
4. Which condition would not prove

. 0


Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

Step-by-step explanation:

4. Which condition would not prove
Computers and Technology
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

1. Code Blocks

2. Pop.

3. Role-playing Games.

4. Storytelling

5. The sprite would draw a line to a random position, then create another line 100 units long.

6. Objective.

7. True

8. Obstacles.

9. Jumping over Bowser in a Mario game  motion-capture devices (e.g., Kinect, WiiMote)

10.  A balance of good and bad emotions.

11. Rescuing Princess Peach from Bowser  playing an ocarina to teleport across the land.

12. Designer

13. Count-controlled loop

14. True

15. Conditional Block.

16. The Landlord's Game.

17. Algorithm

18. Run/test window

19. Poker-type games.

20. Illustrations

21. Stop pen

22. Control

23. False

24. Role-playing game.

25. True.

26. Change y by -15

27. Scratch

28. The Olympics.

Hope this helped some, mate. Have a nice day.


Computers and Technology
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

1. Code Blocks

2. Pop.

3. Role-playing Games.

4. Storytelling

5. The sprite would draw a line to a random position, then create another line 100 units long.

6. Objective.

7. True

8. Obstacles.

9. Jumping over Bowser in a Mario game  motion-capture devices (e.g., Kinect, WiiMote)

10.  A balance of good and bad emotions.

11. Rescuing Princess Peach from Bowser  playing an ocarina to teleport across the land.

12. Designer

13. Count-controlled loop

14. True

15. Conditional Block.

16. The Landlord's Game.

17. Algorithm

18. Run/test window

19. Poker-type games.

20. Illustrations

21. Stop pen

22. Control

23. False

24. Role-playing game.

25. True.

26. Change y by -15

27. Scratch

28. The Olympics.

Hope this helped some, mate. Have a nice day.


Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

1. Zero conditional

2. Zero conditional

3. Second conditional

4. Second conditional

5. Second conditional

6. Third conditional

7. Third conditional

8. Third conditional

9. Third conditional

10. Zero conditional

11. Second conditional

12. First conditional

13. Third conditional

14. First conditional

15. First conditional


Conditionals (also called conditional or if clauses) are used to describe the result of something that might happen in the present or future or could have happened in the past but didn't. There are four main kinds of conditionals: zero, first, second, and third conditional.

The zero conditional is used when want to talk about facts or things that are generally true.

The first and second conditionals talk about the future. However, the first conditional is used for real possibilities, while the second is used for unreal possibilities.

The third conditional is used when we talk about the past, a condition from the past that did not happen. Thus, we can say that it is used when there are no possibilities of something happening.

You can see how different conditionals are built and easily recognized in the image below:

Identify the type of conditional used in the following sentence

Write your answer on a separate she
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

1. Zero conditional

2. Zero conditional

3. Second conditional

4. Second conditional

5. Second conditional

6. Third conditional

7. Third conditional

8. Third conditional

9. Third conditional

10. Zero conditional

11. Second conditional

12. First conditional

13. Third conditional

14. First conditional

15. First conditional


Conditionals (also called conditional or if clauses) are used to describe the result of something that might happen in the present or future or could have happened in the past but didn't. There are four main kinds of conditionals: zero, first, second, and third conditional.

The zero conditional is used when want to talk about facts or things that are generally true.

The first and second conditionals talk about the future. However, the first conditional is used for real possibilities, while the second is used for unreal possibilities.

The third conditional is used when we talk about the past, a condition from the past that did not happen. Thus, we can say that it is used when there are no possibilities of something happening.

You can see how different conditionals are built and easily recognized in the image below:

