Biology : asked on carts66

Ascientist decides to study the effect of salt on a particular type of bacteria. arrange the steps of the scientific method in the correct order to show how the scientist would proceed with his work.

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Step-by-step answer

22.05.2023, solved by verified expert
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The scientific method is a problem-solving approach used in Biology and other scientific disciplines. This method has five basic steps which help scientists test their hypotheses. The first step of the scientific method is to make an observation. In this particular example, the scientist observes probably that salt has chemical and physical properties which could affect the life cycle of bacteria. The second step would be to ask a question and that would be to ask whether salt indeed has any effect on that particular type of bacteria that he/she studies. The third step would be to form a hypothesis and that would be to state that the specific bacterial type will be strongly affected by the salt. The fourth step would be to predict that if the scientist exposed this bacterial type to a salty environment, the bacteria would not survive. The fifth and final step is to test this prediction and if the bacteria do not survive, then the scientist can conclude that salt affects this bacterial type. 
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Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Studen AI
Sure! Here is the correct order of the steps in the scientific method for the given scenario:

1. A microbiologist notices that some bacterial species thrive in salt water environments.
- This observation serves as the starting point for the scientist's study on the effect of salt on the particular type of bacteria.

2. The scientist asks the question, "Does salt help the growth of these bacteria?"
- In this step, the scientist formulates a clear and specific question that directs the focus of the research.

3. The scientist forms a hypothesis that higher concentrations of salt may increase the growth of these types of bacteria.
- Building upon the initial observation and question, the scientist develops a hypothesis, which is a proposed explanation or prediction for the phenomenon under investigation. The hypothesis suggests that increased salt concentration could lead to higher bacterial growth.

4. The scientist puts the bacteria in three different environments: high salt, medium salt, and low salt.
- To test the hypothesis, the scientist sets up an experiment by creating different environments with varying salt concentrations. By exposing the bacteria to these environments, the scientist can observe and compare their growth in response to different salt levels.

5. The scientist finds that the high-salt environment has the most bacteria.
- After conducting the experiment and carefully analyzing the results, the scientist determines that the high-salt environment exhibited the highest bacterial growth among the three tested environments.

6. The scientist publishes his report in a scientific journal.
- Lastly, the scientist communicates the findings of the study by documenting and publishing a scientific report in a reputable journal. This step is essential for sharing knowledge and allowing the broader scientific community to review, replicate, and build upon the research.

By following these steps, the scientist was able to investigate the effect of salt on the particular type of bacteria systematically. This approach helps ensure that the study is conducted rigorously and that the results are reliable and valid. It allows other scientists to understand and contribute to the research, ultimately advancing scientific knowledge in the field.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

The right order is:

A microbiologist notices that some

Here the scientist makes an observation.

Observation is the action of attentive follow - up of phenomena, without the will to modify them, by means of appropriate means of investigation and study. Scientists use it mainly when they follow an empirical method. It is a question of observing the phenomenon or the object without distorting it, or even interfering with its reality.

The scientist asks the question...

Here, the scientist submits a problem.

The problem is the presentation of a subject in different aspects. In a final dissertation, the problem is the question that the scientist will try to answer. A badly posed problem is an off-topic. It is to pose the problem of research (statement), to bring out the relevant information (terms) and to be in the right spatio-temporal frame. The construction of the problem is based on an exposed view of the sentence that accounts for the innuendoes (hidden meaning) and makes it possible to highlight the logical links between the terms of the subject.

The scientist forms a hypothesis that ...

A hypothesis is a proposition or an explanation that one merely states without taking a position on its truthfulness, that is, without affirming or denying it. It is therefore a mere supposition, belonging to the realm of the possible or the probable. Once stated, a hypothesis can be studied, confronted, used, discussed or treated in any other way deemed necessary, for example as part of an experimental approach.

The scientist puts the bacteria in three environments...

Here, the scientist submits a hypothesis.

To study the effect of a variable (salt in this case) on a bacterium, it would be necessary to create several situations with each a particular value of the variable, in order to study its effect (here we have created mediums with different concentrations of salts in which we will put bacteria).

The scientist finds that the high-salt environment...

Here the scientist made a conclusion

A conclusion is a final proposition characterizing the part of a speech that exposes the consequences of the subject developed or exposed.

These bacteria that grow in the salt-rich medium are called halophilic bacteria.

A halophilic organism is an organism that adapts itself or needs high salt concentrations in its environment to live. The halophilic microorganisms are extremophiles belonging to the domains of archaea or bacteria.

The scientist publishes his report...

Scientific publications include the various types of advanced scientific and / or technical communication that scientific researchers make of their work towards their peers and an audience of specialists. These publications have undergone some form of review of the rigor of the scientific method used for this work, such as peer-reviewed peer review

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

The right order is:

A microbiologist notices that some

Here the scientist makes an observation.

Observation is the action of attentive follow - up of phenomena, without the will to modify them, by means of appropriate means of investigation and study. Scientists use it mainly when they follow an empirical method. It is a question of observing the phenomenon or the object without distorting it, or even interfering with its reality.

The scientist asks the question...

Here, the scientist submits a problem.

The problem is the presentation of a subject in different aspects. In a final dissertation, the problem is the question that the scientist will try to answer. A badly posed problem is an off-topic. It is to pose the problem of research (statement), to bring out the relevant information (terms) and to be in the right spatio-temporal frame. The construction of the problem is based on an exposed view of the sentence that accounts for the innuendoes (hidden meaning) and makes it possible to highlight the logical links between the terms of the subject.

The scientist forms a hypothesis that ...

A hypothesis is a proposition or an explanation that one merely states without taking a position on its truthfulness, that is, without affirming or denying it. It is therefore a mere supposition, belonging to the realm of the possible or the probable. Once stated, a hypothesis can be studied, confronted, used, discussed or treated in any other way deemed necessary, for example as part of an experimental approach.

The scientist puts the bacteria in three environments...

Here, the scientist submits a hypothesis.

To study the effect of a variable (salt in this case) on a bacterium, it would be necessary to create several situations with each a particular value of the variable, in order to study its effect (here we have created mediums with different concentrations of salts in which we will put bacteria).

The scientist finds that the high-salt environment...

Here the scientist made a conclusion

A conclusion is a final proposition characterizing the part of a speech that exposes the consequences of the subject developed or exposed.

These bacteria that grow in the salt-rich medium are called halophilic bacteria.

A halophilic organism is an organism that adapts itself or needs high salt concentrations in its environment to live. The halophilic microorganisms are extremophiles belonging to the domains of archaea or bacteria.

The scientist publishes his report...

Scientific publications include the various types of advanced scientific and / or technical communication that scientific researchers make of their work towards their peers and an audience of specialists. These publications have undergone some form of review of the rigor of the scientific method used for this work, such as peer-reviewed peer review

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

A spring is a natural discharge point of subterranean water at the surface of the ground or directly into the bed of a stream, lake, or sea. Water that emerges at the surface without a perceptible current is called a seep. Wells are holes excavated to bring water and other underground fluids to the surface.

A spring is a natural discharge point of subterranean water at the surface of the ground or directly

The image shows a cross-section of land scape.

A spring is a natural discharge point of subterranean water at the surface of the ground or directly
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

The maltose molecule can be broken down into two individual glucose molecules with the help of an enzyme produced within a cell.

D).increasing the pH with in the cell.


The maltose molecule can be broken down into two individual glucose molecules with the help of an en

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