
write a program that adds ten numbers and store the result in a register ax, bx, cx, dx, ds

. 7


Computers and Technology
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Assignment{

public static void main(String [] args)


Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);

String firstName, lastName;

System.out.print("Firstname: ");

firstName = input.nextLine();

System.out.print("Lastname: ");

lastName = input.nextLine();

String fullName = firstName +" "+lastName;





I'll use the line numbers in the question to point at the corresponding instruction

import java.util.Scanner; -- The import statement (1)

public class Assignment{

public static void main(String [] args)


Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); -- Scanner object (2)

String firstName, lastName; -- Variable declarations

System.out.print("Firstname: "); Prompt to enter first name (3)

firstName = input.nextLine(); --- User input for firstName (4)

System.out.print("Lastname: "); Prompt to enter first name (5)

lastName = input.nextLine(); --- User input for lastName (6)

String fullName = firstName +" "+lastName; --- concatenating both user inputs (7)

System.out.print(fullName); --- Print out fullName (8)



Computers and Technology
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Assignment{

public static void main(String [] args)


Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);

String firstName, lastName;

System.out.print("Firstname: ");

firstName = input.nextLine();

System.out.print("Lastname: ");

lastName = input.nextLine();

String fullName = firstName +" "+lastName;





I'll use the line numbers in the question to point at the corresponding instruction

import java.util.Scanner; -- The import statement (1)

public class Assignment{

public static void main(String [] args)


Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); -- Scanner object (2)

String firstName, lastName; -- Variable declarations

System.out.print("Firstname: "); Prompt to enter first name (3)

firstName = input.nextLine(); --- User input for firstName (4)

System.out.print("Lastname: "); Prompt to enter first name (5)

lastName = input.nextLine(); --- User input for lastName (6)

String fullName = firstName +" "+lastName; --- concatenating both user inputs (7)

System.out.print(fullName); --- Print out fullName (8)



Computers and Technology
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

Provided in the section below


Using C# Code:

using System;

class Environment{


private double temp;

//sets initial value of temp to 100 Fahrenheits

public Environment(){



//sets initial value to given temp

public Environment(double t) {

this.temp = t;


//returns temp

public double getTemp(){

return temp;


//calculates temp at given frequency

public void calcTemperature(double frequency){




class Cricket{

private Random r=new Random();

//frequency of birds

protected double frequency;

//sets frequency to a random value between 0-100

public Cricket(){




//sets frequency to a given frequency

public Cricket(double f) {

frequency = f;


//returns the frequency

public double getFrequency() {

return frequency;


//randomize the frequency

public virtual void randomFrequency() {

frequency = r.NextDouble()*100;



class ClemsonCricket: Cricket{

//sets the frequency to 80% of the parent's

public ClemsonCricket(): base(){



//sets frequency to a given frequency

public ClemsonCricket(double f): base(f){}

//randomize frequency and sets it to 80% of the parent's

public override void randomFrequency(){





public class testCrickets {

static void Main(){

Environment env=new Environment();

Console.WriteLine("Initial Temp: "+env.getTemp());

Cricket cricket=new Cricket();


Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Temp before changing Frequency: {0:0.00}",env.getTemp()));



Console.WriteLine(String.Format("\nTemp after changing Freqency: {0:0.00}",env.getTemp()));

Console.WriteLine("\nClemson Cricket: ");

ClemsonCricket clemsonCricket=new ClemsonCricket();


Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Temp before changing Frequency: {0:0.00}",env.getTemp()));



Console.WriteLine(String.Format("\nTemp after changing Freqency: {0:0.00}" ,env.getTemp()));

Console.WriteLine("\nPolymorphism Clemson Cricket: ");

Cricket Ccricket=new ClemsonCricket();


Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Temp before changing Frequency: {0:0.00}",env.getTemp()));



Console.WriteLine(String.Format("\nTemp after changing Freqency: {0:0.00}",env.getTemp()));



cheers i hope this helped !!

