
Solve the inequality and graph the solution.
42 – 5 > 7

. 0

Step-by-step answer

24.06.2023, solved by verified expert
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Step-by-step explanation:

42- 5 > 7 =

42-5 = 37

37 > 7 is true

Also i am so sorry but i don't know what you mean by "graph the solution"

It is was helpful?


Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

Step-by-step explanation:

42- 5 > 7 =

42-5 = 37

37 > 7 is true

Also i am so sorry but i don't know what you mean by "graph the solution"

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

5x-5_>0 is the inequality

And the domain : x_>1

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

5x-5_>0 is the inequality

And the domain : x_>1

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

the first thing to note is since one gallon= 60 miles then 1/2 gallon= 30 miles, now I know 1/2 is not an answer but it is easiest to decrease in moderate amounts. 1/2 gallon= 48 Km so we are close, and 1/2=0.5 so if we brought it down to 0.42 we would have 25.2 miles and 25.2 miles = 40.32. The question wants to know the approximate number and 40.32 is the closest we are going to get so the answer is 0.42

question 3

80 + 65x ≤ 425

Step-by-step explanation:

First of all we know that the 425 must be greater than or equal to the other side, so the symbol to show that would be ≤. We also know that the forklift is a fixed price by the words 'each day'. And the to hire a single crew member would be $65 unless there are more crew workers, which would be multiplied with the 65.

question 4


Part A

Yes y is a function of x. Specifically the equation is y = x^5

For any given input, there is exactly one output

Notice how if x = 1 then y = x^5 = (1)^5 = 1

Notice how if x = -1 then y = x^5 = (-1)^5 = -1

Notice how if x = -2 then y = x^5 = (-2)^5 = -32

Notice how if x = 2 then y = x^5 = (2)^5 = 32

In general,

x^5 = x*x*x*x*x

there are five copies of x multiplied

A more specific example

3^5 = 3*3*3*3*3

there are five copies of '3' multiplied

Part B

All we do is replace x with 4 and use PEMDAS to simplify

f(x) = 2x+12

f(4) = 2(4)+12

f(4) = 8+12

f(4) = 20

The value of f(4) is 20

What does it mean? It is the total cost of renting the bowling lane for 4 hours. If you rent it for four hours, then you'll pay a total of $20. 

The portion 2x = 2*4 = 8 is the variable cost which depends on how long you play. The more hours, the more the variable cost goes up

The fixed cost is 12. This is always fixed as this is the price to get in the door. If you play for 0 hours, but somehow got in the door, then you still pay $12

In total, variableCost+fixedCost = 8+12 = 20 = totalCost

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

The correct answers are:

(1) (Option B) -1299

(2) (Option A) -2

(3) (Option A) b < 13

(4) (Option D) m = 5

(5) (Option D) 6

(6) (Option B) 2

(7) (Option A) p > 11

(8) (Option B) x = 6

(9) (Option A) h < –9

(10) (Option B) C = D ÷ AB

(11) (Option B) y = –45

(12) (Option A) y = 11

(13) (Option D) q = 13

(14) (Option A) M = K/LN

(15) (Option C) h = 63

(16) (Option C) –3p + 11

(17) (Option C) 10\frac{1}{4}

(18) (Option D) y = 31

(19) (Option D) R = E ÷ I

(20) (Option B) y = 4


(1) The Given Expression:

-282 - (+1017)

= -282 - 1017

= -1299 (Option B)

(2) The total balance = $35

One check = $10

Three checks = 3 * $9 = $27

Balance now = Total balance - One check + Three check = $35 - $10 - $27 = -2 (Option A)

(3) The given expression:

3b – 7 < 32

Add 7 on both sides:

3b -7 + 7 < 32 + 7

3b < 39

Divide by 3 on both sides:


b < 13 (Option A)

(4) The given expression:

4m + 9 + 5m – 12 = 42

9m = 42 + 12 - 9

9m = 45

Divide both sides with 9:

\frac{9m}{9} =\frac{45}{9}  \\ m=5

The correct answer is m=5 (Option D)

(5) The given expression:

13 + (–12) – (–5)

= 13 - 12 + 5

= 6 (Option D)

(6) Mathematically, we can write "four times a number plus 3 is 11" as:

4x + 3 = 11


x = The number we require

4x = 11 - 3

4x = 8

x = 2 (Option B)

(7) The given expression:

12p + 7 > 139

Subtract 7 on both sides:

12p + 7 - 7 > 139 -7

12p > 132

Divide 12 on both sides:

\frac{12p}{12} \frac{132}{12}

p > 11 (Option A)

