
Write an equation for the transformed logarithm shown below, that passes through (2,0) and (1,3)

. 10


Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

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Step-by-step explanation:

Please help. I will mark BRAINLIEST!!!

Write an equation for the transformed logarithm shown below
Please help. I will mark BRAINLIEST!!!

Write an equation for the transformed logarithm shown below
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

Mark as brainlest ?

Step-by-step explanation:

Please help. I will mark BRAINLIEST!!!

Write an equation for the transformed logarithm shown below
Please help. I will mark BRAINLIEST!!!

Write an equation for the transformed logarithm shown below
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD


Step-by-step explanation:

Find the equation of the transformed logarithm as y=\log_a (x-b).

For the point (-2,0):

0=\log_a (-2-b).

For the point (2,-2):

-2=\log_a (2-b).

Solve the system of equations:

\left\{\begin{array}{l}0=\log_a (-2-b)\\-2=\log_a (2-b)\end{array}\right.\Rightarrow \left\{\begin{array}{l}b=-2\\-2=\log_a 4\end{array}\right.


a^{-2}=a^{\log_a 4} \Rightarrow \dfrac{1}{a^2}=4,\ a=\dfrac{1}{2}.

The equation of the function is y=\log_{\frac{1}{2}}(x+2).

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
Assuming there are no vertical or horizontal stretches or any reflections (a picture would help)...

Understanding that log base 2 of 1 = 0, (that is 2 raised to the 0 power = 1) can help us figure out the transformation. So the coordinate is (1,0).

This has been shifted to the left 2 spots (to -1) and up 3 (to 3), therefore we can apply to get the new equation. 

log2(x+2) + 3.

So it would be a horizontal shift left 2 and a vertical shift up 3. (Again assuming no stretches/shrinks/reflections).
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD


We want the curve to pass through (5,-2)

We can move the curve along the plot adding something in the formula. Let’s call that z.

You can put z in different parts of the formula and still find a z value that makes it pass through the point (5,-2). I will choose to put it inside the log:





10^-2 = 25+z

10^-2 – 25 = z

z=1/100-25 = 1/100-2500/100=-2499/100 = -24.99

Let’s verify:

f(5)= log(5*5-24.99)=-2

So the formula: f(x)=log(5x-24.99) passes through the point (5,-2)

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master
F(x+2)-2 is the correct answer. I got it right on my test. Just make sure the point passing through is -1,-2 or you will miss this question. Hope I help you all.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
Assuming there are no vertical or horizontal stretches or any reflections (a picture would help)...

Understanding that log base 2 of 1 = 0, (that is 2 raised to the 0 power = 1) can help us figure out the transformation. So the coordinate is (1,0).

This has been shifted to the left 2 spots (to -1) and up 3 (to 3), therefore we can apply to get the new equation. 

log2(x+2) + 3.

So it would be a horizontal shift left 2 and a vertical shift up 3. (Again assuming no stretches/shrinks/reflections).
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

We know the graph of the parent function will pass through the point (1, 0). If that is the point that is transformed, it is shifted 5 to the left and 5 up. The appropriate choice is

... f(x + 5) + 5


The graph has an infinite number of points, any one of which can be transformed to the given point. There are an infinite number of transformations that will satisfy the problem requirements. However, only one of those listed will do so.

What transformation has changed the parent function f(x) = log4 x to its new appearance shown in the

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