
Which of these might be carried by the wind, which causes the weathering of rocks?

. 4


Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
1. The most likely explanation for this difference in height is a difference in nutrition because rich families have a better lifestyle than poor families.
2. The disease must be recessive because there is a window diagram of people who inherit the genetic disease.
3. A farmer chooses the cows in his or her herd that produce the most milk and breeds only those cows. The explanation in this is the group of cows that produce the most milk are probably the ones who have the link of family lineage between them. Breeding of healthy cows produces also healthy cows thus healthy cows will be breed to each other.
4. Increasing the amount of crop harvested should be the advantage of the farmer. Increase of the amount of crop harvested means increase of the farmer's income.
5. D. Blastocyst > zygote > embryo > fetus. Blastocysts are structures that formed early in day 5 of in-vitro fertilization process which will be transformed later into zygote. The zygote will undergo in a division process called mitosis and after the first eight weeks of fertilization, embryo will be formed. Bodily or organ structures will then appear and after this development by twelfth week of fertilization, fetus will be formed and this will be the last stage of development that includes growth.
6. The new cell that is formed from fertilization is called zygote. This eukaryotic cell is produced from joining of two gametes together. 
7. Egg-laying land animals have evolved to produce eggs with tough shells to ensure that external fertilization can take place with caution and safety. Tough shells are needed to protect the cell that undergoes fertilization.
8. Plants and animals reproduce in different ways but they both carry hereditary material from parent. Genes from their origins are carried and the appearance of some trait will be shown by the offspring.
9. There is a 50% that the second offspring will be a girl. It really depends on the genetic material and biological character of the mother and there are factors that needs to be checked upon giving birth.
10.  One of the plants has the nutrients and light it needs to grow and flower, while the other does not. The environment is similar between the two plants but the manner or means of taking care of it depends on the people who own it. This also affect the access of the pollinator to the flower if a flower does not have any nutrients to give.
11.  Over time, a plant pollinated by a hummingbird has developed very long, tube-like flowers. The longer, tube-shaped flowers probably developed to keep the hummingbird from reaching and drinking the flower’s nectar. Birds are creatures who flies high and the for them to reach the flower's nectar, the plant should also be high.
12. Pollen inside the cherries fertilizes ovules, which produce seeds. This helps to reproduce the plant of cherry trees because seeds are the source and without seeds there would be no plants or trees to grow.
14. A plant that reproduces with flowers is called angiosperm with a scientific name of magnoliophyta, subkingdom of embryophyta.
15. At certain times of the year, the male sage grouse can be seen inflating the air sacs on his chest and singing loudly to a female sage grouse. This behavior is likely an example of a courtship ritual practiced or acted by the nature of male animals. The male animal are would try to impress the female animal by showing off their talent or giving them anything to offer for an intercourse.
16. In humans, the developing embryo receives nutrients and oxygen through a tube called the umbilical cord. This tube is connected between a mother and a fetus inside the mother's body. The nutrients received by the mother will also be received by the neonate by means of infusion or absorption through the barrier.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
1. The most likely explanation for this difference in height is a difference in nutrition because rich families have a better lifestyle than poor families.
2. The disease must be recessive because there is a window diagram of people who inherit the genetic disease.
3. A farmer chooses the cows in his or her herd that produce the most milk and breeds only those cows. The explanation in this is the group of cows that produce the most milk are probably the ones who have the link of family lineage between them. Breeding of healthy cows produces also healthy cows thus healthy cows will be breed to each other.
4. Increasing the amount of crop harvested should be the advantage of the farmer. Increase of the amount of crop harvested means increase of the farmer's income.
5. D. Blastocyst > zygote > embryo > fetus. Blastocysts are structures that formed early in day 5 of in-vitro fertilization process which will be transformed later into zygote. The zygote will undergo in a division process called mitosis and after the first eight weeks of fertilization, embryo will be formed. Bodily or organ structures will then appear and after this development by twelfth week of fertilization, fetus will be formed and this will be the last stage of development that includes growth.
6. The new cell that is formed from fertilization is called zygote. This eukaryotic cell is produced from joining of two gametes together. 
7. Egg-laying land animals have evolved to produce eggs with tough shells to ensure that external fertilization can take place with caution and safety. Tough shells are needed to protect the cell that undergoes fertilization.
8. Plants and animals reproduce in different ways but they both carry hereditary material from parent. Genes from their origins are carried and the appearance of some trait will be shown by the offspring.
9. There is a 50% that the second offspring will be a girl. It really depends on the genetic material and biological character of the mother and there are factors that needs to be checked upon giving birth.
10.  One of the plants has the nutrients and light it needs to grow and flower, while the other does not. The environment is similar between the two plants but the manner or means of taking care of it depends on the people who own it. This also affect the access of the pollinator to the flower if a flower does not have any nutrients to give.
11.  Over time, a plant pollinated by a hummingbird has developed very long, tube-like flowers. The longer, tube-shaped flowers probably developed to keep the hummingbird from reaching and drinking the flower’s nectar. Birds are creatures who flies high and the for them to reach the flower's nectar, the plant should also be high.
12. Pollen inside the cherries fertilizes ovules, which produce seeds. This helps to reproduce the plant of cherry trees because seeds are the source and without seeds there would be no plants or trees to grow.
14. A plant that reproduces with flowers is called angiosperm with a scientific name of magnoliophyta, subkingdom of embryophyta.
15. At certain times of the year, the male sage grouse can be seen inflating the air sacs on his chest and singing loudly to a female sage grouse. This behavior is likely an example of a courtship ritual practiced or acted by the nature of male animals. The male animal are would try to impress the female animal by showing off their talent or giving them anything to offer for an intercourse.
16. In humans, the developing embryo receives nutrients and oxygen through a tube called the umbilical cord. This tube is connected between a mother and a fetus inside the mother's body. The nutrients received by the mother will also be received by the neonate by means of infusion or absorption through the barrier.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Studen AI
The perspectives on British imperialist actions offered in these two publications, "The People of Canton: Against the English, 1842" and "The Benefits of British Rule, 1871" by Dadabhai Naoroji, differ significantly due to various factors.

