything, I never blamed my mother because I loved her and craved her love in return. I always blamed my absent father for whatever abuse I went through. Soon, I became the emotionless robot she wanted. Through rigorous and agonizing training, I became highly skilled in numerous areas. However, one night, my mother had gotten her retribution. An adversary she had made managed to infiltrate our house. They bound me and forced me to witness her get brutally assaulted by a group of men. Remarkably, my mother remained silent throughout. After draining her of all strength, they proceeded to dismember her, just as she had done to my 'friends' in the past. Before closing her eyes, I could almost see her lips contorting into the word 'run,' accompanied by a smile.

At that moment, my previously still heart began to ache. I had never seen my mother cry, and I became angry at her - why now? She had made me weak. It was then that I questioned the love my mother had purportedly felt for me. I longed to lift her up and demand why she had never loved me, but those were answers I would never obtain. When I regained consciousness, I found myself within the organization responsible for killing my mother. I had escaped one hell only to unwittingly enter another. There, I underwent training in the art of assassination. My former identity was erased, and I was given a new name - Mirror."

Note: This script is based on the passage provided, aiming to represent the conversation between Khalan and Calix, their interaction with the healer, and Khalan's narration of their past. The story contains mature content and violence, so it may not be suitable for all age groups.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

In short, you can improve a wide range of things about your description.

Firstly, you need to unify the text for it to be coherent as well as avoiding being redundant, for instance:  

. In the beginning of your description you wrote “My goal is...”. My goal is...” . The problem is you repeated this phrase twice consecutively. Therefore, the best way you can avoid being redundant is by replacing the beginning of the second sentence with a pronoun: My goal is...”. It is very realistic...”.  

. You also repeated “do” in: "My goal is to do the very best I can do in my classes...”. Here you can suppress the second “do” and the sentence won’t be redundant.

On the other hand, regarding the assignment:

. The task says ”describe a goal for interpersonal improvement in your personal life”. What you did is describing a personal improvement, considering that “interpersonal” means “relating to relationships between people”. As a consequence, you need to rethink about your goal for improvement.  

For example, you can describe how you can improve your interest in your classmates or colleagues or being more empathetic.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Studen AI
The play "ECHO" by Joseph T. Shipley is a dialogue between two characters, Harold and Mary, that explores themes of identity, love, and self-discovery. The play also incorporates the perspectives of two additional characters, "Myself" (representing reason) and "I" (representing emotion). The setting is the interior of a brain, and the characters communicate through sharp and often conflicting conversations.

The play begins with Myself and I engaging in a conversation about the pursuit of money versus following one's dreams. Myself emphasizes the importance of practicality and facts, while I argues for the value of misunderstanding and the enjoyment of life. The stage then lights up to reveal Harold and Mary at a restaurant table, discussing the passage of time and reflecting on their past choices. Their conversation is interrupted by Myself and I's ongoing debate.

As the play unfolds, the characters delve into topics such as love, regret, and personal growth. Harold questions Mary's intentions and accuses her of trying to shape him into a different person based on her previous relationship with John. There are moments of tension and jealousy, accompanied by Myself and I's ongoing conflicting opinions.

Towards the end of the play, a new scene is introduced where Mary is in bed and Harold is undressing. Mary calls out the name "John" in her sleep, which startles Harold. They briefly discuss Harold's play idea about a man who discovers he is an echo, but ultimately dismiss it as a foolish thought. The play concludes with Mary settling back to sleep and the curtain falling.

In summary, "ECHO" explores the complexities of relationships, personal identity, and the pursuit of happiness. The characters navigate conflicting emotions and differing perspectives, ultimately highlighting the challenges and choices individuals face in their lives.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Studen AI
The description of Darry in paragraphs 21-22 primarily serves to:

b. emphasize how rational and tough-minded he is.

This is noted through several points made in the description including:

- "Darry is six-feet-two, and broad-shouldered and muscular,"
- "He’s got eyes that are like two pieces of pale blue-green ice. They’ve got a determined set to them, like the rest of him."
- "He looks older than twenty—tough, cool, and smart."
- "He doesn’t understand anything that is not plain hard fact. But he uses his head."

While other elements, like missing his parents (option a), Darry being cruel and unkind (option c), or drawing an unfavorable comparison between Darry and his dad (option d), might be subtly implied, they aren't the primary objective of these paragraphs.
The main focus remains on outlining Darry's rational, tough-minded character and the differences between him and his younger brother, Ponyboy.

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