
When rounding to the nearest ten, What is the least whole number that rounds to 840

. 4


Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
The least number when rounding to 310 is 305 because 5 and up you round up.
The greatest number would be 314 because then the next number would then be 315. Hope this helps!!
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
The least number when rounding to 310 is 305 because 5 and up you round up.
The greatest number would be 314 because then the next number would then be 315. Hope this helps!!
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD


Step-by-step explanation:

Given that:

Whole number rounded to the nearest ten thousand is 620,000

Let x = the whole number

HTh__ TTh Th H T U

6 2 0 0 0 0

The ten thousand digit is 0 ;

To round to the nearest 10 thousand, the thousand digit is rounded up to 1 and added to the ten thousand digit if it up to 5 or above and rounded down to 0 if below 5 with all subsequent digits(hundred, tens and unit) rounded to Zero..


The whole number will could be range between :

615,000 - 619,999

Hence, the least possible value for the number is 615,000.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

1. The population increases exponentially, therefore the number of members in the team will increase by the equation modeled by :

\text{Number of members = }a_0(1+\frac{Rate}{100})^{Time}\\\\\implies\text{Number of members = }412(1+\frac{5}{100})^9\\\\\implioes\text{Number of members after 9 months = }639

2. Total cost of the toy is calculated by multiplying the initial cost and the amount of tax charged on the toy.

Here, 15.85 represents the initial cost of the toy

Hence, 1 + x represents the amount of tax charged on the toy.

3. Rate per year is given to be 12.5%

Now, to find monthly rate, divide the yearly rate by 12

\text{Monthly Rate = }\frac{12.5}{12}=1.04\%

4. Rate per year is given to be 20%

Now, to find monthly rate, divide the yearly rate by 12

\text{Monthly Rate = }\frac{20}{12}\approx 1.7\%

5. The value of a truck after t years is represented by the function f(t)=22,200(0.92)t .

Here, 2200 is the initial value of the truck.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD


Step-by-step explanation:

Given that:

Whole number rounded to the nearest ten thousand is 620,000

Let x = the whole number

HTh__ TTh Th H T U

6 2 0 0 0 0

The ten thousand digit is 0 ;

To round to the nearest 10 thousand, the thousand digit is rounded up to 1 and added to the ten thousand digit if it up to 5 or above and rounded down to 0 if below 5 with all subsequent digits(hundred, tens and unit) rounded to Zero..


The whole number will could be range between :

615,000 - 619,999

Hence, the least possible value for the number is 615,000.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

1. The population increases exponentially, therefore the number of members in the team will increase by the equation modeled by :

\text{Number of members = }a_0(1+\frac{Rate}{100})^{Time}\\\\\implies\text{Number of members = }412(1+\frac{5}{100})^9\\\\\implioes\text{Number of members after 9 months = }639

2. Total cost of the toy is calculated by multiplying the initial cost and the amount of tax charged on the toy.

Here, 15.85 represents the initial cost of the toy

Hence, 1 + x represents the amount of tax charged on the toy.

3. Rate per year is given to be 12.5%

Now, to find monthly rate, divide the yearly rate by 12

\text{Monthly Rate = }\frac{12.5}{12}=1.04\%

4. Rate per year is given to be 20%

Now, to find monthly rate, divide the yearly rate by 12

\text{Monthly Rate = }\frac{20}{12}\approx 1.7\%

5. The value of a truck after t years is represented by the function f(t)=22,200(0.92)t .

Here, 2200 is the initial value of the truck.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

Please see the detailed answer below:

Step-by-step explanation:

Part 1:

n = [lnA - lnP] / ln(1 + i)

n = [ln15000 - ln10000] / ln(1 + 0.03)

n = [9.6158 - 9.2103] / 0.0296

n = 13.70

13 years, 8 months and 12 Days

Part 2:

P = A / [(1 + i)n]

P = 15000 / [(1.03)4]

P = 15000 / 1.1255

P = $13,327.31

Part 3:

A = 10000 (1 + 0.04)5

A = $12,166.53

The amount of money you need to save to buy a car at $15,000 would be;

$15,000 - $12,166.53

=> $2,833.47

Part 4

Firstly there is a threat of inflation. The car that $15,000 may not cost the same amount after 13 years from now. Secondly, We can Invest money today to get interest on it instead of loosing the opportunity cost of interest by not investing the money and saving the money by self is definitely a waste of time. Thirdly, Human Beings prefer to get pleasurable luxuries as early as possible, So I would prefer to invest $10,000 now at higher rate of return at 4% for the time period of 5 years so that I buy the car and in that time I will also save the money on my own so that it could add up to $15,000.

Part 5

Saving money for rainy days is a concept derived from ancient times. As at the beginning people used to save food as there will be no cultivation in dry weather. But above example is solely talking about luxury as if it would be necessity he could have bought any cheaper Car. And for that we should always be thankful to God for what he has given to us. Some of the Verses from Bible are listed below:

"Always find something to be thankful for, even in the hard times."

“Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.”

Chronicles 16:34

“Let them give thanks to the LORD for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind, for he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things.”

Psalm 107:8-9

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

Please see the detailed answer below:

Step-by-step explanation:

Part 1:

n = [lnA - lnP] / ln(1 + i)

n = [ln15000 - ln10000] / ln(1 + 0.03)

n = [9.6158 - 9.2103] / 0.0296

n = 13.70

13 years, 8 months and 12 Days

Part 2:

P = A / [(1 + i)n]

P = 15000 / [(1.03)4]

P = 15000 / 1.1255

P = $13,327.31

Part 3:

A = 10000 (1 + 0.04)5

A = $12,166.53

The amount of money you need to save to buy a car at $15,000 would be;

$15,000 - $12,166.53

=> $2,833.47

Part 4

Firstly there is a threat of inflation. The car that $15,000 may not cost the same amount after 13 years from now. Secondly, We can Invest money today to get interest on it instead of loosing the opportunity cost of interest by not investing the money and saving the money by self is definitely a waste of time. Thirdly, Human Beings prefer to get pleasurable luxuries as early as possible, So I would prefer to invest $10,000 now at higher rate of return at 4% for the time period of 5 years so that I buy the car and in that time I will also save the money on my own so that it could add up to $15,000.

Part 5

Saving money for rainy days is a concept derived from ancient times. As at the beginning people used to save food as there will be no cultivation in dry weather. But above example is solely talking about luxury as if it would be necessity he could have bought any cheaper Car. And for that we should always be thankful to God for what he has given to us. Some of the Verses from Bible are listed below:

"Always find something to be thankful for, even in the hard times."

“Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.”

Chronicles 16:34

“Let them give thanks to the LORD for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind, for he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things.”

Psalm 107:8-9

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
Roughly 95% of the data lies within 2 standard deviations of the mean. 

So (100% - 95%)/2 = 2.5% of the data lies within each tail.

This means roughly 2.5% of the data is in the left hand tail. 

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