1. Historical Context: The publications were written at different periods in history. "The People of Canton: Against the English, 1842" reflects the immediate response to British imperialism during the Opium Wars, a time of resistance and anger towards British actions in China. On the other hand, "The Benefits of British Rule, 1871" represents a later perspective, when the British had established a more significant presence in India, and Dadabhai Naoroji sought to promote a favorable view of British rule.

2. Perspective of Authors: The authors of the publications have different backgrounds and motivations. The first publication represents the collective views of the people of Canton, who were directly affected by the British presence and perceived them as barbarians. It emphasizes grievances, such as the opium trade and alleged violence committed by the English. The second publication by Dadabhai Naoroji, an Indian political leader, highlights some of the positive changes brought by British rule, presenting a more nuanced perspective.

3. Intent and Audience: "The People of Canton: Against the English" was likely written to unite the people against the English and rally support for resistance. It employs strong language and portrays the British as vicious and greedy. In contrast, Dadabhai Naoroji's publication, "The Benefits of British Rule," was intended to persuade the British and the broader audience of the positive impact of British rule in India. It emphasizes improvements in areas such as education, social reforms, and infrastructure development.

4. Historical Events and Personal Experiences: The experiences and events witnessed by the authors and their respective communities influenced their perspectives. The people of Canton experienced direct conflict with the British forces during the Opium Wars, leading to a hostile view. Dadabhai Naoroji, on the other hand, pointed out some of the positive changes that he believed resulted from British rule, especially in terms of humanitarian reforms and infrastructure development.

These variations in perspectives can be attributed to differences in historical context, the authors' backgrounds and motivations, the intended audiences, and the specific events and experiences that shaped their views. It is essential to consider multiple perspectives when analyzing historical events to gain a comprehensive understanding.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Studen AI
Based on the evidence presented in the document, it can be inferred that Dadabhai Naoroji, the author of "The Benefits of British Rule," supports British rule in India. Here are some pieces of evidence to support this assertion:

1. In the section titled "The Benefits of British Rule for India," Naoroji highlights various positive aspects of British rule. He mentions the abolition of harmful practices like suttee and infanticide, the eradication of criminal groups, allowing remarriage of Hindu widows, and providing charitable aid during famine. Naoroji describes these efforts as "glorious work," suggesting that he perceives them as beneficial outcomes of British rule.

2. Naoroji acknowledges the benefits of education provided by the British, stating that it has gradually led to the destruction of superstition and improved societal conditions. He also emphasizes the revitalization of India's literature through Western influences, which he views as a positive outcome of British rule in India.

