Physics : asked on chychy2003

Arrange the layers and the fault line from youngest to oldest.

. 76

Step-by-step answer

18.10.2022, solved by verified expert
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A, F, B, C, D, E

The layers can only be cracked if they are already there, making A the youngest. From there, F is next because it has cracked B - E meaning they existed before the crack. After that, the order goes from top to bottom since a later can not sit on top of another layer unless a more drastic shifting of the layers occurred.
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Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist
A, F, B, C, D, E

The layers can only be cracked if they are already there, making A the youngest. From there, F is next because it has cracked B - E meaning they existed before the crack. After that, the order goes from top to bottom since a later can not sit on top of another layer unless a more drastic shifting of the layers occurred. Hope this helped!
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Specialist
A, F, B, C, D, E

The layers can only be cracked if they are already there, making A the youngest. From there, F is next because it has cracked B - E meaning they existed before the crack. After that, the order goes from top to bottom since a later can not sit on top of another layer unless a more drastic shifting of the layers occurred. Hope this helped!
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Studen AI
To arrange the layers and the fault line from youngest to oldest, follow these steps:

1. Start by looking for any clues provided in the question. In this case, we have been given the names of layers and the fault line.

2. The illustrations of these tiles are missing, so we cannot rely on any visual cues. We will have to make our judgment solely based on the given information.

3. Let's analyze the names of the layers and the fault line:

- We have layers named A, B, C, D, and E.
- We also have a fault line named F.

4. Based on the principles of geology, we know that layers of rocks are typically formed over a period of time. So, the younger (newer) layers are deposited on top of older layers.

5. Now, let's use this information to arrange the tiles:

- Layer A is mentioned before Layer E, so Layer A should be older than Layer E.
- We are not given any information about the relative ages of Layer A and Layer B, so we cannot determine their exact order.
- Layer C is mentioned before both Layer A and Layer E, so Layer C should be older than both Layer A and Layer E.
- We are not given any information about the relative ages of Layer B, Layer C, and Layer D, so we cannot determine their exact order.
- Finally, the fault line F is not associated with any specific layer. Fault lines can form at any time and can cut across layers of various ages. Therefore, the fault line does not factor into the chronological order of the layers.

Based on these considerations, one possible arrangement from youngest to oldest could be:

Layer E (youngest) - Layer A - Layer C - Layer B - Layer D (oldest)

Please note that without visual illustrations or more specific information, this is just one possible arrangement.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

Please see answers in explanation column.

Explanation:  Filling the blanks with the best words that complete the sentence,we have

1. The process in which sedimentary rocks are arranged in layer is called Stratification.

Another term for Stratification is called Bedding used to describe the manner in which sedimentary rocks lie upon each other in layers known as strata.

2) The law of  Cross-cutting relationship happens when a layer of rocks torn apart  and igneous rock fill in the spaces.

IT explains how a fault  can cause a fracture in an older igneous rock and then another rock , which is the younger rock that caused the fault falls into the position of the fracture.  

3)On the Earth's surface, weathering and  Erosion  make rock fragments.

Erosion is a geological process in which   surface material like rock particles and soil  are worn from Earth's crust and  transported by water or wind. Both the breaking down or eroding of the earth surface cause rock to fragment.

4)The law of   superposition    states that sedimentary rocks are layered from the  oldest to the youngest and oldest rocks are found at the bottom.

5)A fAULT is a break in the rocks that make up the Earth's crust, along

which rocks on either side have moved past each other.

6)  An  intrusion  rock is formed when a magma never makes it to the surface.

Examples of Intrusion rocks which are igneous rocks that forms below the Earth surface are Granite and Gabbro.

7) In the law of   Unconformity  rock was   uplifted, eroded from the surrounding rock,  and will be replaced by sediments.

8) A   sedimentary   rock is formed by the accumulation, deposition, and

cementation of organic particles or minerals.sedimentary.

