
Which of these events immediately followed the Battle of San Jacinto?

. 15


Social Studies
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P Answered by Master

The correct answer is B.) Santa Anna signed a treaty with Texas.


I did the quiz and it showed this as the correct answer :)

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P Answered by PhD
Santa Anna signed a treaty with Texas.
Social Studies
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P Answered by Specialist

The correct answer is B.) Santa Anna signed a treaty with Texas.


I did the quiz and it showed this as the correct answer :)

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P Answered by PhD
Santa Anna signed a treaty with Texas.
Social Studies
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P Answered by Specialist

Chronological order


When a speech or writing follows a chronological pattern, this means, the events are organised according to the way it happened based on the time and place. A chronological order makes it easier to comprehend whatever is being said or written. It is mainly used to explain a historical or social event.

Given the above, Jacinta is organising her speech in a chronological order as she intends to begin by explaining the events leading to the battle, what occurred in between, the preceding event,  and how it all ended. What Jacinta has done is to outline the relevant facts accordingly.

Social Studies
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P Answered by Master

Chronological order


When a speech or writing follows a chronological pattern, this means, the events are organised according to the way it happened based on the time and place. A chronological order makes it easier to comprehend whatever is being said or written. It is mainly used to explain a historical or social event.

Given the above, Jacinta is organising her speech in a chronological order as she intends to begin by explaining the events leading to the battle, what occurred in between, the preceding event,  and how it all ended. What Jacinta has done is to outline the relevant facts accordingly.

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P Answered by Studen AI
The correct answer to the question "How does the author achieve his or her purpose?" is C. by using well-known names of civil rights leaders and the NAACP to show the magnitude of the boycott's influence.

In the passage, the author mentions Rosa Parks, who is referred to as "the mother of the Civil Rights Movement." The author also highlights her association with the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and mentions other civil rights leaders planning action to overturn the bus segregation laws in Montgomery. By incorporating these well-known names and organizations, the author emphasizes the involvement of significant figures in the civil rights movement and the magnitude of the boycott's influence.

The author's purpose is to provide historical context and highlight the significance of the Montgomery Bus Boycott in the Civil Rights Movement. By referring to influential leaders and organizations, the author creates a sense of importance and impact surrounding the boycott. This choice helps to support the overall purpose of the passage and inform the reader about the historical events.
Step-by-step answer
P Answered by PhD

The author achieve his or her purpose (E) by using well-known names of civil rights leaders and the NAACP to show the magnitude of the boycott's influence


In 1955, “Rosa Parks”, a black seamstress, was arrested as she denied to give her 'bus seat' to the white passengers.  

The boycott is considered the first major action of the "American Civil Rights movement". 'Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.' led the boycott. There was a 13-month long protest after Rosa Pars arrest.  

Then in "November 1956", Supreme Court stated that discrimination on public buses was not lawful and only then the bus boycott ended successfully.

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