Mathematics : asked on bacon950

Simplify the expression.
28 + 4
A. 9
B. 11
C. 16
D. 22

. 1


Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

C) 16

Step-by-step explanation:


Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

The correct answers are:

(1) (Option B) -1299

(2) (Option A) -2

(3) (Option A) b < 13

(4) (Option D) m = 5

(5) (Option D) 6

(6) (Option B) 2

(7) (Option A) p > 11

(8) (Option B) x = 6

(9) (Option A) h < –9

(10) (Option B) C = D ÷ AB

(11) (Option B) y = –45

(12) (Option A) y = 11

(13) (Option D) q = 13

(14) (Option A) M = K/LN

(15) (Option C) h = 63

(16) (Option C) –3p + 11

(17) (Option C) 10\frac{1}{4}

(18) (Option D) y = 31

(19) (Option D) R = E ÷ I

(20) (Option B) y = 4


(1) The Given Expression:

-282 - (+1017)

= -282 - 1017

= -1299 (Option B)

(2) The total balance = $35

One check = $10

Three checks = 3 * $9 = $27

Balance now = Total balance - One check + Three check = $35 - $10 - $27 = -2 (Option A)

(3) The given expression:

3b – 7 < 32

Add 7 on both sides:

3b -7 + 7 < 32 + 7

3b < 39

Divide by 3 on both sides:


b < 13 (Option A)

(4) The given expression:

4m + 9 + 5m – 12 = 42

9m = 42 + 12 - 9

9m = 45

Divide both sides with 9:

\frac{9m}{9} =\frac{45}{9}  \\ m=5

The correct answer is m=5 (Option D)

(5) The given expression:

13 + (–12) – (–5)

= 13 - 12 + 5

= 6 (Option D)

(6) Mathematically, we can write "four times a number plus 3 is 11" as:

4x + 3 = 11


x = The number we require

4x = 11 - 3

4x = 8

x = 2 (Option B)

(7) The given expression:

12p + 7 > 139

Subtract 7 on both sides:

12p + 7 - 7 > 139 -7

12p > 132

Divide 12 on both sides:

\frac{12p}{12} \frac{132}{12}

p > 11 (Option A)

(8) The given equation:

7x = 42

Divide the equation with 7 on both sides:

\frac{7x}{7} =\frac{42}{7}

x = 6 (Option B)

(9) The given expression:

9h + 2 < –79

Subtract 2 on both sides:

9h + 2 - 2 < -79 - 2

9h < -81

h < -9 (Option A)

(10) The given equation:


Now divide both sides with AB on both sides:

\frac{D}{AB} =\frac{ABC}{AB} \\ C =\frac{D}{AB}

Hence C = D ÷ AB (Option B)

(11) Given equation:

\frac{y}{9} + 5 = 0

Subtract 5 on both sides:

\frac{y}{9} +5 -5 = 0 -5

y = -5*9 = -45

y = -45 (Option B)

(12) Given equation:

12y = 132

Divide both sides by 12:

\frac{12y}{12} =\frac{132}{12}

y = 11 (Option A)

(13) The given equation:

3q + 5 + 2q – 5 = 65

5q = 65

Divide both sides with 5 and simplify:

q = 13 (Option D)

(14) Given formula:


To find M, divide both sides with LN:

\frac{K}{LN} =\frac{LMN}{LN} \\  M = \frac{K}{LN}

Hence the correct answer is M = \frac{K}{LN} (Option A)

(15) Given formula:

h/9 = 7

Multiply both sides with 9:

h = 7 * 9

h = 63 (Option C)

(16) Given expression:

4p + 9 + (-7p) + 2

4p + 9 -7p +2

-3p + 11 (Option C)

(17) The given formula:

16y = 164

Divide both sides with 16:

\frac{16y}{16} =\frac{164}{16} \\ y = 10\frac{1}{4}

Hence the correct answer is (Option C) y = 10\frac{1}{4}

(18) Given equation:

4y + 228 = 352

Subtract both sides with 228:

4y + 228 - 228 = 352 - 228

4y = 124

Divide both sides by 4 and simplify:

y = 31 (Option D)

(19) The given formula:

E = IR

To find R, divide both sides with I:

R = E ÷ I (Option D)

(20) Given equation:

6y - 20 = 2y - 4

=> 6y - 2y = -4 + 20

=> 4y = 16

Divide both sides with 4 and simplify:

y = 4 (Option B)

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

The correct answers are:

(1) (Option B) -1299

(2) (Option A) -2

(3) (Option A) b < 13

(4) (Option D) m = 5

(5) (Option D) 6

(6) (Option B) 2

(7) (Option A) p > 11

(8) (Option B) x = 6

(9) (Option A) h < –9

(10) (Option B) C = D ÷ AB

(11) (Option B) y = –45

(12) (Option A) y = 11

(13) (Option D) q = 13

(14) (Option A) M = K/LN

(15) (Option C) h = 63

(16) (Option C) –3p + 11

(17) (Option C) 10\frac{1}{4}

(18) (Option D) y = 31

(19) (Option D) R = E ÷ I

(20) (Option B) y = 4


(1) The Given Expression:

-282 - (+1017)

= -282 - 1017

= -1299 (Option B)

(2) The total balance = $35

One check = $10

Three checks = 3 * $9 = $27

Balance now = Total balance - One check + Three check = $35 - $10 - $27 = -2 (Option A)

(3) The given expression:

3b – 7 < 32

Add 7 on both sides:

3b -7 + 7 < 32 + 7

3b < 39

Divide by 3 on both sides:


b < 13 (Option A)

(4) The given expression:

4m + 9 + 5m – 12 = 42

9m = 42 + 12 - 9

9m = 45

Divide both sides with 9:

