
Can i see all of your private parts

. 4


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P Answered by PhD

When President Eisenhower left the presidency in 1961, he had accepted the fundamental features of the welfare state.


Dwight D. Eisenhower was the 34th President of the United States, from 1953 to 1961. Under his administration, the United States experienced a period of peace and prosperity marked by cooperation between the different parties, in a world then dominated by the Cold War which opposed the country to the USSR. In domestic politics, Eisenhower developed the network of interstate highways, sent the army to Arkansas in order to impose court decisions taken in favor of racial integration, founded NASA and made space racing a priority against the Soviet Union.

He also encouraged technological advances in the field of aviation and atomic energy in order to limit the use of land forces. Although in favor of conservative fiscal policies, Eisenhower expanded the social security program without, however, modernizing the aid programs introduced during the New Deal. Due to this, he was catalogued as a "progressive conservative".

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P Answered by PhD

The correct answer is option C.  The author's purpose in including that passage is to inform the reader of Mrs. Flower's social position in black Stamps. "I know Why the Caged Bird Sings" is an autobiography written by American writer Maya Angelou. It is the first of a seven volume series, that tell the life story of the writer, marked by racism. In the excerpt, Maya Angelou describes Mrs Bertha Flower way of dressing, moving and presenting herself, to indicate her social status within the community of Black Stamps.

Read the passage from “i know why the caged bird sings.” mrs. bertha flowers was the aristocrat of b
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P Answered by Studen AI
The passage you provided is an excerpt from the book "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings" by Maya Angelou. It describes the character Mrs. Bertha Flowers and her social standing in the town of Black Stamps. The author's purpose in including this passage is to inform the reader of Mrs. Flowers's social position in Black Stamps.

The passage describes Mrs. Flowers as the "aristocrat of Black Stamps" and highlights her qualities that set her apart from others. She is portrayed as someone who has control and grace, appearing warm even in cold weather. The mention of her private breeze emphasizes her uniqueness and coolness on hot Arkansas summer days. The passage also mentions her clothing choices, with printed voile dresses and flowered hats that perfectly suit her. The comparison to the richest white woman in town further emphasizes her social standing and significance within the community.

Considering all these details, the purpose of this passage is to provide information to the reader about Mrs. Flowers's social position in Black Stamps. The author aims to convey the idea that Mrs. Flowers holds a special and respected place in the community, analogous to the highest-ranking white woman in town. By including such descriptions, the author wants the reader to understand Mrs. Flowers's role and importance within the social dynamics of Black Stamps.

It's important to note that this analysis is based solely on the provided passage. To fully understand the context and purpose of the entire book, it would be beneficial to read the complete work.
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P Answered by PhD



Mrs. Bertha Flowers is a character in the book entitled, "I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings." She's a black aristocrat who was very helpful to Maya (Marguerite) after Maya was raped. Maya admire her for being educated and well-mannered. She became Maya's role model. Maya describes Bertha as being poised and appearing calm. This social habit is part of Bertha's "culture" because of her social status in life. Clearly, this is something that Maya valued in life.

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P Answered by PhD

When President Eisenhower left the presidency in 1961, he had accepted the fundamental features of the welfare state.


Dwight D. Eisenhower was the 34th President of the United States, from 1953 to 1961. Under his administration, the United States experienced a period of peace and prosperity marked by cooperation between the different parties, in a world then dominated by the Cold War which opposed the country to the USSR. In domestic politics, Eisenhower developed the network of interstate highways, sent the army to Arkansas in order to impose court decisions taken in favor of racial integration, founded NASA and made space racing a priority against the Soviet Union.

He also encouraged technological advances in the field of aviation and atomic energy in order to limit the use of land forces. Although in favor of conservative fiscal policies, Eisenhower expanded the social security program without, however, modernizing the aid programs introduced during the New Deal. Due to this, he was catalogued as a "progressive conservative".

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P Answered by PhD

C: She is elegant, refined, and quite unique or special.

A: “On the Arkansas summer days it seemed she had a private breeze which swirled around, cooling her.”


Maya Angelou's autobiography "I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings," tells about her early years, her childhood days. This novel is also a "coming-to-age" novel that covers her growing up years and the experiences/ encounters she had that led to her interest in books and writing.

Mrs. Bertha Flowers is the sophisticated, educated woman who Maya admires. She is the epitome of what a woman can be, and Maya thinks her to be even more beautiful than other white women. We can safely say that she is elegant, refined, and special/ unique. This is because Maya comments Mrs. Flowers is graceful, "On the Arkansas summer days it seemed she had a private breeze which swirled around, cooling her."

Thus, the correct answers are options C and A.

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P Answered by PhD



In these lines, we learn that Marguerite values culture. We learn this from the descriptions she gives us of Mrs. Bertha Flowers. We learn that Mrs. Flowers is always very well-dressed ("printed voile dresses and flowered hats") and appears to be very graceful ("had the grace of control to appear warm in the coldest weather, and on the Arkansas summer days it seemed she had a private breeze which swirled around, cooling her"). She also tells us that she is as respectable as any rich white woman in town. The fact that the speaker appreciates elegance and grace so much shows that the speaker values culture.

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P Answered by PhD

Hello. You forgot to show what "part A" was. "Part A" asked: what inference can be made about Mrs. Flowers? The inference was that she is elegant and special.

D. On the Arkansas summer days it seemed she had a private breeze which swirled around, cooling her."


Mrs. Flowers was a unique woman. That's because when reading "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings" we can see that she was a unique woman, extremely refined, educated, cultured, delicate and admirable. All these characteristics attracted people's attention to her, making her be commented on in a positive way and served as inspiration for some women who wished to have the same refinement as her. An excerpt from the text that provides evidence for this is: "On the Arkansas summer days it seemed she had a private breeze which swirled around, cooling her."

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