
The table below shows some inputs and outputs of the invertible function f with domain all real numbers.

. 8


Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

Part 1




Let's focus on evaluating   first. We need to look at the table and locate f(x) = 13. So we're looking in the f(x) row where 13 shows up. That's in the second to last column. Right above that we have x = 5

This means f(5) = 13 and   The inverse undoes the f(x) function. So the input x and output y values swap places. This is why we're reading the table in reverse.

We can replace all of f^{-1} (13)  with 5 to go from f^{-1} (f^{-1} (13)) to f^{-1} (5)

Then we repeat the process of using the table. Locate 5 in the f(x) row. This is in the last column. The value above that is x = -9.

So f(-9) = 5 and f^{-1} (5)=-9

Overall, f^{-1} (f^{-1} (13))=-9


Part 2




Same idea as before. Locate 8 in the f(x) row. The value above this is x = -13

This means f(-13) = 8 and f^{-1}(8) =-13

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

f⁻¹(-2) = 3 and f⁻¹(1) = 0.

Step-by-step explanation:

By the definition of inverse functions:

\displaystyle \text{If } f(a) = b\text{, then } f^{-1}(b) = a

From the table, note that f(3) = -2.

Then by definition, f⁻¹(-2) = 3.

Likewise, f(0) = 1.

Then by definition, f⁻¹(1) = 0.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

Invertible functions are functions whose inverse can be calculated.

The values of the expressions are: f^{-1}(f(5)) = 5 and f(f(5)) = 11

The table entry is given as:

x | 5 | 3 | 1 | 18 | 0 | 9

f(x) | 9 | -2 | -5 | -1 | 1 | 11

(a) Calculate f^-1(f(5))

Start by calculating f(5).

From the table, we have:

f(5) = 9

Take inverse function of both sides

f^{-1}(f(5)) = f^{-1}(9)

From the table, the inverse value of 9 is 5.

i.e. f^{-1}(9) = 5

So, we have:

f^{-1}(f(5)) = 5

(b) Calculate f(f(5))

In (a) above, as have:

f(5) = 9

So, the function becomes

f(f(5)) = f(9)

From the table, the value of f(9) is 11.

So, we have:

f(f(5)) = 11

Read more about invertible functions at:


Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD



Step-by-step explanation:

The given table :

x: -14,-7,-12,9,10,-2


Since f is invertible ( given) , then f^{-1}(x)  exists.

Now , from table f^{-1}(1)=9  [ x= 9 corresponding to f(x) =1]

f(-14)=11                            [ f(x) = 11 corresponding to x=-14]

then, f^{-1}(1)+f(-14)=9+11=20

So, f^{-1}(1)+f(-14)=20

Also, x= 10 corresponding to f(x) =-2, then


Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

( 1 ) f^{-1}(f(576)) = 576,

( 2 ) f^{-1}(-7)+f(-7) = 13

Step-by-step explanation:

Taking the function and it's inverse, it should be the following property -

f^{-1}(f(x))= x - this therefore makes the functionality " f^{-1}(f(576))= x " equivalent to 576 itself.

For this second part here let's consider the portion " f(-7) " firstly. As you can see from the table, - 7 should represent the x - value, hence f(-7) = 7. Now for this second bit here, we have to take the inverse - making the what should have been the x - value, now the f( x ) value. Therefore, f^{-1}(-7) = 6.

This would make f^{-1}(-7)+f(-7) = 7+6 = 13.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

(a)\ f^{-1}(-15) = -6

(b)\ f^{-1}(4) + f(9)=0

Step-by-step explanation:


The attached table

(a)\ f^{-1}(-15)

This represents an inverse function.

So, we look into x row for its value.


f^{-1}(-15) = -6

(b)\ f^{-1}(4) + f(9)

Just like (a)

f^{-1}(4) = -11 ---- by looking into the x rows

f(9) = 11


f^{-1}(4) + f(9)=-11 + 11

f^{-1}(4) + f(9)=0

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

Answer for the first box = 10

Answer for the second box =  -10


Work Shown:

f(x) is a function where we plug in the given row of x values to have them lead to the corresponding f(x) values in the table. We see that x = 14 leads to y = f(x) = 7. Going backwards, we can say f^{-1}(7) = 14. The inverse simply undoes everything f(x) does.


f^{-1}(f^{-1}(7)) = f^{-1}(14) = 10

For the portion f^{-1}(14) = 10, look at the column that has x = 10. This shows it leading to f(x) = 14. You trace this column upward to go backward to undo f(x).


That takes care of the first part. The second part is pretty much the same idea. We locate where -4 is in the bottom row, and then we write down the corresponding x value.

We see that y = -4 pairs with x = -10, which is why f^{-1}(-4) = -10


Keep in mind that this function must be one-to-one for the inverse to exist. If not, then you'll have to do some kind of domain restriction.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

The value of f^{-1} (-2) is 3

The value of f^{-1} (-1) is 18


Given that the set of inputs and outputs of the invertible function f.

We need to determine the values of f^{-1} (-2) and f^{-1} (-1)

The value of f^{-1} (-2):

We need to determine the image of the y - value -2.

The image of the y - value (-2) is the corresponding x - value from the given table.

Thus, from the table, the image of -2 is 3.

Hence, the value of f^{-1} (-2) is 3.

The value of f^{-1} (-1):

We need to determine the image of the y - value -1.

The image of the y - value (-1) is the corresponding x - value from the given table.

Thus, from the table, the image of -1 is 18

Hence, the value of f^{-1} (-1) is 18.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

f⁻¹(-2) = 3 and f⁻¹(1) = 0.

Step-by-step explanation:

By the definition of inverse functions:

\displaystyle \text{If } f(a) = b\text{, then } f^{-1}(b) = a

From the table, note that f(3) = -2.

Then by definition, f⁻¹(-2) = 3.

Likewise, f(0) = 1.

Then by definition, f⁻¹(1) = 0.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

(a)\ f^{-1}(-15) = -6

(b)\ f^{-1}(4) + f(9)=0

Step-by-step explanation:


The attached table

(a)\ f^{-1}(-15)

This represents an inverse function.

So, we look into x row for its value.


f^{-1}(-15) = -6

(b)\ f^{-1}(4) + f(9)

Just like (a)

f^{-1}(4) = -11 ---- by looking into the x rows

f(9) = 11


f^{-1}(4) + f(9)=-11 + 11

f^{-1}(4) + f(9)=0

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