English : asked on 25crapaz

Match each literary term to the correct description

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Step-by-step answer

12.12.2022, solved by verified expert


Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
The climax is the highest point of tension in the story. It is at this point the main character must act or make a decision that will forever alter his/her path. Sometimes people call this the point of no return because after this event the main character can never go back to the way things were.

Characterization is how an author presents a character to a reader. The author does this through the character's speech, thoughts, actions, effects on others, and his/her looks. This reveals the character's values, history, traits, etc.

Conflict is a battle between or among opposing forces. There are four main types of conflict: man vs. man, man vs. nature, man vs. society, and man vs. himself. The first three are considered external conflicts, while the last is an internal conflict. 
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
The climax is the highest point of tension in the story. It is at this point the main character must act or make a decision that will forever alter his/her path. Sometimes people call this the point of no return because after this event the main character can never go back to the way things were.

Characterization is how an author presents a character to a reader. The author does this through the character's speech, thoughts, actions, effects on others, and his/her looks. This reveals the character's values, history, traits, etc.

Conflict is a battle between or among opposing forces. There are four main types of conflict: man vs. man, man vs. nature, man vs. society, and man vs. himself. The first three are considered external conflicts, while the last is an internal conflict. 
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master
The overall observation or message about life conveyed by an author through piece of literature theme.

The authors attitude toward the subject he she is writing about tone.

The people the author intended to reach through a piece of literature audience. 

What the author is saying about his or her subject in a piece of nonfiction main idea.

The others relationship to the audience and subject in a piece of writing point of view. 

The others reason for writing purpose. 
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist
The overall observation or message about life conveyed by an author through piece of literature theme.

The authors attitude toward the subject he she is writing about tone.

The people the author intended to reach through a piece of literature audience. 

What the author is saying about his or her subject in a piece of nonfiction main idea.

The others relationship to the audience and subject in a piece of writing point of view. 

The others reason for writing purpose. 
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Studen AI
Sure! I'll provide detailed answers to each of the questions you've asked. Here we go:

Question 1:
The sentence that correctly uses a hyphen is: "DaVinci was quite-obsessed with flying and even though his man-powered flying machine never went airborne, his hang glider did."

Explanation: The word "quite" and "obsessed" should be hyphenated since they combine to form a compound adjective before the noun "obsessed."

Question 2:
The line from Edgar Allan Poe's short story "The Black Cat" that reveals an unreliable narrator is: "I was especially fond of animals and was indulged by my parents with a great variety of pets."

Explanation: This line suggests that the narrator's love for animals justifies his actions later in the story, which may lead readers to question his reliability.

Question 3:
The author included a pop culture allusion in the newspaper article about a young girl who is a skilled cello player. The author compared the girl to Yo-Yo Ma, a world-renowned cellist who has recorded 75 albums so far in his career.

Explanation: Yo-Yo Ma is a famous figure in the field of classical music who is well-known across different generations, making the reference a pop culture allusion.

Question 4:
Zane's thesis statement is ineffective because it does not state the author's ideas about the topic in one sentence.

Explanation: The thesis statement should clearly state the author's perspective on the topic, but Zane's thesis statement only presents a belief held by some people without expressing his own opinion.

Question 5:
False. Diction refers to the choice of words and phrases by the writer, not the arrangement of words and punctuation to create sentences.

Explanation: Diction focuses on the specific words used in writing, while the arrangement of words and punctuation is known as syntax.

Question 6 (Matching):
- Simple sentence: A) Contains a subject and a verb and can stand alone as a complete thought.
- Compound sentence: C) Contains two independent clauses connected by a conjunction.
- Complex sentence: B) Contains an independent clause and a subordinate clause connected by a subordinating conjunction.

Question 7:
Blank 1: They are poor.
Blank 2: Setting.
Blank 3: There were the remains of a blanket or two, and some bundles of ancient and dirty straw, but these could not rightly be called beds, for they were not organized.

- Based on the passage, the Canty family is described as poor.
- The literary element that most impacts the response to this description is the setting since the description focuses on the poor living conditions.
- The excerpt in the text that supports the inference of the Canty family being poor is the description of their living conditions and makeshift beds.

Question 8 (Matching):
- A: B) Exposition
- B: E) Rising action
- C: A) Climax
- D: D) Falling action
- E: C) Resolution

Question 9:
True. A suffix is a letter or a group of letters added to the end of a root word to modify its meaning.

Explanation: Suffixes are commonly used in English to change the tense, form, or meaning of a word.

Question 10:
The function of a semicolon that is not listed is: Is used to separate hours and minutes.

Explanation: A semicolon is used to separate independent clauses or items in a serial list, but it is not used to separate hours and minutes in time notation.

Question 11:
False. While an informational text primarily aims to inform, it can also persuade or entertain depending on its purpose.

Explanation: Informational texts can have various purposes, not limited to only informing the reader.

Question 12:
The figure of speech used when the author makes a comparison between the story's protagonist and a famous historical figure is: Allusion.

Explanation: Allusion refers to the literary device when an author refers to a person, event, or work of art that is well-known to create a comparison or enhance the meaning of a text.

Question 13:
The information that might be included in a sidebar to best support the central idea of an article about the scientific benefits of eating vegetables daily is: Facts from a study showing how daily vegetable intake improves overall health.

