Spanish : asked on jenny3661

I need help putting the right words in the blanks. Can you help me?

. 5


Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

Juan: ¡Buenos días!

Ana: ¡hola!

Juan: ¿Cómo te llamas?

Ana: Me llamo Ana. ¿Y tú?

Juan: me llamo Juan.

Ana: ¿Cómo estás?

Juan: muy bien. ¿Y tú?

Ana: ¡Muy bien. ¡Gracias!

Juan: Hasta luego, Ana.

Ana: ¡adiós!

Match the Spanish word with the English word by putting the correct letter on the blank.

C. Goodnight  1. Buenas noches  

A. See you later  2. Hasta luego

D. Good morning     3. Buenos días

B. See you tomorrow    4. Hasta mañana

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

Juan: ¡Buenos días!

Ana: ¡hola!

Juan: ¿Cómo te llamas?

Ana: Me llamo Ana. ¿Y tú?

Juan: me llamo Juan.

Ana: ¿Cómo estás?

Juan: muy bien. ¿Y tú?

Ana: ¡Muy bien. ¡Gracias!

Juan: Hasta luego, Ana.

Ana: ¡adiós!

Match the Spanish word with the English word by putting the correct letter on the blank.

C. Goodnight  1. Buenas noches  

A. See you later  2. Hasta luego

D. Good morning     3. Buenos días

B. See you tomorrow    4. Hasta mañana

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

person = input('enter person name:')

print("Nice name!")

color = input('enter color: ')

print("Ooo good choice")

foods = input('enter name of some food make a plural!: ')

print(" have excellent taste")

adjective = input('enter an adjective name: ')


thing = input('enter a thing name : ')


place = input('enter place : ')

print("Never been there but it seems cool!")

verb = input('enter verb : ')

print("Amazing verb!")

adverb = input('enter adverb : ')

print("Love it!")

food = input('enter food name: ')

print("I'm getting hungry!!")

things = input('enter name of things you like make this plural too! : ')

print("Okay, here are the results!")

print("Today we got apples from", person)

print("The apples were", color)

print("After that we ate lots of", foods)

print("I also met a dog that was", adjective)

print("Also, I found something near the trees. It was a", thing)

print("I found myself wandering to a", place)

print("Then I decided to", verb)

print("I did that very", adverb)

print("Then I got home and ate some", food)

print("Then I played with some", things)

print("Hope you liked this story! Bye!")

This was written in my words I tried to make a simple as possible but enough to get through the project. I had the same project but it wanted me to do it on R E P L I T from ED's commands

This I did on R E P L I T if you want the OnlineGDB one I found this on it.(The one below) It should be right if it isn't I recommend using the one above written by me.

import time

from time import sleep

text1 = 'I liked'

text2 = 'much better'

adjective1 = input ("Enter an adjective: ")


print ('Ooh, nice adjective!')


noun1 = input ("Enter a noun: ")


print ('Woah! You are so creative!')


verb_past_tense1 = input ("Enter a verb in the past tense: ")


print ('Have you ever done that?')


verb_past_tense2 = input ("Enter a verb in the past tense: ")


print ('Hmm...')


noun2 = input ("Enter a noun: ")


print (text1, noun1, text2)


adverb1 = input ("Enter an adverb: ")


print ('Oh, okay, showoff!')


verb_past_tense3 = input ("Enter a verb in the past tense: ")


print ("...")


verb_past_tense4 = input ("Enter another verb in the past tense: ")


print ("Oh, yeah. Ralll original.")


exclamation1 = input ("Enter an exclamation: ")


print ('That is it. I am done reading your terrible MadLib inputs.')


verb_ending_with_ing = input ("Enter a verb ending with -ing: ")


print ("Hmph...")


plural_noun = input ("Enter a plural noun: ")


print ("Generating your (probably terrible) MadLib.")


print ('Get ready,')


print ('Get set,')


print ('READ!')


text3 = 'It was a'

text4 = "night."

