Biology : asked on cloudFF

What happens to food matter after an animal eats it?

. 4


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P Answered by Studen AI
The central idea of the text is that both nature and nurture contribute to who a person becomes. The correct answer is C. While the traits your parents pass down help make you who you are, outside influences also play an important role. This is supported by the text, which discusses how traits inherited from parents determine certain characteristics like eye color and hair color (nature), but also emphasizes how environmental influences can shape our appearance and behavior (nurture). The text gives examples of twins with identical traits who grow up to look different based on their different environments. Additionally, the text mentions that scientists have debated this question for centuries, suggesting that there is no definite answer and both factors are considered important.
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P Answered by Studen AI
In the given text, the author explores the concept of nature and nurture and how they contribute to shaping a person's appearance and characteristics. Nature refers to the traits and characteristics that individuals inherit from their parents, while nurture refers to the environmental factors and experiences that influence development.

To answer Part A, "Identify the differences between nature and nurture," we can refer to the text to understand each concept:

The text mentions that some things about us are determined before we are born. For example, eye color and hair color are traits that we inherit from our parents. If both parents have red hair, it is likely that their child will also have red hair. These traits are part of our nature and contribute to our physical appearance.

The text also highlights that some aspects of our appearance and characteristics are influenced by our environment and experiences after birth. It gives an example of twin girls who are born with identical traits but end up looking different as they grow up. If the twins live in different homes with different climates, they will wear different clothes, play different sports, and eat different foods. These environmental influences can lead to differences in their physical appearance. Therefore, nurture plays a role in shaping our appearance.

To answer Part B, "Which detail from the text best supports the answer to Part A?," we can refer to the information provided in the text:

The best supporting detail is option C, which states: "One home might be in a very cold place and the other in a warm area. Then these girls would most likely wear different clothes..." This detail exemplifies how different environments can influence the appearance of individuals, even if they have similar traits at birth. It highlights the impact of nurture on our appearance.

Please note that while nature and nurture are discussed in the context of appearance in this text, these concepts also apply to other aspects of human development, including behavior, personality, and abilities.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
12) Conduction. In fact, in conduction the heat is transferred when molecules collide with each other.

13) This is called thermal equilibrium. When we put two objects with different temperature in contact, their molecules have different kinetic energies. The molecules of the object with higher temperature are more energetic, and therefore they start to transfer part of their energy (by collisions) to the molecules of the object with lower temperature, until they reach a condition of equilibrium (i.e. the kinetic energies of the molecules of the two objects will be the same), and this happens when the two objects have same temperature.

14) Convection. Convection takes place in fluids: the heat is transferred by the movement of masses of fluids, from warmer regions to cooler regions.

15) Figure is missing.

16) Mechanical->Electrical. In fact, by walking through the room (movement, so mechanical energy) the body of the person acquired more electrostatic charges, and when it touches the doorknob a spark (electrical energy) takes place, because the charges accumulated on the body find a way to reach the ground throught the doorknob.

17) Law of Conservation of Energy. Indeed, it says that energy can convert into different forms, but the total energy of an isolated system must be conserved.

18) Electrical. In the cathode-ray-tube televisions, for instance, the image on the screen is produced by a current of electrons hitting the screen.

19) The chemical energy in the food is converted to mechanical energy to give the body energy to move. The energy for our body is in fact produced by the chemical reaction of the molecules of the food, and then it is used by our body to move, for instance.

20) Convection. Most of the heater uses water, which is heated and then it starts its flow to distribute the heat, therefore by convection.

21) Figure is missing.

22) The temperature of the steel decreases and the temperature of the water increases. In fact, as we said in number 13), the steel will transfer part of its energy to the water until they reach thermal equilibrium, so the temperature of the steel will decrease while the temperature of the water will increase.

23) It is given off as other forms of energy. In particular, it is converted into radiant energy: the bulb emits light, which is electromagnetic radiation, so the energy is re-emitted as radiation.

24) When two objects collide. For instance, assuming there is a body moving with speed v and another body stationary (with same mass), when they collide the first body transfers its kinetic energy to the second body, putting it in motion.

25) Electrical -> thermal. In a toaster, there is a resistance through which current flows. Due to the Joule effect, the current flowing through the resistor causes an increase of temperature of the resistor itself, therefore the energy of the current (electrical) is converted into thermal energy, which is then used to heat the toast.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
12) Conduction. In fact, in conduction the heat is transferred when molecules collide with each other.

13) This is called thermal equilibrium. When we put two objects with different temperature in contact, their molecules have different kinetic energies. The molecules of the object with higher temperature are more energetic, and therefore they start to transfer part of their energy (by collisions) to the molecules of the object with lower temperature, until they reach a condition of equilibrium (i.e. the kinetic energies of the molecules of the two objects will be the same), and this happens when the two objects have same temperature.

14) Convection. Convection takes place in fluids: the heat is transferred by the movement of masses of fluids, from warmer regions to cooler regions.

15) Figure is missing.

16) Mechanical->Electrical. In fact, by walking through the room (movement, so mechanical energy) the body of the person acquired more electrostatic charges, and when it touches the doorknob a spark (electrical energy) takes place, because the charges accumulated on the body find a way to reach the ground throught the doorknob.

