
What country established curaçao and what was their connection to France?

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09.01.2023, solved by verified expert
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Arawaks from the continent of South America populated Curaçao. The Spanish and later the Dutch colonised it after the first Europeans arrived there in 1499, and they established it as a significant trading hub for the Dutch West India Company.

Around the 1560s, France and Dutch Repubplic considered them to be allies. 

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Social Studies
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master
The foreign policy positions describes sending military to a conflict area in an attempt to resolve the situation is interventionism.
Critics who point out the presence of U.S. troops in various places around the world claim the nation's foreign policy most reflects democracy.

The choice or statement that is an accurate statement about the War in Afghanistan is the third one.

The United States invaded and was unable to stop the Taliban, which remains in control of the country's government and resources.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

The correct answer is A) The United States invaded and ended the rule of the Taliban, but U.S. troops have remained for years due to continued attacks from Taliban supporters.

The accurate statement about the War in Afghanistan is "The United States invaded and ended the rule of the Taliban, but U.S. troops have remained for years due to continued attacks from Taliban supporters."

After the September 11 attacks, President George Bush ordered the start of operation "Endured Freedom" on October 7, 2001, and the United States troops invaded Afghanistan. The US government wanted to capture Osama bin-Laden, leader of the terrorist group al-Qaeda. The US forces overthrow the Taliban government but couldn't capture bin-Laden.

Social Studies
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist
The foreign policy positions describes sending military to a conflict area in an attempt to resolve the situation is interventionism.
Critics who point out the presence of U.S. troops in various places around the world claim the nation's foreign policy most reflects democracy.

The choice or statement that is an accurate statement about the War in Afghanistan is the third one.

The United States invaded and was unable to stop the Taliban, which remains in control of the country's government and resources.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
"The United States invaded and ended the rule of the Taliban, but U.S. troops have remained for years due to continued attacks from Taliban supporters" is the one among the following that is an accurate statement about the War in Afghanistan. The correct option among all the options given in the question is the first option.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
"The United States invaded and ended the rule of the Taliban, but U.S. troops have remained for years due to continued attacks from Taliban supporters" is the one among the following that is an accurate statement about the War in Afghanistan. The correct option among all the options given in the question is the first option.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

The correct answer is A) The United States invaded and ended the rule of the Taliban, but U.S. troops have remained for years due to continued attacks from Taliban supporters.

The accurate statement about the War in Afghanistan is "The United States invaded and ended the rule of the Taliban, but U.S. troops have remained for years due to continued attacks from Taliban supporters."

After the September 11 attacks, President George Bush ordered the start of operation "Endured Freedom" on October 7, 2001, and the United States troops invaded Afghanistan. The US government wanted to capture Osama bin-Laden, leader of the terrorist group al-Qaeda. The US forces overthrow the Taliban government but couldn't capture bin-Laden.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

C. American politics tend to be decentralized, full of checks and balances, while China is completely governed by a single party.


The American political system and the Chinese political system are very different.

To start, the U.S. is a federal republic: the government is composed of representatives elected by American citizens. The U.S. political system is also decentralized: the federal power only holds those powers explicitely given in the Constitution, the rest is left to the states.

The Chinese political system is centralized. China is not a democracy, the government is not elected by the people. The Chinese Communist Party is the only ruling political party, meaning that China is a one-party state, a system that is typical of communist countries.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

C. American politics tend to be decentralized, full of checks and balances, while China is completely governed by a single party.


The American political system and the Chinese political system are very different.

To start, the U.S. is a federal republic: the government is composed of representatives elected by American citizens. The U.S. political system is also decentralized: the federal power only holds those powers explicitely given in the Constitution, the rest is left to the states.

The Chinese political system is centralized. China is not a democracy, the government is not elected by the people. The Chinese Communist Party is the only ruling political party, meaning that China is a one-party state, a system that is typical of communist countries.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

1. Which choice could be a slogan for "Jacksonian Democracy"?

Powerful president, common man!

2. Abolitionists spoke out against slavery.

Who were two important people in the abolition movement?

Frederick Douglass and Harriet Tubman

3. Which area did the United States acquire in the 1840s, and how did it acquire the land?

Spain ceded the Louisiana Territory to the United States as part of a peace treaty.

4. What did a sense of optimism and their religious beliefs encourage many Americans to do during the early nineteenth century?

to work in social reform movements

5. Which word describes reformer's efforts to reduce or eliminate alcohol consumption?


6. What was the chief goal of the Compromise of 1850?

to keep the United States together

7. Which ruling did the Supreme Court make in the Dred Scott decision?

 Slaves were property.

8. What helped bring Abraham Lincoln to national prominence?

Lincoln's debates with Stephen Douglas

9. What was not an element of Abraham Lincoln's platform in 1860?

making slavery legal in U.S. territories

10. Which state was the first to secede from the Union and on what grounds?

South Carolina, because it thought the federal government violated its obligations to the states

11. What best describes Michigan, Minnesota, Iowa, and Oregon during the Civil War?

Union States

12. What is an accurate description of an advantage held by one side at the beginning of the Civil War?

The North's well-established government gave it a distinct advantage.

13. What was a result of the Emancipation Proclamation?

The goal of the war changed from saving the Union to saving the Union and eliminating slavery.


I just took the test. :) Good luck!

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

1. Which choice could be a slogan for "Jacksonian Democracy"?

Powerful president, common man!

2. Abolitionists spoke out against slavery.

Who were two important people in the abolition movement?

Frederick Douglass and Harriet Tubman

3. Which area did the United States acquire in the 1840s, and how did it acquire the land?

Spain ceded the Louisiana Territory to the United States as part of a peace treaty.

4. What did a sense of optimism and their religious beliefs encourage many Americans to do during the early nineteenth century?

to work in social reform movements

5. Which word describes reformer's efforts to reduce or eliminate alcohol consumption?


6. What was the chief goal of the Compromise of 1850?

to keep the United States together

7. Which ruling did the Supreme Court make in the Dred Scott decision?

 Slaves were property.

8. What helped bring Abraham Lincoln to national prominence?

Lincoln's debates with Stephen Douglas

9. What was not an element of Abraham Lincoln's platform in 1860?

making slavery legal in U.S. territories

10. Which state was the first to secede from the Union and on what grounds?

South Carolina, because it thought the federal government violated its obligations to the states

11. What best describes Michigan, Minnesota, Iowa, and Oregon during the Civil War?

Union States

12. What is an accurate description of an advantage held by one side at the beginning of the Civil War?

The North's well-established government gave it a distinct advantage.

13. What was a result of the Emancipation Proclamation?

The goal of the war changed from saving the Union to saving the Union and eliminating slavery.


I just took the test. :) Good luck!

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