text5 = 'All of a sudden, I heard a loud'

text6 = 'right outside my window!'

text7 = 'I'

text8 = 'over to the blinds and'

text9 = 'them open.'

text10 = "There was a"

text11 = "outside my house!"

text12 = "I"

text13 = "over to the front door, and"

text14 = "it open."

text15 = "what are you doing, just"

text16 = "there... So menacingly?"

text17 = "I am here for"

text18 = "the"

text19 = 'replied.'

text20 = "Well, that is all you had to say, I told the"

text21 = "And, without further ado, I invited the"

text22 = "inside for"

print (text3, adjective1, text4)


print (text5, noun1, text6)


print (text7, verb_past_tense1, text8, verb_past_tense2, text9)


print (text10, noun2, text11)


print (text12, adverb1, verb_past_tense3, text13, text14)


print (exclamation1, text15, verb_ending_with_ing, text16)


print (text17, plural_noun, text18, noun2, text19)


print (text20, noun2)


print (text21, noun2, text22, plural_noun)


print ("THE END!")


print ("Thankfully.")


print ("Now, go away!")


- I hope this helped- The bottom one is copy and pasted from OnlineGDB. It's just an example and something to help you understand if you don't. I won't stop you from copying and pasting it but I recommend you write it in your own words.- On the other hand, the top one or the first one is written by me in my own words. I used the OnlineGDB for examples but it's all in my own words. You may use that and directly copy and paste it. - Thanks for your time - Brainliest appreciated! :)

-- Juri Davis

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

person = input('enter person name:')

print("Nice name!")

color = input('enter color: ')

print("Ooo good choice")

foods = input('enter name of some food make a plural!: ')

print(" have excellent taste")

adjective = input('enter an adjective name: ')


thing = input('enter a thing name : ')


place = input('enter place : ')

print("Never been there but it seems cool!")

verb = input('enter verb : ')

print("Amazing verb!")

adverb = input('enter adverb : ')

print("Love it!")

food = input('enter food name: ')

print("I'm getting hungry!!")

things = input('enter name of things you like make this plural too! : ')

print("Okay, here are the results!")

print("Today we got apples from", person)

print("The apples were", color)

print("After that we ate lots of", foods)

print("I also met a dog that was", adjective)

print("Also, I found something near the trees. It was a", thing)

print("I found myself wandering to a", place)

print("Then I decided to", verb)

print("I did that very", adverb)

print("Then I got home and ate some", food)

print("Then I played with some", things)

print("Hope you liked this story! Bye!")

This was written in my words I tried to make a simple as possible but enough to get through the project. I had the same project but it wanted me to do it on R E P L I T from ED's commands

This I did on R E P L I T if you want the OnlineGDB one I found this on it.(The one below) It should be right if it isn't I recommend using the one above written by me.

import time

from time import sleep

text1 = 'I liked'

text2 = 'much better'

adjective1 = input ("Enter an adjective: ")


print ('Ooh, nice adjective!')


noun1 = input ("Enter a noun: ")


print ('Woah! You are so creative!')


verb_past_tense1 = input ("Enter a verb in the past tense: ")


print ('Have you ever done that?')


verb_past_tense2 = input ("Enter a verb in the past tense: ")


print ('Hmm...')


noun2 = input ("Enter a noun: ")


print (text1, noun1, text2)


adverb1 = input ("Enter an adverb: ")


print ('Oh, okay, showoff!')


verb_past_tense3 = input ("Enter a verb in the past tense: ")


print ("...")


verb_past_tense4 = input ("Enter another verb in the past tense: ")


print ("Oh, yeah. Ralll original.")


exclamation1 = input ("Enter an exclamation: ")


print ('That is it. I am done reading your terrible MadLib inputs.')


verb_ending_with_ing = input ("Enter a verb ending with -ing: ")


print ("Hmph...")


plural_noun = input ("Enter a plural noun: ")


print ("Generating your (probably terrible) MadLib.")


print ('Get ready,')


print ('Get set,')


print ('READ!')


