English : asked on maya4321

Describe the plot of the first chapter of the great gatsby. in your description, include how the setting affects the plot. use examples from the text to support your description.

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17.02.2022, solved by verified expert
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In the first chapter, we learn of Nick and how he moves there, and we learn of the location and some basic characters. The setting affects the plot because it shows us that Gatsby is noveau-riche, which means that he is not one of the old wealthy families. This means a lot to this snob society that values him less because of it.
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Nick Carraway, a war veteran from a rich Midwestern family, moves to New York to work in the bond business. There, he becomes reacquainted with his cousin Daisy and her wealthy husband, Tom. Their marriage is damaged by Tom’s affair. Nick is aware of a not-so-subtle difference between West Egg, where he lives, and East Egg, where Daisy and Tom live. The difference, which seems to be related to the cultural and social scene of the 1920s, foreshadows a conflict between the types of people who live on each “egg.”

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P Answered by PhD


Nick has rented a small house that is nestled between many large mansions. The mansion next door to his house belongs to the title character, Jay Gatsby. There is a large bay in front of Nick's house, and across that bay live Nick's cousin, Daisy and her husband Tom Buchanan.

Nick is invited to Tom and Daisy's for dinner. He discovers that Daisy's husband, Tom, is still as aggressive and assertive as he was when they went to college together. He also learns that Tom is a racist, as he explains a book about white supremacy he's recently read. Nick is happy to see his cousin, Daisy, however, whom he hasn't seen since before the war, and to hear about her life. A fourth character, Jordan Baker, is introduced. Jordan is a professional golfer and she and Nick share a mutual attraction.

The dinner is interrupted several times, however, by the ringing telephone. Tom's mistress calls repeatedly to speak with him, causing him to leave the table several times. At one point Daisy follows after Tom and the couple quarrel.

When he gets back to his own house after dinner, Nick spies his neighbor, Gatsby, for the first time. Gatsby is standing on the lawn, looking at a small green light at the end of the dock at Daisy and Tom's house. Gatsby's arms are stretched out, as though he is reaching for the light.

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Nick Carraway, a war veteran from a rich Midwestern family, moves to New York to work in the bond business. There, he becomes reacquainted with his cousin Daisy and her wealthy husband, Tom. Their marriage is damaged by Tom's affair. Nick is aware of a not-so-subtle difference between West Egg, where he lives, and East Egg, where Daisy and Tom live. The difference, which seems to be related to the cultural and social scene of the 1920s, foreshadows a conflict between the types of people who live on each “egg.”


*WARNING* This is the student model that comes after that question, so don't copy it word for word!

What to include in your

Elements of expositionThe role of characters in developing the plotThe role of setting in developing the plotAn analysis of relationships between eventsSummarizing rather than retelling
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

"The Great Gatsby" is a novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald. The first-person narrator, Nick, uses the first chapter of the book to introduce us to himself, his cousin Daisy, her husband Tom, her friend Jordan Baker, a little bit of Gatsby himself.

Nick makes it clear in the beginning of the story that his father taught him not to judge people. He explains, however, that Daisy and her social circle disgust him, while Gatsby, on the other hand, was an impeccable gentleman.

The setting of the story includes two very different yet twin neighborhoods. As the narrator says, "I lived in the West Egg, the... well, the less fashionable of the two, though this is a most superficial tag to express the bizarre and not a little sinister contrast between them. [...]  Across the courtesy bay the white palaces of fashionable East Egg glittered along the water..."

The West Egg, where Nick lives, is supposed to be the poor one, even though Gatsby's mansion is located right next to Nick's bungalow. The East Egg, where Daisy and Tom live, is a collection of grand houses full of rich, vapid people. Daisy and Tom were no exception. As Nick says, "Why they came East I don't know. They had spent a year in France for no particular reason, and then drifted here and there unrestfully wherever people played polo and were rich together." The East Egg is, to Nick's eyes, nothing more than a gathering of wealthy mansions inhabited by superficial people whose sole purpose is to feel rich and superior to the rest of the world.

The plot in the first chapter can be summarized as Nick being introduces to the East Egg lifestyle by going to dinner at Daisy's. Over dinner, he realizes Tom is not only a racist, but also an unfaithful husband to his cousin.

