
Louie Foster invested $4,500 at 3% interest compounded semiannually for 2 years

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Step-by-step answer

09.07.2023, solved by verified expert
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Louie Foster invested ,500 at 3% interest compounded, №18011241, 15.10.2022 00:02

Useful Information:

The formula for compound interest is: Louie Foster invested ,500 at 3% interest compounded, №18011241, 15.10.2022 00:02

Step-by-step explanation:

This is an example of compound percentage increase.

To work this out, you would first have to convert the percentage into a decimal. You can do this by dividing the percentage of 3% by 100, this gives you 0.03. This is because percentages are out of 100 and so dividing the value by 100 gives you the percentage as a part of 1.

The next step is to add 1 to 0.03, this gives you 1.03. This is because you are working out the percentage increase.

The penultimate step is to work out the number of times that the new amount would need to be calculated. This can be done by multiplying 2 by 2, which gives you 4. This is because it will be compounded semiannually, which is twice a year.

The fnal step is to work out the total amount you would need to multiply the amount of 4,500 by 1.03 to the power of 4, this gives you 5064.79 (2 D.P). This is because you are working out 3% of the amount, and then adding it to the new amount and then finding 3% of that amount, and so on.

1) Divide 3% by 100.

Louie Foster invested ,500 at 3% interest compounded, №18011241, 15.10.2022 00:02

2) Add 1 to 0.03.

Louie Foster invested ,500 at 3% interest compounded, №18011241, 15.10.2022 00:02

3) Multiply 2 by 2.

Louie Foster invested ,500 at 3% interest compounded, №18011241, 15.10.2022 00:02

4) Multiplly 4500 by 1.03 to the power of 4.

Louie Foster invested ,500 at 3% interest compounded, №18011241, 15.10.2022 00:02

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Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist

\huge\boxed{5064.79 (2d.p)}

Useful Information:

The formula for compound interest is: \sf{amount*decimal^{{No. calculations}}

Step-by-step explanation:

This is an example of compound percentage increase.

To work this out, you would first have to convert the percentage into a decimal. You can do this by dividing the percentage of 3% by 100, this gives you 0.03. This is because percentages are out of 100 and so dividing the value by 100 gives you the percentage as a part of 1.

The next step is to add 1 to 0.03, this gives you 1.03. This is because you are working out the percentage increase.

The penultimate step is to work out the number of times that the new amount would need to be calculated. This can be done by multiplying 2 by 2, which gives you 4. This is because it will be compounded semiannually, which is twice a year.

The fnal step is to work out the total amount you would need to multiply the amount of 4,500 by 1.03 to the power of 4, this gives you 5064.79 (2 D.P). This is because you are working out 3% of the amount, and then adding it to the new amount and then finding 3% of that amount, and so on.

1) Divide 3% by 100.


2) Add 1 to 0.03.


3) Multiply 2 by 2.


4) Multiplly 4500 by 1.03 to the power of 4.

4500*1.03^{4}=5064.79 (2 d.p)

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD








Neil will earn interest of 180

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
Answer: 440 grams for 1.54 is the better value
Take the price and divide by the number of grams
1.54 / 440 =0.0035 per gram
1.26 / 340 =0.003705882 per gram
0.0035 per gram < 0.003705882 per gram
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

Cost of 7 gallons=$24.50

Cost of 1 gallon=24.50/7=3.5

Cost of 15 gallons=15*3.5=52.5

Cost of 15 gallons will be $52.5

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

The answer is in the image 

The answer is in the image 
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD


where y=Value of coin

x=Age in years

Value of coin after 19 years=2*19+15


Therefore, Value after 19 years=$53

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD
The answer is in the image 

The answer is in the image 

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