text3 = 'It was a'

text4 = "night."

text5 = 'All of a sudden, I heard a loud'

text6 = 'right outside my window!'

text7 = 'I'

text8 = 'over to the blinds and'

text9 = 'them open.'

text10 = "There was a"

text11 = "outside my house!"

text12 = "I"

text13 = "over to the front door, and"

text14 = "it open."

text15 = "what are you doing, just"

text16 = "there... So menacingly?"

text17 = "I am here for"

text18 = "the"

text19 = 'replied.'

text20 = "Well, that is all you had to say, I told the"

text21 = "And, without further ado, I invited the"

text22 = "inside for"

print (text3, adjective1, text4)


print (text5, noun1, text6)


print (text7, verb_past_tense1, text8, verb_past_tense2, text9)


print (text10, noun2, text11)


print (text12, adverb1, verb_past_tense3, text13, text14)


print (exclamation1, text15, verb_ending_with_ing, text16)


print (text17, plural_noun, text18, noun2, text19)


print (text20, noun2)


print (text21, noun2, text22, plural_noun)


print ("THE END!")


print ("Thankfully.")


print ("Now, go away!")


- I hope this helped- The bottom one is copy and pasted from OnlineGDB. It's just an example and something to help you understand if you don't. I won't stop you from copying and pasting it but I recommend you write it in your own words.- On the other hand, the top one or the first one is written by me in my own words. I used the OnlineGDB for examples but it's all in my own words. You may use that and directly copy and paste it. - Thanks for your time - Brainliest appreciated! :)

-- Juri Davis

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

a) In spanish (castillian) gramar the Preterite or Simple Past Tense is used to express specific actions completed or concluded in the past that are separated from the present.  

In other words:  

It is applied when the person speaking gives information about the past that is not related to the present.  

Knowing this, let’s begin with the answers:  

1. Right Tú comenzaste ayer.

In this sentence the main verb is comenzar (to begin). This Spanish verb is conjugated in preterite with the second person in singular tú (you) as comenzaste (you began).

In english the sentence is written as follows:

You began yesteray

2. Right Yo escribí una carta.

In this sentence the main verb is escribir (to write). This Spanish verb is conjugated in preterite with the first person in singular yo (I) as escribí (I wrote).

In english the sentence is written as follows:

I wrote a letter

3. Right Nosotros vivimos en San Diego.

In this sentence the main verb is vivir (to live). This Spanish verb is conjugated in preterite with the first person in plural nosotros (we) as vivimos (we lived).

In english the sentence is written as follows:

We lived in San Diego

4. Right Mis padres pagaron para la cena.

In this sentence the main verb is pagar (to pay). This Spanish verb is conjugated in preterite with the third person in plural ellos (they), which is the subject Mis padres, as pagaron (they paid).

In english the sentence is written as follows:

My parents paid for dinner

5. Right Ellos jugaron el béisbol.

In this sentence the main verb is jugar (to play). This Spanish verb is conjugated in preterite with the third person in plural ellos (they), as jugaron (they played).

In english the sentence is written as follows:

They played baseball

b) Write both the infinitive form and the preterite yo form of the following verb.

The infinitive form of a verb is the verb in its basic form (in present), in other words is like the name or presentation of a verb as it appears in grammar or when you search in the dictionary .

It is usually preceded by to, but is not always necessary; this will depend on the context.

On the other hand, “the preterite yo form” of a verb is the conjugation of a verb in preterite or simple past tense with the fisrt person in singular yo (I).

Now, we have two verbs below, to pay (pagar) and to prefer (preferir):

1. to pay

Infinitive form: Pagar Preterite yo form: Yo pagué

2. to prefer

Infinitive form: Preferir Preterite yo form: Yo preferí c) Right almorzará  

In the sentence below according to the context, the right verb is almorzar (to lunch) conjugated in future with the third person in singular él (he) which is Mi abuelo (My grandfather), as almorzará (he will lunch or he will have lunch).