(8) The given equation:

7x = 42

Divide the equation with 7 on both sides:

\frac{7x}{7} =\frac{42}{7}

x = 6 (Option B)

(9) The given expression:

9h + 2 < –79

Subtract 2 on both sides:

9h + 2 - 2 < -79 - 2

9h < -81

h < -9 (Option A)

(10) The given equation:


Now divide both sides with AB on both sides:

\frac{D}{AB} =\frac{ABC}{AB} \\ C =\frac{D}{AB}

Hence C = D ÷ AB (Option B)

(11) Given equation:

\frac{y}{9} + 5 = 0

Subtract 5 on both sides:

\frac{y}{9} +5 -5 = 0 -5

y = -5*9 = -45

y = -45 (Option B)

(12) Given equation:

12y = 132

Divide both sides by 12:

\frac{12y}{12} =\frac{132}{12}

y = 11 (Option A)

(13) The given equation:

3q + 5 + 2q – 5 = 65

5q = 65

Divide both sides with 5 and simplify:

q = 13 (Option D)

(14) Given formula:


To find M, divide both sides with LN:

\frac{K}{LN} =\frac{LMN}{LN} \\  M = \frac{K}{LN}

Hence the correct answer is M = \frac{K}{LN} (Option A)

(15) Given formula:

h/9 = 7

Multiply both sides with 9:

h = 7 * 9

h = 63 (Option C)

(16) Given expression:

4p + 9 + (-7p) + 2

4p + 9 -7p +2

-3p + 11 (Option C)

(17) The given formula:

16y = 164

Divide both sides with 16:

\frac{16y}{16} =\frac{164}{16} \\ y = 10\frac{1}{4}

Hence the correct answer is (Option C) y = 10\frac{1}{4}

(18) Given equation:

4y + 228 = 352

Subtract both sides with 228:

4y + 228 - 228 = 352 - 228

4y = 124

Divide both sides by 4 and simplify:

y = 31 (Option D)

(19) The given formula:

E = IR

To find R, divide both sides with I:

R = E ÷ I (Option D)

(20) Given equation:

6y - 20 = 2y - 4

=> 6y - 2y = -4 + 20

=> 4y = 16

Divide both sides with 4 and simplify:

y = 4 (Option B)

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

the first thing to note is since one gallon= 60 miles then 1/2 gallon= 30 miles, now I know 1/2 is not an answer but it is easiest to decrease in moderate amounts. 1/2 gallon= 48 Km so we are close, and 1/2=0.5 so if we brought it down to 0.42 we would have 25.2 miles and 25.2 miles = 40.32. The question wants to know the approximate number and 40.32 is the closest we are going to get so the answer is 0.42

question 3

80 + 65x ≤ 425

Step-by-step explanation:

First of all we know that the 425 must be greater than or equal to the other side, so the symbol to show that would be ≤. We also know that the forklift is a fixed price by the words 'each day'. And the to hire a single crew member would be $65 unless there are more crew workers, which would be multiplied with the 65.

question 4


Part A

Yes y is a function of x. Specifically the equation is y = x^5

For any given input, there is exactly one output

Notice how if x = 1 then y = x^5 = (1)^5 = 1

Notice how if x = -1 then y = x^5 = (-1)^5 = -1

Notice how if x = -2 then y = x^5 = (-2)^5 = -32

Notice how if x = 2 then y = x^5 = (2)^5 = 32

In general,

x^5 = x*x*x*x*x

there are five copies of x multiplied

A more specific example

3^5 = 3*3*3*3*3

there are five copies of '3' multiplied

Part B

All we do is replace x with 4 and use PEMDAS to simplify

f(x) = 2x+12

f(4) = 2(4)+12

f(4) = 8+12

f(4) = 20

The value of f(4) is 20

What does it mean? It is the total cost of renting the bowling lane for 4 hours. If you rent it for four hours, then you'll pay a total of $20. 