Examples of Sedimentary rocks include --sandstone, limestone,shale etc

9) When lava solidifies upon reaching the surface, it usually forms a/an   extrusive  rock in rock layers.

Examples of Extrusive  rocks which are igneous rocks that erupt onto the surface of the Earth surface before cooling  are Basalt, Andesite.

10) Rock that form intrusions on other rocks is   Younger than the other rock layer.

---According to the crosscutting relationship in rocks, this is true.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by Master

Please see answers in explanation column.

Explanation:  Filling the blanks with the best words that complete the sentence,we have

1. The process in which sedimentary rocks are arranged in layer is called Stratification.

Another term for Stratification is called Bedding used to describe the manner in which sedimentary rocks lie upon each other in layers known as strata.

2) The law of  Cross-cutting relationship happens when a layer of rocks torn apart  and igneous rock fill in the spaces.

IT explains how a fault  can cause a fracture in an older igneous rock and then another rock , which is the younger rock that caused the fault falls into the position of the fracture.  

3)On the Earth's surface, weathering and  Erosion  make rock fragments.

Erosion is a geological process in which   surface material like rock particles and soil  are worn from Earth's crust and  transported by water or wind. Both the breaking down or eroding of the earth surface cause rock to fragment.

4)The law of   superposition    states that sedimentary rocks are layered from the  oldest to the youngest and oldest rocks are found at the bottom.

5)A fAULT is a break in the rocks that make up the Earth's crust, along

which rocks on either side have moved past each other.

6)  An  intrusion  rock is formed when a magma never makes it to the surface.

Examples of Intrusion rocks which are igneous rocks that forms below the Earth surface are Granite and Gabbro.

7) In the law of   Unconformity  rock was   uplifted, eroded from the surrounding rock,  and will be replaced by sediments.

8) A   sedimentary   rock is formed by the accumulation, deposition, and

cementation of organic particles or minerals.sedimentary.

Examples of Sedimentary rocks include --sandstone, limestone,shale etc

9) When lava solidifies upon reaching the surface, it usually forms a/an   extrusive  rock in rock layers.

Examples of Extrusive  rocks which are igneous rocks that erupt onto the surface of the Earth surface before cooling  are Basalt, Andesite.

10) Rock that form intrusions on other rocks is   Younger than the other rock layer.

---According to the crosscutting relationship in rocks, this is true.

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

Faults A and B are about the same age, and both are younger than the five layers of rock


A fault (F) breaks three layers of sedimentary rock (S). An igneous intrusion (I1) has broken through the bottommost layer of rock. A second igneous intrusion (I2) has moved up the fault and pooled on top of the uppermost layer of rock

A fault (F) breaks three layers of sedimentary  are cut by two faults (L1,L2). Both faults cut through all five layers of rock. Fault A breaks through to the surface, whereas fault B does not this is because Faults A and B are about the same age, and both are younger than the five layers of rock

Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

Faults A and B are about the same age, and both are younger than the five layers of rock


A fault (F) breaks three layers of sedimentary rock (S). An igneous intrusion (I1) has broken through the bottommost layer of rock. A second igneous intrusion (I2) has moved up the fault and pooled on top of the uppermost layer of rock

A fault (F) breaks three layers of sedimentary  are cut by two faults (L1,L2). Both faults cut through all five layers of rock. Fault A breaks through to the surface, whereas fault B does not this is because Faults A and B are about the same age, and both are younger than the five layers of rock

Social Studies
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

The intrusion of I1 or I2 is the youngest event. Without more information, we cannot know which igneous rock is youngest.


The information contained in the question above is not sufficient to determine which of the two igneous rock intrusions is the youngest event, although we can say that it was one of the two.

Even in the absence of a complete answer, it is worth describing what an ignea rock is. Ignal rocks can also be called magmatic rocks and are characterized as a terrestrial rock that originated from the solidification of magma, without having previously undergone a process of sedimentation or metamorphism. As you may already know, magma can solidify and cool on the earth's surface, or inside the earth, giving rise to extrusive and intrusive igneous rocks.

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