
Which is the graph of the inequality in which y must be at least 5 greater than 3 times x?

. 4


Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

Part 1) -3x^4+3x^3+8x^2-2x-5

Part 2) The graph in the attached  figure

Part 3) 16y^8-24y^7+40y^5

Part 4) x1=\frac{-1+\sqrt{139}i} {14}  and x2=\frac{-1-\sqrt{139}i} {14}

Part 5) Harold reads more than 90 pages, but less than 180 page

Part 6)  (30,68), (40,60)

Part 7) \$576

Part 8) 23 + 2i

Step-by-step explanation:

The complete answers in the attached figure because is too long  

Part 1) Subtract (enter answer is standard form)

we have


Eliminate parenthesis


Combine like terms


-3x^4+3x^3+8x^2-2x-5 ------> standard form

Part 2) Which graph represents the inequality?

we have

2x-3y\leq 6

Rewrite the inequality ------> 3y\geq2x-6

the solution is the shaded area above the solid line

the equation of the line is equal to 3y=2x-6

the slope of the line is positive

the y-intercept of the line is the point (0,-2) ---> value of y when the value of x is equal to zero

the x-intercept of the line is the point (3,0) ---> value of x when the value of y is equal to zero

The solution in the attached figure

Part 3) Multiply

we have

8y^4(2y^4-3y^3+5y)\\=( 8y^4*2y^4)-(8y^4*3y^3)+(8y^4*5y)\\=16y^8-24y^7+40y^5

Part 4) Solve for x

we have


we know that

The formula to solve a quadratic equation of the form ax^{2} +bx+c=0 is equal to

x=\frac{-b(+/-)\sqrt{b^{2}-4ac}} {2a}

in this problem we have




substitute in the formula

x=\frac{-1(+/-)\sqrt{1^{2}-4(7)(5)}} {2(7)}  

x=\frac{-1(+/-)\sqrt{-139}} {14}

remember that



x=\frac{-1(+/-)\sqrt{139}i} {14}

x1=\frac{-1+\sqrt{139}i} {14}

x2=\frac{-1-\sqrt{139}i} {14}

Part 5) Harold and Helen both spend 3 hours reading a novel. Helen reads 30 more pages than Harold. Helen reads at least 40 pages in 1 hour, but no more than 70pages in  1 hour.  

Which statement correctly describes the range of pages Harold reads?


x------> the number of pages that Harold read

y------> the number of pages that Helen read

we know that

y=30+x -----> equation A

y\geq 40\ pages ------> in one hour


in three hours -------> y\geq 120\ pages ------> inequality B

y\leq 70\ pages ------> in one hour


in three hours ------->y\leq 210\ pages ------> inequality C

Substitute equation A in the inequality B

x+30\geq 120\ pages ------>  x\geq 90\ pages

Substitute equation A in the inequality C

x+30\leq 210\ pages ------> x\leq 180\ pages


Harold reads more than 90 pages, but less than 180 page

Part 6) Let

x------>  the number of Standard Specials sold last Monday  

y------>  the number of Deluxe specials sold last Monday

we know that

2x+4y\geq 200 -----> inequality A

0.50x+1.25y\leq100 -----> inequality B

x\geq30 -----> inequality C

Remember that

If a ordered pair representing a combination  of Standard specials and Deluxe specials could have been sold last Monday and make sense in the context of the situation


the ordered pair must satisfy all restrictions


A) (30,68)  

Substitute the value of x and y in each inequality

Inequality A

2(30)+4(68)\geq 200

332\geq 200 ------> is true

Inequality B


100\leq100 -----> is true

Inequality C

30\geq30 -----> is true

The ordered pair (30,68)  represent a combination of Standard specials and Deluxe specials could have been sold last Monday and make sense in the context of the situation

B) (80,40.5)  

The value of y=40.5 not make sense in the context of the situation, because is not a whole number

C) (60,70)  

Substitute the value of x and y in each inequality

Inequality A

2(60)+4(70)\geq 200

400  \geq 200 ------> is true

Inequality B


117.5\leq100 -----> is not true


the ordered pair (60,70) is not a solution

D) (40,60)  

