
A passenger car weighs 4.5 times 10 Superscript 3 units. Which unit of measure was used?

. 13


Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist
Step-by-step explanation:
10³ = 10(10)(10) = 1000
4.5(1000) = 4500
4500 grams would be much too small for a car.
4500 tons would be 4500(2000) = 9000000 pounds; this would be much too large for a car.
4500 ounces would be much too small for a car.
4500 pounds, however, is about the right size for a car.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

1. B

2. A (n ≤ 13)

3. A (2m - 7)

4. B (8x+8y)

5. School C

6. C (6.08 pounds)

7. A (5 + 3p ≥ 30)

8. A (95 + 25x + 25y)

9. D (29)

10. A (Add 3 to both sides)

11. C (Malia)

12. C (n ≤ 48)

13. TRUE

Step-by-step explanation:


We need to find 8.45% of each of them so that the answer is 2.1 hours.

For 20 hours: 8.45% of 20 = 0.0845 * 20 = 1.69 hours (this is not the answer)

For 25 hours: 8.45% of 25 = 0.0845 * 25 = 2.11 hours (this is the answer)

For 10 hours: 8.45% of 10 = 0.0845 * 10 = 0.85 hours (this isn't it)

For 18 hours: 8.45% of 18 = 0.0845 * 18 = 1.52 hours (this is not it)

We see that option B is right.


Macy has $95.

She buys $12.99 worth of stationery. She now was 95 - 12.99 = $82.01

She needs to keep $42 intact for skateboard, so she can spend remaining on ice-cream bars.

She can spend  82.01-42=40.01 for ice cream bars each worth 3.07.

Number of ice-cream bars, n, she can buy for 40.01 is  \frac{40.01}{3.07}=13.03. SHE CAN'T BUY 0.03 (the fractional amount) ice-cream bars, so the maximum is 13.

Answer choice A is right (n ≤ 13)


We need to use the distributive property (a(b+c)=ab+ac) to expand and them add like terms. The steps are shown below:


Answer choice A is right (2m - 7)


Total number roses is = total red roses and total white roses

total red roses = x groups of 8 in each group = 8x

total white roses = y groups of 8 in each group = 8y

Hence, total = 8x + 8y

Answer choice B is right.


We divide "number of students who like sandwiches" by "total number of students" , then multiply by 100 to get the percentage. Which ever is the greatest, is the answer. Let's do for each:

School A: \frac{12}{38}*100=31.58%

School B: \frac{9}{48}*100=18.75%

School C: \frac{10}{26}*100=38.46%

School D: \frac{8}{24}*100=33.33%

School C has the greatest percentage.


Subtracting 25.2 from 86 will give us the amount of flour Sam used in last 10 days.

Amount used = 86 - 25.2 = 60.8 pounds

Since he used same amount for each day, we can divide 60.8 by 10 to get how much he used each day.

So, \frac{60.8}{10}=6.08 pounds used each day

Answer is C, 6.08 pounds


"Score" needs to be atleast 30. Let first round score be 5 (given) and each of the three remaining rounds's score be p. So,

Score = 5 + 3p

This SCORE NEEDS to be ATLEAST 30, which means "5 + 3p should be greater than or equal to 30"

First answer choice is right (5 + 3p ≥ 30)


First day printed = 95 (given)

Second day printed = 25 barcodes per minute for x minutes = 25x AND 25 barcodes per minute for y minutes = 25y

Subtotal is 25x+25y

Total in 2 days = 95 + 25x + 25y

Answer choice A is right.


Let first number be x, so next consecutive number is x + 1 and the next one is x + 2. We take the sum and equate to 84 and solve:


Hence, the 3 numbers are 27, 28, and 29. The largest is 29, answer choice D is right.


The question is


The first step would be to "isolate" the terms with x's and constant terms. So we sould take 3 to the right hand side.

Adding 3 to both sides "eliminates" 3 from left and takes it to the right.

Answer choice A is right (Add 3 to both sides)


Finding the respective PERCENTAGES will give us the answers. The greatest amount is what we are looking for. Let's find it.

Zak = 15% of 56 = 0.15 * 56 = 8.4 pages

Karen = 12% of 64 = 0.12 * 64 = 7.68 pages

Malia = 14% of 68 = 0.14 * 68 = 9.52 pages

Ali = 10% of 72 = 0.10 * 72 = 7.2 pages

We see that Malia reads the most. Answer choice C is right (Malia)


Subtracting John's weight (100) from maximum the elevator can carry (340) will give us the amount alloted for the packages.

Amount alloted for packages = 340 - 100 = 240

Since each package weights 5, the MAXIMUM is  \frac{240}{5}=48

It means "the number of packages, n, can be LESS THAN or EQUAL to 48"

Answer choice C is right (n ≤ 48)


We can simplify the expression  by using distributive property (a(b+c)=ab+ac) and collecting like terms to fully simplify the expression. let's do it:


Indeed the expression is equal to "20 - 5x" (the two terms are just placed differently)

Answer is TRUE

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

1. B

2. A (n ≤ 13)

3. A (2m - 7)

4. B (8x+8y)

5. School C

6. C (6.08 pounds)

7. A (5 + 3p ≥ 30)

8. A (95 + 25x + 25y)

9. D (29)

10. A (Add 3 to both sides)

11. C (Malia)

12. C (n ≤ 48)

13. TRUE

Step-by-step explanation:


We need to find 8.45% of each of them so that the answer is 2.1 hours.

