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what is the ground? why is the choice of ground important? provide three examples of ground.

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17.02.2022, solved by verified expert
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Ground- the surface of a drawing, it is important because it plays as the surface for type of drawing. charcoal, sketch, pastel maner.
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P Answered by PhD
Explanation:Lascaux Cave is actually a complex of several caves in the town of Montignac, in the department of Dordogne in southwestern France. The cave has over 600 wall paintings on its walls and ceilings dating back to the Upper Paleolithic time, some 17,000 years ago. Opening the cave to the public in 1960’s has brought serious threats to the paintings. As part of the strict conservation program, authorities managed to install an air conditioning system in the cave to regulate humidity and temperature. Soon after that, a white mold called Fusarium solani infested and spread across the cave ceiling and walls at a rapid pace. Many other fungus infestations has followed over the years that threatened to destroy the priceless ancient paintings. Conservation process is still ongoing up to the time of writing and Lascaux Cave is not open to the public.
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P Answered by Specialist


Paru-Parong bukid is a traditional Filipino folk song which originated from "Mariposa Bella", a Filipino song in Spanish originated in the 1890s.

The song "Mariposa Bella" was composed during the time of American invasion of the Philippines. During American occupation of the Philippines in 1898, the Spanish speaking Filipinos commenced including the song itself.

In 1938, "Mariposa Bella" was totally forgotten when "Paru-Parong Bukid" was released as a soundtrack of a film of the same title. The Tagalog rendition was composed by Felipe De Leon.

In popular culture

A drama movie titled Paroparong Bukid was released by Sampaguita Pictures in 1938, starring Rudy Concepcion, using the folk song Paru-Parong Bukid as a soundtrack.

In 1958, a romance film Paroparong Bukid which stars Gloria Romero, Luis Gonzales and Dolphy was released by the same production company Sampaguita Pictures.

Guillermo Gómez Rivera, released an LP in 1962 entitled Nostalgia Filipina which includes the original Spanish song "Mariposa Bella"

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P Answered by Master

Answer is from teacher..

Answer will vary but may include the following: The image is an Asian artwork, specifically a Japanese ukiyo-e scene. In the image there are men carrying either some type of cargo in boxes or baskets of food, across a bridge. Most of the men pictured are walking in two rows, in a sort of procession. Houses are visible in the background. Orange, blue, and yellow are the main colors used. There isn't much variation in the width of the lines. The shapes are fairly geometric. The image is framed on either side by what appears to be a gate or fence. This is an example of a woodblock print, also called a woodcut. Its registration points were likely located in the corners of the woodblock.

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P Answered by Master

A comic book can be defined as commercial narrative art, using one image after another to create a sequential narrative.

There are several styles of comic books, such as superheroes, Japanese manga, autobiographies, etc.

According to comic book artists, there are techniques that must be followed to build a comic book that engages and excites the reader. They are skills in illustrating human anatomy, perspective and visual narrative.

A strong sense of light and color is needed in comic artists to illustrate the movement of characters, who may be running, flying, talking and performing essential actions that continue the narrative.

The artists therefore use a simplistic and reader-friendly illustration, with focal points on the panels demarcated by the presence of light and color, shadows, midtones, and visuals that give story progression and emotions to the characters.

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I was confused as well but I got it right on the online content part. Naturalistic means to represent objects as they appear in nature. Wolves are apart of nature as they are animals.

          I hope this helped

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P Answered by Specialist

He significant success in his lifetime. Bosch’s work was a precursor to the Surrealist movement, while El Greco’s work had a profound impact on both Expressionism and Cubism, schools that would not develop until 150 years after the artist’s death. What made Bosch extraordinary is not just his talent, which was impressive, but the fact that he was the first known painter to ever depict imaginary creatures and beings that came entirely from his own imagination.

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