History : asked on jakeugly0

Which taxes were allowed under the commerce compromise?

A. Income

B. Property

. 1

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02.02.2023, solved by verified expert
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A. Income.

Step-by-step explanation:

People define the Commerce Compromise (which is a part of the U.S. constitution) in two ways. The first is that they define it simply as addressing questions of imports and exports. The second way is that they consider it about imports and exports, as well as the slave trade. They both deal with the movement of what was considered at the time commerce, hence the two ways of looking at it. The two compromises that can be considered part of the Commerce Compromise are as follows:
The first component has to deal with imports and exports. The question that they were addressing was should there be a tariff (or tax) on imports (products entering the country for sale) and exports (products leaving the country to sell to other nations)? Northerners felt that there should be a tax on both, while southerners did not believe there should be a tax on exports. The compromise came to be that there would be a tariff on imports, but not exports. In addition, the federal government would oversee interstate commerce (this is the trade, movement, or anything else regarding goods that move across state lines).
The second component was about the slave trade. Some of the founding fathers, and many northerners, wanted to ban the slave trade as many felt that it could tear the nation apart and/or that it was immoral. The southern economy was reliant on slavery, so those men wanted to keep the slave trade. The deal that was made was that the slave trade would continue until 1808. After 1808, Congress would have the authority to ban it.

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Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD


D. Taxes on exports

Step-by-step explanation:

The commerce compromise was a compromise reached on import and export taxes, and most importantly, the slave trade. It was finalized after heated debates during the drafting of the United States Constitution in 1787. During negotiations, the urban northern states and the southern agricultural slave-owning states realized that some fundamental differences would have to be put aside, even for just a short time, in order to move forward with the Constitution. Hence, the compromise was born.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist


C. None of these. 

Step-by-step explanation:

Answer given below :

The Commerce Compromise of 1787 was an agreement reached between Southern and Northern states during the drafting of the U.S. Constitution. The Southern states wanted to protect their agricultural economy and therefore wanted to continue taxing imported goods, while the Northern states were against these taxes as they were more focused on commerce and manufacturing. The compromise allowed for a federal government-levied tax on imported goods (tariffs) while prohibiting the federal government from imposing taxes on exports. This agreement helped ensure the support of both Northern and Southern states for the new constitution and laid the foundation for the country's economic growth and development.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist
1 is C, 2 is A, 3 is D, 4 is C, and 5 is D. I know this isn't a high word count, but the Articles of Confederation are difficult to explain because of how confusing they are. It helps to listen to Hamilton before a test so you can think about what sucked about the Articles. (There's also a lot of dates mentioned)
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Unfortunately, you did not include the two maps. Without them, we do not know your specific reference.

However, trying to help you and after doing some deep research, we can say the maps portray the Spanish, British, and Dutch trade maritime routes from 1750 to 1850. The other map shows the many trade routes in 2010 that practically crossed all over the world.

That is why we can answer that one significant reason for changes in the patterns of global economic interactions from circa 1750 to circa 2000, as illustrated by the two maps are the technology and modernization of means of transportation that today include land, air, and sea.

Trade has been the activity that has developed most rapidly all over the world in those years. Today, there are international organizations and free trade agreements that connect the world through trade.

More people on the planet started to require more products from all places and developed nations exploited natural resources and raw materials and produced more and better goods in their industrialized cities that were exported.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

see explanation and i got an a btw.


b. The development of diseases in the sixteenth century would support the arguments of the “new generation of historians in the second paragraph because the “new generation of historians” would look at this in relation to european imperialism and see the impact of the european diseases like smallpox that would plague places like modern day united states because of the european immunity, but lack of native immunity.  

c. The “biological competition” contributed to the European imperialism in the Americas by creating a survival of the fittest environment where the europeans brought in diseases like smallpox that had plagued europe generations ago, but infected the native populations and weaken them in both their numbers and their strength, which enabled the Europeans to take control of the new world and develop a dominance while the natives were fighting a disease. This was “biological competition” because the Europeans' immunity was assisting them in fighting the natives' lack thereof.  

B) Explain ONE development in the sixteenth century that would support the arguments of the new gen
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

A) Ethnic divisions hindered the development of land-based empires in the period 1450-1750. For example, the Manchu people in the Qing Dynasty in China sought to preserve their ethnic values while ruling China, which proved to be an obstacle for them to rule the vast majority of Han Chinese.

B) Ethnic divisions also hindered the development of maritime empires in the period 1450-1750. For example, the ethnic division between the French colonists and the Haitian people led to multiple Haitian rebellions and ultimately the Haitian Revolution against France.

C) Many land-based empires and maritime empires institutionalized hierarchical distinctions amongst different ethnic groups, often with the use of slavery. The European colonists, for instance, made African Americans the lowest class in American society by enslaving them. Similarly, Christians under Ottoman rule are recruited as janissaries. In both examples, the ruling class adopted policies that limit the social mobility of the ethnic groups that are alien to themselves.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

In general, because of his numerous achievements, Akbar was awarded the epithet "the Great." The majority of Akbar's achievements military-related.         


One aspect in which Akbar's efforts in financing the translations stated in the text are comparable to rulers of other empires throughout the era 1450-1750 is that they both intended to improve their people's well-being by creating educational opportunities and religious books translations. During this time, Akbar and other monarchs aspired to translate sacred books in order to spread education, religion, and history. As well as to bring together Jewish, Hindu, and Muslim faiths in order to avoid future confrontations.

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