The portion 2x = 2*4 = 8 is the variable cost which depends on how long you play. The more hours, the more the variable cost goes up

The fixed cost is 12. This is always fixed as this is the price to get in the door. If you play for 0 hours, but somehow got in the door, then you still pay $12

In total, variableCost+fixedCost = 8+12 = 20 = totalCost

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

The correct answers are:

(1) (Option B) -1299

(2) (Option A) -2

(3) (Option A) b < 13

(4) (Option D) m = 5

(5) (Option D) 6

(6) (Option B) 2

(7) (Option A) p > 11

(8) (Option B) x = 6

(9) (Option A) h < –9

(10) (Option B) C = D ÷ AB

(11) (Option B) y = –45

(12) (Option A) y = 11

(13) (Option D) q = 13

(14) (Option A) M = K/LN

(15) (Option C) h = 63

(16) (Option C) –3p + 11

(17) (Option C) 10\frac{1}{4}

(18) (Option D) y = 31

(19) (Option D) R = E ÷ I

(20) (Option B) y = 4


(1) The Given Expression:

-282 - (+1017)

= -282 - 1017

= -1299 (Option B)

(2) The total balance = $35

One check = $10

Three checks = 3 * $9 = $27

Balance now = Total balance - One check + Three check = $35 - $10 - $27 = -2 (Option A)

(3) The given expression:

3b – 7 < 32

Add 7 on both sides:

3b -7 + 7 < 32 + 7

3b < 39

Divide by 3 on both sides:


b < 13 (Option A)

(4) The given expression:

4m + 9 + 5m – 12 = 42

9m = 42 + 12 - 9

9m = 45

Divide both sides with 9:

\frac{9m}{9} =\frac{45}{9}  \\ m=5

The correct answer is m=5 (Option D)

(5) The given expression:

13 + (–12) – (–5)

= 13 - 12 + 5

= 6 (Option D)

(6) Mathematically, we can write "four times a number plus 3 is 11" as:

4x + 3 = 11


x = The number we require

4x = 11 - 3

4x = 8

x = 2 (Option B)

(7) The given expression:

12p + 7 > 139

Subtract 7 on both sides:

12p + 7 - 7 > 139 -7

12p > 132

Divide 12 on both sides:

\frac{12p}{12} \frac{132}{12}

p > 11 (Option A)

(8) The given equation:

7x = 42

Divide the equation with 7 on both sides:

\frac{7x}{7} =\frac{42}{7}

x = 6 (Option B)

(9) The given expression:

9h + 2 < –79

Subtract 2 on both sides:

9h + 2 - 2 < -79 - 2

9h < -81

h < -9 (Option A)

(10) The given equation:


Now divide both sides with AB on both sides:

\frac{D}{AB} =\frac{ABC}{AB} \\ C =\frac{D}{AB}

Hence C = D ÷ AB (Option B)

(11) Given equation:

\frac{y}{9} + 5 = 0

Subtract 5 on both sides:

\frac{y}{9} +5 -5 = 0 -5

y = -5*9 = -45

y = -45 (Option B)

(12) Given equation:

12y = 132

Divide both sides by 12:

\frac{12y}{12} =\frac{132}{12}

y = 11 (Option A)

(13) The given equation:

3q + 5 + 2q – 5 = 65

5q = 65

Divide both sides with 5 and simplify:

q = 13 (Option D)

(14) Given formula:


To find M, divide both sides with LN:

\frac{K}{LN} =\frac{LMN}{LN} \\  M = \frac{K}{LN}

Hence the correct answer is M = \frac{K}{LN} (Option A)

(15) Given formula:

h/9 = 7

Multiply both sides with 9:

h = 7 * 9

h = 63 (Option C)

(16) Given expression:

4p + 9 + (-7p) + 2

4p + 9 -7p +2

-3p + 11 (Option C)

(17) The given formula:

16y = 164

Divide both sides with 16:

\frac{16y}{16} =\frac{164}{16} \\ y = 10\frac{1}{4}

Hence the correct answer is (Option C) y = 10\frac{1}{4}

(18) Given equation:

4y + 228 = 352

Subtract both sides with 228:

4y + 228 - 228 = 352 - 228

4y = 124

Divide both sides by 4 and simplify:

y = 31 (Option D)

(19) The given formula:

E = IR

To find R, divide both sides with I:

R = E ÷ I (Option D)

(20) Given equation:

6y - 20 = 2y - 4

=> 6y - 2y = -4 + 20

=> 4y = 16

Divide both sides with 4 and simplify:

y = 4 (Option B)

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

Hello, I can give you some help w/ steps below! Hope this helps a lot :D


8x < 48 || divide 8 on both sides of the equal sign

x < 6 || final answer, so your correct


10 + x > 23 || subtract 10 on both sides of the equal sign

x > 13 || final answer, so your correct


x - 14 < 28 || add 14 on both signs of the equal sign

x < 42 || final answer


\frac{y}{21} < 3 || multiply 21 on both sides

y < 63 || final answer


2p < 18 || divide 2 on both sides of the equal signs

p < 9 || final answer

6. i have no idea how to do this one, sorry!