Write in Java please

There is a cricket that lives by our timeshare in Myrtle Beach, So
Computers and Technology
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

Provided in the section below


Using C# Code:

using System;

class Environment{


private double temp;

//sets initial value of temp to 100 Fahrenheits

public Environment(){



//sets initial value to given temp

public Environment(double t) {

this.temp = t;


//returns temp

public double getTemp(){

return temp;


//calculates temp at given frequency

public void calcTemperature(double frequency){




class Cricket{

private Random r=new Random();

//frequency of birds

protected double frequency;

//sets frequency to a random value between 0-100

public Cricket(){




//sets frequency to a given frequency

public Cricket(double f) {

frequency = f;


//returns the frequency

public double getFrequency() {

return frequency;


//randomize the frequency

public virtual void randomFrequency() {

frequency = r.NextDouble()*100;



class ClemsonCricket: Cricket{

//sets the frequency to 80% of the parent's

public ClemsonCricket(): base(){



//sets frequency to a given frequency

public ClemsonCricket(double f): base(f){}

//randomize frequency and sets it to 80% of the parent's

public override void randomFrequency(){





public class testCrickets {

static void Main(){

Environment env=new Environment();

Console.WriteLine("Initial Temp: "+env.getTemp());

Cricket cricket=new Cricket();


Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Temp before changing Frequency: {0:0.00}",env.getTemp()));



Console.WriteLine(String.Format("\nTemp after changing Freqency: {0:0.00}",env.getTemp()));

Console.WriteLine("\nClemson Cricket: ");

ClemsonCricket clemsonCricket=new ClemsonCricket();


Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Temp before changing Frequency: {0:0.00}",env.getTemp()));



Console.WriteLine(String.Format("\nTemp after changing Freqency: {0:0.00}" ,env.getTemp()));

Console.WriteLine("\nPolymorphism Clemson Cricket: ");

Cricket Ccricket=new ClemsonCricket();


Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Temp before changing Frequency: {0:0.00}",env.getTemp()));



Console.WriteLine(String.Format("\nTemp after changing Freqency: {0:0.00}",env.getTemp()));



cheers i hope this helped !!

Write in Java please

There is a cricket that lives by our timeshare in Myrtle Beach, So
Computers and Technology
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
Answer: c. internet of things.

The technology that combines with the 5G capabilities which was used in the monitoring of the shopping trends is the Internet of Things.
- Internet of Things (IoT) simply means when there are interrelated, and internet-connected objects which collects and transfers data without human intervention through a wireless network or makes use of sensors.
- This is being used by the retailer in the example given to monitor the shopping trends. In conclusion, the correct option is Internet of Things.
Computers and Technology
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

The solution that would help the client pool their data together is a data integration solution. This type of solution allows for the collection and consolidation of data from various sources into a single, unified database. This can be achieved through a variety of methods, including Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) processes, data warehousing, and master data management. By implementing a data integration solution, the client will be able to access and analyze their data more efficiently, leading to better insights and informed decision-making.

Computers and Technology
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

The correct answer to the following question will be "Auto-encoder".


It is indeed a form of artificial neural net that utilizes in an unmonitored way to practice successful information coding.

The objective of such an auto-encoder seems to be to acquire a specification (encoding) for a collection of information, usually for reducing degrees of freedom, by teaching the channel to overlook the "noise" message.Learn a few things of endogenous model representation and then use it to recreate the object.
Computers and Technology
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master
When one encounters another vessel and assess the situation and believes that you are the stand-on vessel, You should still maintain your course unless the give-away vessel or vessel you have encountered is not taking appropriate actions, what you should do is, you should take action and move away from the vessel, do not go toward the vessel nor pass in front of it.
Computers and Technology
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

A code in C++ follows:



using namespace std;

int calculate_area(int width, int length)


int area;


return area;


int main()


int a,b,ar,c,d,ar1,n;

cout<<"\nEnter length of room:";


cout<<"\nEnter width of room:";



cout<<"\nArea of room:"<<ar<<" units";

cout<<"\nEnter length of mat:";


cout<<"\nEnter width of mat:";




cout<<"\nNumber of mats required are:"<<n;

return 0;


Codehs 7.4.6:  gymnastics mats calculate how many mats will be needed to fill a room given the dimen
Computers and Technology
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

def get_word(sentence, n):

# Only proceed if n is positive

   if n > 0:

       words = sentence.split()

# Only proceed if n is not more than the number of words

       if n <= len(words):

           return words[n-1]

   return (" ")

print(get_word("This is a lesson about lists", 4)) # Should print: lesson

print(get_word("This is a lesson about lists", -4)) # Nothing

print(get_word("Now we are cooking!", 1)) # Should print: Now

print(get_word("Now we are cooking!", 5)) # Nothing


Added parts are highlighted.

If n is greater than 0, split the given sentence using split method and set it to the words.

If n is not more than the number of words, return the (n-1)th index of the words. Since the index starts at 0, (n-1)th index corresponds to the nth word

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