Identify the type of conditional used in the following sentence

Write your answer on a separate she
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master
2. A trait is a notable feature or quality in a person. Each of us has a different combination or sets of traits that make us unique.
3. Traits are passed from generation to generation.
4. We inherit them from our parents and pass them eventually to our children.
5. Physical traits or characteristics of one's physical make up (how you look) observable characteristics determined by specific segments of DNA called genes.
6. Physical traits include things such as; hair color, eye color, earlobe attachment, handedness, straight hairline and  widow's peak height. 
7. Behavioral traits are characteristics of the way one acts. An example is a golden retrievers's instinct to retrieve.
8. A sheepdog's herding instinct is a good examples of behavioral trait. 
9. Predisposition to a medical condition is another inheritable trait. Examples include sickle cell anemia, cystic fibrosis, and certain mental diseases. 
10. The instructions encoded on our genes play a role in defining our traits.
11. However, the environmental influences in our lives are just as important in shaping our traits 
12. Our genes determine our natural hair color, however, exposure to the sun and hair dyes can easily change the color.
13. Behavioral traits can be influenced by trainers, like raining dogs to chase things and bring them back.
14. A person may be born with a predisposition to heart disease, however a healthy diet and exercise can greatly reduce this risk. 
15. How are traits determined? Try to bend your thumbs back at a 45 degree angle, if you can, you have "hitchhikers" thumb gene.
16. Other people don't have straight thumbs which don't bend.
17. Scientists describe a set of genetic information for each form as an allele. Most genes have two or more variations, called alleles. For example, the gene for hairline shape has two alleles, that is; widow's peak or straight. A person may inherit 2 identical (homozygous) or 2 different (heterozygous) alleles from their parents. 
18. We can describe the straight thumb allele with a H,  and the hitchhikers thumb allele with a h. Capital H for the dominant alelle and the lower case for the recessive allele. 
19. Each of us has two alleles that determine the thumb extension trait.
20. What two genotypes would code for straight fingers; These should be HH, (hmozygous dominant) and Hh (heterozygous). 
21. The genotype that would code for the hitchhikers thumb is hh (homozygous recessive).
22. Having two of the same alleles for a trait is  called homozygous. 
23. Having two different alleles for a trait are called heterozygous
24. A person with a Hh genotype would have the straight finger phenotype.
25 The dominant allele (H) will mask or hide the recessive allele (h). This is known as the law of dominance. which is described such that In a cross of parents that are pure for contrasting traits, only one form of the trait will appear in the next generation. Offspring that are hybrid for a trait will have only the dominant trait in the phenotype
26. The chances of having a child with hitchhicker's thumb if both parents are hybrids is 1/4 or 0.5. A hybrid is a synonym for heterozygous; contains one dominant allele and one recessive allele
Using a punnet square as shown on the attached 
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist
2. A trait is a notable feature or quality in a person. Each of us has a different combination or sets of traits that make us unique.
3. Traits are passed from generation to generation.
4. We inherit them from our parents and pass them eventually to our children.
5. Physical traits or characteristics of one's physical make up (how you look) observable characteristics determined by specific segments of DNA called genes.
6. Physical traits include things such as; hair color, eye color, earlobe attachment, handedness, straight hairline and  widow's peak height. 
7. Behavioral traits are characteristics of the way one acts. An example is a golden retrievers's instinct to retrieve.
8. A sheepdog's herding instinct is a good examples of behavioral trait. 
9. Predisposition to a medical condition is another inheritable trait. Examples include sickle cell anemia, cystic fibrosis, and certain mental diseases. 
10. The instructions encoded on our genes play a role in defining our traits.
11. However, the environmental influences in our lives are just as important in shaping our traits 
12. Our genes determine our natural hair color, however, exposure to the sun and hair dyes can easily change the color.
13. Behavioral traits can be influenced by trainers, like raining dogs to chase things and bring them back.
14. A person may be born with a predisposition to heart disease, however a healthy diet and exercise can greatly reduce this risk. 
15. How are traits determined? Try to bend your thumbs back at a 45 degree angle, if you can, you have "hitchhikers" thumb gene.
16. Other people don't have straight thumbs which don't bend.
17. Scientists describe a set of genetic information for each form as an allele. Most genes have two or more variations, called alleles. For example, the gene for hairline shape has two alleles, that is; widow's peak or straight. A person may inherit 2 identical (homozygous) or 2 different (heterozygous) alleles from their parents. 
18. We can describe the straight thumb allele with a H,  and the hitchhikers thumb allele with a h. Capital H for the dominant alelle and the lower case for the recessive allele. 
19. Each of us has two alleles that determine the thumb extension trait.
20. What two genotypes would code for straight fingers; These should be HH, (hmozygous dominant) and Hh (heterozygous). 
21. The genotype that would code for the hitchhikers thumb is hh (homozygous recessive).
22. Having two of the same alleles for a trait is  called homozygous. 
23. Having two different alleles for a trait are called heterozygous
24. A person with a Hh genotype would have the straight finger phenotype.
25 The dominant allele (H) will mask or hide the recessive allele (h). This is known as the law of dominance. which is described such that In a cross of parents that are pure for contrasting traits, only one form of the trait will appear in the next generation. Offspring that are hybrid for a trait will have only the dominant trait in the phenotype
26. The chances of having a child with hitchhicker's thumb if both parents are hybrids is 1/4 or 0.5. A hybrid is a synonym for heterozygous; contains one dominant allele and one recessive allele
Using a punnet square as shown on the attached 
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