Substitute the value of x and y in each inequality

Inequality A

2(40)+4(60)\geq 200

320\geq 200 ------> is true

Inequality B


95\leq100 -----> is true

Inequality C

40\geq30 -----> is true

The ordered pair(40,60)   represent a combination of Standard specials and Deluxe specials could have been sold last Monday and make sense in the context of the situation

E) (50.5,40)  

The value of x=50.5 not make sense in the context of the situation, because is not a whole number

Subtract (enter answer is standard form) (-2x^4-2x^3+8x^2+-5x^3+2x+7) which graph represents the ine
Subtract (enter answer is standard form) (-2x^4-2x^3+8x^2+-5x^3+2x+7) which graph represents the ine
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

Part 1) -3x^4+3x^3+8x^2-2x-5

Part 2) The graph in the attached  figure

Part 3) 16y^8-24y^7+40y^5

Part 4) x1=\frac{-1+\sqrt{139}i} {14}  and x2=\frac{-1-\sqrt{139}i} {14}

Part 5) Harold reads more than 90 pages, but less than 180 page

Part 6)  (30,68), (40,60)

Part 7) \$576

Part 8) 23 + 2i

Step-by-step explanation:

The complete answers in the attached figure because is too long  

Part 1) Subtract (enter answer is standard form)

we have


Eliminate parenthesis


Combine like terms


-3x^4+3x^3+8x^2-2x-5 ------> standard form

Part 2) Which graph represents the inequality?

we have

2x-3y\leq 6

Rewrite the inequality ------> 3y\geq2x-6

the solution is the shaded area above the solid line

the equation of the line is equal to 3y=2x-6

the slope of the line is positive

the y-intercept of the line is the point (0,-2) ---> value of y when the value of x is equal to zero

the x-intercept of the line is the point (3,0) ---> value of x when the value of y is equal to zero

The solution in the attached figure

Part 3) Multiply

we have

8y^4(2y^4-3y^3+5y)\\=( 8y^4*2y^4)-(8y^4*3y^3)+(8y^4*5y)\\=16y^8-24y^7+40y^5

Part 4) Solve for x

we have


we know that

The formula to solve a quadratic equation of the form ax^{2} +bx+c=0 is equal to

x=\frac{-b(+/-)\sqrt{b^{2}-4ac}} {2a}

in this problem we have




substitute in the formula

x=\frac{-1(+/-)\sqrt{1^{2}-4(7)(5)}} {2(7)}  

x=\frac{-1(+/-)\sqrt{-139}} {14}

remember that



x=\frac{-1(+/-)\sqrt{139}i} {14}

x1=\frac{-1+\sqrt{139}i} {14}

x2=\frac{-1-\sqrt{139}i} {14}

Part 5) Harold and Helen both spend 3 hours reading a novel. Helen reads 30 more pages than Harold. Helen reads at least 40 pages in 1 hour, but no more than 70pages in  1 hour.  

Which statement correctly describes the range of pages Harold reads?


x------> the number of pages that Harold read

y------> the number of pages that Helen read

we know that

y=30+x -----> equation A

y\geq 40\ pages ------> in one hour


in three hours -------> y\geq 120\ pages ------> inequality B

y\leq 70\ pages ------> in one hour


in three hours ------->y\leq 210\ pages ------> inequality C

Substitute equation A in the inequality B

x+30\geq 120\ pages ------>  x\geq 90\ pages

Substitute equation A in the inequality C

x+30\leq 210\ pages ------> x\leq 180\ pages


Harold reads more than 90 pages, but less than 180 page

Part 6) Let

x------>  the number of Standard Specials sold last Monday  

y------>  the number of Deluxe specials sold last Monday

we know that

2x+4y\geq 200 -----> inequality A

0.50x+1.25y\leq100 -----> inequality B

x\geq30 -----> inequality C

Remember that

If a ordered pair representing a combination  of Standard specials and Deluxe specials could have been sold last Monday and make sense in the context of the situation


the ordered pair must satisfy all restrictions


A) (30,68)  