\frac{9m}{9} =\frac{45}{9}  \\ m=5

The correct answer is m=5 (Option D)

(5) The given expression:

13 + (–12) – (–5)

= 13 - 12 + 5

= 6 (Option D)

(6) Mathematically, we can write "four times a number plus 3 is 11" as:

4x + 3 = 11


x = The number we require

4x = 11 - 3

4x = 8

x = 2 (Option B)

(7) The given expression:

12p + 7 > 139

Subtract 7 on both sides:

12p + 7 - 7 > 139 -7

12p > 132

Divide 12 on both sides:

\frac{12p}{12} \frac{132}{12}

p > 11 (Option A)

(8) The given equation:

7x = 42

Divide the equation with 7 on both sides:

\frac{7x}{7} =\frac{42}{7}

x = 6 (Option B)

(9) The given expression:

9h + 2 < –79

Subtract 2 on both sides:

9h + 2 - 2 < -79 - 2

9h < -81

h < -9 (Option A)

(10) The given equation:


Now divide both sides with AB on both sides:

\frac{D}{AB} =\frac{ABC}{AB} \\ C =\frac{D}{AB}

Hence C = D ÷ AB (Option B)

(11) Given equation:

\frac{y}{9} + 5 = 0

Subtract 5 on both sides:

\frac{y}{9} +5 -5 = 0 -5

y = -5*9 = -45

y = -45 (Option B)

(12) Given equation:

12y = 132

Divide both sides by 12:

\frac{12y}{12} =\frac{132}{12}

y = 11 (Option A)

(13) The given equation:

3q + 5 + 2q – 5 = 65

5q = 65

Divide both sides with 5 and simplify:

q = 13 (Option D)

(14) Given formula:


To find M, divide both sides with LN:

\frac{K}{LN} =\frac{LMN}{LN} \\  M = \frac{K}{LN}

Hence the correct answer is M = \frac{K}{LN} (Option A)

(15) Given formula:

h/9 = 7

Multiply both sides with 9:

h = 7 * 9

h = 63 (Option C)

(16) Given expression:

4p + 9 + (-7p) + 2

4p + 9 -7p +2

-3p + 11 (Option C)

(17) The given formula:

16y = 164

Divide both sides with 16:

\frac{16y}{16} =\frac{164}{16} \\ y = 10\frac{1}{4}

Hence the correct answer is (Option C) y = 10\frac{1}{4}

(18) Given equation:

4y + 228 = 352

Subtract both sides with 228:

4y + 228 - 228 = 352 - 228

4y = 124

Divide both sides by 4 and simplify:

y = 31 (Option D)

(19) The given formula:

E = IR

To find R, divide both sides with I:

R = E ÷ I (Option D)

(20) Given equation:

6y - 20 = 2y - 4

=> 6y - 2y = -4 + 20

=> 4y = 16

Divide both sides with 4 and simplify:

y = 4 (Option B)

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

1)b.48 2)d.81 3)a.11 4)b.–81 5)–246 c.5ft a.19 9/25 in² d.11 mi/h a.48 C.a=m–c/–b

Step-by-step explanation:



–2n²+5n+9 (n=2)


3x³ (x=–3)


4r²–2s³ (r=1 s=5)


A=½bh. ½b=A/h. b=2A/h

then b=(2×30)÷12=5ft

area of a square=s×s=

4 \times \frac{2}{5}  \times 4 \times \frac{2}{5}  =  \frac{22}{5}  \times  \frac{22}{5}  =  \frac{484}{25}  = 19 \times \frac{9}{25}  {in}^{2}

d=rt then r=d/t

then r=15.4÷1.4=11 mi/h

(–h–3j)²/h (h=3, j=–5)


m=c–ab m–c=–ab m–c/–b=a

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

1)b.48 2)d.81 3)a.11 4)b.–81 5)–246 c.5ft a.19 9/25 in² d.11 mi/h a.48 C.a=m–c/–b

Step-by-step explanation:



–2n²+5n+9 (n=2)


3x³ (x=–3)


4r²–2s³ (r=1 s=5)


A=½bh. ½b=A/h. b=2A/h

then b=(2×30)÷12=5ft

area of a square=s×s=

4 \times \frac{2}{5}  \times 4 \times \frac{2}{5}  =  \frac{22}{5}  \times  \frac{22}{5}  =  \frac{484}{25}  = 19 \times \frac{9}{25}  {in}^{2}

d=rt then r=d/t

then r=15.4÷1.4=11 mi/h

(–h–3j)²/h (h=3, j=–5)


m=c–ab m–c=–ab m–c/–b=a

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master
1 is correct 
2 is correct 
3 is correct 
4 is correct 
5 is correct 
6 is correct 
7 is correct
8 is wrong it should be because you wouldn't add the  you would subtract it and the otehr number is a negative so it would be x=-26
9 is correct 
10 is correct 
13 is correct
14 I think is correct
I think 15 is incorrect because if he says one less than twice the number of last year then I think you first shoudl subtract 1 from 25 and then divide by 2 this would give you  17 packeges
and I think 16 is correct too..

Hope this helped
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master
1 is correct 
2 is correct 
3 is correct 
4 is correct 
5 is correct 
6 is correct 
7 is correct
8 is wrong it should be because you wouldn't add the  you would subtract it and the otehr number is a negative so it would be x=-26
9 is correct 
10 is correct 
13 is correct
14 I think is correct
I think 15 is incorrect because if he says one less than twice the number of last year then I think you first shoudl subtract 1 from 25 and then divide by 2 this would give you  17 packeges
and I think 16 is correct too..

Hope this helped

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