
How many numbers are 10 units from 0 on the number line?

. 11


Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

10 number

Step-by-step explanation:

A number line is a straight horizontal line which shows integers. Center of number line is 0.

Left side of 0 is negative integers or numbers

Right side of 0 is positive integers or numbers

" 10 units from 0 on number line"

It would be either left side or right side.

So, number will be -10 or 10.

Please have a look in attachment for number line.

So, 10 number from 0 on number line either left or right side.

How many numbers are 10 units from 0 on the number line?  type your answer as a numeral.how many num
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist
On a real number, the number 0 is at the middle of it. And from that point, you can go two ways, the negative direction or the positive direction. So, you can go 10 units to the left, which is the negative direction, or 10 units to the right, which is the positive direction.

So, there are 2 numbers that are 10 units away from 0.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

Step-by-step explanation:

2 numbers  : 10 and -10

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

There are only two numbers on a number line whose distance from 0 is 10 units

The number line has both negative and positive values with 0 being the midpoint. Each value to the right or left of 0 is a measure of 1 unit. 10 units to the right of 0 on the number line equals 1010 units to the left of 0 on the number line is - 10

Therefore, only 10 and - 10 are numbers on the Number line which are 10 units from 0.

Learn more : link

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

Step-by-step explanation:

2 numbers  : 10 and -10

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
Numbers that are 10 units from 0 have an absolute value of 10.

represent the numbers. This implies that:

|x| = 10

Now let us solve this equation for x.

x = 10 \: or \: - x = 10
\Rightarrow \: x=10 \: or \: x=-10

Therefore there are two numbers that are 10 units away from zero
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

There are only two numbers on a number line whose distance from 0 is 10 units

The number line has both negative and positive values with 0 being the midpoint. Each value to the right or left of 0 is a measure of 1 unit. 10 units to the right of 0 on the number line equals 1010 units to the left of 0 on the number line is - 10

Therefore, only 10 and - 10 are numbers on the Number line which are 10 units from 0.

Learn more : link

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

2 numbers are 10 units away from 0 on the number line

(-10) 0(10)

ANSWERS : -10, 10  

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

2 Numbers; -10, and 10.

Step-by-step explanation:

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist
2) The equation shows how changes in matter are related to changes in energy.

3) the amount of energy released in nuclear reactions is so much larger than the energy released in chemical reactions

4) False

5) True

6) True

7) E = mc²
E = (0.0304)(3*10^8)²
E = 2.736 * 10^15 J

8) E = Mc²
E = 3 kg * (3 * 10⁸ m/s²
E = 3 kg * 9 * 10¹⁶ m/s²
E = 27 * 10¹⁶ kg-m/s²
E = 2.7 * 10¹⁷ kg-m/s²

9) 3 * 10²⁰ = m * 3 * 10⁸
m = 3 * 10²⁰ / 3 * 10⁸
m = 10¹² Kg

10) E = (3 * 10⁻²⁸)(3 * 10⁸)²
E = 3 * 10⁻²⁸ * 9 * 10¹⁶
E = 27 * 10⁻¹²
E = 2.7 * 10⁻¹¹ J

Hope this helps!

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