For 20 hours: 8.45% of 20 = 0.0845 * 20 = 1.69 hours (this is not the answer)

For 25 hours: 8.45% of 25 = 0.0845 * 25 = 2.11 hours (this is the answer)

For 10 hours: 8.45% of 10 = 0.0845 * 10 = 0.85 hours (this isn't it)

For 18 hours: 8.45% of 18 = 0.0845 * 18 = 1.52 hours (this is not it)

We see that option B is right.


Macy has $95.

She buys $12.99 worth of stationery. She now was 95 - 12.99 = $82.01

She needs to keep $42 intact for skateboard, so she can spend remaining on ice-cream bars.

She can spend  82.01-42=40.01 for ice cream bars each worth 3.07.

Number of ice-cream bars, n, she can buy for 40.01 is  \frac{40.01}{3.07}=13.03. SHE CAN'T BUY 0.03 (the fractional amount) ice-cream bars, so the maximum is 13.

Answer choice A is right (n ≤ 13)


We need to use the distributive property (a(b+c)=ab+ac) to expand and them add like terms. The steps are shown below:


Answer choice A is right (2m - 7)


Total number roses is = total red roses and total white roses

total red roses = x groups of 8 in each group = 8x

total white roses = y groups of 8 in each group = 8y

Hence, total = 8x + 8y

Answer choice B is right.


We divide "number of students who like sandwiches" by "total number of students" , then multiply by 100 to get the percentage. Which ever is the greatest, is the answer. Let's do for each:

School A: \frac{12}{38}*100=31.58%

School B: \frac{9}{48}*100=18.75%

School C: \frac{10}{26}*100=38.46%

School D: \frac{8}{24}*100=33.33%

School C has the greatest percentage.


Subtracting 25.2 from 86 will give us the amount of flour Sam used in last 10 days.

Amount used = 86 - 25.2 = 60.8 pounds

Since he used same amount for each day, we can divide 60.8 by 10 to get how much he used each day.

So, \frac{60.8}{10}=6.08 pounds used each day

Answer is C, 6.08 pounds


"Score" needs to be atleast 30. Let first round score be 5 (given) and each of the three remaining rounds's score be p. So,

Score = 5 + 3p

This SCORE NEEDS to be ATLEAST 30, which means "5 + 3p should be greater than or equal to 30"

First answer choice is right (5 + 3p ≥ 30)


First day printed = 95 (given)

Second day printed = 25 barcodes per minute for x minutes = 25x AND 25 barcodes per minute for y minutes = 25y

Subtotal is 25x+25y

Total in 2 days = 95 + 25x + 25y

Answer choice A is right.


Let first number be x, so next consecutive number is x + 1 and the next one is x + 2. We take the sum and equate to 84 and solve:


Hence, the 3 numbers are 27, 28, and 29. The largest is 29, answer choice D is right.


The question is


The first step would be to "isolate" the terms with x's and constant terms. So we sould take 3 to the right hand side.

Adding 3 to both sides "eliminates" 3 from left and takes it to the right.

Answer choice A is right (Add 3 to both sides)


Finding the respective PERCENTAGES will give us the answers. The greatest amount is what we are looking for. Let's find it.

Zak = 15% of 56 = 0.15 * 56 = 8.4 pages

Karen = 12% of 64 = 0.12 * 64 = 7.68 pages

Malia = 14% of 68 = 0.14 * 68 = 9.52 pages

Ali = 10% of 72 = 0.10 * 72 = 7.2 pages

We see that Malia reads the most. Answer choice C is right (Malia)


Subtracting John's weight (100) from maximum the elevator can carry (340) will give us the amount alloted for the packages.

Amount alloted for packages = 340 - 100 = 240

Since each package weights 5, the MAXIMUM is  \frac{240}{5}=48

It means "the number of packages, n, can be LESS THAN or EQUAL to 48"

Answer choice C is right (n ≤ 48)


We can simplify the expression  by using distributive property (a(b+c)=ab+ac) and collecting like terms to fully simplify the expression. let's do it:


Indeed the expression is equal to "20 - 5x" (the two terms are just placed differently)

Answer is TRUE

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

For every 8 cars there are 7 trucks



Answer is B)8:7

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
The answer is in the image 

The answer is in the image 

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD


where F=force









Approximately it is aqual to 1300kg

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

The solution is given in the image below

The solution is given in the image below
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

The wood before starting =12 feet

Left wood=6 feet

Wood used till now=12-6=6 feet

Picture frame built till now= 6/(3/4)

=8 pieces

Therefore, till now 8 pieces have been made.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

The wood before starting =12 feet

Left wood=6 feet

Wood used till now=12-6=6 feet

Picture frame built till now= 6/(3/4)

=8 pieces

Therefore, till now 8 pieces have been made.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

The answer is in the image 

The answer is in the image 

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