Answer and Explanation:

Available data:

The homozygous recessive condition (ff) is a fatal disease for the animal. Affected individuals die soon after birth. The homozygous dominant (FF) and the heterozygous (Ff) individuals live normally. 4% of the newly born individuals died soon after birth. An equal number of males and females died. All victims were due to the recessive condition.

The allelic frequencies in a locus are represented as p and q, referring to the allelic dominant or recessive forms. The genotypic frequencies after one generation are p² (Homozygous dominant), 2pq (Heterozygous), q² (Homozygous recessive). Populations in H-W equilibrium will get the same allelic frequencies generation after generation. The sum of these allelic frequencies equals 1, this is p + q = 1.

In the same way, the sum of genotypic frequencies equals 1, this is

p² + 2pq + q² = 1


p the dominant allelic frequency,

q the recessive allelic frequency,

p²the homozygous dominant genotypic frequency

q² the homozygous recessive genotypic frequency

2pq the heterozygous genotypic frequency

A. What is the frequency of the recessive allele?

4% of individuals with the recessive allele died. This means that the genotypic frequency for the trait, ff, is 0.04

If F(ff) = 0.04, then the allelic frequency for the recessive allele, f(f) is √0.04. This is:


f=q=√ 0.04


So, the frequency for the recessive allele is 0.2

B. What is the frequency of the dominant allele?

By clearing the equation: p + q = 1, we can calculate the allelic frequency for the dominant allele. This is:

p + q = 1

p + 0.2 = 1

p = 1 - 0.2

p = 0.8

F = p = 0.8

The frequency for the dominant allele, f(F) is 0.8

C. What is the frequency of the FF genotype?

The genotypic frequency equals  p². So, knowing that p = 0.8, then the genotypic frequency for the trait, F (FF) is

p = 0.8

F (FF) = p² = 0.8 ² =0.64

So, the frequency of the FF genotype is 0.64

D. What is the frequency of the Ff genotype?

We can calculate the frequency for the heterozygote genotype by clearing the following equation:

F (Ff) = 2xpxq = 2 x 0.8 x 0.2

                        = 0.32

The frequency of the Ff genotype is 0.32

To corroborate these results, we can add all the genotypic frequencies, and the sum should equal one. This is:

p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1

0.64 + 0.32 + 0.04= 1

E. Assume that 100 individuals were born in the animal population. How many of these would probably be carriers (heterozygous) of the allele for the recessive trait?

The frequency of the Ff genotype is 0.32. This means that 32% of the population are carriers.

If 100 individuals equal 100% of the population, then by developing the "three simple" rule, we can calculate how many individuals are heterozygous in this population. This is:

100% population 100 Total individuals

32% population X = 32 Heterozygous individuals

32 animals would probably be carriers of the allele for the recessive trait

F. How many of these 100 animals would NOT carry the allele for the recessive trait?

100% population 100 Total individuals

64% population X = 64 dominant homozygous individuals

64 animals would NOT carry the allele for the recessive trait

G. Natural selection is operating against which allele?  

Natural selection is operating against the recessive allele, f.

H. What happened in a single generation to both allele frequencies?

The frequency of the recessive allele will decrease and the frequency of the dominant allele will increase.

As all ff individuals die when they are born, in one generation, the genotype ff will not contribute in the same way to the next generation, with respect to the expected contribution according to Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.

This means that if the genotypic frequency of the recessive allele decreases, the heterozygous and homozygous genotypic frequency will increase.

Directional natural selection is operating.

I. If this condition were to continue for several more generations, what would happen to the allele frequencies?

If the condition continues for several more generations, the recessive allele will tend to disappear, and the dominant allele will tend to establish. The population will be in equilibrium after several generations.

