
Identify the variables for the following investigation in the graphic organizer: How do different batteries affect the energy in a cell phone?

. 4


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P Answered by Studen AI
The independent, dependent and control variables can be established as follows: \begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \hline Variable & Description \\ \hline Independent & Type of battery used: different brands or kinds of batteries will be tested \\ \hline Dependent & The amount of energy provided to the cell phone: this will vary depending on the battery used \\ \hline Control & The same model of cell phone being used for each test: this makes sure it's only the types of batteries causing any noticeable differences \\ \hline \end{tabular} **Justifications and Explanations:** - The independent variable is what you change or control in the investigation to test its effects. In this case, you're changing the types of batteries being used. - The dependent variable is what you measure or observe to see the effects of the changes you've made. Here, you're observing how long or how well the phone works based on the different types of batteries. - The control variables are conditions you keep the same to make sure any differences you see are only due to your independent variable. In this experiment, the same cell phone model is used during each test to ensure any differences in energy are due solely to the type of battery and not different phone specifications.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Studen AI
In the investigation on how different batteries affect the energy in a cell phone, there are several variables that you need to consider. Variables are factors that can change or have different values, and they can affect the outcome or results of an experiment. Let's break down the variables in this investigation:

1. Independent Variable: The independent variable is the factor that you intentionally change or manipulate in an experiment. In this investigation, the independent variable is the "different batteries." You can use various types of batteries with different capacities, such as alkaline, lithium-ion, or rechargeable batteries.

2. Dependent Variable: The dependent variable is the factor that you measure or observe, and it is directly affected by the independent variable. In this investigation, the dependent variable is the "energy in a cell phone." You will measure or compare the energy levels provided by different batteries for the cell phone.

3. Controlled Variables: Controlled variables are the factors that you keep constant or the same throughout the experiment to ensure a fair test. In this investigation, the controlled variables may include:

- Cell phone model: Use the same model of cell phone for all the tests.
- Testing conditions: Conduct the tests under controlled conditions, like the same temperature and humidity, to minimize variations.
- Testing duration: Use the same duration for testing each battery to make the results comparable.
- Usage patterns: Keep the usage patterns of the cell phone consistent, such as screen brightness or the use of specific apps during testing.

By identifying and controlling these variables, you can ensure that any changes or differences observed in the energy levels are primarily due to the different batteries being tested.

Remember, when conducting a scientific investigation, it is important to have a clear understanding of the variables involved, so you can accurately interpret the results and draw meaningful conclusions.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Studen AI
In the investigation "How do different batteries affect the energy in a cell phone?", the variables can be identified as follows:

1. Independent variable: The independent variable is the one that is intentionally manipulated or changed by the researcher. In this case, it would be the different types or brands of batteries used in the cell phone. For example, you may test different batteries such as alkaline, lithium-ion, or rechargeable batteries.

2. Dependent variable: The dependent variable is the variable being measured or observed to determine the effect of the independent variable. In this investigation, the dependent variable would be the amount of energy or battery life of the cell phone. You would measure and compare how long each battery type can power the cell phone before it runs out of energy.

3. Controlled variables: These are the factors that are kept constant or controlled throughout the investigation to ensure that only the independent variable is causing any changes in the dependent variable. Some of the controlled variables in this investigation could include:
- The model or type of cell phone used
- The initial battery charge level before each testing
- The usage pattern of the cell phone (e.g., the same applications running, screen brightness, or data/Wi-Fi usage)
- The length of time the cell phone is used during each measurement

By controlling these variables, you can ensure that any differences observed in the battery life can be attributed to the different types of batteries being tested.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master


There are various variables matter to investigate the cell reaction like Voltage, Time etc.

Step-by-step explanation:

For a Graphic organizer it matter to investigate the cell reaction on the basis of following variables Voltage, Time , heating effect of cell reaction, material of electrodes, electrolyte etc.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master


There are a number of variables like Voltage, Back up time, electrodes, electrolytes and heating effect of battery etc.

Step-by-step explanation:

For a graphic organizer it is very important to know the voltage provided by the cell, time back up of cell reaction, electrodes and electrolyte involved in celll reaction. It is very important that the cell reaction must have minimum heating effect. 

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master
Answer: 0.0045 mol
Explanation: Convert 30 ml to l: 30 mL = 0.03 L
Molarity = mol/l
mol = molarity * L
mol = 0.15 * 0.03 = 0.0045 mol
Answer: 0.0045 mol
Explanation: Convert 30 ml to l: 30 mL = 0.03 L
Molarity = mol/l
mol = molarit
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
Answer: chalcogens.
Explanation: Strontium is an alkaline earth metal, it always exhibits a degree of oxidation in its compounds +2.
Chalcogens are a group of 6 chemical elements (oxygen O, sulfur S, selenium se, tellurium te, polonium Po) that have an oxidation state of -2 => Chalcogens will combine with strontium in a ratio of 1:1.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD


52.6 gram

Step-by-step explanation:

It is clear by the equation 2(27+3×35.5)= 267 gm of AlCl3 reacts with 6× 80 = 480 gm of Br2 . So 29.2 gm reacts = 480× 29.2/267= 52.6 gm

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

Calcium (Ca)(On the periodic table, ionization energy increases as you go up and to the right of the periodic table)

Calcium (Ca)(On the periodic table, ionization energy increases as you go up and to the right of the

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