Therefore, the sentence is:

Hoy mi abuelo no come con nosotros. Él almorzará con unos amigos.

Today my grandfather does not eat with us. He will have lunch with some friends

The option traer (to bring) does not match with the context.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD


Word choice is simple. Just look in the lesson and put the definitions.

Question 4: horrid, honesty

Question 5: rebellion, seize, forfeit

Question 6: personnel, advertisement, director, biology, zoology

Question 7: vocabulary, pronunciation, pronounce, dictionary, diacritical, breve, macron, accent

Question 8: temperance, international

Question 9: ceiling, aviation

Question 10: bouquet

Question 11: envelope

Question 12: forehead

Question 13: handicap

Question 14: merciful

Question 15: personal

Question 16: humorous

Question 17: separate

Hope this helps!

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

a) In spanish (castillian) gramar the Preterite or Simple Past Tense is used to express specific actions completed or concluded in the past that are separated from the present.  

In other words:  

It is applied when the person speaking gives information about the past that is not related to the present.  

Knowing this, let’s begin with the answers:  

1. Right Tú comenzaste ayer.

In this sentence the main verb is comenzar (to begin). This Spanish verb is conjugated in preterite with the second person in singular tú (you) as comenzaste (you began).

In english the sentence is written as follows:

You began yesteray

2. Right Yo escribí una carta.

In this sentence the main verb is escribir (to write). This Spanish verb is conjugated in preterite with the first person in singular yo (I) as escribí (I wrote).

In english the sentence is written as follows:

I wrote a letter

3. Right Nosotros vivimos en San Diego.

In this sentence the main verb is vivir (to live). This Spanish verb is conjugated in preterite with the first person in plural nosotros (we) as vivimos (we lived).

In english the sentence is written as follows:

We lived in San Diego

4. Right Mis padres pagaron para la cena.

In this sentence the main verb is pagar (to pay). This Spanish verb is conjugated in preterite with the third person in plural ellos (they), which is the subject Mis padres, as pagaron (they paid).

In english the sentence is written as follows:

My parents paid for dinner

5. Right Ellos jugaron el béisbol.

In this sentence the main verb is jugar (to play). This Spanish verb is conjugated in preterite with the third person in plural ellos (they), as jugaron (they played).

In english the sentence is written as follows:

They played baseball

b) Write both the infinitive form and the preterite yo form of the following verb.

The infinitive form of a verb is the verb in its basic form (in present), in other words is like the name or presentation of a verb as it appears in grammar or when you search in the dictionary .

It is usually preceded by to, but is not always necessary; this will depend on the context.

On the other hand, “the preterite yo form” of a verb is the conjugation of a verb in preterite or simple past tense with the fisrt person in singular yo (I).

Now, we have two verbs below, to pay (pagar) and to prefer (preferir):

1. to pay

Infinitive form: Pagar Preterite yo form: Yo pagué

2. to prefer

Infinitive form: Preferir Preterite yo form: Yo preferí c) Right almorzará  

In the sentence below according to the context, the right verb is almorzar (to lunch) conjugated in future with the third person in singular él (he) which is Mi abuelo (My grandfather), as almorzará (he will lunch or he will have lunch).

Therefore, the sentence is:

Hoy mi abuelo no come con nosotros. Él almorzará con unos amigos.

Today my grandfather does not eat with us. He will have lunch with some friends

The option traer (to bring) does not match with the context.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD


Word choice is simple. Just look in the lesson and put the definitions.

Question 4: horrid, honesty

Question 5: rebellion, seize, forfeit

Question 6: personnel, advertisement, director, biology, zoology

Question 7: vocabulary, pronunciation, pronounce, dictionary, diacritical, breve, macron, accent

Question 8: temperance, international

Question 9: ceiling, aviation

Question 10: bouquet

Question 11: envelope

Question 12: forehead

Question 13: handicap

Question 14: merciful

Question 15: personal

Question 16: humorous

Question 17: separate

Hope this helps!

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