English : asked on paytum314

Read the sentence.

the canyon, formed by years of erosion, was a breathtaking sight to behold.

what best describes the underlined part of this sentence?

restrictive phrase
nonrestrictive phrase
restrictive clause
nonrestrictive clause

. 16

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17.02.2022, solved by verified expert
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The option that best describes the underlined part of this sentence is D: "nonrestrictive clause".  

A non restrictive clause modifies or describes a noun in the sentence, but in a nonessential way to the meaning of the it. In this particular case, the canyon being formed by erosion doesn´t change the sense that it was a breathtaking sight to behold.

On the other hand, restrictive clauses limit or identify the nouns it describes and cannot be removed from a sentence without changing the sentence’s meaning.

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P Answered by PhD
Answer is "nonrestrictive clause". 

A non restrictive clause further describes or modified the sentence, but is not essential to the meaning of the sentence. The canyon being formed by erosion does not change the fact that its a breathtaking sight to behold. 

An example of a restrictive clause could be: 
The canyon, as long as you're on the north side, is a breathtaking sight to behold. 
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P Answered by PhD
Answer is "nonrestrictive clause". 

A non restrictive clause further describes or modified the sentence, but is not essential to the meaning of the sentence. The canyon being formed by erosion does not change the fact that its a breathtaking sight to behold. 

An example of a restrictive clause could be: 
The canyon, as long as you're on the north side, is a breathtaking sight to behold. 
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P Answered by PhD

The correct answer is: simile

Through this text, we can see that the phrase "It is as if a great earthen pot has dropped from an unreachable rafter'' represents a comparison with the doubts that the narrator presents. This comparison is made through two elements that have nothing in common, but that the author uses to create a new meaning about one of them. This is done through simile.

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P Answered by Master


Please, see below:

Step-by-step explanation:

Thoreau states, “… When an acorn and a chestnut fall side by side… bothobey their own laws…” (3). This can be interpreted as success being obtainable withoutthe assistance of another. The acorn and the chestnut are two individuals that are uniquein their own way yet had the same result. The same goes for people; for those reachingthe same goal as another, it is much better to do it under your qualities and your own way.The purpose of this passage was for Thoreau to inform his audience on his viewson the government and its negative affects on civilization. With its restrictions, peoplecannot fully live up to their potential because the bureaucracy will always limit them.Thoreau wants his audience to become successful in their own manor and uses theserhetorical devices to sync with his readers

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P Answered by PhD


According to the students learn in different ways such example as games, animations, family, and the school etc.

Step-by-step explanation:

The term student refers to learn the knowledge and the development of the body. They also the gain the experience. The students are the learn as the under the guidance of the teacher. The teacher is the teach to the students. The student is the learn on the different ways to the consumption of the different knowledge.

According to the student are the learn on the different ways are;

Animation video to the easily describe the concept and the remember to the easy in the task.

Games are the learn to mistakes not to repeated.

Family are the firstly teach to the student.

School are the teacher to the guide in the career.

As a result, the student is the learn on the different in the way.

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P Answered by PhD


Please, see below:

Step-by-step explanation:

Based on the context of the presented proposal, we can give such a definition:
Reverence is a feeling of deep respect or awe, in this case for nature. Reverence can be a feeling of awe, and it can also describe how you feel about something, especially.

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P Answered by PhD


check below

Step-by-step explanation:

George and Lennie dream of getting their own farm. George wants the independence that comes with owning his own land, and Lennie wants to have rabbits. Their dream is the central theme in the story. It is their dream that brings them to the ranch, and that dream spreads to Candy and Crooks.

George is small while Lennie is burly in terms of physical size. George is cunning and calculating while Lennie is obtuse and carefree. But from the early scene where the two stopped to drink water, you can already perceive that George is the one who looks after Lennie.

Lennie and George have an argument over a mouse that Lennie has petted a little too hard and long. Lennie wants to keep the dead mouse in his pocket, but George throws it away.

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P Answered by PhD


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