Explanation: Since the central idea is the scientific benefits of eating vegetables daily, including facts from a study showing the positive impact of vegetables on health would best support this idea.

Question 14:
The transition that would best connect the two sentences is: However.

Explanation: "However" indicates a contrast, which is appropriate because the second sentence suggests evidence that contradicts the initial thought expressed in the first sentence.

Question 15:
The effect of the word "torture" in the stanza is: It makes their dreams seem painful.

Explanation: The word "torture" suggests that the sight of their dreams causes them distress, making their dreams seem painful.

I hope these thorough explanations help you understand the reasoning behind each answer. Let me know if you have any further questions!
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Studen AI
Let's go through the questions one by one:

Question 1: Which sentence correctly uses a hyphen?
The correct sentence that uses a hyphen is:
"DaVinci was quite-obsessed with flying and even though his man-powered flying machine never went airborne, his hang glider did."

Explanation: In this sentence, the hyphen is used to join two adjectives, "quite" and "obsessed," to describe DaVinci's level of obsession with flying.

Question 2: Which of the following lines from Edgar Allan Poe's short story "The Black Cat" reveals an unreliable narrator?
The line that reveals an unreliable narrator is:
"Beneath the pressure of torments such as these, the feeble remnant of the good within me succumbed."

Explanation: The use of the word "feeble" suggests that the narrator's perception and judgment may not be entirely trustworthy. This indicates that the narrator's account may not be reliable.

Question 3: A newspaper article is about a young girl who is a skilled cello player. The girl is described as being like Yo-Yo Ma, a world-renowned cellist who has recorded 75 albums so far in his career. What type of allusion did the author include?
The type of allusion the author included is "Pop culture."

Explanation: The author references Yo-Yo Ma, a well-known cellist from popular culture, to establish a comparison and convey the skill of the young girl.

Question 4: Zane is writing a problem and solution essay about the giant African land snail. His current thesis statement reads: "While it has never been proven, some believe that giant African land snails are capable of eating small rodents and birds." What makes his thesis statement ineffective?
The thesis statement is ineffective because "The ideas present cannot be supported by valid research."

Explanation: The thesis statement presents a claim ("giant African land snails are capable of eating small rodents and birds") without providing any evidence or valid research to support it. A well-structured thesis statement should be based on reliable evidence.

Question 5: Diction is the way writers arrange words and punctuation to create sentences.

Explanation: Diction refers to the choice of words and the style of writing, including vocabulary, syntax, and tone. It does not specifically include the arrangement of punctuation marks in sentences.

Question 6: Match each sentence type with its definition.
Simple sentence: Contains a subject and a verb and can stand alone as a complete thought.
Compound sentence: Contains two independent clauses connected by a conjunction.
Complex sentence: Contains an independent clause and a subordinate clause connected by a subordinating conjunction.

- Simple sentence: It is a complete sentence that contains a subject and a verb, expressing a complete thought.
- Compound sentence: It consists of two independent clauses (complete sentences) that are joined together by a conjunction.
- Complex sentence: It contains an independent clause and a subordinate clause, connected by a subordinating conjunction.

Question 7: Fill in the blanks for the passage from "The Prince and the Pauper."
Part A: The Canty family can be inferred as "They are poor."
Part B: The literary element impacting the response to Part A is "Setting."
Part C: The line from the passage that supports the answer to Part A is "There were the remains of a blanket or two, and some bundles of ancient and dirty straw, but these could not rightly be called beds, for they were not organized."

Question 8: Match each letter to the element of the plot structure it labels.
A: Exposition
B: Rising action
C: Climax
D: Falling action
E: Resolution

Question 9: A suffix is added to the end of a root word.

Explanation: A suffix is indeed added to the end of a root word to modify its meaning or form a new word.

Question 10: Which of the following is not a function of a semicolon?
The function that is not associated with a semicolon is "Is used to separate hours and minutes."

Explanation: Semicolons are not used to separate hours and minutes; instead, they are used to join two independent clauses or separate items in a list when the items themselves contain commas.

Question 11: An informational text can persuade, entertain, or inform.

Explanation: An informational text is primarily focused on informing the reader about a specific topic, rather than persuading or entertaining them.

Question 12: An author makes a comparison between the story's protagonist and a famous historical figure. Which figure of speech did they use?
The figure of speech used in this scenario is an "Allusion."

Explanation: An allusion is a figure of speech that refers to a well-known person, place, event, or literary work. In this case, the comparison between the protagonist and a famous historical figure is an allusion.

Question 13: In an article about the scientific benefits of eating vegetables daily, what information might be included in a sidebar to best support the central idea?
The information that might best support the central idea is: "Facts from a study showing how daily vegetable intake improves overall health."

Explanation: Including facts from a study would provide empirical evidence that supports the central idea of the article.

Question 14: Which transition would best connect the two sentences provided?
The transition that would best connect the two sentences is "Consequently."

Explanation: "Consequently" is an appropriate transition to show the result or logical consequence of the first sentence.

Question 15: A poet writes the following lines. What is the effect of the word "torture" in this stanza?
The effect of the word "torture" in this stanza is that "It makes their dreams seem painful."

Explanation: The word "torture" suggests that the dreams mentioned in the poem cause distress or agony, emphasizing the negative and painful aspect of the dreams.

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