17) Law of Conservation of Energy. Indeed, it says that energy can convert into different forms, but the total energy of an isolated system must be conserved.

18) Electrical. In the cathode-ray-tube televisions, for instance, the image on the screen is produced by a current of electrons hitting the screen.

19) The chemical energy in the food is converted to mechanical energy to give the body energy to move. The energy for our body is in fact produced by the chemical reaction of the molecules of the food, and then it is used by our body to move, for instance.

20) Convection. Most of the heater uses water, which is heated and then it starts its flow to distribute the heat, therefore by convection.

21) Figure is missing.

22) The temperature of the steel decreases and the temperature of the water increases. In fact, as we said in number 13), the steel will transfer part of its energy to the water until they reach thermal equilibrium, so the temperature of the steel will decrease while the temperature of the water will increase.

23) It is given off as other forms of energy. In particular, it is converted into radiant energy: the bulb emits light, which is electromagnetic radiation, so the energy is re-emitted as radiation.

24) When two objects collide. For instance, assuming there is a body moving with speed v and another body stationary (with same mass), when they collide the first body transfers its kinetic energy to the second body, putting it in motion.

25) Electrical -> thermal. In a toaster, there is a resistance through which current flows. Due to the Joule effect, the current flowing through the resistor causes an increase of temperature of the resistor itself, therefore the energy of the current (electrical) is converted into thermal energy, which is then used to heat the toast.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Studen AI
Paragraph 3 contributes to the development of ideas in the text by giving examples of how outside influences can impact the person you become. The paragraph discusses the scenario of twin girls who are born with the same traits and look alike. However, as they grow up in two different homes with different environments, their experiences shape them differently. It highlights that factors such as where and how we live can change the way we look as we grow up, illustrating the influence of nurture on our development. Therefore, the correct answer is C. It gives examples of how outside influences can impact the person you become.
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P Answered by Studen AI
Based on the passage, paragraph 8 suggests that Fuller believes that women are just as interested in public events and participation as men. The paragraph emphasizes that women, like men, seek opportunities for expansion and engagement outside of their domestic lives. Fuller argues that women are not content with solely fulfilling their roles in the home, and that they actively participate in social and public activities, such as attending religious festivals or engaging in charitable work. She rejects the notion that women should be confined to domesticity and highlights the importance of providing women with the same opportunities and freedoms as men to explore their interests and contribute to society. Therefore, the most accurate response is: "Fuller believes that women are just as interested in public events and participation as men."
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Studen AI
Question 1, Part A:
The key idea that Fuller develops in "Woman of the Nineteenth Century" is that men are denying women and enslaved people the unalienable rights they are born with.

Throughout the text, Fuller highlights the oppression faced by women in society and argues that they should have the same rights and privileges as men. She criticizes the way women are oppressed by their husbands and the broader society. Fuller believes that men should do more to help women and enslaved people function independently and that society should adapt to the needs of its members. These ideas align with the concept of unalienable rights, which are inherent and cannot be taken away by others.

Question 2, Part B:
The detail from the text that contributes to the development of the key idea identified in Part A is:

"The gift of reason, Man's highest prerogative, is assigned to them in much lower degrees. There exists in the minds of men a similar tone of feeling toward women as toward enslaved persons, such as is expressed in the common phrase, 'Tell that to women and children.'"

This detail showcases how women are viewed as inferior by men and draws a parallel between the treatment of women and enslaved persons. Both groups are not given the same respect and are often dismissed or not taken seriously. This detail supports the key idea that men are denying women and enslaved people their unalienable rights by highlighting the unequal treatment and disregard for their voices and intellect.
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P Answered by Studen AI
Paragraph 4 contributes to the development of Fuller's argument for equality for women by presenting the counterargument of men that has hindered the advancement of women's rights. In this paragraph, Fuller addresses the perspective of those who believe that women should not be involved in politics or public life. She mentions how some argue that women should focus on their role within the home and that allowing them to participate in government or leadership positions would violate their delicacy and destroy the beauty of home. Fuller acknowledges the opposition's concern about introducing women into public spheres and provides arguments to counter these viewpoints. This paragraph helps to strengthen Fuller's argument by recognizing the opposing views and offering persuasive rebuttals to promote equality for women.
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P Answered by Studen AI
The details from the text that make the connection between women’s lack of rights in the household and the effect on children are:

1. "I do believe that this mode of kidnapping—and it is frequent enough in all classes of society—will be by the next age viewed as it is by Heaven now." This refers to the unfair treatment of women in the society which often subject them to the pain of losing their children to their husbands. This can have a negative impact on the children as they are forcibly separated from their mothers.

2. "I have known these kinds of men to steal their children, whom they knew they had no means to maintain, take them into corrupt company, and to expose them to bodily danger, just to assert their power over their wives." This statement explicitly illustrates the negative impact on children due to their mother's inferior position in the society. The power-tussle between parents and lack of rights for women lead to children being thrown into inappropriate environments, thereby negatively affecting their well-being and growth.

Both statements effectively establish the correlation between the lack of rights for women in a family and the accompanying consequence on the children as they become victims of their mothers' oppressed position within the marital structure.

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