Substitute the value of x and y in each inequality

Inequality A

2(30)+4(68)\geq 200

332\geq 200 ------> is true

Inequality B


100\leq100 -----> is true

Inequality C

30\geq30 -----> is true

The ordered pair (30,68)  represent a combination of Standard specials and Deluxe specials could have been sold last Monday and make sense in the context of the situation

B) (80,40.5)  

The value of y=40.5 not make sense in the context of the situation, because is not a whole number

C) (60,70)  

Substitute the value of x and y in each inequality

Inequality A

2(60)+4(70)\geq 200

400  \geq 200 ------> is true

Inequality B


117.5\leq100 -----> is not true


the ordered pair (60,70) is not a solution

D) (40,60)  

Substitute the value of x and y in each inequality

Inequality A

2(40)+4(60)\geq 200

320\geq 200 ------> is true

Inequality B


95\leq100 -----> is true

Inequality C

40\geq30 -----> is true

The ordered pair(40,60)   represent a combination of Standard specials and Deluxe specials could have been sold last Monday and make sense in the context of the situation

E) (50.5,40)  

The value of x=50.5 not make sense in the context of the situation, because is not a whole number

Subtract (enter answer is standard form) (-2x^4-2x^3+8x^2+-5x^3+2x+7) which graph represents the ine
Subtract (enter answer is standard form) (-2x^4-2x^3+8x^2+-5x^3+2x+7) which graph represents the ine
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

1. Expression: 3(5a + 2)

2. Total\ charges = 6.25(s+g)

3. Total = 65x + 18 + 65y

4. Michelle

5. 20 friends

6. Thor

8. x\leq 5

9. x + x + 5 = 32

10. 7n + 9 \leq 44 so: n \leq 5

11. 40 + 5n \leq 70 So: n \leq 6

12. 10.01  p + 9.96 \leq 50 so p \leq 4

Step-by-step explanation:

1. Given

Expression: 15a + 6


Determine the equivalent expression

Expression: 15a + 6


Expression: 3 * 5a + 3 * 2


Expression: 3(5a + 2)

Hence, the equivalent expression of the given expression is 3(5a + 2)



Charges = \$6.25

s = seventh grade students

g = eight grade students


Determine the total charges

First, we need to calculate the total number of charges:


Total\ charges = Charges * Total

Total\ charges = 6.25(s+g)

3. Given


Duration = x\ weeks

Extra\ Earnings = \$18

Weekly\ Earnings = \$65


Weekly\ Earnings = \$65

Duration = y\ weeks

Ken's total charges is:

Weekly\ Earnings * Duration + Extra\ Earnings

65 * x + 18

65x + 18

Paul's total charges is:

Weekly\ Earnings * Duration

65 * y

65 y

Total = Ken + Paul

Total = 65x + 18 + 65y


To calculate the percentage, we simply divided the number of pop albums by the total number of albums.

For Michelle.

\%Pop = \frac{33}{60} * 100\%

\%Pop = \frac{3300\%}{60}

\%Pop = 55\%

For Sasha

\%Pop = \frac{36}{78} * 100\%

\%Pop = \frac{3600\%}{78}

\%Pop = 46.2\%

For Kat:

\%Pop = \frac{40}{89} * 100\%

\%Pop = \frac{4000\%}{89}

\%Pop = 44.9\%

For Monica:

\%Pop = \frac{24}{59} * 100\%

\%Pop = \frac{2400\%}{59}

\%Pop = 40.7\%

From the calculation above, Michelle has the highest percentage of Pop music


People = 80

Fortnite = 0.55

Among\ Us = 30\%


Determine number of friends that prefer fortnite more than among us

First, we need to calculate the number of people that prefer Fortnite.

Fortnite = 0.55 * 80

Fortnite = 44

Next, we need to calculate the number of people that prefer Among Us.