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Nick Carraway, a war veteran from a rich Midwestern family, moves to New York to work in the bond business. There, he becomes reacquainted with his cousin Daisy and her wealthy husband, Tom. Their marriage is damaged by Tom's affair. Nick is aware of a not-so-subtle difference between West Egg, where he lives, and East Egg, where Daisy and Tom live. The difference, which seems to be related to the cultural and social scene of the 1920s, foreshadows a conflict between the types of people who live on each “egg.”


*WARNING* This is the student model that comes after that question, so don't copy it word for word!

What to include in your

Elements of expositionThe role of characters in developing the plotThe role of setting in developing the plotAn analysis of relationships between eventsSummarizing rather than retelling
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P Answered by Specialist


The first chapter started with Nick's return from the East Egg. Nick had recalled what happened during his stay in the East Egg. It all started after he left the military. He decided to move to the West Egg to and worked as a bond salesman.  The first chapter talked about his upbringing and his longing for an adventure. He had met Jay Gatsby. He was awed of how Gatsby was able to attain his dream and showed him that he too, can achieve his.

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P Answered by Master
The first chapter started with Nick's return from the East Egg. Nick had recalled what happened during his stay in the East Egg. It all started after he left the military. He decided to move to the West Egg to and worked as a bond salesman.  The first chapter talked about his upbringing and his longing for an adventure. He had met Jay Gatsby. He was awed of how Gatsby was able to attain his dream and showed him that he too, can achieve his.
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P Answered by PhD

Answer: B. the uncontrollable power of nature.

In this passage, we can see how powerful the colossal Moby-Dick is, and how frail and insignificant humans appear to be by comparison. When Ahab wants to fight with the whale, he is completely helpless and is easily defeated and injured. The power of the whale is a symbol that represents the incontrollable power of nature.

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A.) California is an excellent location for immigrants who are seeking land to farm.
B.) California has many immigrants who have grown a large supply of healthy crops.
C.) California is the best source for government loans for building railroads in the state.
D.) California has the most plentiful resources for people who want a healthy lifestyle.

D.) California has the most plentiful resources for people who want a healthy lifestyle.


A poster’s job is to promote an idea, event, product or person. So here the poster of California promotes itself as a place full of resources that offers people staying there a healthy and peaceful lifestyle. It is a way of advertising and to spread the message. California is generally a good place to stay in. It is the best place for immigrants who seek to find a living for themselves. That’s what the poster would help to do, attract more immigrants to the place.
A.) California is an excellent location for immigrants who are seeking land to farm.
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Please, see below:

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Thoreau states, “… When an acorn and a chestnut fall side by side… bothobey their own laws…” (3). This can be interpreted as success being obtainable withoutthe assistance of another. The acorn and the chestnut are two individuals that are uniquein their own way yet had the same result. The same goes for people; for those reachingthe same goal as another, it is much better to do it under your qualities and your own way.The purpose of this passage was for Thoreau to inform his audience on his viewson the government and its negative affects on civilization. With its restrictions, peoplecannot fully live up to their potential because the bureaucracy will always limit them.Thoreau wants his audience to become successful in their own manor and uses theserhetorical devices to sync with his readers

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Answer explained in detail below.

Step-by-step explanation:

In the passage "Boston Navy Yard and the 'Great War,' 1914-1918," the author presents a detailed account of the history of the Boston Navy Yard, specifically focusing on its transformation during World War I. The author develops the significance of this transformation by providing historical context, describing specific events and changes at the Navy Yard, and highlighting the impact of the Yard's actions on the war effort.

The author begins by providing historical context for the Boston Navy Yard, describing its establishment in 1801 and its role as a major naval shipyard for the United States. This sets the stage for the significance of the Yard's transformation during World War I, as it was a key player in the war effort.

The author then describes specific events and changes that occurred at the Navy Yard during the war. For example, the author notes that the Yard's workforce grew from 2,500 workers to over 20,000, and that the Yard's production of ships and submarines increased dramatically. The author also describes how the Yard adapted to the changing needs of the war, such as by building subchasers and convoy escort ships.

The author also highlights the impact of the Yard's actions on the war effort. For example, the author states that the Yard's production of destroyers and submarines helped to tip the balance of the war in favor of the Allies. The author also notes that the Yard's actions played a significant role in the success of the convoy system, which helped to protect supplies and troops being transported across the Atlantic.

Overall, the author develops the significance of the Boston Navy Yard's transformation during World War I by providing historical context, describing specific events and changes at the Navy Yard, and highlighting the impact of the Yard's actions on the war effort. This information provides a clear understanding of the importance of the Navy Yard in the war and its impact on the outcome of the war.

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