3. Under the category of "Politically," Naoroji highlights peace, order, freedom of speech, liberty of the press, and higher political knowledge and aspirations as positive aspects of British rule. He mentions the improvement of government in native states, security of life and property, and the services of highly educated administrators as achievements resulting from British rule.

4. Naoroji recognizes the material benefits brought about by British rule, such as loans for railways and irrigation and the development of valuable products. He acknowledges the increase in exports and the introduction of telegraphs as positive contributions.

5. Naoroji expresses appreciation for England's efforts to treat India equitably and acknowledges that England is the key to India's regeneration. He believes that the British people embody fair play and justice and hopes that they will understand the real wishes and needs of the Indian population.

Based on these points, it can be concluded that the author overall supports British rule in India, highlighting the positive changes and advancements brought about by British influence.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Studen AI
Great Britain did not use the same policies throughout the empire due to several reasons. One of the main reasons is that different regions within the empire had unique characteristics, cultures, and socio-political contexts. As a result, Great Britain adopted different policies to suit the specific needs and circumstances of each region.

Additionally, Great Britain's imperial policies were influenced by various factors, including the resources and economic potential of each region, strategic interests, and geopolitical considerations. The British Empire was vast and diverse, encompassing territories in different parts of the world, such as India, Africa, and Southeast Asia. Each region had its own sets of challenges and opportunities, which necessitated varying policies.

Moreover, local resistance and indigenous responses to British rule also played a significant role in shaping the policies employed by the British government. In some cases, the British authorities were forced to adapt their policies in response to the demands and protests of local populations. This led to variations in policies across different regions based on the nature and intensity of resistance.

It is worth noting that the British Empire was not a homogeneous entity, and governance within the empire evolved over time. As the empire grew and faced different circumstances, there was a constant reshaping of policies to address specific needs and challenges. This resulted in a diverse range of policies across different territories within the British Empire.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD


A. The elements are:

-The person must have committed an act that is prohibited

-The act must have been committed with intent


The defenses include

-Self defense

- under duress

- insanity

- necessity

C officer john law had a good and enough cause to search Jake and seize his firearm since his movement was suspicious. It was midnight and he was about a shop in a strange manner and he was even talking to someone else. Such actions is enough to get an officer at alert. It seemed like jake and the man were planning on how to commit a crime. A search on the man even revealed a weapon. 4th amendment gives a protection to peoples privacy and immunity from unnecessary search and seizures. But the amendment does not say a probable cause like the officer had done was illegal. This search was reasonable and very legal. Jakes rights were not violated.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD


A. The elements are:

-The person must have committed an act that is prohibited

-The act must have been committed with intent


The defenses include

-Self defense

- under duress

- insanity

- necessity

C officer john law had a good and enough cause to search Jake and seize his firearm since his movement was suspicious. It was midnight and he was about a shop in a strange manner and he was even talking to someone else. Such actions is enough to get an officer at alert. It seemed like jake and the man were planning on how to commit a crime. A search on the man even revealed a weapon. 4th amendment gives a protection to peoples privacy and immunity from unnecessary search and seizures. But the amendment does not say a probable cause like the officer had done was illegal. This search was reasonable and very legal. Jakes rights were not violated.

Social Studies
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
The climate of India is described as C. Seasonally rainy monsoonsReasoning: A monsoon is a seasonal change in the direction of the prevailing, or strongest, winds of a region. The summer monsoon and the winter monsoon determine the climate for most of India and Southeast Asia.
Also, India is home to an extraordinary variety of climatic regions, ranging from tropical in the south to temperate and alpine in the Himalayan north, where elevated regions receive sustained winter snowfall. The nation's climate is strongly influenced by the Himalayas and the Thar Desert.
Social Studies
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

secret explanation


i think it will help you

Social Studies
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master
Being responsible is owning up the possible consequences of your decision whether these consequences are right or wrong. Communication is a two way process wherein there is a messenger (one who talks) and receiver (one who listens). One of the ways that a person could be responsible is by saying ‘I’ in all the things he would say, instead of ‘we’. Example, ‘We don’t like the way you act a while ago.’ Change it to ‘I don’t like the way you act awhile ago’. Here, you are establishing ownership on the things you want to say to the person.  

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