Among\ Us = 30\% * 80

Among\ Us = 24

The difference is:

Difference = 44 - 24

Difference = 20

Hence, 20 more people preferred Fortnite to Among Us


Hulk = 0.25

Iron\ Man = 12

Thor = 35\%

Captain America cleaned the rest

Total = 60

Number of cities by each is:

Hulk = 0.25 * 60

Hulk = 15

Iron\ Man = 12

Thor = 35\%

Thor = 35\% * 60

Thor = 21

Captain\ America = 60 - 15 -12 - 21

Captain\ America = 12

By comparison, Thor cleaned the highest number of cities

7. This question is not clear

Total = \$70

Glass = \$30

Each\ Cape = \$8

Let the number of cape be x.

We have that:

8 * x + 30 \leq 70

8 x +\leq 70 - 30

8 x +\leq 40

x\leq 5


Let the first number be x and the second be y

x + y = 32

y = x + 5

Substitute x + 5 for y in the first equation

x + x + 5 = 32


Savings = \$9

Earnings = $7 per hous

Total = $44

The inequality is:

7 * n + 9 \leq 44

7n + 9 \leq 44

7n \leq 44 - 9

7n \leq 35

n \leq 5


Earnings = $40

Extra = $5 per lasso

Total Earnings = At least $70 daily

The inequality is:

40 + 5n \leq 70

5n \leq 70 - 40

5n \leq 30

n \leq 6


Each\ Cake = \$0.01

Shipping = \$9.96 per order

Available = \$50 --- maximum

The inequality is:

10.01 * p + 9.96 \leq 50

10.01  p + 9.96 \leq 50

10.01  p \leq 50 - 9.96

10.01  p \leq 40.04

p \leq 4

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

1. Expression: 3(5a + 2)

2. Total\ charges = 6.25(s+g)

3. Total = 65x + 18 + 65y

4. Michelle

5. 20 friends

6. Thor

8. x\leq 5

9. x + x + 5 = 32

10. 7n + 9 \leq 44 so: n \leq 5

11. 40 + 5n \leq 70 So: n \leq 6

12. 10.01  p + 9.96 \leq 50 so p \leq 4

Step-by-step explanation:

1. Given

Expression: 15a + 6


Determine the equivalent expression

Expression: 15a + 6


Expression: 3 * 5a + 3 * 2


Expression: 3(5a + 2)

Hence, the equivalent expression of the given expression is 3(5a + 2)



Charges = \$6.25

s = seventh grade students

g = eight grade students


Determine the total charges

First, we need to calculate the total number of charges:


Total\ charges = Charges * Total

Total\ charges = 6.25(s+g)

3. Given


Duration = x\ weeks

Extra\ Earnings = \$18

Weekly\ Earnings = \$65


Weekly\ Earnings = \$65

Duration = y\ weeks

Ken's total charges is:

Weekly\ Earnings * Duration + Extra\ Earnings

65 * x + 18

65x + 18

Paul's total charges is:

Weekly\ Earnings * Duration

65 * y

65 y

Total = Ken + Paul

Total = 65x + 18 + 65y


To calculate the percentage, we simply divided the number of pop albums by the total number of albums.

For Michelle.

\%Pop = \frac{33}{60} * 100\%

\%Pop = \frac{3300\%}{60}

\%Pop = 55\%

For Sasha

\%Pop = \frac{36}{78} * 100\%

\%Pop = \frac{3600\%}{78}

\%Pop = 46.2\%

For Kat:

\%Pop = \frac{40}{89} * 100\%

\%Pop = \frac{4000\%}{89}

\%Pop = 44.9\%

For Monica:

\%Pop = \frac{24}{59} * 100\%

\%Pop = \frac{2400\%}{59}

\%Pop = 40.7\%

From the calculation above, Michelle has the highest percentage of Pop music


People = 80

Fortnite = 0.55

Among\ Us = 30\%


Determine number of friends that prefer fortnite more than among us

First, we need to calculate the number of people that prefer Fortnite.

Fortnite = 0.55 * 80

Fortnite = 44

Next, we need to calculate the number of people that prefer Among Us.

