History : asked on ljwatts25

Place the following events in chronological order

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17.05.2023, solved by verified expert
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The following are the the events in chronological order:

British Raj is established in 1858 (Starting period of United Kingdom's rule over India)Indian National Congress 1885 (First national movement to appear in British India)Gandhi returns to india 1915 (As the struggle for Indian Independence was ongoing)The Salt March 1930 (March led by Gandhi to protest british rule over India)
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Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

The following events in chronological order are given below

1.The British Raj was established in 1858; British Raj refers preiod of the british rule in india, started in 1858.

2.The Indian National Congress, known as Congress party was formed in 1885.

3.Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, was an indian activist returned india in 1915.

4.The Salt March, known as Dandi Satyagraha, was a nonviolent salt tax protest led by Gandhi in 1930.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

1. The American Civil Union is established.

The American Civil Union was established on the 19th January 1920 as an Organization aiming to help the defend the rights of people in the United States.

2. The Meyer v. Nebraska ruling overturns Nebraska’s law prohibiting teaching a language other than English.

In 1923, the US Supreme Court found a Nebraska law that prohibited the teaching of foreign languages illegal was unconstitutional and so overturned it.

3. The court laws in Kansas and Minnesota that authorized censorship of speech and the press.

Minnesota passed a statute in 1925 that allowed a Judge to censor and/or stop any publication that they thought to be unbecoming of American society.

4. The court overturns a censorship ban on Ulysses.

In 1933 a Federal Judge by the name Judge John M. Woolsey, lifted a Customs ban on the sale and importation of the book, Ulysses that was in place due to its perceived obscene nature.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

The following events in chronological order are given below

1.The British Raj was established in 1858; British Raj refers preiod of the british rule in india, started in 1858.

2.The Indian National Congress, known as Congress party was formed in 1885.

3.Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, was an indian activist returned india in 1915.

4.The Salt March, known as Dandi Satyagraha, was a nonviolent salt tax protest led by Gandhi in 1930.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

1. The American Civil Union is established.

The American Civil Union was established on the 19th January 1920 as an Organization aiming to help the defend the rights of people in the United States.

2. The Meyer v. Nebraska ruling overturns Nebraska’s law prohibiting teaching a language other than English.

In 1923, the US Supreme Court found a Nebraska law that prohibited the teaching of foreign languages illegal was unconstitutional and so overturned it.

3. The court laws in Kansas and Minnesota that authorized censorship of speech and the press.

Minnesota passed a statute in 1925 that allowed a Judge to censor and/or stop any publication that they thought to be unbecoming of American society.

4. The court overturns a censorship ban on Ulysses.

In 1933 a Federal Judge by the name Judge John M. Woolsey, lifted a Customs ban on the sale and importation of the book, Ulysses that was in place due to its perceived obscene nature.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
Answer and explanation:
The following events in chronological order are given below:

1. The British Raj was established in 1858; British Raj refers preiod of the british rule in india, started in 1858.
2. The Indian National Congress, known as Congress party was formed in 1885.
3. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, was an indian activist returned india in 1915.
4. The Salt March, known as Dandi Satyagraha, was a nonviolent salt tax protest led by Gandhi in 1930.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
Answer and explanation:
The following events in chronological order are given below:

1. The British Raj was established in 1858; British Raj refers preiod of the british rule in india, started in 1858.
2. The Indian National Congress, known as Congress party was formed in 1885.
3. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, was an indian activist returned india in 1915.
4. The Salt March, known as Dandi Satyagraha, was a nonviolent salt tax protest led by Gandhi in 1930.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
The British Raj is established.The Indian National Congress is formed.Gandhi returns to India.The Salt March takes place.


The British Raj is a Kingdom established on 28th June in 1858 by the British people after entering into India.

The Indian Nation Congress is a Political party formed on 28th December in 1885 to act against the British Rules in India.

Gandhi returns to India in the year of 1915 and introduced the plan of Sathyagraha (The Salt March) and then become the leader of the Indian National Congress.

The Salt March took place from March to April in the year 1930.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

The correct chronological order to the events is "The British Raj is established", "The Indian National Congress is formed", "Tiles Gandhi returns to India" and "The Salt March takes place". In order to establish the chronological order of the events in the story of India herein shown it is necessary to check for the dates of the events. The order of the events is "The British Raj is established" (1858), "The Indian National Congress is formed" (1885), "Tiles Gandhi returns to India" (1915), and "The Salt March takes place" (1930).

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

India was first administered by a private company called East India Company, formed in 1600. The company had its own armies, governing officials, and a judiciary.  The country was dissatisfied with the Company rule, leading to the Sepoy Rebellion on 1857. The British Crown intervened and ruled the country in, establishing the British Raj and completing the British colonization of India. Indians were again discontented with the Crown, resulting to formation of Indian National Congress that worked for independence of the country.

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