                     This is, f(F) = p = 1

                                 f (f) = q = 0

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

Answer and Explanation:

Available data:

The homozygous recessive condition (ff) is a fatal disease for the animal. Affected individuals die soon after birth. The homozygous dominant (FF) and the heterozygous (Ff) individuals live normally. 4% of the newly born individuals died soon after birth. An equal number of males and females died. All victims were due to the recessive condition.

The allelic frequencies in a locus are represented as p and q, referring to the allelic dominant or recessive forms. The genotypic frequencies after one generation are p² (Homozygous dominant), 2pq (Heterozygous), q² (Homozygous recessive). Populations in H-W equilibrium will get the same allelic frequencies generation after generation. The sum of these allelic frequencies equals 1, this is p + q = 1.

In the same way, the sum of genotypic frequencies equals 1, this is

p² + 2pq + q² = 1


p the dominant allelic frequency,

q the recessive allelic frequency,

p²the homozygous dominant genotypic frequency

q² the homozygous recessive genotypic frequency

2pq the heterozygous genotypic frequency

A. What is the frequency of the recessive allele?

4% of individuals with the recessive allele died. This means that the genotypic frequency for the trait, ff, is 0.04

If F(ff) = 0.04, then the allelic frequency for the recessive allele, f(f) is √0.04. This is:


f=q=√ 0.04


So, the frequency for the recessive allele is 0.2

B. What is the frequency of the dominant allele?

By clearing the equation: p + q = 1, we can calculate the allelic frequency for the dominant allele. This is:

p + q = 1

p + 0.2 = 1

p = 1 - 0.2

p = 0.8

F = p = 0.8

The frequency for the dominant allele, f(F) is 0.8

C. What is the frequency of the FF genotype?

The genotypic frequency equals  p². So, knowing that p = 0.8, then the genotypic frequency for the trait, F (FF) is

p = 0.8

F (FF) = p² = 0.8 ² =0.64

So, the frequency of the FF genotype is 0.64

D. What is the frequency of the Ff genotype?

We can calculate the frequency for the heterozygote genotype by clearing the following equation:

F (Ff) = 2xpxq = 2 x 0.8 x 0.2

                        = 0.32

The frequency of the Ff genotype is 0.32

To corroborate these results, we can add all the genotypic frequencies, and the sum should equal one. This is:

p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1

0.64 + 0.32 + 0.04= 1

E. Assume that 100 individuals were born in the animal population. How many of these would probably be carriers (heterozygous) of the allele for the recessive trait?

The frequency of the Ff genotype is 0.32. This means that 32% of the population are carriers.

If 100 individuals equal 100% of the population, then by developing the "three simple" rule, we can calculate how many individuals are heterozygous in this population. This is:

100% population 100 Total individuals

32% population X = 32 Heterozygous individuals

32 animals would probably be carriers of the allele for the recessive trait

F. How many of these 100 animals would NOT carry the allele for the recessive trait?

100% population 100 Total individuals

64% population X = 64 dominant homozygous individuals

64 animals would NOT carry the allele for the recessive trait

G. Natural selection is operating against which allele?  

Natural selection is operating against the recessive allele, f.

H. What happened in a single generation to both allele frequencies?

The frequency of the recessive allele will decrease and the frequency of the dominant allele will increase.

As all ff individuals die when they are born, in one generation, the genotype ff will not contribute in the same way to the next generation, with respect to the expected contribution according to Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.

This means that if the genotypic frequency of the recessive allele decreases, the heterozygous and homozygous genotypic frequency will increase.

Directional natural selection is operating.

I. If this condition were to continue for several more generations, what would happen to the allele frequencies?

If the condition continues for several more generations, the recessive allele will tend to disappear, and the dominant allele will tend to establish. The population will be in equilibrium after several generations.

                     This is, f(F) = p = 1

                                 f (f) = q = 0

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Studen AI
The correct answer is A. In the painting's center, viewers see a man bend over a woman's hand to kiss it.

This detail best captures the action suggested by the text. In the excerpt, King Lear says, "Thou hast her, France: let her be thine," indicating that Cordelia will be married to the King of France. The action of the king kissing Cordelia's hand signifies their union. This action is depicted in the painting, where a man is bending over a woman's hand to kiss it, representing the moment of farewell between King Lear and Cordelia.

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