Chemistry : asked on jason9394

What information about elements can be collected from the periodic table?

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Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

A lot


- As you go down a group, the elements get larger in size

- All of the elements of the same group have the same # of valence electrons

- As you go to the right of a period, the # of electrons in the outermost shell increases

- The elements at the top right of the table have the highest electronegativity

- Groups 13 through 17 are nonmetals

- The last group contains noble gases


Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

\red{ \rule{999999pt}{999999pt}}

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD


In the periodic table elements are arranged in increasing order of their atomic number.

The vertical columns are called groups. The horizontal rows are referred to as periods.

From the group number of the element, we can know the number of valence electrons present. Thus if the element is in Group 2, then there are 2 valence electrons.

From the period number we can find the number of electron orbits. For example if the period number of an element is 3, then it has 3 orbits.

Depending on which group the element belongs to, we can predict certain properties of the element as well.

For example. if the element belongs to group 1 or 2, then they are good reducing agents, having low ionization enthalpy and found at the top of the electrochemical series.

If the element belongs to group 3 to 12 then they are transition metals, with their compounds being colored.

If the element belongs to group 18 then they are the noble gases.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Studen AI
Creating learning experiences for children to explore the natural environment is important in early childhood education and care services. It allows children to develop a deeper understanding and appreciation for the natural world and its importance in our lives.

For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, their connection to nature is deeply rooted in their cultures and identities. They have a profound understanding of the land, sea, plants, animals, and the seasons, which has been passed down through generations. This knowledge and connection are integral to their physical, spiritual, and socio-emotional well-being.

By providing learning experiences that allow children to explore the natural environment, we are honoring and respecting the cultural connection to nature that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples have. This enables children to develop a sense of respect, appreciation, and understanding for the environment and its significance.

Through these experiences, children can learn about sustainable practices, caring for the land, native plants, and animals. They can also gain knowledge about the cultural practices of Aboriginal and
Computers and Technology
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

Check Explanation and attachment.


Since the site does not allow me to submit my work(for you to easily copy and paste it), I will post some additional attachments.  

Please, note that there is category, unique ID, description for each media item.

#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

struct Media {

int id;

int year;

char title[250];

char description[250];

char category[50];


void show_menu();

void add_item(struct Media arr[], int *c);

void print_all(struct Media arr[], int c);

void print_category(struct Media arr[], int c);

void delete_entry(struct Media arr[], int *c);

int main() {

struct Media collection[100];

int ch, count = 0;

// loop until user wants to quit

while (1) {

show_menu(); // display the menu

printf("Enter your choice: ");

scanf("%d", &ch);

if (ch == 1)

add_item(collection, &count);

else if (ch == 2)

print_all(collection, count);

else if (ch == 3)

print_category(collection, count);

else if (ch == 4)

delete_entry(collection, &count);

else if (ch == 0)



printf("Invalid choice. Try again!\n");


return 0;


void show_menu() {

printf("1. Add a media item to the collection\n");

printf("2. Print all media in the collection\n");

printf("3. Print all media in a given category\n");

printf("4. Delete an entry\n");

printf("0. Quit\n");


void add_item(struct Media arr[], int *cnt) {

Write a menu-driven program for a user to store information about the media collection they own. Thi
Write a menu-driven program for a user to store information about the media collection they own. Thi
Write a menu-driven program for a user to store information about the media collection they own. Thi
Write a menu-driven program for a user to store information about the media collection they own. Thi
Write a menu-driven program for a user to store information about the media collection they own. Thi
Computers and Technology
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

Check Explanation and attachment.


Since the site does not allow me to submit my work(for you to easily copy and paste it), I will post some additional attachments.  

Please, note that there is category, unique ID, description for each media item.

#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

struct Media {

int id;

int year;

char title[250];

char description[250];

char category[50];


void show_menu();

void add_item(struct Media arr[], int *c);

void print_all(struct Media arr[], int c);

void print_category(struct Media arr[], int c);

void delete_entry(struct Media arr[], int *c);

int main() {

struct Media collection[100];

int ch, count = 0;

// loop until user wants to quit

while (1) {

show_menu(); // display the menu

printf("Enter your choice: ");

scanf("%d", &ch);

if (ch == 1)

add_item(collection, &count);

else if (ch == 2)

print_all(collection, count);

else if (ch == 3)

print_category(collection, count);

else if (ch == 4)

delete_entry(collection, &count);

else if (ch == 0)



printf("Invalid choice. Try again!\n");


return 0;


void show_menu() {

printf("1. Add a media item to the collection\n");

printf("2. Print all media in the collection\n");

printf("3. Print all media in a given category\n");

printf("4. Delete an entry\n");

printf("0. Quit\n");


void add_item(struct Media arr[], int *cnt) {

Write a menu-driven program for a user to store information about the media collection they own. Thi
Write a menu-driven program for a user to store information about the media collection they own. Thi
Write a menu-driven program for a user to store information about the media collection they own. Thi
Write a menu-driven program for a user to store information about the media collection they own. Thi
Write a menu-driven program for a user to store information about the media collection they own. Thi

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