Among\ Us = 30\% * 80

Among\ Us = 24

The difference is:

Difference = 44 - 24

Difference = 20

Hence, 20 more people preferred Fortnite to Among Us


Hulk = 0.25

Iron\ Man = 12

Thor = 35\%

Captain America cleaned the rest

Total = 60

Number of cities by each is:

Hulk = 0.25 * 60

Hulk = 15

Iron\ Man = 12

Thor = 35\%

Thor = 35\% * 60

Thor = 21

Captain\ America = 60 - 15 -12 - 21

Captain\ America = 12

By comparison, Thor cleaned the highest number of cities

7. This question is not clear

Total = \$70

Glass = \$30

Each\ Cape = \$8

Let the number of cape be x.

We have that:

8 * x + 30 \leq 70

8 x +\leq 70 - 30

8 x +\leq 40

x\leq 5


Let the first number be x and the second be y

x + y = 32

y = x + 5

Substitute x + 5 for y in the first equation

x + x + 5 = 32


Savings = \$9

Earnings = $7 per hous

Total = $44

The inequality is:

7 * n + 9 \leq 44

7n + 9 \leq 44

7n \leq 44 - 9

7n \leq 35

n \leq 5


Earnings = $40

Extra = $5 per lasso

Total Earnings = At least $70 daily

The inequality is:

40 + 5n \leq 70

5n \leq 70 - 40

5n \leq 30

n \leq 6


Each\ Cake = \$0.01

Shipping = \$9.96 per order

Available = \$50 --- maximum

The inequality is:

10.01 * p + 9.96 \leq 50

10.01  p + 9.96 \leq 50

10.01  p \leq 50 - 9.96

10.01  p \leq 40.04

p \leq 4

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD


x= number of dog walking hours; x≈300


y= number of car washing hours; y≈300




The download


a- The graph can only exist in the first quadrant because you cannot work a negative amount of hours and/or get a negative amount of money.

b- You are able to earn a exact $600 if you work 23 hours of dog walking and 18 hours of car washing.

23x12=276     18x18=324     276+324=600

c- It is possible to earn greter than $600.

30x12=360     22x18=396     360+396>600

all combinations that occur on the graph are in quadrant one

d- If you work for 10 hours walking dogs and 10 hours washing cars, you will not have enough money.

10x12=120     10x18=180     120+180=300     300<600

(10,10) is not on the line therefore it is not a possible solution for the equation


The model would be changed from Ax+By≥600 to Ax+By>600 becuase you need to earn MORE than 600 so there should not be a line under the symbol. The graph of the model would not be changed because you still are earning $12 and/or $18 an hour. A dotted line and the shaded area under the line represents more than.


The difference between a dotted line and a solid line is that a dotted line is either more than or less than, while a solid line is more than or equal to and less than or equal to. When graphing, you would use a dotted line for equations that are not equal to or more or less.


You determine whether or not that a shaded area is either he solution to a problem or not the solution.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD


x= number of dog walking hours; x≈300


y= number of car washing hours; y≈300




The download


a- The graph can only exist in the first quadrant because you cannot work a negative amount of hours and/or get a negative amount of money.

b- You are able to earn a exact $600 if you work 23 hours of dog walking and 18 hours of car washing.

23x12=276     18x18=324     276+324=600

c- It is possible to earn greter than $600.

30x12=360     22x18=396     360+396>600

all combinations that occur on the graph are in quadrant one

d- If you work for 10 hours walking dogs and 10 hours washing cars, you will not have enough money.

10x12=120     10x18=180     120+180=300     300<600

(10,10) is not on the line therefore it is not a possible solution for the equation


The model would be changed from Ax+By≥600 to Ax+By>600 becuase you need to earn MORE than 600 so there should not be a line under the symbol. The graph of the model would not be changed because you still are earning $12 and/or $18 an hour. A dotted line and the shaded area under the line represents more than.


The difference between a dotted line and a solid line is that a dotted line is either more than or less than, while a solid line is more than or equal to and less than or equal to. When graphing, you would use a dotted line for equations that are not equal to or more or less.


You determine whether or not that a shaded area is either he solution to a problem or not the solution.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD








Neil will earn interest of 180

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
Answer: 440 grams for 1.54 is the better value
Take the price and divide by the number of grams
1.54 / 440 =0.0035 per gram
1.26 / 340 =0.003705882 per gram
0.0035 per gram < 0.003705882 per gram

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