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
2. x + y = 82
    x - y = 24
    2x = 106
      x = 53
   x + y = 82
   53 + y = 82
   y = 82 - 53
   y = 29

   solution is : (53,29)

3. y = 2x
    y = 4x + 6
    2x = 4x + 6
    2x - 4x = 6
    -2x = 6
     x = -3

    y = 2x
    y = 2(-3)
    y = -6

    solution is (-3,-6)

4. 5x + 8y = -29
    7x - 2y = -67...multiply by 4
    5x + 8y = -29
   28x - 8y = - 268 ..result of multiplying by 4
   33x = - 297
      x = - 9

   5x + 8y = -29
   5(-9) + 8y = -29
    -45 + 8y = -29
   8y = -29 + 45
   8y = 16
   y = 2

   solution is : (-9,2)

5. y = -4x + 6
    y = -5x - 4

    -4x + 6 = -5x - 4
    -4x + 5x = -4 - 6
     x = -10

    y = -4x + 6
    y = -4(-10) + 6
    y = 40 + 6
    y = 46

   solution is (-10,46)

6. H(m) = 2m + 12
    H(m) = 3m + 10

7. -8x + 4y > -52
    4y > 8x - 52
     y > 2x - 13 <==

8. 3x - y = 28
    3x + y = 14
    6x = 42
     x = 7

   3x - y = 28
   3(7) - y = 28
   21 - y = 28
   -y = 28 - 21
   -y = 7
    y = -7

solution is (7,-7)

10. 5x - 5y > 70
      -5y > -5x + 70
       y < x - 14 <==

11. sorry...dont know

12. y = 4x + 4
      y = -3x - 3

     4x + 4 = -3x - 3
     4x + 3x = -3 - 4
     7x = -7
     x = -1

     y = 4x + 4
     y = 4(-1) + 4
     y = 0

solution is (-1,0)

13. -12x - 2y > - 42
       -2y > 12x - 42
        y < -6x + 21 <==

14. -5x + 2y = 9
       3x + 5y = 7

solution is (-1,2)

15. 3x + 6y = -2
     15x + 30y = -10divide by 5 to reduce = 3x + 6y = -2
     is the same lineinfinite solutions

1. (the graph)y < = 3x - 43rd one

9. (2nd graph)y < = -3x + 4last one
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
2. x + y = 82
    x - y = 24
    2x = 106
      x = 53
   x + y = 82
   53 + y = 82
   y = 82 - 53
   y = 29

   solution is : (53,29)

3. y = 2x
    y = 4x + 6
    2x = 4x + 6
    2x - 4x = 6
    -2x = 6
     x = -3

    y = 2x
    y = 2(-3)
    y = -6

    solution is (-3,-6)

4. 5x + 8y = -29
    7x - 2y = -67...multiply by 4
    5x + 8y = -29
   28x - 8y = - 268 ..result of multiplying by 4
   33x = - 297
      x = - 9

   5x + 8y = -29
   5(-9) + 8y = -29
    -45 + 8y = -29
   8y = -29 + 45
   8y = 16
   y = 2

   solution is : (-9,2)

5. y = -4x + 6
    y = -5x - 4

    -4x + 6 = -5x - 4
    -4x + 5x = -4 - 6
     x = -10

    y = -4x + 6
    y = -4(-10) + 6
    y = 40 + 6
    y = 46

   solution is (-10,46)

6. H(m) = 2m + 12
    H(m) = 3m + 10

7. -8x + 4y > -52
    4y > 8x - 52
     y > 2x - 13 <==

8. 3x - y = 28
    3x + y = 14
    6x = 42
     x = 7

   3x - y = 28
   3(7) - y = 28
   21 - y = 28
   -y = 28 - 21
   -y = 7
    y = -7

solution is (7,-7)

10. 5x - 5y > 70
      -5y > -5x + 70
       y < x - 14 <==

11. sorry...dont know

12. y = 4x + 4
      y = -3x - 3

     4x + 4 = -3x - 3
     4x + 3x = -3 - 4
     7x = -7
     x = -1

     y = 4x + 4
     y = 4(-1) + 4
     y = 0

solution is (-1,0)

13. -12x - 2y > - 42
       -2y > 12x - 42
        y < -6x + 21 <==

14. -5x + 2y = 9
       3x + 5y = 7

solution is (-1,2)

15. 3x + 6y = -2
     15x + 30y = -10divide by 5 to reduce = 3x + 6y = -2
     is the same lineinfinite solutions

1. (the graph)y < = 3x - 43rd one

9. (2nd graph)y < = -3x + 4last one

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